Overturned Tower

Vol 2 Chapter 61: penetrating talent

Before Xia arrived here, Russell had already communicated with Bingshui.

This petite and exquisite Miss Penguin has a very clear mind.

She knew from the very beginning that it was absolutely impossible to hide the matter of finding foreign aid.

So she directly prepared another excuse:

— That's Russell.

Since there is the participation of the Special Operations Department, it also means... the cousin "Russell" that Xayah talked to her many times will also participate in it.

Well, if she gets acquainted with Russell first, and then shows Xia all this... Xia will think that Bingshui found Russell to protect them.

Although Xia hated Director Dodgson, she didn't hate Russell.

For the same thing, she would definitely not be happy to let Dodgson do it, but if Russell did it...the result would be different.

And since Russell was involved, it was reasonable for Russell to use his own name to find colleagues and sneak into the downtown area to protect her after get off work;

Russell also mentioned several times on TV that he has a very good relationship with the angels... Then it is normal for him to report this matter to the angels and ask the angels to pay attention and not attack them proactively.

In this way, Bingshui transferred everything he did secretly to Russell.

Even if Xia wants to thank, she can only thank Russell.

This is also what Ice Water deliberately did.

Once there are too many complicated elements mixed in between friends... even if it is "thank you" or "kindness", the friendship will become impure; Consciously become alienated.

Just like Xia would not reveal her wealth in front of the ice water, take her to expensive restaurants to eat, and go to high-end entertainment venues to spend money...

Bingshui will also not show her "realistic" wisdom and action in front of Xia.

Her father, the "Emperor", did not make any arrangements for her.

This old-fashioned hero is a very stubborn faction of "heroes in their own right". It is also because of this that he has not "collapsed in human design" for so many years.

He is very firm, he will not give his daughter any preferential treatment, and will not find any relationship with her.

Even if it hurts my own family, I will never cause trouble for outsiders.

And Bingshui grew up in this kind of education.

She developed the habit of "solving all problems by herself" since she was a child, and became an excellent reporter for Tianen Daily just after graduation.

Proficient in the techniques of hiding clumsiness and pretending to be stupid, it also belongs to the wisdom of the "realist school".

Bing Shui and Russell looked at each other, revealing a natural and harmless smile.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

"You did it on purpose! Give you a punch!"

Xia recognized all this from Bingshui's unpretentious beating tone, and lightly punched Bingshui in the stomach in embarrassment.

"That's why I didn't tell you on purpose."

Bing Shui's voice was soft and always dragged on: "It's surprising."

"No surprise! No surprise at all!"

Xia grabbed the ice water next to her in embarrassment, and hugged her hard as punishment: "Damn! You bastard, hate!"

Seeing the two girls who had just left the stage of "female college students" fighting in front of their eyes, Russell just put his hands on his chin and looked at them with a smile.

And soon, Xia remembered that her brother was right in front of her.

So she quickly put away her indecent actions, tried her best to tidy up her equally indecent clothing with flushed cheeks, and tried her best to sit in front of Russell dignifiedly.

I feel like I can't tell. She groaned in her heart.

Originally, I wanted to impress this elder brother as a "very powerful sister"...

"It's so good, full of vitality."

Russell was envious from the bottom of his heart, and sighed with emotion in a low voice.

It's been a long, long time... he hasn't had a friend who can fight with him like this.

Those who can communicate with him on an equal footing are either his elders or his predecessors.

Even Bad Day, who seems the most scornful and unassuming, is still Russell's uncle or elder brother according to his seniority - Bad Day is his father's student, and he is not much younger than Russell's father.

"Xia, I support you."

Looking at Xia who was still a little uneasy, Russell encouraged: "Although your plan is a bit immature, your idea is correct."

Hearing this, the corners of Bing Shui's mouth rose slightly.

And Xia's eyes lit up in a flash.

But she was still a little afraid that this was just a superficial talk, so she asked a little timidly: "Really... Is my idea correct?"

—Bingshui noticed the first half of the sentence, but Xia only heard the second half.

Russell keenly judged the difference between the two.

So I further adjusted my attitude and corrected it to better fit Xia's sense of expectation at the moment:

"Here it is. To get out of the seat you're in and take a risk and be a voice for the people, for what's right. It's amazing."

Russell said gently: "The most valuable thing is that your first reaction is not 'shut up the dissidents', but 'prove it to them'. This shows that power has not corrupted you yet."

—or rather, you haven't learned how to use your birthright.

"All you're asking for is justice. You're asking for a 'right' answer, doing what you think is 'right', and paying any price for it. You don't even have time to wait, you don't even think it through leeway. You can't wait to prove yourself 'right'. This awareness allows you to pay whatever it takes."

—Although the justice and correctness are somewhat one-sided, the plans made are messy, and things are done recklessly.

"I will support you, Xia. Because although you are reckless now, you are indeed doing the right thing. But if you do something wrong one day, I will wake you up mercilessly."

— Only this time, don't do it next time.

"You can go at ease... I will not interfere with your relationship, nor will I appear in the camera. But since you have decided to do it, you must do your best. You must take the film seriously to the end and record everything that is true. You can't be tired. , Do not retreat."

—I will find someone to protect you in secret, don't show your ugly appearance under the live camera.

The ice water next to him understood the subtext of Russell's every sentence.

She suddenly showed a slightly subtle expression.

How should I put it, Bingshui feels that Russell is more like her brother...

The fit between the two is a little bit high.

But Xayah completely misses Russell's subtext.

There seemed to be light in her eyes—that was the light of tears.

For the first time, Xia found someone who could fully understand her, and this person happened to be an idol she admired and identified with. It was also the first time someone told her, "You did the right thing".

Although she also knew that her father had never owed her anything...

But she never got a compliment from her father that could make her feel sincere.

It's all just words like "It sounds good, keep working hard", "You did well in the exam, continue next time", "You did a good job, keep it up" and the like.

It always makes people feel perfunctory, and there is no sense of reality.

Everything she tried was nothing more than child's play in the eyes of her father.

It's true... Dodgson doesn't have a "my director father" to pave the way for her like she does. Being able to rely on my own efforts to become the director of the head office when I was less than forty years old was already a remarkable talent.

But because of this, Xia will feel more pressure.

Because the treatment and resources she enjoyed were much more than Dodgson's back then—even if she just did the same thing, it wouldn't be surprising, not to mention that she couldn't even keep up with her father's footsteps.

This made Xayah feel powerless. She desperately wanted to prove herself... Because of this, she resisted the life her father had arranged for her.

Russell easily touched her essence during the short time they got along.

The core desire of this innocent and righteous young lady is to "prove herself", and the most fundamental obsession is "not to admit defeat".

And the root of this obsession comes from her inner inferiority complex.

The pressure that caused her low self-esteem was not given to her by the outside world at all, but by Dodgson.

Usually such a girl may adore her father and eventually find a boyfriend who has a similar success trajectory to her father.

But Xia has a desire to rise. What she wants is to surpass her father...or at least to have his approval.

Because of this, she ushered in her belated rebellious period in her twenties.

It wasn't that I was really late for puberty, but that I felt such intense pressure for the first time when I came into contact with the society and started working after graduation. Realizing that she is just a mediocre mortal...and as a mortal, she enjoys so many resources, which makes her righteous heart feel guilty and realize that this is "not fair".

…how to say.

If it wasn't for her own sister, such a character would be quite easy to deceive. It is easy to be fooled by Russell into a tool person who only has his own eyes.

In tonight's operation, she will also provide herself with an alibi very well. Nothing will go wrong here.

Russell remembers...

Bad Day said that Xia is the new member that the Tower of Babel is going to recruit.

She is indeed talented.

As the director's daughter and an outstanding graduate of Tianen University, her professional value is beyond doubt. And it is very easy to become a high-level company, and can become another nail in the Tower of Babel.

At the same time, she also has a heart of justice, compassion and sacrifice.

For Xia, who was born superior to others, this is the most precious talent.

Although no one taught her how to cultivate this talent... Russell could even predict that without herself, ice water, and the Tower of Babel, after more than ten years, Xia would become a more cold-blooded child than her father. "Company executives". Maybe you will sneer at your own innocence at the moment.

Just because a person can resist the pollution of capital and power for a while does not mean that she can resist for a lifetime.

Sinking into the abyss of failure, people will become more and more confused. The strength of the mind will be constantly weakened.

After the first shake, there is no going back.

Therefore, in Russell's view, Xia's purity is not enough if he wants to join the Tower of Babel.

She had no idea why she was moving forward. Such a person tends to become an unstable factor, and becomes a pig teammate when shaken.

Further growth is required.

Until then, she is still just a tool. Not a companion.

The current Xia is just a big girl~www.readwn.com~ To make her mature, she must be given a real pain—a heart-wrenching pain.

— But from another perspective, she is a cat.

Feline soul relatives are very able to bear pain. Outsiders seem to have nothing to do, and they don't care about everything.

But when cats can't bear the pain, they are often terminally ill.

How to find something for her to level up within a safe threshold?

Russell thought for a moment.

He looked at the ice water, then at Xia.

Suddenly I had an idea.

Isn't strangulation and ale going to start a "family" and radiate to the upper city?

This might serve as a proper rehearsal.

"Have you heard, 'Godfather of the Lower Town'? He is the uncrowned king of the Lower Town."

Russell said to them seriously: "Remember to be careful when you act."

"...Is he powerful?"

Ice water is a bit worrying.

Russell shook his head slowly: "That's not true.

"But he has a dark wisdom that can sink people. Words can penetrate the cracks of another's heart, and it is easy to sway a person... and finally give him allegiance.

"There are already a lot of people in the upper city under his control. I think he may be planning to spread his rule of the lower city to the upper city."

Hearing this, Bing Shui frowned suspiciously.

How do I feel... as if you are also this kind of person?

She thought so in her heart, but didn't dare to say it.

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