192 – … You decided to send it with me.

There was silence for a moment.

Even Maiev thought about what she had just said. Currently, there was a heavy burden in his mind that he could not understand through emotion, reason, or anything else.

But that’s why I wanted to understand this.


It was still difficult to find out the true intentions of the expressionless Plan. As time continued to pass awkwardly, Maiev eventually added one word.

“He told me to be honest. “I’m curious about the concept of ‘friend’ among humans.”

“It wasn’t difficult to understand what you said. But.”

Flan calmly continues her words.

“I have never had any friends. Also, even if I were, I don’t know if I could treat you like a friend.”


Honest and simple words. But it was only now that Maiev realized that such words were even more bitter.

Maiev’s head slowly turns to one side. She muttered quietly, unable to face her flan.

“I was just being honest.”

“Maiev, didn’t you understand the concept of a friend more clearly than I did in the first place?”

Flann took a sip of coffee.

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“As he wandered the human world, he disguised himself a lot, and must have had many relationships, including friendships.”

“That’s just observation or acting. “I want to know what it means to be sincere among humans.”

“In short, I hope for sincere communication.”

“I think so.”

Flann nodded her head in response to Maiev’s agreement.

“Then there is no need to ask. “I don’t lie to others, and it was the same when I treated you.”

“Not the sincerity with which you treat slaves.”

Thanks to Plan’s calmness, my thoughts are gradually becoming more organized. Clearly, she didn’t seem to have lied to herself from the beginning.

Then, what she wants now is….

“Sincerity toward precious things. “I’m curious about that.”

Maiev continued speaking slowly.

“Humans are sometimes willing to suffer losses for others. “I didn’t receive any orders, nor was I threatened.”

“It’s a loss.”

“The only word I can express is loss. Humans spend time, goods, and emotions for those who are called ‘precious people’ without compensation…. “That’s right.”

After a moment, Flann nodded her head.

“Haru, are you asking me to treat you with respect?”

“That’s right. “I think so.”

“I will review it positively.”

“I’m considering it….”

Because she didn’t have a definite answer, she didn’t like it very much. But it would be difficult to get more answers than this. Maiev had no choice but to accept it first.

“Rest first, Maiev. “Am I busy tonight?”

“I understand.”

Maiev turned her body and entered the inner world of Fire.

No, as we were about to enter, Plan opened his mouth.

“Maiev. “One last thing.”

Maiev just turned her head and looked at Flan.

“Why am I suddenly curious about this?”


Maiev pursed her lips a few times.

“… “Because this is my job.”

“It’s work.”

Flann burst out laughing.

“Yes, if it’s work, you have to do it. “Me too.”

Flan had no clue.

That one word makes Maiev nervous again.

The next morning.

─I would have told you to report every 10 minutes.

─Hey, what on earth are you doing?

─Deal with it quickly. Well, it’s difficult.

Maiev felt tired as she crumpled up her letters. ‘Homeland’, ‘compatriots’, do humans really feel a bond with words like these? It’s just unfamiliar.

─Successful contact with the target. The mission is scheduled to be completed within today.

Although I wrote a rough reply. In fact, she couldn’t guarantee whether she would be able to finish it today. The answer Plan gave yesterday was very ambiguous.

However, Maiev was surprised when she left the world of fire. This is because in front of the mirror in her office, there was Plan, neatly prepared to go out.


Maiev blinked without realizing it.

Maiev could only stare blankly at her neatly combed hair, her plain clothes without a single wrinkle, and her appearance that seemed much more luxurious than usual.

The term ‘reviewing positively’ was commonly used as rejection among humans. So her mind was half empty….


After a while, Flann slowly turned around, probably because she thought Maiev had appeared. She catches his gaze.

“It’s a pretty nice morning. “Did you sleep well?”

Only a very slight sense of warmth arose, but even that slight change made my heart tickle without knowing why.

And it was awkward again. It was such a strange feeling to be treated as a ‘precious thing’ rather than a slave, so Maiev was not prepared to deal with it.

For now, I had no choice but to answer awkwardly.


“Then get ready to go out quickly.”


When Flan snaps his fingers, a bunch of hairdressing tools like combs jump into the air. Flann began to carefully manipulate Maiev.

“Let me trim your hair.”

“They said they would trim it….”

Maiev left his hair still and stood stiffly. Although it was clearly different from his nervousness, a feeling arose that could not be expressed in words.


Maybe that’s the name. It feels uncomfortable and suffocating, like I’m wearing shoes that aren’t the right size yet.

While she was thinking those thoughts, Maiev’s hair became noticeably smoother. Flann quietly nodded his head.

“If it’s like this, it won’t be a shame to take you with me. “Let’s leave right away.”


As Flan takes the lead, Maiev quietly follows. She couldn’t figure out why her man’s back, which was so wide compared to hers, looked especially huge today.

“Wait a minute.”

“… !”

Flann suddenly approached and Maiev closed her eyes tightly without realizing it.

And then, Flann’s hand tapped Maiev’s shoulder.


Only then did Maiev gradually open her eyes.

It was so awkward to help her groom herself without the slightest malice, and with only good intentions.

It would have been nice if it were just awkward, but the problem was that I kept feeling anxious, which was different from yesterday. Her breathing becomes unsteady and the inside of her chest feels strangely ticklish.

‘What are you trying to do?’

I started this with the goal of finding out the name of my anxious feelings. But on the contrary, I am becoming more and more confused. How foolish this phenomenon is. Maiev slapped her cheek loudly with both hands.

“Let’s go.”

After adjusting Maiev’s clothes, Flann indifferently walks in front of her.

Maiev suddenly felt pathetic for not being able to come to her senses, so she asked for no reason.

“By the way, where are we going?”



“Okay. “It’s my favorite place.”

The academy’s library wasn’t that far away.

As she opens the door and enters, Maiev is greeted by crowded bookshelves. To be honest, it wasn’t Maiev’s favorite space.

‘Should I quit after all?’

Maybe it would be a mistake to try to figure out this feeling. All I have to do is carry out the mission given to me by the Void. She tried to think so….

That moment.

“Plan, you are here.”

An elderly woman approaches nearby. Judging by her business card, she was a librarian. She smiles, making her seem personable, and holds out something that looks like a list.

“I have already taken out all the books you requested.”


“Hey, but….”

The librarian suppresses her laughter and ponders whether or not to continue.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Oh, I don’t mean anything bad. I was surprised that you only requested romance novels…. It’s amazing….”

“It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Really? Anyway, have a nice time, both of you.”

Maiev felt uncomfortable watching her librarian look back and forth between her and Flann.

“Please sit down.”

After moving to a seat in the conversation area, Flann pulls out a chair with her own hands rather than using her mind. Maiev sat down with a puzzled expression.

“There is a gap between fiction and reality, but it will still be helpful in understanding human emotions.”

“… Yes.”

Maiev answered indifferently.

She couldn’t understand the attitude towards precious things that were just brought to the library and read novels.

But that thought is soon erased completely.

“Would you like to look at this part first?”

As if reading her storybook, Flann opens the book in front of Maiev. There was even a sense of dignity in the way she turned the pages.

“To understand emotions, you need to experience a lot of life. So—”

Maiev stared at Flan’s profile.

He did not stop giving a clear explanation, and it was not difficult for Maiev to understand what was contained in his expression.

‘Seriously… ?’


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I wasn’t just brought to the library.

It is not something ordinary like taking you to a fancy restaurant or taking a trip to a scenic place, but an act that you truly value. Flan was currently sharing it with Maiev.

His promise to treat Maiev with respect today was by no means a lie.

At some point, Flann looked at Maiev.

“Are you concentrating? Maiev.”

“Yes? Oh, that….”

Maiev was startled for a moment and craned her neck back like a turtle. He hadn’t been conscious of it until now, but now that he thought about it, the distance between him and Flan was very close. Aren’t they sitting side by side, facing each other?

“I heard, I heard. I understood.”

Maiev, who quickly hesitated, straightened her back and straightened her posture. This is because my body was strangely stiff from earlier.

But then.

“Ah, flan!”

The secretary of Cornet, the president of the Faculty of Magic, visited Flann. She looked quite urgent.

“You are here. Have you heard the news? The Second Princess has regained her consciousness.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“It’s a good thing, but the Second Princess found you right after she regained consciousness. Do you have any time right now?”

Then Maiev felt a strange feeling rising within her. She glances at Flan’s worried face without realizing it.


The following words were uttered without my knowledge.


So, I really don’t even know why it’s like this.

“… “You decided to send it with me.”

She was already muttering that.

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