Our demon king is coming.

* Transmission, countdown of stride.

"Oh, there's a lid in there!!

"It's UMA!! UMA!!

"It's limitless green!!

Hi, permeable.

After 1: 00 p.m. on the second day of the Cultural Festival, there is one suspicious cup fluttering around the school.

"Uh, this is the old building. We're working on a joint project,“ Don't you know us? ". The captive we were capturing right now has escaped and is in great trouble. Enjoy the cultural festival, if you see our cup, please take us to the cup headquarters on the second floor of the old building. We are looking for brave people to join us in the capture operation!! For those who are brilliantly captured, a special tear-wrapped sweet is a thank you!!

Ask the broadcasting department to cooperate and the on-campus announcement rings.

Customers who start wazzing at the same time.

"Ah!! I'm looking at you from over there!!

If we find the shadow, we'll all show some reaction.

Neither those who take part in the capture operation nor those who do not can escape from the shadows of the blanket anymore. I can't help but care.

It's a brain festival.

Because Kuroki seniors dressed in turtles can hardly be caught while showing up again, the capture event will also flourish.

They were eventually surrounded, captured and brought in by the collaborative play of a group of boys from other schools, but were presented with a special mysterious confectionery fold from the Department of Family Medicine called Cuttlewind Sweets, which seemed quite enjoyable to them as well. Many of the guests who watched the capture play followed the pattern and followed it all the way to headquarters.

The men's group was applauded by everyone and honored for their capture.


It is an indescribable sight.

"I wonder what. Wouldn't it be nice to build an amusement facility for Kuroki seniors already? I'm sure you'll all be ashamed to ride a jet coaster or something with a light plate on your head. Leave yourself to the tension and ear the rat..."

"No plates..."

Indeed, in a dream country ruled by rats said to exist around Chiba, they all ear rats as if they had been enchanted for some reason, don't they?

Rattleland phenomenon, I think it's good.

But I don't have a platter. The Caperland phenomenon is certainly not endemic.

"Hey you guys!! Your turn next!!

Sweaty Kuroki seniors as they strip away their tight clothes.

I drink sports drinks in the back room.

"Are you all right?

"Don't lick the art system!!

No, even if they tell you not to lick it......

"Look, the two-person tripod obstacle competition in the second round of the Planning Representation Battle, which begins at three o'clock, comes out on the battlefield by the vice chairman of the example himself. It's a battle you'll never lose."

Senior Kuroki puts his sweaty hands on our shoulders and he valves hot.

That said, it's an obstacle competition and the smell of two tripods is dangerous.

Me and Maki sighed while only looking at each other.

"Hello everyone. Broadcast seats. The main event of the day, the" Two Tripod Obstacle Race ”is about to begin!! You can call every obstacle placed on the ground and in the gymnasium a dangerous project in many ways, with a pair of men and women from the planning representatives facing each other on two tripods. This year it has been scaled up and has many very challenging obstacles!! This is an exercise ability test...... Uh, the broadcast booth has just been captured, originally by Kuroki, a third-year student. Kuroki, you're dressed as a woman and a talker this year, but you're not going to fight, because you're so athletic in vain."

"Er well, there are better young people... because there is no one in there!! Because there's no one inside!!

Broadcast seats that are too free.

Or Senior Kuroki, what are you going to do!!

"Hey permeate, what a mess. I need to band it to my feet."

"Oh, oh..."

Just at the start line, we get ready in a green T-shirt that says, "Don't you know who we are?"

Other representatives of the project have been coming together continuously, but well always this guy is also the athletic department, the athletic department. We in the Ministry of Culture are floating somewhere.

But Maki tied her long hair to a ponytail and she was in a good mood.

"Surprisingly motivated, you"

"Heard you could keep this motor nerve alive in a while."

Put a good force in both hands and say, "Good luck!".

Would I lose if I thought of something that sparkles my eyes because there is a bread eating corner on the way to an obstacle race?

The vice chairmen of the example appear, and the guests who are already in the venue are zapped.

Because the vice chairman's partner is an athletic ace, a nationally famous fast-paced person, and the vice chairman himself said that he was an athlete in middle school. The visibility of the vice chairman goes hand in hand, with many saying that this combination is the winning candidate.

"Wow... Sounds like foot speed..."

"You're ashore to see. Not many of the vice chairman's class athletic elites?

This is the representative of the Ministry of Culture, both of whom are unnamed ordinary students.

Me and Maki have pretty good motor nerves, but compared to specially trained people, if they ask me if I have any technique and can stick it together, it's a hatena mark.

"And the height difference is troublesome. You can have some more milk."

"Because you are so tall for nothing!! I'm almost at 160, too."

"A little more?

"... in about three centimeters..."

"Three centimeters, are we almost there?

I pom my hand on Maki's head and laugh lightly. She didn't seem to like it, so she decided to put a knife in my flank.

"I wonder if it's a little good - freshman in the Ministry of Culture representative"

That's when I was suddenly talked to.

To my surprise, he was the vice chairman of the example. Then there are the boys from the shore next door, but they are sticking out of sight because they are too mob faced.

"That was awesome in the morning ~. Womenswear tournament, I thought I could definitely win, but I lost. He was adorable in that woman's dress."

Nicole and smiling seniors. That, after all, is a beautiful girl modeling. Boulder cute.

"You're Saiga-kun? He's famous for his sophomore year. He said he had a cool kid in his first year."

"... ha"

The vice chairman of the ascendancy, always smiling. This is quite a great sportswear outfit that gives you a long beautiful leg and a sneaky line of body at all costs. Boulder model.

It's kind of a feminine trick, kind of fresh. Maki has a good style too, but something this guy doesn't have...


Maki set the knife on my side again. I'm afraid it's something true.

"What can I do for you, senior? Are you a loser? Is that an encouragement? Is it a declaration of war ~?


There is no smile that Maki hates. I'm afraid of women.

The vice chairman distorts his expression a little, but with a belly-readable gaze, he's looking at us.

I was smiling until just now......

"Ha ha. Mr. Oda...... is that it? If you were a little taller, you'd be able to model, wouldn't you? Sounds pretty good."

"............ yes, yes?

Smiling vice chairman again.

Awesome, compliments and disgust, I've mixed my eyes from above. This woman will do it.

Maki has a slight muscle on his forehead.

"This competition is against the Ministry of Culture because it's strong in athletics... but you have no choice, yeah. Don't worry about it, because those who have enjoyed it win!! Well, good luck with each other."


With a sparkling face, Cappi winked the vice chairman. We go straight back to where we started.

The other side of the shore was out of sight until the end.

"... hah... vice chairman That's awesome, all kinds of stuff. Well, it exists..."


"Ma, Makiko...?

The silent Maki was shaking his fist hard and wrapped in a mysterious fighting spirit.

"Don't worry about what ... leave it to plan against the Ministry of Culture... eh. It hasn't even started yet."

"... what, you're so annoyed that you made fun of me?

"You bet...... you're a little bit of a deret, too!!

Maki kicks sand on the ground with swells.

How sorry I was.

"Here we go!! There is no doubt that this battle will shape the legs of tomorrow's final day of the Cultural Festival!!

Planning representatives standing on the starting line.

The pistol shots and the players start in unison.

We aligned ourselves with the footsteps of Maki, who was ahead of us in momentum, breathed together, and we got off to a pretty good start, too.

But the two vice chairmen running next door combined fast things fast things. He slipped out and went first.

I guess I practiced quite a bit for this.

"Hey permeate!! I'm late!!

"I know, I know."

We snort at each other and trickle down the first obstacle “net”.

Usually two tripods don't fit together, we stop and slow down, but we don't stop.

We know each other's strides well.

"Whoa, whoa, third runner-up freshman, Saiga & Oda Combination, mysterious breath perfect to complete the netting without difficulty!! I will follow the vice chairmen going forward!!

"The boulders are the stars of the Ministry of Culture!!

Broadcast seats are roaring. We could still afford to hear that voice.


"A spoon!! Regular Kitters of Obstacle Racing"

“Spoon" means, as the name suggests, running without dropping a ping-pong ball on the spoon, and we have to do this with two tripods. Does all this have anything to do with the motor department or the motor nerves?

But there is no vice chairman group on the boulder.

It's quite handy, wasteless, and carries ping-pong balls at a fairly fast tempo.

"Oh oh, I may not be able to do this... so delicate..."

"You're a big deal."

We came here to slow down a little. I can't take advantage of this opportunity course for representatives of the Ministry of Culture.

Maki dropped a ping-pong ball once and rushed to get it, forgetting about the leg that connected me and falling over. I fell when I got caught.

"Oops!! Sounds like a course I'm a little bad at!! One after the other they pull it out!!

"Stand up, stand up, penance sorority one year!!

Incandescent Live. We get up in the sand.

"Ohhhhhhhhh sorry pervert!!

"It's okay, you're just getting started. Look, I'm gonna get my foot in line. Your favorite bread-eating race is next."

"Ugh, yeah!!

We can't just stop.

One, two, one, two... I try to get back that minute I took a long delay while slowly increasing my speed.

Always in front of me are two pieces of bread hung on strings of different lengths for men and women.

The other contestants stopped on the spot, jumped and flew a little, a little hassle.

But, you know, we don't stop.

Maki is absolutely fine with this.

I just looked at the distance to the position of the pan and measured the stride.

Ten more steps to go.


I matched my footsteps and screamed.

Maki was a little surprised, but the next moment he stepped out he seemed to understand what this number meant because I said "9".

The countdown begins.

"Three, two, one..."

Two people together with zero voices, jumping all at once.

Course straight to bread with momentum.

There's no stopping that leg, we ate bread, just ran.

"I'm coming aaaaaah!!! Oh my god!!! I don't know what to say. We ate bread without stopping!! Should I say I ate this up!?

On the ground, the loudest cheer I've ever heard.

Like I said I don't care about that, Maki has been chewing bread for a while now. It's amazing to eat while running. I'm just flirting.



"That's it!!


No. This guy, we have to do something soon.

Even though I think about it, I silently give you my bread.

"I gave you ahhhhh!!! Freshman Saiga-kun, I gave Oda some bread. Ahhhhh!!!

"You gave it to me."

They picked up the scene for nothing because it was just the current broadcast seat.

Senior Kuroki also has a surprising scratch.

The girls are saying ka-cha for some reason. I don't know why.

"The hemp bag is next!!


Makiko is feeling better.

The power of food is too great for her.

Well, our long, long battle is coming.

in the obstacle-numbered sense.

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