Overturned Tower

Vol 2 Chapter 18: russell's father

Russell felt as if he had been tricked.

Grandma Lan seemed to say something very important, but she didn't seem to say anything.

Some of the doubts in his heart were solved, but more new doubts arose.

However, judging from Grandma Lan's attitude, it should be impossible to ask what happened from her.

According to Russell's speculation... maybe the bad day destroyed a certain plan or conspiracy of the Nan family. In this way, you can match the previous part.

But he wasn't sure either.

The reason is also very simple.

—How can he destroy it?

If it is really the big plan of a century-old family, what can he come into contact with as a young man, and what can he do from it?

"Then can I ask... about my parents?"

"You want to ask about your father."

Grandma Lan saw through Russell's thoughts in an instant.

But she didn't refuse immediately, she just sighed sadly and helplessly.

"Doctor, she really didn't tell you at all..."


Russell could only respond honestly: "I don't even know my father's code name."

"It's a bit too much, he is your father no matter what."

Grandma Lan may have frowned, but there are too many wrinkles on her forehead, and Russell can't quite understand her emotions: "At least I should explain the matter to you clearly after you become an adult."

"...I used to live on Sogo Island."

Russell tried to defend his mother: "My mother didn't tell me, but also to escape the eyeliner of those artificial intelligence in Sogo Island."


Grandma Lan shook her head and didn't continue to dwell on this topic.

She just told Russell: "You should be in your early twenties this year. This year was almost the age when 'Bad Day' was born.

"You should act more safely in the future. Don't be like that bastard... If possible, it's better to live in the sun.

"The matter of your ancestors has nothing to do with you. No matter how bad the day fools you, but you must remember... Live your own life first, don't believe what he says, and don't do what he tells you to do .That was a bad boy, but you are a good boy.

"Your life is pretty good now. As long as you can bear it, it's best to bear it. Don't take off the name 'Qunqing' lightly. The identity of 'hero' is more useful than you think."

The sudden nagging and concern of the old man not only didn't make Russell feel bored, but felt a kind of warmth close to family affection.

Russell nodded silently, suddenly in his heart.

Grandma Lan seems to have a good relationship with her parents...

Couldn't she be a retired Babel member?

The only thing that is not right is that Russell is already twenty-six years old this year - of course, it is not impossible to say that he is in his early twenties.

Although this head is relatively large.

"Your father, codenamed 'Sheath'."


"The scabbard of the scabbard. That young lady was so sharp and talented back then...but he volunteered to be her scabbard, and took her unsheathed blade, so he renamed himself 'scabbard'."

Grandma Lan said: "He is her shadow, her teacher, and her protector.

"What two wonderful people back then...how did they become like this?"

Russell knew who she called "Missy".

That should be mother...Alice.

Bad Day said that when Alice joined the Tower of Babel, she was looking for a way to get rid of the urge to kill.

Judging from what happened later, she seemed to have found it.

At least in the twenty-five years that Russell had been with her in the past, he had never seen her have any "killing impulse".

According to Russell's analysis, that kind of impulse is actually inherited from the soul relative's "killing heart".

The so-called "killed" phenomenon refers to the fact that animals as hunters sometimes kill more prey than they need to eat.

This is not considered harmful to the "desert cat", so it is not easy to be detected as a negative trait.

But in a modern society where order is observed, it becomes a factor of instability.

Just like carnivorous animals such as lions, tigers, and wolves, they will always easily inherit the characteristics of spiritual relatives with violent impulses and desires to kill.

Therefore, they rarely reach the top level of the company, and even those who do reach the top level are almost all mildly ill patients with spiritual disease. Like strangling a lion that is almost humanoid, I'm afraid it's hard to find a job.

Because even if they don't inherit that animal nature as individuals, people still think that they may go crazy and kill people when they are drunk.

This is discrimination against a group, but they can't justify it.

"Father was mother's bodyguard and teacher?"

Russell found important information from Grandma Lan's words: "Is he much older than his mother?"

"Yes. He is twelve years older than Alice. Alice married Sheath when she became an adult, and she was only twelve years old when she first met Sheath, and Sheath had already graduated from college."

Grandma Lan nodded, affirming Russell's conjecture: "The sheath comes into contact with the bad day and joins the Tower of Babel much earlier than the doctor. Even the bad day is earlier than the doctor's joining.

"The scabbard is Bad Ri's swordsmanship and martial arts teacher, the 'sage' that the Nan family found from the Cyber ​​Church. Otherwise, they might never meet one in Happy Island and one in Taoyuan Island.

"At that time, Bad Day was still 'Nanliujing'. It was the sheath that lured him to gradually degenerate, and finally joined the Tower of Babel and became 'Bad Day'...The doctor is similar."

When Grandma Lan said this, she shook her head: "I won't talk about it later.

"Since Bad Day and the doctor don't want to tell you too much, it's not good for me, an outsider, to say anything. It would be bad if I said something, did something bad with good intentions, and ruined their plan."

This old lady may not be too cautious.

Is this the prudence of old people?

Russell sighed helplessly.


—Could you please tell me about Camalthe?

Russell originally wanted to ask that.

But just before he asked, a white flame suddenly ignited at the bottom of his pupils.

Just like before in the Executive Building.

Under a strange sense of déjà vu, Russell suddenly saw a scene that had never appeared before—

Next to him stood Morgan, and they stood side by side in front of Grandma Lan.

And Grandma Lan said casually while grinding:

"Director Kamalthe, he's probably busy trying to silence him recently."

"...Who's mouth to kill?"

Morgan asked in a low voice with some difficulty.

"Isn't it just to kill your mouth?"

Grandma Lan glanced at Morgan, her attitude was completely different from when she was in contact with Russell before.

She looked at Russell, and smiled ironically: "You didn't even tell Qunqing about this, so you dragged him to help you?

"He is a clean hero, unlike you who live in the mud. Don't hurt others."

The brief hallucinations suddenly disappear.

The white flames in Russell's eyes dissipated, and he froze for a moment.

And Grandma Lan raised her eyebrows: "Did you see anything?

"Your psychic power... is related to prophecy or vision?"

"...I seem to have seen something."

Russell shook his head, dispelling the uneasiness in his heart.

He tentatively asked, "You know...Director Kamalse, are you planning to do something recently?"

"You should ask if he has done something."

Grandma Lan smiled, and replied gently: "He just sent his subordinates to kill a few people, just last night. Those are two of the three founders of the 'Root Project' company...because they rejected Kamal Se's hostile takeover ~www.readwn.com~ So, where is that subordinate?"

"It's probably been silenced."

Grandma Lan thought for a while: "Because the remaining one originally agreed to the acquisition, but suddenly changed his face after the other two died and the shares were in his hands. He compared the hostile acquisition of Kamalthe with the other two The director's killing was exposed to the Cyber ​​Church, and an application for asylum was issued to Theosophical Heavy Industries and Thoth Spirit Power.

"Now the Tianen Daily is suppressing the news, but this matter has already spread in other sky islands. In order to ensure that he destroys the evidence, Kamalse must kill the person who carried out the assassination plan."

"...Could it be that they can still cause trouble to the elves?" Russell couldn't believe it.

"The name 'Kamalthy' has always existed...but that doesn't mean that this 'Kamalthy' can do whatever he wants."

Grandma Lan said sarcastically: "It's just a fox pretending to be a tiger.

"Don't forget, the dragon is the ruler in the real sense. The elves are just the agents. If things get worse, Kamaltha of the 'generation' may not survive.

"—Killing people has already exceeded the bottom line of the dragon."

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