Overturned Tower

: Extra Story about Paradise Birds

A day before the end of the month.

Russell was lying on the sofa in the office fishing as usual.

The difference is that he bought a gaming goggle and moved directly to the office.

—Anyway, it’s just fishing, so it’s better to touch it refreshingly.

Russell was relying on his superhuman reflexes, in a plot-oriented stand-alone game, manipulating all kinds of firearms to kill and kill... a message of delphinium popped up in the upper right corner of him.

He paused the game and took off the blindfold.

"Another interview?"

Russell rubbed his eyes and complained: "It's still that thing?"

In the past half month, he still did not go out to perform the task.

It's not that the underdogs and delphiniums are still protecting him...but since he finished that mission, he has accepted one or two interviews almost every day.

Some of the interviews were good news about "the illegal psykers and mercenaries they wiped out", and some were about "how do you think the inferiors are killing them?" Is it worth the price increase of about 8%", "Which is more important to arrest the undocumented or maintain the quality of life of the residents in the upper city".

There are also some things about Delphinium’s self-destruction: “Is it only necessary to dispatch the construction machine to fight against the lower city?”, “The construction machine is destroyed even in the fight against the lower city. Is it because the pilot is not good enough or the enemy is too strong?”, “ Could it be that the downtown problem cannot be solved without relying on the angels?" or something like that.


It has been more than a week until today, and the angels sent by the church have still not entered the lower city.

The specific reason is also very simple.

Just kidding.

The angels are arguing with the board of directors during the day, about how far the firepower can be liberated, whether they need to abide by the "consensus", whether they can attack other uncoded people except mages, whether to distinguish criminals among uncoded people, etc... and In the evening, we must learn modern common sense.

Until now, the angels have been trapped in the Tianen Group's park in a daze, and have never even left.

Occasionally, when Russell went to the cafeteria to eat, he could still see them.

Relying on Russell's strong affinity... and perhaps the Holy Order power fed back to the main body after getting the mask of Paradise Bird's father, his relationship with those angels is quite good.

"That's not true."

Delphinium glanced at Russell, and said slowly, "A guest came to see you by name."


Russell was a little confused: "Is this a cat cafe?

"Why do I still have to pick up guests?"

"What are you thinking..."

Delphinium couldn't laugh or cry, and slid a message to Russell: "It's from the church... Well, here we are. Sit up straight, don't lie on the sofa to meet guests."

Russell turned over and sat up from the sofa, while arranging his somewhat fluffy and messy hair, he was still a little puzzled: "What do people from the church want me to do..."

At this time, Delphinium sat on his seat and opened the door of the Special Operations Department.

After seeing the person coming, Russell's eyes suddenly brightened.

"It's you, ignorance!"

He warmly greeted: "Come and sit here...ah, you can't sit, then you come here to trade!"

Swimming in through the door was a snake.

He has long, matte black hair that hangs down behind him. Inexplicably gives people a feeling of "fake flowers".

Black irises and white pupils are considered blind.

He wears high-prescription glasses and has a gentle temperament. At first glance, he may be regarded by passers-by as a traditional woman with a soft temperament.

Only the upper part of Wuming has a human body, and the lower part of the waist is half a black mamba.

And on the head of this snake angel, there is a dark halo hanging.

Yes, the dark color - it has a "black" feel to it, even though it is glowing. Reminiscent of solar eclipse rings.

This is one of the angels who became acquainted with Russell during this period of time.

He was also the first to tell Russell that they had been meeting after they arrived at Happy Island... This is also the factual evidence that Russell can thoroughly confirm that Paradise Bird is a "private server angel".

"Why did you suddenly remember to play with me?"

Russell said enthusiastically, "Wait a minute, I'll get you some snacks..."

"I don't eat rats."

Wuming made a cold joke, but Russell got it by accident.

—The main food of desert cat and black mamba is rodent.

As Russell went to the refrigerator, he replied angrily: "Why don't you eat you. I'll let the inferior one stew you when he comes back."

After all, desert cats also eat snakes.

"No need to take it, I just came in and took a plate."

Wuming speaks very slowly, giving people a very quiet feeling.

He took off his glasses and wiped them slowly.

I often make some strange jokes about relatives... as if I really thought of myself as a snake.

But even though he is a poisonous snake, his personality is quite friendly among angels.

Russell would occasionally make uncontrollable hands-on gestures—such as touching Wuming's matte black long hair, or taking Wuming's glasses to see how many degrees they had.

Because of Russell's fast reaction speed, sometimes when the brain is empty, the body will move before the brain.

But ignorance never gets angry. Even with his 1,000-degree astigmatism and short-sightedness, once his glasses are removed, humans and animals will be indistinguishable within five meters... But he never yelled at Russell. He was neither angry nor anxious, but asked Russell to return the glasses slowly.

"Seriously, don't you find someone to change your prosthetic eye?"

Russell couldn't help asking: "Just tell the company directly and let them give you the best one from the inventory. I don't believe they dare to say no."

"That's not good."

Wuming said slowly, "I'll find a prosthetic doctor after I earn enough money."

"I am the prosthetic doctor!"

Russell volunteered: "I can also install a prosthetic body, and I don't charge you a handling fee...or I can just lend you some money to buy a set? It's too inconvenient for you."

"No. But when I buy a prosthetic eye, I will ask you to install it for me."

Wuming smiled gently and put on his glasses again.

Retrobulbar anesthesia is required for initial prosthetic eye fitting, which is very dangerous. Only the best old doctors can ensure that there are no problems.

It is indeed a very strong trust to let Russell help him with the prosthetic eye.

To be honest... the more than a week of getting along, it shouldn't be to this extent.

Russell felt a little strange.

But soon, Russell realized where the source of this trust was...

"Come in, Paradise Bird Bishop."

Wuming turned to the door and said.

It was the Paradise Bird that came in from the door.

But it was different from the simple and thin white clothes before... She put on the iconic double-breasted trench coat of the Cyber ​​Church.

After seeing Russell, Paradise Bird immediately smiled.


she yelled crisply.

Russell was also a little surprised to see her.

As an uncoded person, did he successfully join the Cyber ​​Church?

And the beginning is the bishop.

...It makes sense to think about it carefully, after all, she is the power of the holy order that has spontaneously awakened. And the intensity is already close to that of a "saint", that is, an angel.

Contemporary saints - not even fourteen years old.

When she is fully developed, she may even become the seed of a new angel.

It is impossible for the church to let such a genius wander outside.

"that is really good."

Russell sighed from the bottom of his heart: "It's much better to be in the church than to be afraid in the downtown area."

Even if the church's ultimate goal is very dangerous... They are eager for behaviors similar to human completion, and they manipulate and rewrite the memories of others and themselves at will, and even deceive "gods" in order to steal power.

They do have big problems -- but none of them are urgent.

In the lower city where it is difficult to survive, and in the upper city where every value is squeezed out, only the Cyber ​​Church is probably the only force that is really willing to do practical things for others.

Although more or less, they do good deeds for the power of holy orders... but that doesn't matter.

Even if that heart is mixed with some impurities, it is true that they help others and the good deeds they have done are real. Relatively speaking, the Cyber ​​Church is already the most reliable force in this world.

If it weren't for Alice's last words, Russell would probably have joined the church.

After all, he has no desire to get rich or enjoy himself. It is enough to spend enough money, and not to be greedy for power and status... Under such circumstances, it is quite happy to be able to live a life of peace and contentment and help others.

A pure child like Paradise Bird can enter the church... even become a bishop from the very beginning.

This is indeed a very good thing.

She pulled out a data cable from behind her ear, and looked at Russell with a twinkle in her eyes: "I can add your friend now!"

She looked at Russell with complicated eyes.

As if looking at a "hero", a "mage", a "godfather", an "angel"...even a "father".

But in the end these cognitions, these very different identities all came together and became "Russell".

Saved her several times... her hero alone.

This is the reality that Paradise Bird sees through "Ultramarine".

Being watched by such sincere eyes... Russell was also a little speechless for a while.

He was a little afraid to bear the penetrating gaze, and changed the subject:

"Have you assembled the chip?"


Paradise Bird nodded vigorously~www.readwn.com~ She looked at Russell intently: "In this case...we don't have to 'see you again' in the future, but see you whenever you want!"

Russell smiled helplessly.


It was only after he came back that he realized, belatedly, how difficult it was to see him, a work geek who was almost at the two points of the home and the company.

A codeless person. Unless Russell returns to downtown as a barber again, she may never see Russell again.

After physically linking with Paradise Bird and adding friends, she waved Russell goodbye.

Wuming also nodded to Russell with a smile, and swam away behind the Bird of Paradise.

Delphinium, who had been silent all this time, watched the whole process intently.

She was a little curious: "Do you know that child?"

Russell opened his mouth, thinking for a moment how he should summarize Paradise Bird.

Daughter of Angels? Spontaneously awakened saint? A volunteer doctor in the lower city? A genius instrument expert? A pure and kind uncoded person?

Russell was silent for a moment.

He answered softly:

"A good boy. Could be a great grown-up too."

Russell leaned against Delphinium's desk.

He raised his head, recalling what happened a week ago, and reminiscing about what happened between himself and Paradise Bird.

Delphinium, on the other hand, was lying on the table, looking sideways at Russell, and listening carefully to the story about Paradise Bird.

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A story that begins with "misrecognition" and ends with "re-recognition". Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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