Outright Favoritism

Chapter 206: Will it be life-threatening?

Will Chapter 206 be life-threatening?

Li Qiao's remarks were straightforward.

To find the cause of Guan Mingyu, the laboratory must invest a lot of time in research and testing.

And she herself will be the only object of various experimental tests.

Therefore, the status of a volunteer is the most reasonable.

At this time, after listening to Li Qiao's explanation, Guan Mingyu hesitated and asked carefully: "Are those experiments... all free?"

Li Qiao nodded, "Well, it's free."

Guan Mingyu was obviously relieved, and then asked again: "Will it be life-threatening?"

She doesn't have much social experience, but she also understands that nothing can be done without merit.

Li Qiao tapped on the table with her fingertips and said bluntly, "I can't guarantee this.

The cause of your condition is still in the exploratory stage, and this process requires repeated research and screening. Including the various experimental drugs used, the symptoms of adverse reactions are not ruled out.

Once the volunteer agreement is signed, it means that whatever happens in the experiment is your voluntary act.

Therefore, carefully consider whether to cooperate with the laboratory to conduct medical research. If you are not willing, I will not force it. "

Li Qiao calmly analyzed what might happen in the experiment.

Pathology experiments are cumbersome and complicated, and the results of the research are not possible overnight. Guan Mingyu's hesitation is understandable.

When the words were over, Li Qiao saw that she had fallen into entanglement, and she glanced at the diagonally opposite corner of the restaurant.

She twitched her lips, her eyes were open and cool, "Scientific experiments are rigorous, and the project team will be led by Academician Jiang Hande. If you want to know more details, you might as well ask me directly and take pictures of this file with your mobile phone. It's better to save things."

Guan Mingyu's face instantly turned pale.

And the man sitting diagonally in the restaurant with his back facing them also visibly trembled his shoulders.

That person, Guan Mingchen.

Li Qiao's gaze shuttled between the two of them, and leaned back on the wooden chair with a smile.

At this time, Guan Mingyu got up, walked quickly to the diagonally opposite square table, pulled the fabric on the other's shoulder, and urged: "Brother, stop recording, come here."

The simple-minded Guan Mingchen rubbed his forehead irritably, still keeping his left hand in the posture of taking pictures from the right armpit, sighed without embarrassment.

Those movies were all secretly filmed with this technique. How could they be discovered here?

After a while, the brothers and sisters sat opposite Li Qiao.

The face of Guan Mingchen's dark tough guy was also blushing at this time.

The three of them faced each other in silence for a moment, and Li Qiao raised her chin impatiently, "What do you want to ask?"

Guan Mingchen raised his eyes and found that Li Qiao was looking at him. He had no knowledge. After thinking for a long time, he suffocated a sentence, "Are you using my sister as an experimental mouse?"

Guan Mingyu bumped him with his arms, "Brother, don't talk nonsense."

Li Qiao looked at Guan Mingchen without comment, "She is the subject of research in the laboratory, if you understand it this way, it's not wrong."

Guan Mingchen: "..."

At this time, Guan Mingyu was picking his nails and staring at Li Qiao, after hesitating for a few seconds, he made up his mind, "Miss Li, I am willing to sign a volunteer agreement."

"Mingyu!" Guan Mingchen said in a low voice, "They made it clear that using you as a guinea pig for research, we can't do this. I've read the news before, but human testing is illegal."

(End of this chapter)

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