Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 178: Tapping the Stone Bridge

8 Jul 7446

Zulu and I walk down a two-tier aisle.

"Recently, there have been more and more students."

"Oh, since I went to the eighth floor... right"

"You just want to show off your husband's reputation, but you don't have to be polite with him."

"Hmm...... well, maybe that too"

"For the most part, the earlier students dressed up as winds interested in armor…"

You said, "Uh,“ lady. "

"The gear was pretty good, so I guess I have some money. It was clear."

That being said, even though that Sir Knockfuri is in some Kingdom-Knights' reign, he could be any horsebone (you don't realize I'm Alain Gried, chairman of the Grid Chamber of Commerce) and he was politely talking to me.

Growing up in a decent environment from a young child, well educated and commonsense aristocracy is normal in some ways, but it feels a little unusual in a civilian who can also be described as becoming. It seems from the conversation and appraisal results that he received the knight's reign in the Third or Fourth Knights. If it was the First Knights, you'd be too young, and you couldn't possibly know anything about me. It would be the Third or Fourth Knights because even the Second Knights said things that seemed difficult.

Maybe he's from the Fourth Knights, who have infantry and engineers on a large scale, because he's so close to coming to the labyrinth. It's not too surprising to have a retired Horseman over there at twenty. Oh, no, the fourth is a lot of knights from civilians, but also from combat slaves. There are many police duties, such as security and patrols in the realm, which may be the kind of third knighthood that has increased the size of the local knighthood.

Whatever. [Duke of Lomberto knights] This title can only be obtained by the Knights of the Land directly ruled by the King, the Duke of Lomberto. In other words, only the Knights of Balduk, from I to IV, based in the King's capital Lombertia. Naturally it's moggly that you don't know me in the knighthood of the Knights of Balduk (whether or not you're a true knight and a hundred), and you can take this off from the start.

The heavens are greatly divided into the Duke of Lomberto around the King's Capital, the Duke of Lombardo in the north, the Duke of Bergwell in the southeast, the Duke of Rondor in the southwest and several others. In essence, the king has all the dukes, and during his tenure, he's only a son, "loaning" that duke to his next of kin's royalty. Well, you're like a deputy. I'm letting that deputy's deputy (which is a strange expression) rule.

So, of course, the Knights of the Homeland exist in each senior noble territory. Naturally, those local knights also belong to the King because he only "rents" the title. Something close to the Home Knights of the Duke of Lomberto feels like a part of the Third Knights and a part of the Fourth Knights, plus the Knights of Balduk, and the rest feels more like a formal permanent army than a Home Knights. To put it plainly, does it feel like the state soldiers of the US Army are the Knights of the Land, Sea and Air and the four armies of the Marine Corps (except the Coast Guard) are the first and second, third and fourth majority? The Army is the only one, though.

For the record, there are about five non-royal dukes. But there are two "real dukes" who have a decent territory, and the rest are nobles only of qualifications and ranks who do not have a territory, so-called political nobility. Our mother is also connected to this political aristocracy, the four daughters of the three sons of the Duke of Sandark family.

It's normal to just say "I don't have territory” but I have a village or a city. The northeastern part of the heavens is represented by the Marquis of Golz and Beritz (naturally these two marquises are also the titles held by the king, as are the counts and the Viscounts in all parts of heaven), but it is said that about half of them are given to political aristocracy, which sends deputies as its own small territory. Tax revenues from these controlled lands, in addition to pensions and salaries according to duties given by the King, support their lives as part of their source of income.

I guess some people die without stepping on their territory once in a lifetime.

Are you a little out of line? It then broke through the two layers and reached between the two layers of metastatic crystals.

I asked him if he had seen the Mizuchis at the face-to-face party where he was camping, and he moved to the third tier just a few minutes ago. According to the story, they also seem to be making progress without taking a break from their busy schedule. You've caught up quite a bit.

He took another restroom break and then moved to three layers with just a brief dinner alternating with Zulu.

Good day to day, I was naturally lucky with the transfer, and I was able to get through the three layers without taking too long. I guess I outran the Mizuchis on the boulder. There is no sign of them in the adventurers camping among the three layers of transferring crystals.

The time is around twenty-one o'clock and several parties are taking a break. Among them were the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators). They seemed to be camping (camping) jointly, occupying a corner of the room. But it's not the best place in the corner of the room, it's just making sure it's on the wall for once.

"Oh, my God, that's amazing."

Carm points to me and Zulu in charge, a rucksack swollen in bread and says.

"Mm, don't end the eight-layer basement this time. I'm going to spend some time on the eighth floor, including the investigation that followed, and I need a lot of it."

I got the soup Ruby offered me and took a breather as I replied in a whispering voice not to be heard around me. Well, even if it's a small room, it's 30 meters on one side, so I can't even hear the conversation leaking. Various sounds of life make it a good curtain, especially since it is a large place.

The soup that Ruby offered me is about to cool down, but I was grateful to Zulu and I for consuming the only sandwich I had between two layers of metastatic crystals other than the emergency preserved food. While sipping the soup, Mizuchi and the rest of the killers (Slaters) also came to the three layers.

"Oh, I'm already here. Lose again."

"Mr. Al, it's a boulder. You're early."

"What time did you get in?

or so he comes this way in a busy way.

"It's after twelve."

Everyone who heard Zulu's answer said, "What? So you haven't been different for an hour," he said and started unloading his stuff. Killers (Slaters), including me, are well known to adventurers above a certain level.

The guys at Balduk's ancient ginseng party, starting with the slaughterers (Butchers) and uprooters (Exterminators) who know it, are just grinning, but of all the other parties camped around, relatively recently camped right beside the slaughterers (Slaters), the guys at the party who said Venus (Golden Etoile) joined the second-rate party were peeling their eyes.

"Uh, I'm hungry. Larry, you can eat something right now."

Guine says my utmost to Giberti as she holds her little stomach.

"Oh wait... Ruby, I'm gonna borrow the stove"

Giberti quickly begins to remove the ingredients from the luggage (kouri) (a large box that can be carried for loading) he was in charge of until earlier, which in turn takes on cooking. Looks like stir-fried meat and vegetables.

"Dear Falergers, Dear Gekdo. Shall I make your share with you?

Giberti asks, but this is a liturgical thing. It is obvious from the fact that they have already finished their meals that there are few soup pans left on the portable stove.

"Oh, we've already had dinner, all we have to do is sleep"

"Yes, yes. I'll be fine."

My gaze is sucked into Giberti's hand, who is handily cooking while saying something like that. It's not uncommon to have a dedicated cook with you, or a party where a combat slave or the like is in charge of cooking, but the massacrers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) don't have a dedicated cook.

Me and Lorrick's combat slaves are in charge of cooking, of course, but they're not good at cooking either. You seem to be learning from Giberti the day you're not in the labyrinth, but you're not very good at it yet.

When I finished the meal, they said the watch was a slaughterer (Butchers) and an uprooter (Exterminators) who had already made up their minds, so I left them to them and they all went to sleep right away.

10 Jul 7446

Yesterday we broke through four to six layers, and this morning we just slaughtered seven layers, and now all eight layers of minotaurs. The Demon Stone is still worth about 30,000, and this is the only Demon Stone I would strip from Minotaur here anymore that is worth this much, you can think of. The weapon is a very ordinary battle axe (boogie). Neither this one nor anything of great value. Because it is close to new, it can be sold at the price there, but as in the beginning, the product is gone.

Aside from that, can I just say that we've almost finished basing the eight layers with the material we've been able to take charge of here and now? A built-in stove was provided, and a considerably larger number of barrels were also available than in other tiers. Of course, I made benches, foot water, etc., and even decided where to go to bed for fourteen, just in case.

However, the shower room and toilet were left as simple as they are today. It's not a mistake to get a hold of it when you think about making it a little more habitable, but when you think about drainage and smells, it's decided that it's better to be outside the room.

Come on, it's a long fight ahead. It's almost sixteen o'clock today, and I'm still quite tired after breaking through with seven or eight layers. We should just take a shower or eat dinner and then get a good sentry and sleep.

Oh, the lumbar roll (roin cloth) I did to Zulu still smells pretty good though I do laundry, so I forced it to take away, made the soap liquid in a bucket and soaked it there, then repeatedly washed and washed it many times, shaded in the corner of the room. Let's make them wash every day while we're here. I'll buy you some perfume when I get back on the ground, so be patient now.

13 Jul 7446

I sent Bastral back to the ground one foot away. I had plenty of time to talk to him, so he exchanges opinions about the factory and eventually gives some instructions to get to the wife he loves. I'm also telling you that I'm going to Lombertia as soon as this investigation is over.

"By the time Al gets here, we'll be waiting to make sure you're ready for a delicious' sausage '."

Bastral moved toward the ground when he said so in a bright voice.

Minotaur has defeated the fifth one about noon today, including the first one to defeat him. After all, the quality of Minotaur equipment is falling, to a point where there is no significant difference from the standard products sold in the store. In addition, the common denominator that all of that is a long-pattern weapon has not changed.

July 15, 7446.

I know more or less. Minotaur shows signs of resurrection seventeen hours after defeating him. Then, for about a few minutes to sometimes enough time, the swirl of the monster, which is a sign of resurrection, continues.

And unless you stay between the metastatic crystals and act specifically to hurt them, they won't notice this one. It doesn't matter how much noise you make. However, I naturally notice if I hang the water from the drawer or throw a stone at it. However, you just can't see the passage from the other side between the transition crystals, or it seems to be just a dirt wall, and if you let it go even if you're noticed, sooner or later you give up and turn your back on this one.

If we all make a raid, it's bound to be an unintentional blow from the back. These are almost in the realm of certainty already.

Tough there, but there is no element of struggle if it is possible to strike unintentionally because it is not a problem in itself to knock it down even if it is originally hung from the front. Shortly after the resurrection in the first place, even Giberti would be able to kill you if you slapped the Battle Axe (Battleax) all over your neck while you were kneeling like a Terminator.

That said, we should spend a few more days here and do a test to see if this hypothesis is really correct. Unfortunately, we can be sure about the safety here after exploring the Nine Layers.

Ma, I'll be fine by the end of the month.

Oh, no, it's going to be a mess with taking over factories and chambers of commerce or something, and I don't think we can do this month on boulders?

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