Our demon king is coming.

23: Tor (torque), memory 4.

I never forgot about that day.

Mr. Gacton was on a demon hunt by Finderian soldiers when he was out to find a destination.

Dach followed the soldiers, but came right back.

They have an army of Finderias coming right over there.

"Hey, why..."

"We didn't know, but it seems there are settlements inhabited by a large number of demons in the mountains further north than here. They're hiding in a rock hole. They are fierce for what they are, and these days they defy humans and attack villages and people.... the soldiers are going to crusade them. It would mean catching him and making him a soldier for the war against Guylia. Mr. Gacton was caught by those soldiers."

"Oh no..."

Lyla moistened her eyes as she said her worries had been allayed.

My two brothers don't know what it is.

"What should I do, Dach?"

"... Anyway, we need to make sure we don't find this house..."


I thought I could do something with my magic.

Put your hands up and make a cube.

At the very least, if we can cover the house with this square, we may be able to reflect the snow scenery on its side and protect the house.

"You're going to use magic."

"... I'll try"

Me and Dach used to call this magic spatial magic.

Soldiers are passing through the snowfields on the side.

If you don't notice me passing here, I can do it over. That's what I thought.

But something went wrong.

"Hey, Torque, I don't have a sister."


Lyla, who was in her room until just now, left when she went to her room and never came back.

"No way, Lyla went to help Mr. Gacton..."

To what Dach said, I blued.

I'm sure it is. She went to her father without telling us anything. I couldn't help but go.

"Me, I'm gonna find Lyla!!

"Torque...... ugh!!

Without even asking Dach to stop, I left the space and went looking for Lyla.

It was still full of snow outside.

I put my hands together and used magic to follow Lyla's whereabouts.

"…… not so far away"

But I can sense the heat in the army.

We have to get Lyla back soon.


Lyla was quickly found. Looks like he popped out of that house in thin clothes and his face is blue and white.

"Lila, no!! Let's go home!!

Put your own robe on her, grab her shoulders and shake her body.

She hacked and looked at me.

"But... but my father..."

"I'll help!! So you go home!!

"But... but..."

It was a small high place there.

I can already see the army coming that far.

"And it's my dad!!

She pointed. Behind the army line is Mr. Gacton, chained. He looked terribly abusive.


She ran up the hill to you.

I rush after him, but the soldiers find Lyla and begin to be vigilant.

"No!! Lila!!!

It was when I screamed.

A herd of warcraft with large feathers appeared overhead. Several large shadows cross the surface of the white snow.

"Is this the demon tribe that lives more to the north..."

The demons with white hairs on their feet, on top of the feathered warcraft, shoot bows and arrows at the armies of Finderia, and drop large rocks.

Human armies and defensive warfare began.

Lila only sees her father.

I'm about to jump inside that thing where the battle started.

Because I was distracted by the demons, she paid my hand to go.


You can't go that way.

My voice disappeared into the noise of the battlefield.


I saw one of the arrows going out, flying to Lyla and stabbing her.

It looks like a very small silhouette with a bright white head without knowing what had happened for a moment, but when I saw the snow stained red under her feet, I understood.


Neither humans nor demons care that one girl is down here right now.

I'm the only one who rushes over to her and hugs her.

"Lyla!! Hang on!!

"............ Torque"

"needs to make allowance soon"

I know a hundred things about not being in that situation.

In the snow and on the battlefield. Mr. Gacton is in danger, too.

Lyla is dying.

What should I prioritize?

"Torque... help my father... please"

"... Lyla"

"Torque, I... I want to go to paradise. I don't want to live frightened anymore..."

"Well, then I'll create the country. A country where the Demons can live in peace... eh. Because I create paradise... so, Lyla..."

"... if Torque were king, it would be a lovely country"

She looked bright white and laughed small.

Take her cold hand and I'll just shake my head. I realized she wasn't trying to live anymore.

"If I create a kingdom, if I become king... you are the queen. Must be fun......"

"Hehe... that's lovely. Too nice... I want to dream..."

Lyla's voice gets thinner and thinner and harder to hear.

Her body is losing strength.

"Hey Torque. I'm sure you'll make paradise.... so that my father and my younger brothers can live happily ever after..."

When she said that, she said nothing more.

My eyes already have no color and my body is much colder.

I have the body of a little girl on the snow, white and red.

"... Lyla..."

Would she have had a good dream at the end?

Finally, he had a look like he'd gotten some time to rest.

"Why not?"

As always, the battlefield will never stop, no matter who dies or who kills.

Now that the girl is dead here, no one cares.


There must be no such thing as peace of mind when you die.

Don't be ridiculous.

Lila was just a weak, really weak girl. I was always scared.

"Don't be silly!!!

How many times have I screamed like that?

Every time I screamed like that, there was a distortion of space around me.

I can't stop the outburst of magic that was in me, and that anger is directed at the disputing humans and demons.

This distortion of space, involving the people and the demons who were there, shattered them as if they were sugar sweets.

When I realized, I was at the centre of the white, just sitting alone with Lyla.

Shut up.

A few people and demons were present a short distance away, but they saw this tragedy and left in awe.

Humans and demons stopped fighting and dispersed to the unexpected forces in front of them.


White world.

But all the white things I saw in front of me were dust from humans, demons, horses, rocks, and many other substances that I had compressed and shattered with space distortion, not snow. As if you wanted to erase the product of war.

What the hell have I done?

When I thought about it, I was struck by a sudden pain, spitting blood out of my mouth and falling.

It was a magical “risk” that I felt for the first time.

Spatial magic.

It was a case of real consciousness of this magical horror.

Then I was held by Mr. Gacton, who had survived, back in the house I was magically protecting.

When I threw up blood, they were unbound, too.

"Lyla's dead.... but she's finally freed herself from the fears she's always had."

Both Mr. Gacton and his two brothers eventually decided to head north. To the settlements of the demons of the north.

Mr. Gacton lost his daughter to a feud that included those demons, but he made that decision.

"The demons have also recently begun to run wild. This battle clearly represents the conflict between man and the devil. This is what happens in the world, everyday tea meals, but the weak are sacrificed because of it..."

"... of Lyla... like..."


Dach said nothing unusual about this one.

Demons and humans cannot accept each other and have fought for a long time. Human beings are more dominant now, but there were times when demons used to have more power.

If they do, we'll do it again. We can't break that chain.

"But because of that, it's like Lyla... it's not good to have a weak girl dead. I can't believe I'm dead and finally feel safe... weird..."

"............ Torque"

"Hey Dach... I'm going to create a country. I promised Lyla. He said he would create a Devil's Garden... As long as we have a place, the Demons don't run wild."

"... the human you?

"So it makes sense."

Dach didn't complain about anything.

I just put my hand on my shoulder crying in front of Lyla's coffin and said, "You're going as far as you can go".

Then I study space magic more and establish the Magic Fortress.

Dach did everything he could to bring my magic closer to completion.

Once again, we have traveled for a long time, but eventually we will settle in a mountainous stretch of the Kingdom of Jolweh sandwiched between the Finderian and the Gaelic empires.

About 2150 years ago.

North continent, the kingdom of Jolweh.

Torque: Forty to

It took thirty years.

Over the course of thirty years, I finally created a vast space by the Fortress of Magic.

The border between the kingdoms of Jolweh and Finderia created a vast, uninterruptible space for the mountains.

It was just a space, a enclosure that no man could invade, a fortress.

I didn't build something material inside.

We prepared the place, and later, at our own hands, we decided to make a country.

Name this place "Eyesmore” as the ideal home of the Devil Nation and the Devil Nation.

Dach embarked on his journey again. I was old enough, but I said I would invite demons from all over the world to this Eyesmore, and I went out into the world again.

I thought I was careful, but Dach was originally a traveler. And you said I was going to create a country, so you were doing everything you could to help me.

I already wanted this guy to be free to do whatever he wanted and spend the rest of his life.

Because he was a dear father.

Because Dach was here, he didn't screw up this far. Whatever you see, whatever you despair of.


On a snowy hill, I'm looking down on the country I've created.

Many demons had already lived their lives and lived under my rule.

Naturally, there were demons who rebelled against me in humans, but by then, I had been able to use enough black magic “space magic," and I was invincible on my way.

The demons and humans call me this because I exposed my black hair and I always wore a black cape.

♪ Black Demon King of the North ♪

My presence becomes, in a way, a fear to both humans and demons.

A demon king who can obey the demon clan if he comes from a human being.

From the Demon Nation, the Demon King who rules over us.

To me, it didn't matter what justice was. Whether he was the ruler, the demon king, or the enemy of man.

Just the thought that the strong have to protect the weak.

It would have been the demonic tribe that was being abused and the “power” that stood between humans. That could have been arrogant evil from the side. Still good.

Already, I was the deterrent to all strife on the northern continent.

If you use the Demon Nation to fight, the Black Demon King will be angry. If we fight around the kingdom of Jolweh, the Black Demon King will come out.

If you attack a human being, the Black Demon King will judge you.

I took advantage of that fear.

Anyway, really, there was no match for me.

Hard work, just trying so hard to create a country, I was no longer a very human being.

He keeps his appearance in his late twenties or so due to magic, magic.

The Demon King.

"... Lyla... I've finally created my country."

I was staring at paradise in the snow blurry and remembering a distant promise, and suddenly I felt signs on my back.

When I look back, a bright red color pops in unfamiliar with the bright white world.

It was impossible.

There was a human girl behind me at some point.

"... you... the Black Demon King...?

Beautiful redhead daughter, wearing a bright red piece and a black triangular hat. The voice stays high in my ear.

She's a strange girl with a very strange, but seemingly unobtrusive presence, like a combination of lusciousness and obscenity.

"... who are you..."


The girl stared at me from the shadow of a tree and opened her red lips in confusion.

"I am... the Red Witch"

That's what makes me and a long time together, meeting some witch.

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