6 Sep 7446

Seven layers of Augamage began to take a break on a little rock in front of the nest-eating room, and we watched with all the backs of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) disappearing in the woods.

Is it even fifteen minutes long?

What? Until the battle begins, of course, by Black Yellow Balls.

Augamage's ability to detect signs reaches a distance of as much as 100 m even in woods with no good vision. The diameter of the room is roughly five hundred meters, so a group of Augamages who seem to be around the center notice that the hostiles have proceeded from the outer perimeter of the room to the center about one hundred and fifty meters.

When I first saw the forest, I thought it might be about 10 meters a minute.

Go a little further and hide yourself in the grass to peek around and make sure it's safe. Naturally, I wonder if we would even go for the center in a straight line from the start. Looks like they splashed right into the room, too. So the speed to the center is ten meters per minute. You know that.

This Augamage room is certainly a big wall as it hits the depths of this Balduk labyrinth. But these days, we can handle it with some leeway, even if we don't use paralysis pills or ice pickling, and if we can come up to seven layers on our own, there won't be total annihilation. Do you have any?

I think Andersen will definitely call us when it gets tough, or when he steps on it. Around there, it seems like the type of fellowship you end up taking over your own pride. But, of course, I also know that it's time to be mean like an adventurer. The battle with Frost Lizard, which I saw on the fifth floor before, was all I could think about. Well, as for Frost Lizard, he seemed to know a lot about his abilities, and I guess he stepped that he could win eventually.

I don't think Vilheimer's old man would. That old man is amazing at discerning what he can't and can't do. The members are also solidified in the housekeeping veterans, and even when we met on the sixth floor one day, we were able to manage without cover after all. Buying recovery drugs from me would be nothing but insurance.

That old man would definitely give me a head start at times like this. Then we'll go over the bodies of our defeated monsters in detail. I think I will also look into the remaining footprints on the ground and their orientation. I'll thoroughly find out what formation I'm in the room in the first place, if the stride spacing is the same as the orga I meet in the aisle, if it's changed somewhere in the body, if I notice anything.

Then, when you get back on the ground, assume the target's attack variation whenever possible and train the countermeasure. I've stolen a few Green Corps (Verdegli Brotherhood) trainings back in the day, but that content is definitely this. I didn't realize it the first time I saw it because some of it seemed like a waste at first sight.

But after I realized it, it was quite informative even for me, so many parts of it were incorporated into the killer (Slaters) training.

Honestly, the only rationale is the training landscape, but I'm pretty sure why.

It's about time.

Will the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) advance by about 100m?

I used the magic of life sensing (detect life) to confirm it.

Yeah, I knew it was to that extent.

A group of orgasms and orgasms that seem to be in the center of the room are too far away to sense.

The black yellow balls (Black Topaz) seem to form a two-row sideline (Double Echelon).

Everyone is finishing their tea.

Looks like he's snooping around the woods somewhere.

Whatever Mizuchi is, it's time to get out of Ralpha and Bell's life sensing range.

Well, I'm pretty sure that Andersen's sister has some element that people like.

Take care of yourself.

Besides, when I say Bath of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), I say Kirk of this Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz), and the subreader looks like a hard worker and can't dislike it.

I can't help it.

"Hey, it's time to get ready for battle"

That's what I'm saying. Check the state of the gunsword.

Giberti heads into the usual rock shade a little further away when he takes charge of his luggage.

Zulu and Engela stood up faceless and pulled out their swords.

Tris and Bell also made preparations and stood up, and likewise Ralpha stood up and turned the axe around.

Bastral and Guine hold the stone bump of the spear to the ground like a cane.

And Mizuchi smiled at me as she stood up.

Everyone is paying attention to me.

I hope not. I'm not going yet.

"Semi-Siege Number (Half Seeji Two). Freedom to use weapons on Mizuchi's signal (Weapons-All Free). Mizuchi, Belle, Tris, Ralpha, Ghine, Bastral. If you see an orga, you don't have to ask questions, so punch in whatever you like, bow or magic. Oh, fireballs are dangerous, so no. You can count on one by one. Zulu and Engela come from the right wing with me. Scatter (Spread)"

Mizuchi jumps into the forest with great momentum without making a single sound.

Ralpha, Tris and Bell cut it to the left from the entrance.

Guine and Bastral set the spear low and followed Mizuchi from the front.

Zulu and Engela go right from the entrance with me.

The room of Augamage on the north side is as deeply wooded as the room on the south side, but the bushes of shrubs grow everywhere between 50 cm and 1 m high.

It's just good to hide yourself, and even if you get over it, the sound of standing is smaller than the bushes in the trees.

I followed Zulu and Engela behind my back and ran along the wall of the room as quietly as I could for about 100m.

Just be a little bit aware and there will be information in your head about where everyone is from Mizuchi's [Force Formation (Party Formation)].

Engela's wearing a rubber protector, so she's following me around 20m behind me without making too much noise, just like me.

Zulu is lagging behind more and seems to be approaching forty meters further behind it.

Metal belt armor (banded mails).

Looks like everyone else is scattered.

Mizuchi is the most prominent but still about 60 meters from the wall.

What was the first momentum?

Her left and right diagonal back is about twenty meters apart, with Guinness and Bastral.

Ralpha, Tris and Bell also seem to be scattered along the wall at their respective speeds.

I'm still moving on.

This is where we focus on moving along the wall until we get a signal from Mizuchi.

It would be more convenient to be as scattered as possible to surround them.

I can see they were all scattered after a while.


An order came into my head from Mizuchi.

It's not “storm it” or anything, so I'm just going to tell you to keep your distance packed.

Everyone seemed to understand the same, and I found myself slowly starting to move towards the center.

Not necessarily black yellow balls (Black Topaz) will be driven to devastation.

Especially if you seem to be fighting dangerously, you don't have to.

If only we could watch their fight against magic.

Slowly advance with a gunsword in place.

That weed looks deep.

Making noise is boring, and you should bypass it.

It was time to move on and everyone was about 100 m away from the wall.

The Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) guys should be hooked on the Augamage alert net by now.

We're moving too fast.

When I peered into the gaps in the trees, I felt like I could see my back whether it was an orga or an orgamage.

Stop moving reflexively and lower yourself slowly.

Black yellow balls (Black Topaz) and other killers (Slaughters) were invisible with trees and sesame grass in the way.

Stay close to the center.

Looks like Ralpha's already a hundred and twenty meters away from the wall.

No, I don't know because there are errors in [troop formation (partisation)] as well.

How about black yellow balls (Black Topaz)?

That's when I thought so.

"Gebjo! Ggabbo!

I heard a whispering voice whispering like it belonged to an august mage.

Don't start.


The black yellow balls (Black Topaz) also seem to say something, but they are distant and cannot be heard to the content.

You must have noticed something.

I wanted to spill in with high vistas for the moment, but the place is bad.

It won't look like anything here.

I approached him gently.

When I found out, I saw Engela a little further away.

The distance from me would be about 30 meters.

Even she seemed to see me. We look at each other.

I nodded one and tried to keep moving slowly forward again.


Well, it looks like there's been some movement.

Besides, there's something we need to get our hands on.

I move to full sickness, conscious of niggling and grinning.

At the same time, I try to use the magic of life sensing (detect life).

Hinofu no... twelve orgasms in all?

That's a lot.

Five of them should think they have at least a mix of augamages.

In some cases, it's no wonder there are about seven of them.

"Damn, whoa!

"Lot of hate. No, no!

Well, is there a dead guy already?

Don't open it.

I see it.

Forty to fifty meters away.

Stick your left hand out as you run and release the Flame Arborest missile.

One of the Augamage-like guys in the rear of the Auga herd who is doing his mental concentration is his goal.

My flaming spear (Flame Arborest) hit his side of the head, causing him to die brilliantly and instantly.

Almost simultaneously, Flame Arrow, Javelin, and Stonebolt flew in from all over the place to disrupt Augameigh's mental concentration in the rear guard.

Everybody's doing a good job.

But it is also true that he has nothing to do with the avant-garde auga, even if he disrupts or kills all the mental concentration of the auga mage that seems to have been there six.

And a couple of magic warheads were released from Augamage before this attack magic reached Augamage.

I have no choice in this.

There are a total of four magic warheads that have been released from the Augamage.

Two of them flew away in an unplayed direction by Kirk (Kirk Dunkel) 's shield.

Everyone will be careful, but don't hit the stray bullet.

The other one also pierced the shield held by Vix (Vickens Balchemy), but it didn't even go to full piercing, just pierced the shield.

Probably disappear soon. It looks like an ice bolt.

Apparently the last one was aimed at Gary (Gary Bagmire) 's head, who stood up for a spear, but he spent his time tilting his head at both (so) places.

I'd rather do it even though I'm in battle with an avant-garde orga.

Not surprisingly or anything, Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) was a good fight.

It's pretty much against the six augs who are avant-garde while sheltering the Lotto (Rostal-Milstron) -like fallen guy.

Seems to be causing some scratches.

Two orgasms with crossbow bolts poking at their faces.

Two spears stabbed a spear in the leg by someone from Spear Man (Attacker) who is quite dull.

And there's one with a big scratch that looks like an axe, but none of the orgasms have reached the point of collapse.

Shielded Kirk and Vix stand forward with some distance to the left and right and focus on defense as shield holders.

Battle Axe (Battle Axe) user Barr (Bartheinez Zom) stomps at its center, waving a big battle axe.

Behind them were three spear users (attackers) of Rolle (Laurel Narzomelin), Gary, and Marine (Marine Luckma) forming a badge to cover the avant-garde or, if there was a gap, heavily restrained as they watched to poke an orga.

Leader Red Andersen must have already let go of two crossbows (crossbows) at his feet, hitting Flame Javelin in the face of an orga. Good moves.

You're right to say it's better than sunlight.

"They step on the lot! Pull over more to the left! Marine and Roll attack with magic in turn! From the right!

You must have noticed our backup while instructing the members of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), Andersen glanced around and said, "Thank you!" He shouted out loud and began to concentrate his spirit to use offensive magic again.




I pull my hand axe (tomahawk) from a position close to the other side of me and go into a swarm of hurtful and stuffy orgamages where Ralpha raised his voice.

Fast, fast.

I have no choice but to knock one more flame arborest missile into the guy who still looks fine among them, and I'll put an extra end to it. Four more Augamages.

Engela is running out.

Is the big shadow over there Zulu?

Both are headed toward Augamage.

An arrow flew in and a black yellow ball (Black Topaz) stabbed him in the face of one of the opponent's orgasms.

Stonejavelin flies in again and hits the shoulder of the next auga.

So the frightened Auga was pierced in the chest by Gary's spear hidden in Kirk's shadow.

Maybe after Marin unleashed the flame bolt and let another one hit him, confirming it, Roll tore off yet another orga's neck with a windcutter.

Are there four avant-garde orgasms left?

Something slightly like a white ball flew in there from behind Andersen, hitting one when it also jumped over the Auga to reach a group of Augamages. As soon as possible, the white ball can be played and wrapped around to restrain the whole body of the orgamage. Looks like we got another one involved.

That's your chance.

Glousspike sorcery around the fall of two Augamages wrapped in spider yarn.

Pierced by a spike of stone, 10 cm in diameter and as high as 1 m, growing from the ground, the two orgamages quickly despaired. There are two Augamages left.

Guine and Bastral ran in to go through both sides of Andersen, joining the remaining Auga restraint.

Ralpha, Zulu and Engela arrived at a group of scratched Augamages and started rambling.

You're all right now.

Now, what do you want me to say?

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