Overturned Tower

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Accelerated conspiracy (thanks to the lord of Drifting Melbourne~)

Hearing this, the godfather raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the malt wine with interest.

"It sounds nice, very professional... I mean, it's a bit like the company's high-level fooling people.

"—are you trying to bribe the strangler, Ale?"

He spelled out the essence of the act of ale.

What kind of price can be paid at most, and what kind of behavior can be let go-this is just testing the bottom line of strangulation, so as to facilitate the subsequent bribery of strangulation.

"It's not a bribe."

This woman with long maroon ponytail pushed her glasses, her lake green eyes rolled slyly: "This is a 'consultation on cooperation intention' initiated by me."

"Yeah," said the godfather sarcastically, "you pay for it and he does it. Maybe you could call it a hire?"

"How could this be? The relationship between me and strangling has always been equal."

Ale showed a confident smile in front of the godfather, and did not waver in the slightest in his words: "This is a normal cooperation, each has its own strengths, and each takes what it needs.

"You also know that our eternal reincarnation is not as violent and vulgar as the veil of ignorance. There are some smart people in it... and smart people are willing to spare their lives."

"Yes, I know."

The godfather nodded, "So you'll cheat, bribe, exploit, manipulate uptown...and maybe someone from downtown, but you'll never really rush to the front row and stand in the open.

"Before this, you have been manipulating the veil of ignorance."

He explained the operation of malt wine in one sentence: "The disturbance and attack of the veil of ignorance on the upper city, objectively speaking, caused turmoil. When there are losses, accidents, and uncontrollable changes, you can see the needles. Intervene in the gaps in the plan to make profits.

"Although the veil of ignorance doesn't know anything about your manipulation, and even thinks that their biggest enemy is you. But their reckless behavior is also secretly instigated by you... The fact that you confronted them catalyzed They 'do something' at heart.

"—What you manipulate is their hearts."

Hearing this, Strangler looked back at the ale.

The white-haired lion asked in a low voice, "Is the barber right, ale?"


Malt Wine nodded, and readily admitted: "This is what we should have for eternal reincarnation."

She added with a smile: "Also, you should also call him godfather, strangle. The godfather is our common godfather, and he is not closer to anyone."

This seems to be a rebuke to the strangulation, but it is actually a warning to the godfather.

The godfather sighed.

At the meeting before, the godfather didn't have a bad impression of ale... Now when he met alone, he finally understood everything.

That too is a disguise. Not for the godfather, but for other people present.

In essence, she is a wily and calculating bad woman.

It seems to have to be pulled up.

Knowing that this conversation would not be over for a while, he didn't bother to be polite to the ale.

The godfather crossed his legs, crossed his hands and fingers, leaned back slightly on the seat, and huddled in the back of the seat.

He closed his eyes and regained his energy, and said lazily: "Then, what happened...that made you bypass the veil of ignorance and contact the White Lion Group directly?

"With all due respect, after you guys messed around with the title 'Godfather', the White Lions won't even be able to get into the top three places in the lower city.

"There's nothing special about it either... Or, do you also want to get involved in the black boxing business?

"Or let the White Lion Group be lenient to you and not accept any work about you?"

He sarcastically said: "In that case, the White Lion Group will be really rotten. The organization responsible for mediating disputes and sanctioning traitors has its own position and tendency... Then who will believe them?"

"I didn't accept her terms..."

Hang Hang Shen Sheng explained to the godfather.

But the godfather interrupted directly: "But you waver, hang yourself."

He opened his eyes and looked at Strangled.

Those blue eyes seemed to be able to see through his heart: "Otherwise, you should be angry now."

Hearing this, the strangulation fell silent.

Because it is true—it is precisely because he is still struggling in his heart and feels guilty that he will explain in a low voice.

At this moment, Malt Wine sighed: "Say it straight. Because I can't trust the discordants in this matter.

"He is an elf after all. Even short-lived species, as long as they live long enough, their ideas will be different from those of us young people."

The godfather did not interrupt this sentence.

She was right.

Whether it's malt wine or the seemingly tall, mighty, mature and stable strangler, they are all young people in their twenties.

"I didn't come to you for the same reason...Because only this matter, I think only strangulation can give me a fair answer."

"What is it?"

"Additional staff."

Malt Wine's expression became a little serious: "The addition of those without a code."

The godfather frowned, and then let go.

He guessed what the ale was going to say.

The malt wine shook his maroon ponytail, and continued to explain: "As the war between the angels and us intensifies, we all know...the angels cannot stay in the lower city for a long time.

"According to the Godfather's previous speculation, the angels will not leave either—that is, intense skirmishes in the lower city will become a norm.

"Now we rely on temporary unity to withstand the attack of the angels. But presumably these rabble in the lower city cannot be united for a long time... Now we can rely on the sense of crisis to be a little nervous. When we really stand up to the angels The first wave of offensive caused the angel to retreat temporarily, and he must have relaxed.

"This also means that although we have more and more experience in fighting angels, our ability to resist angel attacks will become weaker and weaker. The essence of this problem is that we are not all the way... the real Unity is out of the question."

"you're right."

The godfather nodded and agreed: "You continue."

So far, what the ale has said is plausible inference.

"So, I'm thinking...how can we increase the confrontation in our downtown area? I think the answer is to increase the number of people.

"We need to massively increase the number of uncoded people. We need to formalize our organization and let our organization go deep into the upper city... In short, we must become stronger quickly to be able to withstand wave after wave offensive."

"...So, you're going uptown to lure people into crime and make them uncoded?"

After hearing this, Song Jiang called him an expert.

"It's not a lure, it's just an acceleration."

Facing the godfather's sarcasm, Ale was very calm: "Because this is inevitable.

"Since the lower urban area will continue to be in a stage of turmoil, it means that the prices in the upper urban area will never stabilize.

"With the tight supply of raw materials, in order to rush to buy a small amount of raw materials, there will be companies that will increase prices.

"And these increased prices~www.readwn.com~ can only be paid by consumers in the end-after all, the mere fact of 'not being able to buy raw materials' can already shrink the other party's market share. Even if they raise prices , still sellable.

"This will naturally snowball... companies that cannot buy raw materials must pay a higher price to buy them next time, otherwise they will face disaster; Tianen, who is in charge of raw material distribution It is impossible for a material deployment company to ignore this huge benefit and will definitely raise a higher price. After all, this is also included in their sales.

"At that time, downstream companies will naturally buy at a higher price. Those who have already grabbed raw materials will have more liquidity, and if they want to further seize the market, they will buy more... and companies that have already started to shrink will also buy more. I hope to use this to make a comeback. This is a flesh and blood mill made of money, whoever steps back first will be ground to pieces.

"Continue to grind like this. In two or three months, the capital chain of many small companies will be broken and go bankrupt.

"What will you face then?"

Ale asked back.

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