Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 177: Initiating an Investigation

8 Jul 7446

I talked about the moment in the morning when I was having dinner with the Ryogs and the Bastrals. First of all, I'm going back to Balduk if I eat. Next thing I know, I'm going to leave Kathy for the test run of the plant starting next week. And it's about getting only Giberti back from the labyrinth this weekend and letting Kathy assist him.

"I'll stay in the labyrinth for at least ten days from tomorrow. I'll show my face once I get out."

We need to get back into the labyrinth tomorrow (if the rest of them are distracted and are raising materials, it will be about noon when we get back today for a rest) and finish basing the Eight Layers.

"I'll be back in the labyrinth soon after that, though. So, when I got out...... erm, my brother will be here in about three weeks. Then there's a lot to do, and I think we're gonna spend the week over here."

Communicate your general plans. In addition, the slaves were fed rubber sandals, and the meal was quickly past due to the details. Then I went back to the store and decided to go home in anticipation of the Zulu and the others who were feeding the slaves and doing it. Bastral and Kathy kissed each other when we left. Nice, the younger one. It gets sweet and sour.

"What are you doing? You?"

Tell Mizuchi. Don't finger me. Silly.

Me and four other people besides Mizuchi are the carriages we borrowed in Balduk. He waved to the Ryogs and Kathy to drop him off and left Lombertier.

We just got back, so it's only before ten o'clock before we get to Balduk. Returning the carriage and returning to the Boyle Pavilion, Xenom and Tris were just returning with a large load on their backs. Oh, don't be shy.

"Welcome home, Mr. Al. We have all the materials. After that, if you buy in the food, you're done. The Bells are on their way to buy it."

"Hmm... right. Then I'll come to Murowa about the stall. Get geared up and wait in the entrance square when you get it all together.... Oh yes, Giberti, take my gear from Mizuchi and give it to Zulu. Just let Zulu wait in the entrance square."

When I left my horse in the stables, Giberti told me to leave only Zulu behind and go first.

"Everybody go to the labyrinth first. You don't have to wait for me on the way. Meet me among the three layers of metastatic crystals."

Xenom and Tris, who heard about it, immediately went back to their room and seemed to start gearing up. I'll give my gear to Giberti, too. I headed to my room.

"What are you doing? You?"

I went into the room and tried to pack my gear and came with me to Mizuchi.

"You're going with everyone, too. Get your armor on and get out of here. I have a lot of luggage today. It's a slow start, and you're gonna be a force marshal."

"... chu"


"There you go."

... you envied the Bastrals?

How many...

Eighteen now?

Finish talking to Murowa's father about the stall and head to the entrance square. Did we talk a little too much? I didn't consider keeping Zulu waiting in the heat and getting snagged. But he'll be fine because he's physically fit.

When we arrived at the entrance square, Zulu was waiting in a cool place in the shade of a tree. Wear rubber armor quickly and carry my rucksack that is pampered with luggage. That? That's not too heavy, is it? Did you dominate light baggage such as towels and changing clothes?

"When did everyone go?

"Was it about half an hour ago"

"Oh well, what about rice?

"I ate."

"I'm sorry, I haven't. Hang on, I'll get a skewer."

With five skewers in his left hand, he receives a sword and Zulu and the two of them dive into the entrance to the labyrinth. The two of us move to the next level, let Zourou expand the map he kept and claw his current location. I checked the number while eating the skewer to make sure the current location was confirmed by looking at the map.

"Mmm, that's enough. Tatami me. I don't know, it's this way."

I walked out with a shitty bite of salty pork loin. Cheap meat is hard.

It took me three hours to break through the layers. When I check the time with the clock demon props in Zulu's rucksack pocket, it's a little around fifteen o'clock.

"Let's hurry up"

Speaking to Zulu, he decided to go to the second floor with just a toilet break.

I just have to get to the eighth level and do some research on the Minotaur revival cycle and stuff.

Transfer to two layers for an hour in a hurry. The Mon room on the way passed four places, but only the first two had the Lord. The other two had the bodies of Oulbear and Nor Silverhair rolling around. It must be after someone goes through. It doesn't look like he's a prior killer (Slaters) from the wound.

But I'm sure it's easy. More and more itineraries should be digestible at speeds like early walks, a welcome journey. This minute I was thought to be able to break through the two layers in about two hours, and Zulu and I walked down the labyrinth aisle with ease.

But in about twenty minutes the walk slowed.

It sounds like battle.

I heard people screaming, yelling, monsters. I heard gold cuts.

That golden cut would be Oulbear.

"What do you want to do?

Zulu will ask, but it is known.

"Mmm... let's go. If it doesn't seem settled, we'll see how it goes."

One minute walking down the aisle when the two of us come. Mon, we arrived in the room.

In the meantime, the fighting still continued.

It would be a less-decision-maker third-rate party to be fighting Oulbear opponents for minutes.

"Which... you know what?

"No, I don't."

One owl bear and a party desperately struggling with an ass on this one is a pair of six men and women. They don't even know me or Zulu because of their extravagant equipment such as metal belt armor (banded mails) and cladding (chainmails). Back in the year...... I'm not sure with a helmet with cheeks that seems to be aligned. Are they all Puppets? Besides, leather boots - that's the rubber bottom that our Chamber of Commerce deals with - are also worn, and I don't know the level well because I can't make a busy appraisal.

Only the guy who barely commands in the rear has enough to identify the dull blonde out of his helmet to find out that she's the one older woman who brings him into the Baron's house that's never heard of the Puppet (Hume) at level eight. Magic seems to work with two kinds of elemental magic, but levels are both magical and low.

Is the fact that you don't know them with the kind of guys who show their faces on two levels a powerful guy who's come to Balduk lately? Sometimes a guy like Lorrick and the rest of us from the Knights flows through the Hill, and I wonder if it was rude to say third-rate or something.

Oulbear is pretty hurt and unless something else happens anymore, he won't be the kind of shark that the adventurer side loses. But they are fighting in uninterrupted collusion. Heh, you're gonna do pretty good.

Of course, there is a noticeable amount of waste in movement compared to anyone belonging to the Killers (Slaters), but they seem to cover each other's weaknesses well at the behest of a woman with a magician-like spear standing in the rear guard as commanders (leaders). I don't use any magic, though. Me and Zulu watched as they rubberized the Oulbear as we pulled out the rubber stopper from the water bottle and moistened their throats.

The leader-like woman stabbed a stop at Oulbear.

Only the last one, but from what I've seen, there doesn't seem to be any injuries, and I'd say we're quite proud of our collaboration. We can do it on three levels, right?

Anyway, I didn't get in the way of the fight, and it's none of our business. Let's just pass by and join up with everyone. All my breathless cheeks are bouncing up after the fight, but I'm not interested anymore so I tried to keep passing.

"Mmm, let's go."


I spoke to Zulu and stepped into the room. Of course, I don't imitate pushing through a room at the shortest distance so as not to cause unwanted irritation. He walked out along the wall. Naturally, they seem to have noticed us, too, and they've received attention since this one stepped into the room. Some would be cautious, I lowered my cheek again. Hey, guys. I'm not going to bother you with one thing, so let me through.

The two of their parties fighting on the left and right side of the avant-garde started poking swords at the bodies trying to pick demonic stones from Oulbear.

You can't look at it.

Zulu whispers. It will be about how they pick their demon stones. I also noticed that they were carrying out a lot of wasteful demolitions that are common to beginners. If Zulu didn't say it, I'd be picking novice rounds as much as I would have said the same thing to Zulu. I'm clearly too immature as an adventurer to be quite a fighter. Are they still the ones flowing from some knighthood?


I reply to Zulu and walk along the wall to the aisle of interest as I make my rounds. I don't have a weapon in my hand so that I don't show hostility. I have my sword on my shoulder, and Zulu has his sword in his sheath. And that's when I finally realized. There's a rucksack thrown out in the corner of the room ahead of us. It would be someone's luggage from them. When I stopped and looked around the room, the rucksack was rolling for the number of people.

Shit, this is why novices... it's natural to have the Lord in the room. Unless they hit me by accident, there's no way my luggage is being thrown all over the place. Looks like you have the backpack, and this luggage won't go wrong with their stuff.

"Uh, excuse me. I'll be right there."

It's a mistake to put it away, and you should keep your voice shut for about a word.

"Excuse me! I don't know what to do."

Then a woman came in from a bunch of those adventurers and spoke to us. He's a different guy from the leader. Hanging an infantry sword (short sword) on his waist. It's one of the guys who was an attacker with a spear on his main arm.

"Oh, no...... sorry"

Reply with your legs stopped. She lifted her rucksack and tried to go back to the side of Oulbear's body around the center again. The clasp (chainmail) that she is wearing seems to be used in there, but at least it would belong to this guy's house in blue. It protruded from a slightly worn surcoat with embroidered family crests, well maintained within sight and not a single rust floating.

It was when I dropped her off carrying the rucksack and tried to move on again. I can call from another man. This is the guy who was in the middle of the avant-garde with the wall role (shield holder).

"Hey, I'm sorry, but can I talk to you for a second? No, thank you, of course."

This guy looks pretty young, too, and he'll be a little older than me.

"What is it?

I confronted a man in a stacked armor (Sprint Mail) who approached me with my legs stopped.

"Um... from what I've seen, is that metal armor (plate mail) the same thing that the First Knights use?

Are you a customer? That said, I'm not going to sell it yet except for the Knights of the Kingdom.

"It's not exactly the same… the manufacturer is with us"

There would be no point in delusion if you knew.

"Holy shit! So that armor is pretty much out there in Balduk?

"No, you won't be able to buy it in Balduk."

"Mmmm. If so, from the Green Chamber of Commerce...... Why don't you tell me how you got across with the Green Chamber of Commerce? I've bowed my head many times, but I can never sell it to you, so I'm in trouble... I can wear one, I really want one."

Crossing... I'm the chairman of the Grid Chamber of Commerce. Don't you know that? But all in all, it's not adventurous, it's a pretty fancy piece of equipment, and you don't need it anymore, do you? Eh, now it's clear. Even if you look right in my face, you don't realize I'm the leader of the Killers (Slaters), Alain Gried. I said how to pick a dirty demon stone, and these guys are newbies (Newbie) after all.

But the question remains.

I know that the First Knights are starting to use black dyed metal armor (plate mail) (rubber armor) if you are in Wang Du and are interested in knights. If you look it up, you'll soon find out that the Grid Chamber of Commerce is the source. I was wondering if the local golden knights retired and even started running adventurers...... sounds very different. The interest shown in rubber armor also means that we know its excellence to some extent. People from the region came to Balduk, which doesn't mean they're from Balduk.

But if it's anything for someone in the kingdom's Orthodox Knights to wrap up and retire and do an adventurer, there's no way that doesn't get in your sister's ear. I don't know how hard she is on me, but if she finds out about it, she'll know what kind of guy she is. Who the hell is that? This guy?

Jamic Knockfuri Level Eight Twenty Years Old Elite (Elf) Civilian?... Huh? He said he was a Duke of Lomberto knight!? With that said, how was the leader woman you just appraised, him? Forgot. Another appraisal...... sometime I'm down my helmet cheek again. Besides, I can't make an appraisal with my hair because I'm pointing this way.

"You said no, didn't you? I don't think so."

"Sure, they said no. But isn't that what you got? Thank you. Would you mind crossing over to the Grid Chamber of Commerce?

Knockfuri asked me to bow my head. However, due to business strategy, I can't. If I make one exception, there will be more and more exceptions.

"If you're from the First Knights, you can buy it. Oh, and it seems very rare now, but it's also sold to the Second Knights."

"... don't say you can't. I know something about that. But even the Second Knights are hard. Not to mention the First Knights and so on... so I keep my head down like this because I can't do that."

I'm sure you do, though.

"James, isn't that enough? You don't have to worry about me. Besides, the other party seems to be in trouble. First armor, if you don't get attacked, you don't need it in the first place."

The leader's woman came pinching her mouth. There are just so many good things to do in command. Seems to tell the difference. If you don't get attacked, it's too much to lick the labyrinth.

"But, lady... this is a corner opportunity."

Is that someone from some baron's house? What about the lady?

"It's fine. Besides, if you really need it, please ask Lady Alain directly from me any time soon. Oh, that other one is more subordinate and heroic by now..."

I can't go out with you.

Over here since last year or so, these assholes have come out occasionally.

"Are you there yet? Let's go."

I laughed bitterly and made a meeting with Sir Knockfuri, known as James, while I spoke to Zulu and jumped into the aisle I was just aiming for.

Of course, the room just crossed the shortcut.

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