Our demon king is coming.

18: Machia, I say don't be ridiculous.

Blue General.

Demon King class 1,000 years ago.

What remains as a historical fact is to say that it was a general of the Great Empire Guylia, who existed on the northern continent a thousand years ago, and who stepped into the western continent and crusaded the demons. That's the most famous.

There is no such thing as the Blue General's ability to remain publicly, and in the northern continent he has become a being told off as a hero.

But I stepped into the barren land of the western continent that I burned down, unearthed something that led me from a determined earth to the weapons of the ancient gods, and based it on this world, I developed that terrible guerrilla giant soldier.

I get the impression from the stories of Princess Vine and Tor that he's a very sighing and disgusting guy.

The power is also a spell, a nasty thing.

Even if you don't have explosive destructive power like me or Thor, you can call it an effective ability to move the world.

I woke up on my bed, reading a thousand years old history book, listening far away to the lively music of a festival I could not attend, just sitting still.

He must have been waiting.

From around me, this is how nobody and he disappear and when I'm alone.

Concon and the sound of knocking on the door.

I said, "Go ahead," at the usual rate.

Excuse me, Miss Machia.

It was Sir Barrondot who opened the door and came into my room. I am the magician of the present Esta family owner.

I have a beautiful bouquet of bright red roses in my hand.

"When I heard Miss Machia lay low, I couldn't stay or stand and came to pay my respects. No, I'm sorry. This is the only thing I can prepare."

He has gracefully offered that bouquet of flowers and has greeted them gently.

"Well. Thank you, Sir Barrondot. It's no big deal... Tor's overprotective, so rest."

"Ha. During the Holy Festival, you'll often be worried, so if you're sick, you shouldn't have to."

"Even Lord Barrondot will be busy. I can't believe you came to see me."

"You think you can get your hands on something else when you say you're lying on the floor. You can't. You can't do anything."


As always, he was honest in strange places.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, tilted my neck, and smiled at him.

"Hehe, you really like it. Sweet and kind to me like that is about you"

"... that, of course. I'm in love with you."

"Same as always."

He kept saying that all the time, enough to shudder.

No matter how much I continue to be unconnected.

"Nevertheless, Tor Sagaram has left such a Machia lady alone, and what is a guest escort? As far as I'm concerned, I can see it as an opportunity."

"Haha, I can't help it. He's a job too..."

"Is it? That girl... that girl from Frezier, she's a strange presence... because she has something to worry about. Isn't that a concern for you, too?

"Oh, have you cheated yet, Sir Barrondot?"

"Where I cheated, you wouldn't think anything"

Lord Barrondot stays nico and asks me the other way around.

I had trouble replying woo. I still can't be insulted.

He stood up to the lid, sat on the edge of the bed and touched my cheek.

"... what is it, Sir Barrondot? Before the weak maiden."

"No... I thought you'd look at me a little more now that I'm weak."

"... you're a terrible person. But honestly, I don't hate you."


Lord Barrondot's gaze, not knowing what he's thinking, is usually a breathtaking place.

But I still have a twisted look.

He lifted my jaw, tried to keep my face close and gaze at me.

"I haven't given up yet. … I want everything you have."

The whispering sounds were tense, as if they were magical.

"... Phew."

But I accidentally spill an ironic grin.

His words are words of love that would be frightening if only heard.

But I already knew. That the words were truly “honest” words, not love or anything.

"Now how are you going to touch me and curse me?"

When I say that, he reacts with Pickle and stops approaching.

"You want to get everything about me? That was really what you meant. You take over my body, you take over my spirit, you say you like it. I wonder if my magic or magic is so fascinating to you...... Blue General"


In front of my cold, undersea blue-green eyes, he kept his mouth shut for a moment, but grinned and narrowed his eyes and took his hands off me.

"... here you are. Since when have you found out? … however, I am one of the Blue Generals"

"Oh, I thought you'd make more excuses or blurt out, but you're coming right out with your nature"

Earlier, of the bouquet of roses handed to this man, I gripped the flower vigorously, stabbed the prick in my finger, and I shed blood in my palm.

Until now, he has been Lord Barrondot to me, but not from now on.

He is a blue general. Though I thought I'd never even met him, he was actually on my side the whole time, my... enemies...

This guy passed on to us his plot to rebel against the First Prince's faction, and he approached me pretending to be one of them, cursing me.

When I ran away from the Queen, I did say to this guy, "I trust you".

"For once, you, were a blue general from the beginning?

"... hehe, to the boulder. Shall I say it is different, sparing the man who was the owner of this flesh? As you can see by your curse, my technique varies greatly in time. The first Barron Dot Esta to contact you is a real Barron Dot. In short, it is the undisputed heart of this man who has proposed to you."


I wish I hadn't asked, somehow.

"Shall I say that my consciousness was switched from just when the black salon party began? Still in this body until then, it was lurking to say my curse, but that's when you came out on the table. Just because the other flesh died and my consciousness was empty. You wouldn't have noticed..."

"Ha... I had no idea. You can't even put your name on the wind of a witch."

What a perfect time to replace it.

While I knew little about him and was uncomfortable with the change, this guy took over consciousness.

"You were originally on the side of the First Prince's camp, Barondot Esta. of the First Prince's faction, which was connected to the Federation. … it would have been easy for you to make contact with Sir Barrondot"

"... Yep. So since he was about to betray the First Prince's camp, I've been using this flesh to embed the seeds of the curse in Ruskia for a long time. I saw you from this man's sight, I saw your magic, I came pin...... Oh, you're the one I've been in love with for 1,000 years... the Red Witch."


Obviously, the atmosphere has changed.

A very dark, deep, cold wave of magic.

He took my hand bleeding and stared at that blood.

"Your power is wonderful. I'm the one who knows your power best when I see the tragedy of the western continent. Nothing. The chosen earth, the rough climate, the sky representing the world of red and death... the exciting thing about the dancing Magi particles... It was you, the Red Witch, who created that world without a moment. Overwhelming destructive power… a power I don't have… I still remember the war a thousand years ago when I first descended on the western continent. I worshipped the Red Witch. Yes, it is no longer God who can do that."

"... you"

"I wanted to know. Now 2,000 years ago, what exactly was the witch who burned down that continent? What did you think, what did you want to accomplish, and use that power? What does he look like, what does he sound like, and how does he use magic? Oh, yeah. As much as I thought about it, I couldn't wait to know.... that this is already like love... A thousand years ago, I swore an oath. If this soul ever comes around and sees you, it will always try to get you."

The Blue General, who held his hand strong enough to spin the word, had nothing to fear while taking my blood into his body.

Rather, it is fear that holds in its stray, cloudless, straight eyes.

Sweating on my cheeks, I was forced to laugh.

"Are you going to love that for once? Then that's the worst proposal I've ever had. You mean you take over my flesh, right? I'm not just killed and lost. Sounds stupid.... and you know what? You're in danger of touching my blood."

"... hehe, I know that. I've seen your magic before. But do you want to kill me here? It's fascinating that I once had your magical experience of being killed. The only thing that dies is the flesh of a man who says Barondot Esta, and I am ready for one of the seven consciousnesses to be freed and to take away your flesh. However, if you are willing to cooperate with me… yet…"

Again, the Blue General tried to touch my cheek.

"Don't touch me."

I threaded a red wire-like thread between myself and him with a chilling gaze at him and played him by order.

"Not yet, what. You want me to listen to what you have to say while you're in charge of my flesh. That's a pretty nasty trick, General Blue.... Don't be ridiculous, who do you think I am"

Fluffiness, fluctuations of magic curled up my hair, and the world in front of me changed from my room to a black and vermilion, marble space that was repainted from the bottom to the top. But my gaze identifies the enemy in front of me.

"Don't be ridiculous, it's up to me to order"

To myself in a much calmer tone, I know my own quieter anger.

This world is the magical fortress and black curtain of Solomon Twilight (Black Curtain).

It was a stage of fantasy, with fuzzy and thin black curtains opening up.

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