Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Eighty-One: In a Shaken Mood

July 26, 7446.

Lord Lombardo, my lord Richard escorts me back to one of the three circles that serves as a physiometric venue, but I was busy working in my head. This time the information obtained from kings and queens is quite valuable. First, it turns out that each tier of the labyrinth had (was) a guardian. Next, the guardian will eventually cease to appear when defeated many times. Does it feel like we're gonna run out of stock? And finally, the guardian has some kind of magic item (magic item).

However, this has not been confirmed. Guardians from at least six to eight layers had, I guess you're right. As for the first to fifth tiers, they were overthrown before the founding king, and the information is unknown and indescribable.

Then, for the first time, the defeated guardian seemed to have worn what should be termed an item of equipment - equipment that was even named. The nomenclature in the shrine for non-living, inorganic objects is communicated first because they are priests or clerics. If you are satisfied with that, you will keep it overnight at the shrine and the official price will be communicated the next day. Apparently tens of thousands of Zs if it's cheap, but they sometimes charge tens of millions or NZ when it comes to expensive stuff. It seems more or less expensive to be close to being selfish.

For this reason, the thousand tooth treatment made as a child was named [thousand tooth treatment] from the moment it was completed, and the [brass craft (brass craft)] and the ground beef machine (mince maker), also marked with status and appraisal, were charged 700,000 Z. I have not been named because I have not paid for it. I just paid 35,000 Z of 5% that would hit the commission to pick up the grinder without doing anything. At the first stage of the quotation, I told him that I wanted to name the item [the mince maker], and the cleric who looked at the status and twisted around with a difficult face said, "Wouldn't you do a million?"

I thought the stuff was a try, and when they quoted me wanting to name it [Gleed's Sword] on my handmade (Arnold's) long sword (Longsword, not me), without even looking at the status, they said, "Almost certainly I won't drop hundreds of millions of units, and in some cases it's no wonder I'm over a billion and two billion," so I just quit sweating for free quotes.

As a result, in the case of creatures, it is not concurrent with marriage; in the case of normal naming rituals, it is uniformly 150,000 Z. It is also an unnamed hotbed because it is a lot of money there. Rich people may also be named cowhorses. Me, too. I'll tell you when the time comes to tell you my horse's name. Oh, Mizuchi's horse calls her Jade Dragon, but it hasn't been named. Because of this, the horses the king rides are named "Segaifer", "Black Courtesan" and "Ashley" by the fur color for generations. Whatever the two back there are, the first one must be the first one. Mind you. Note that if stealing a cow horse isn't within a year of stealing it, they name it without any problems. What if within a year? Thunder.

Battle Axe (Battle Axe) obtained from Minot is denoted as [Double Edged Battle Axe (Battle Axe)]. They said the legendary mason Kazibert made it. It didn't contain unique nouns like [Blade Kazibert], so not only everyone, but even me, missed it. Sometimes the craftsman's surname appears to be attached to the item in Xi for what is said to be a famous craftsman.

Sometimes they are named at some point. For example, rocks such as the landmark "Tudori Rock" in a region are sometimes suddenly [Tudori Rock] one day from [Granite]. Not at all. Thank you.

"Looks like you've broken through eight layers. Congratulations, Mr. Greed."

His Royal Highness Richard, lined up next to me, has congratulated him with a soft grin. With that said, you said something like my topic came up with the king.

"Thank you. But only with luck and the help of our people."

Answer the special victory.

"Don't be modest. It's a wonderful thing. I think it's a proud feat, I am."

Mm-hmm. That said, I lost track of his ancestors. If you want to be modest or say something extraordinary, it might seem as if the performance of the Founding Fathers is no big deal.

"... Indeed. There was a lot of hard work, and they blocked my hand going to the mighty demon. There are quite a few things I want to be proud of. Perhaps no Balduk adventurer today can do anything but us."

"Mm-hmm. That's how you should be proud of yourself. Don't you think Lord Gried would be as happy as I am? That rare witch has this brother."

... Al has a look in his eyes that I grew up with, say and brag about... I have to. My sister doesn't say that. Only for me. I wasn't raised in the first place.

"I'm glad so. But my sister still hasn't gotten her head up."

"Ha ha ha, because she's a hard worker...... you still seem to be getting married for the time being"

Huh? Are you talking about marriage?!? You look good there, but you don't have breasts? Because I looked surprised, Your Highness said, "No way, you didn't know? I thought it was pretty famous," he muddled. Yeah, I didn't know you!

"Well, I thought you knew because you're family. About the end of last month...... was that the head of the month? He proposed to the knights of the Knights."

Oh, I have to even propose from my sister...... YEAH!?

"So, to whom...?

My voice swept away at much.

"It's Sir Groholetz. I don't know why, but they said no."

Pu, you shake him! They're shaking you, that sister! Zama...... shit.

Sir Groholetz would know.

I'm a knight of the same third squadron as your sister.

He was definitely the one who was assigned to the Knight the year after his sister took the Knight's reign or the following year.

I also sold my armor... My father gave it to me when I came with him as an escort to my sister's Knight Syndicate.

As a knight, she's my sister's junior, but she should be about seven or eight years older.

Is it about thirty front or perfect now?

My impression is faint, but I can tell it's my face.

Shit, it's the only way you can pick a woman!

What a luxury!

Fine as a horse, short brown hair with a habit.

Your mustache was thick, too.

I even hurt it under my chin because I was bad at shaving.

Even with such a face-to-face...... a super (super) elite First Knights would be a choice.

But shit......

Speaking of which, my sister used to talk to the Russegs and the Ryogs all the time so she wouldn't be too face-to-face with me when she delivered today...

I don't think my brother and I were very talkative either.

I don't know, this feeling.


That bastard said he shook my sister!?

She's beautiful, she's got arms, and she's a definite sister in both her moves as a magician.

Even the years are still twenty-two. Even oaths are well within their proper age range.

Where the hell are you dissatisfied...... I wish, that woman.

There is too much difficulty in character.

Especially the many tricks against my brother... haven't they?

Shit, keep your head down. This is the case.

My daughter-in-law (I) If you'll marry my sister before I'm late, I should let her have the money... because she has quite a bit of money too, okay?

"... Yikes... Hey, what's up?

Shit, my leg was stopped. Then the time in me seemed to have stopped. I feel a little red by accident.

"Oh, excuse me. A little surprised…"

"Hehe. Some of them are cute."


"No, never mind"

His Royal Highness Richard said so and proceeded with his steps.

The eyes were as colored as they were directed at young children.

Oh, shit. You look bad. No.

Physical measurements were over and the people of Barkud were just about to say hello to the Knights people. My sister's here, but she's standing a little far away.

"Why don't you go and do it?

That's what His Royal Highness Richard said and cared for me. Let me sweeten your words here. I turned my back to my sister when I gave her a gentle rendezvous.


I'm sorry. Everyone wants to cry sometimes. I won't lend you my breasts because they're so boring, but if you want to go for a drink, I'll go out with you. You can rent a private room.

"Oh, my God, that's disgusting."

When I was in high school, when I was shaken by Evening Sea, I accidentally burst into tears a few days later. Hey, as soon as I get a drink, I'm out of my seat. I don't mind dynamite.

"What's that sympathy... ah..."

Don't get so hard.

Oh, yeah. I just found out. I found out.

But I'm not making fun of you.

There are only two of us in the world, our sisters and brothers.

I'll do whatever I can.

It's light enough to make me say things to my arms and threaten Sir Groholetz, or turn around and ask me to sit down, but that's something my sister wouldn't want either.

By and large, my sister is just extra miserable even if she does that to me.

All I can do is smell what I say, "I know," and prepare a place where I can be alone.

My sister is still sleeping in the Knights quarters, and I haven't heard that she's become a private room.

I assumed the Knight's reign. Do you already have a private room?

Either way.

"Hey, Miloo, Al, what are you doing? Come here and thank His Excellency the Commander with me."

I hear your brother calling us.

Your sister won't want your brother to know either.

"Let's go, I'm calling"

I could make an unexpectedly gentle voice. My sister looked at me with a slightly suspicious face when she thought. Silly, even I grew up... and I've been a good adult biting off sour and sweet since I was born.


That said, the guide snorted honestly and followed me.

Say hello to Baron Logan, who laughs luxuriously as he shakes hands with his brother, and thank him for his next order, and his sister bows her head beside me, who is often slapped on the back by the baron. Baron Logan didn't look particularly unusual. It always feels the same. There are several other women in the First Knights besides your sister, and I guess there's no reason to talk about these kinds of colors. Plus, I'd say another month (one) ago, and it wouldn't be like the Knights Commander cares.

That evening, in addition to my brothers, the Ryogs, and the Donneols, my slaves (Zulu and Engella, the battle slaves, of course. Bastral and his wife and Giberti are not together, including the children). It was a big banquet with My sister doesn't participate because she thinks she has work for the Knights.

My eight-layer breakthrough, of course. I was lifted around and ate and drank a lot with a good mood. Rarely, my brother was quite drunk with pleasure. I'm just so happy for my brother. It's worth it. Oh, no. My sister hasn't congratulated me yet. I have to show the faces of the Russegs, I still have to show my face for a while to the First Knights' stuffs in Royal Castle, and after tomorrow, even when we meet face to face somewhere, I'll ask him for a day off and invite him to dinner.

27 Jul 7446

I ate quite a bit of time in the morning to go to the administration and finish registering the employees of the Chamber of Commerce. It's tough being an office in every world. Even though I'm never skipping, I keep complaining about things that are boring. That being said, that's not something we can do either. That's hard.

The truth is that you don't really have to register either, but there are many reassuring parts of it if you register properly, and you don't get stuck in a weird way in case. The smell of trouble is one of the signs of the world.

Five of us, Lafitte, Millie and Harris, headed Russeg, spent a sunny day sipping tea and wasting it at a tea shop by the administration, whispering their noses. When it comes to the long wait I don't know when I'll be called in the lobby of the administration taking turns, I don't want to end up with a brush tongue.

Did you get a good bone break?

After running errands in the administration, I take them and show them to the factory. Because we have to introduce the slaves, and we want each other to remember each other's faces and names as well.

There was a crowd of people with stalls out at the place facing the factory street. In addition to Kathy's call, the voice of energetic John is echoing. Looks like there's two more, but it's not Terry. I guess I'm letting another slave child go through a seller.

Are you going to do it fast? Relieved that it seemed like a good slip out. I had received the report, but it really comes with the feeling that I would check it properly with this eye. Still, it's such a bad place that it seems unsuitable for stalls, but it attracts a lot of guests.

I was watching from a little far away, but when I said, "Whatever, buy one and try it," I sent Harris, confused, to grip a piece of big copper coin (1000Z). Russeg and Millie were tightly frightened, but this is also Harris' study. Harris must have never shopped before.

Well, what happens?

I was paying for breakfast and lunch today.

You can do it if you look at it properly.

Harris' leg quickly slowed down, rushing out patsy because I was ordered to or excited about his first purchase. They seem to be observing beside the crowd. Tell the seller what you want and give him the money in exchange for the product. Receive it as soon as you have a change. And stick the mustard on the baldukki I bought, if you like. Simple but good to learn how to use gold. It's not that hard.

I said something to the slave kid Harris was selling.

The slave child says something to John, who is baking Balducki in a frying pan.

John gave the seller a prestigious reply, "Yes, yes," choosing the baked baldukki from the frying pan.

The seller told Harris somehow, and Harris spooned and applied it from a bottle of mustard when he received a Balducky skewer with his left hand at the same time as giving him a coin that was firmly in his right hand.

Stick around.

You seem to be overflowing with smiles.

When the seller offered Harris the change, he received it with a slightly surprised face.

You forgot, huh?

Unexpectedly I squirt.

The Russegs are once again going to apologize in awe that they were aware of it.

That's okay.

Now you'll never get out of your mind about the change again.

Harris, who received the change, doesn't seem to be able to stop talking at all and comes back to us with a twist.

I was a little upset.

The change Harris handed me is five (500Z) copper coins. Is that it? Not much?

Barducky with Harris twitching is the guy with the cazot (cheese). Should be six hundred and fifty z change...?

What's this all about?

Even if Harris didn't know how to spend the money, I don't think he'd mislead the change.

If so, would it be a miscalculation?

That seller's slave's only been around a month or so since he bought it, and that's what happens?

I walked all the way to the factory as I waited until Harris, who came back wondering, finished eating Balducky. Approaching the stall, the cause was found. A price tag of five hundred Z stands only with cazotto (cheese). It's taller than a chile. Don't sell well for a price like this.

Seems like Cathy noticed right away that I was going to go with everyone. And then John too. And both sellers.

"" Welcome, Master ""

Two sellers besides John and Kathy greet me in a hurry. The guests lined up in that voice also paid attention to me. The owner's here.


I just nodded lightly and the scene was over. I get the look of two people, Kathy and John, saying slightly "failed," even as I raise my voice lightly. Ha ha, you forgot to say greetings during customer service don't have to be even me. Look, I think I'm paying attention.

When he entered the factory, Bastral, Giberti and Terry were carefully instructing him on how to use the grinder. Zulu and Engela were sitting in a chair in the corner, seemingly shabby. The slaves who saw my face concurrently chant, "Good morning, master."

Bastral has a proud look on his face. Good morning, you planted it.

Note that when you ask Bastral about the price of cazots, he says, "Oh, you don't really buy cazots. I label it luxury (premium) and price it higher, but it will sell out properly," he said. This guy, don't do it.

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