Our demon king is coming.

* Thor, with the early spring siren of Mamoru.

When I got back to Delierfield, I went to my mother's hospital almost every day.

My mother was skinny, she looked like someone else, but when I came back she greeted me with a very gentle smile.

"Mother... it's almost spring. The spring in Delia Field is beautiful. The flowers of almonds bloom in full bloom."

"Hey. Thor...... when it's spring, we're going back to the royal palace again?


My mother looked lonely.

Doctors were telling me it wasn't weird whenever he died.

"... it's okay. Mom, I made up my mind. When it's all over, he wants to come back to Delia Field... Then I'll be with my mother the whole time..."


When her mother laughed just a little sadly, she nodded in relief.

And then he looked at me again.

"You... you've got some straight eyes."

"... Huh?

"Heh heh... when I was a child... yes, I had vain eyes like I realized for my child, but now I'm kind of reborn..."


"What do you want, have you decided?

My mother foresees everything.

No matter how long I have my memory, I'm no match for my mother who gave birth to me.

"... yeah. I made up my mind, Mother. Me... I've been protecting Machia and I'm a Machia knight. You wouldn't think anything would be the same as before, would you? But it's totally different... it's very difficult to explain it in words..."

"Hehe, it's good. Because I know exactly what I'm talking about."


"Glad to hear it. If you're not alone... My mother has always believed that your chosen path…"

"... mother"

I have always believed.

The only “mother” who told me that was the “mother” in front of me.

I told my mother a lot about what happened at the Royal Palace this past year. My mother, who can't move, looks forward only to talking to me, and waited for me every day, every morning. Sometimes the nurse at the hospital prepared treats and waited for me.

I'm not a kid anymore......

But for my mother, I may not be the same as my young child when I was on the eastern continent.

Forever and ever, kid.

"Tor...... my cutie Tor"

A man who strokes the head of a big man who will be eighteen years old and smiles angrily. Her life was blessed.

"... Mother?

One morning in my mother's hospital room, I found my mother in eternal sleep with a calm face.

Oh, he's dead. I was amazingly calm when I realized that.

However, I stroked my mother's hair, which faded small, and no longer woke, and took the hand that was out of the futon, and shook it.

He was a weak man, but he told me he was a cute son until the end.

He was waiting for me to come.

When I worked for the Odileel family and the Royal Palace, I was the one who never told me to come see you.

You wanted to see me because you had a feeling about death. I noticed that too, so I went to the hospital every day.


It was good to spend the last time with my mother.

It's good to see my mother off peacefully.

The only feeling I had was that.

"... Ugh... Ugh..."

Machia was crying. Even though I wasn't crying, Machia cried. Every day, you come to the hospital with me, but you just put on a little face, and then you hang out there, and you make time for me and my mother, alone.

"Really... you're dead to sleep"

"Oh. I barely treated him anymore, so I haven't had any pain in the past month, and I'm sure he's died easily, asleep... Good for you..."


Machia and I mourned my mother's death in a quiet hospital room.

Though Machia was crying for as long as I was calm.

This day was a little warmer than usual, a day that made me feel spring.

Then the palace arranged a funeral for me, and at the church cemetery in Delierfield, my mother's remains were buried.

My mother's short life has come to an end, but it is only a little salvation that the last place such a weak man went was a peaceful land on the southern continent, far from the eastern continent where he was born.

My father sent me and my mother across the continent.

Now my mother has traveled to my father.

"Hey, are you okay? Can you sleep alone?

"I can sleep. Kids or me."

"Because you... Oh, yeah. Let's eat something delicious."

"You gonna eat something in the middle of the night like this? You're amazing..."

"Yes, because..."

Machia is worrying. I come home from church, and I'm in some kind of a rush to finish the day. Care for me, I'll be fine.

On a night like this when I thought I'd go to bed already, I'd come all the way up to my room in a peachy negligee, so it's pretty good. He's been saying this for a long time.

"You're amazing.... If I were you, I'd be so sad. I can't believe your mother is gone from the world..."

"I... I've always been ready..."

"... yes"

When he looked at me answering pale, Machia nodded small.

"Right. You would... you'd be fine, wouldn't you? I didn't think you'd be able to sleep if I were you....... Good night, Thor"

"Oh, good night"

I stroked Machia's head once and laughed small.

'Don't come!!... don't come, devil child... eh. You say you will turn into torque and even eat Alec!!

'Why is this always happening... eh. All of it, all of it, like I'm bad... eh'

'... my mother has always believed in you, your chosen path...'


The lace curtain by the window blurred my cheek.

I had a siren-like dream of repeating many words over and over again.

The soft feeling and the warm breeze that came into the room made me feel strangely comfortable and I woke up slowly.


And for a moment, I was staring at the ceiling.

It has been a hasty day since my mother died. For this day's sake, I said I was going home to Delierfield, but my businessmanship didn't give me time to think of anything, just build up my tiredness.


If you're tired, you should get some sleep. I wish I could sleep.

Ever since I was there, I roared small with a crease between my eyebrows because of the words of "mother of three” that glued through my head.

It's the sex of a space magician, but I keep my memories in my brain as 3D footage.

Information is accurate and needs to be organized at times. Is this the time? In my brain, in the category “mother," I organize my memories.

Why would you do that?

To rank whether this information is needed or not from now on.

This task involves considerable fatigue. But I guess it has to be now.

I put my hand between my eyebrows and picked hard between my eyes.

Otherwise, because I will look back on all my mother's words that are too many, all decent.

Countless, mother's disgust, hatred, and fear of me strike 2,000 years old torque, Earth's permeation.

But at the end of many bitter memories, the words "Thor's mother” always come to mind.

It doesn't sound like a siren, but it comes up with a fluttering voice like a lullaby, saying it's a priority above all else.

'... my mother has always believed in you, your chosen path...'

I've never heard my mother's voice again. That man was alive until yesterday.

That man's white, soft smile and that word will stop the siren from ringing in me.


I was strong and I picked between my eyes. I don't know if that made sense. I thought if I had pain, I could contain that strong emotion that would twitch up.

But I couldn't bear to do that.


I never raised my voice, but quietly, I wept.

Just breathe heavily and spit it out as the soft spring breeze flows. Wordless, to convince myself of my first grief gained.

For the first time, to accept the great sorrow of my mother's death.

The memory in my brain keeps sorting things out.

In this day and age, I will no longer be particularly aware of the existence of the word "mother”. Because it's gone.

So I pack it in a box and lock it up, saying that there will be no more special needs for the memory of my mother from other times I was dragging her out. I'm going to behave at the bottom of my memory, which I've been ranked by. Yes, to the bottom.

That was the right thing.

Because I'm sure I'll need more from now on. Unnecessary “information” is most efficient when it falls into the depths.

"... no"

I shrugged.

I don't mind the memory of Torque's mother, the memory of Transparency's mother, both of which drove me deep already.

But just stop being my... Thor's mother.

Grief may get in the way. It could be an inefficient emotion.

But no matter how sad you are, just keep your mother's memory in front of you. Never, ever process it if it's just information.

It's not inferior.

Mother's presence was never inferior.


I was reincarnated in this Mayday 18 years ago.

The baby's vision at that time is unexpectedly remembered.

That's very blurry vision.

But I was held by the warmth of certainty that it was my mother's arm, and, oh, I thought for the most part, don't smell nostalgic... a blurry vision of a baby not even during her lifetime.

It still is.

As a blur, I don't see anything.

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