June 30, 7446

I issued a warning to everyone dressed naked, but the reply back was unexpected.

"I was here! Ma'am, this way!

I heard Engela from behind me.


I kneel reflexively.

"I'm fine! Don't be alarmed!

Don't come over here.

Though I think so, I run my gaze left and right without alarm. The neighborhood is also far from the central pillar, and although it is difficult to foresee very long distances because the rocks are rolling, it is nonetheless possible to foresee about dozens of meters because of the pouring of sufficient lights.

I looked around for a while, but I didn't feel any sign of a new monster in particular. Looking back just at his head, he could see Engela peering around a little further away as well.

"Engela, where's Mizuchi?

"This way. Ma'am, your husband is here for you."

"It's okay!?"

Mizuchi, prompted by Engela, came running over.

"! hi, people?... what?

"I'm not a person, I think it's a minotaur. He said he was a calf. Do you have any more pants than that?

"Huh? Did you see the status?

The body of the minotaur rolling at my feet is totally screwed up by me, so I can't even look like a big guy at first glance. Even though the skin color is brown, it doesn't look like dark wheat that burns well in the day.

But I've noticed it since they told me. With that said, status, you saw it. I tried [appraisal] while wearing the pants Mizuchi had offered me. It's all right.

"It looks like you can also use unique skills.... and magic."

When he heard it, Mizuchi shouted and let everyone know that something magical was ready to be used. So far I haven't heard from anyone about an encounter with a new monster, so when I hit a fireball on the ceiling a little far away and signaled the place, I got them all assembled here. After all, no one saw a monster.

"Look, you're not hurt."

"That's not the problem!

Ralpha came embarrassed by Xenom. I forgot because I was desperate. Son of a bitch, no protective gear, no fighting naked. He laughed at me.

"Hey, Ralph, you just laughed at me, didn't you?

"Look, Mr. Al's mad, too! Apologize!"

"Yes, I'm generally fighting. What the hell are you going to do, look at your husband and laugh!

When I glanced at Ralpha and complained, Belle and Zulu also joined Xenom and started tapping (soldering) on the back of Ralpha's head. Zulu had also brought my boots, under my armor and rubber protectors. While receiving it and putting it under his armor, Ralpha was waiting for a reaction on how the hell to respond.

"'Cause I was hanging around there naked... mostly minotaurs with just those figures? There's no way Al's gonna lose something. Everyone's worried too much."

Anyway, you, say that in the second half? You're gonna say it in front of everybody? You're right for pretending you can't hear Guinness. Tris and Bastral started looking at me with a subtle look.


"You're telling me to apologize!

Xenom and Bell smashed the back of Larfa's head again. Zulu, who is lining up the protectors to make it easier to wear, is also looking back at it unexpectedly. Others who haven't actually seen where they're fighting seem to have difficulty joining the conversation.

"I'm sorry I laughed"

Having succumbed to the total offense, Ralpha has surprisingly and honestly bowed his head. I'm wearing socks. I finished wearing my socks and opened my mouth as I put my foot through my boot.

"You didn't have to worry because you didn't think there was any reason for me to be hit by a guy like this in the first place, did you? You laughed because you were naked and funny, didn't you?

There was an unexpectedly gentle voice.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah. He said you shouldn't have been hit like this. Besides, we're all worried too much while we wait..."

Ralpha said with his head down.

I got up when I tied the string of my boots and approached Ralpha with a grin.

"You trusted me."

Speaking gently, he heard my voice. Ralpha was lowering. Heads up.

And Ralpha's face, who saw my face, was stretched out.

"Are you convinced of that, Boquete! Let me hit you too!

He dropped a fist bone on his head and wore a protector from the torso parts Zulu had.

Everyone looked at it as though it was natural.

"That's right, Marceau, pick the demon stone."

Mizuchi asked Engela to collect demon stones, but her voice is somehow stiff. It feels like I'm trying not to get on the subject of Ralpha because I can't. While Engela was cracking Minotaur's chest to pick the demon stone, she wore a protector and went, but soon the cheer boiled. Belle and Mizuchi say, "Magic!", "he said. Everyone who was around and stood shabby wanted to be on Minot's body at the same time. I even had Ralpha's voice. He also laughs delightfully.

Oh, so you had that minotaur, battle axe (Battleax). That was a magical weapon!

"Congratulations, Master!

Zulu seemed happy to be handing me the protector parts one after the other. I was so happy to realise my face was stingy, too. I struggled around the first time I punched my sword in, but all I had to do was throw stones while I ran away, and I didn't have a great deal of difficulty. No, I'm really struggling with that because I hit a stone about a hundred shots.

"Which, that axe, let me see," he says as he tightens his helmet.

Is that it? The axe stays rolling by the side of the minotaur and no one is looking. Why is that?

"The magic (magic item) is this, because [the extravagant waistroll" Royne Cross of Darling "]!

Mizuchi turned around with a funny grin.

What's that?

Closer, Engela was already struggling to take the demon stone with her hands in her chest, and Bell turned away her blushing face, Xenom and Tris, Bastral laughing delightfully.

Ralpha was on his hands trying to turn the underwear worn by Minot's body as he niggered.

Guine said, "Don't do this," but she didn't take her eyes off me.

That leather waist roll is more magical!?

I took the waist roll from Minotaur's waist while making him stop acting unproductive before the asshole got his hands on it.

[Luxurious Hip Roll "Loin Cross of Darling"]

[Glam Manticore Leather]

[Condition: Good]

[Date generated: 30/6/7446]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 9999]

[Performance: Reduces the damage of the part by one point by increasing the defense of the gear part. Also increases muscle strength and endurance by 3 points, but locks agility and dexterity values by 2 points]

[Effect: When equipped, Muscle Strength and Endurance values are increased by three points. At the same time, proficiency increases by three points each. However, the maximum agility and dexterity values are locked by two points. If agility and dexterity had reached that point, proficiency would not grow further until agility or dexterity had risen due to some factor. Also, the benefit of magical defense slows down the gear's sense of fear and stops it from coming to panic. Note that it does not affect HP]


Shit, it stinks. Yeah!

I'm sure it's amazing, but can you use it like this?

Minotaur's sweat is damp.

"Status Open...... Kusa!

I picked it at my fingertips and hung it, but I felt a strange odor, so I threw it right out with my face close to make sure.

"I know you're like a relative of [Bracer of Might, Armor of Power] by name, but who wants to use this?

Tris and Bastral also looked at the status of the waist roll (roin cloth) I threw out, but it seemed as easy to smell as I did.

"I think if you wash it properly and repeat the shade a few times, the smell will drop there... I've been lent this guy for a while now. Not this time."

Xenom says it's a special victory with his hand on the axe, but you don't like to wrap things around your hips that monsters wear as underwear, do you?

"With that said, Tris, how about you?

Xenom said flat.



Bell took control of the front desk at the same time as Surprised Tris raised his voice. Right ~.

Tris also looks at the waist roll (Loin Cross) in disgust.

"Isn't that kind of my hobby?

Tris said, somewhat reluctantly to Bell. It doesn't matter what your hobbies are. You just don't like it. Me, too. But the cap on agility and dexterity seems to fall, but mastery is probably like no talent usage, and overall, it doesn't make you any less capable? Instead, I think I'll only improve my abilities as a result. Others seem to work plainly. But Minotaur used it, briefly, underwear. Bastral also smells and flaunts his face, and the women are not even trying to touch him anymore just watching him faraway.

"Zulu, you, you want to use it? Of course not until you wash it and clean it up."

I asked Zulu just in case. This guy has only ever spoken words of joy and blessing, he hasn't participated in a conversation, and he hasn't tried to touch the waist roll (roin cross). If you ever seem to hate this guy, let's wash him up and then just sell him off. Pretty good value, huh? But I'm selling it to boulders now... Oh, let Lorrick use it, shall we?

"Oh no... it's magic (magic item)!? We've already used enough fine equipment..."

I knew you didn't like it. Say how valuable magic items (magic items) are….

"How about your husband use it? All the magic items (magic items) you've ever acquired have been lent to you, and you haven't used them at all."

Huh? You want me to use this? Are you serious?

Um, I never dreamed Zulu, who was loyal to me, would say such a harassing thing, and his mouth suddenly opened.

"No, you, I don't..."

"But it's magic (magic item)!? Doesn't that sound awesome from the name I just heard! Isn't it perfect for your husband to be magnificent!

Is that it? Is this guy serious?

"That's right. The smell is the smell. Should I wash it? Then..."

Xenom came to me wondering, too.

Yeah, it's not like hygiene or anything. It's different between them and the reincarnators. The part of me that hasn't cut me off as an Aussee was my complex, but I'm not too sorry, and I'm convinced I won't be depressed.

"In the first place, there are no magic objects (magic items) for me or others in slavery. Your husband should use this."

I caught a glimpse of Mizuchi's dreaded complexion, but she didn't like it again either. Right?

I pushed Zulu's back and I said, "You use it. Be the best of the slayer (Slaters). I'm fine. It hasn't been months since the armor was new, either," I said. I didn't like it, but I pushed something valid.

"Oh no! It's just me or something! I've never even heard of having a slave use a magic item!

I was reluctant to say something like that. I don't have a choice.

"What are you talking about? You are a good fighter, so to speak, a slave. Besides, you're my slavehead, aren't you? Use magic items as grandiose as they are. Think about it in the first place. I'm sure it's too big for me. Isn't that a little big for you? It's magic (magic item), so you can't resize it or anything. If you ruin it badly, you'll be better off."

I guess the same thing happened to Boulder so many times that he gave me an opinion. Zulu was moved by all the tears and tried to wear a stinky waist roll (roin cloth). When I saw it, I panicked and said, "Wash it before you do" and made him give up wearing it on the spot.

Zulu folded it as important as if it were a heavenly maiden's feather coat and was putting it in a rucksack.

Afterwards, we received the demonic stones collected by Engela and decided to survey the room with all of them.

The Demon Stone was [Demon Crystal Stone (Calf Nation)] and the value in the appraisal was excellent over 500,000. About 4 million Z if you sell it. Yeah, let's not sell this and keep it. You should sell it on a set with a waist roll (roin cloth) someday. It's unfounded.

Then Minot's used Battle Axe (Battle Axe) is in good condition and of pretty good quality. It was supposed to be a commodity. Naturally, this is also recovered. It would be good to let Kevin or Karim use it. I think it fits because Karim is more of a lion (lios) from the size. That's not to say, it's not a magical weapon (Magical Weapon), and you might want to sell it. Either way.

I spent quite a bit of time searching around wondering if I could even find a lightning bolt or anti-magic field trick. I wondered if there was even a hole in the ground or ceiling, but there was no one like that and I couldn't find a clue.

The metastatic crystal was still sitting within the pillars at the centre of the room, which was not as bright as daylight as a normal labyrinth. I didn't see any difference between normal metastatic crystals. In the meantime I decided to take a break in the back corner of the room.

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