Labyrinth city of Balduk.

This is the largest inn in the city, the first floor of Shooney's fifth wing, room six.

The time is midnight, when the grass also sleeps.

Someone came into the room with cautious footsteps, cared not to wake the occupants of the room when the key was gently unlocked. When I entered the room carefully to rub the floor, which was polished but feathery everywhere, I gently re-locked it.


However, the locked shadow walked gently through the room with a familiar foothold without showing any particular surprise or panic, diving into the bed placed between the walls on the left.

I didn't hear anything for a while, just two breathing sounds in the dark.

One of these days one of the breathing sounds starts to disturb.

"Oh, dear..."

In the dark, there is a voice and sobbing of bosoms from the left side of the bed with two cars in the room.

Only regular breathing sounds continued from the other bed.

"Hey Terry, hurry up. I have to go."

He woke up. John lit the magic prop of the light, and when he spoke to Terry in the same room, he sat down in his bed and put his foot through the sandals. Attach the sandal to the foot perfectly with the rubber belt supplied on the bottom of the sandal (sole). Terry wasn't asleep either. I was already awake and was simply squirming in bed, so I am getting up and putting on my underwear and starting to wear clothes as soon as I say Munya.

(I also got underwear for a week, clothes and three clothes. And even the magic props on the lights...... I'm tempted to take it for granted at some point...)

Of course, there are rooms where the shoonies are equipped with light magic props. However, it is a little expensive, and most residents of the inn either have lamps and wall lanterns in front of them or use inexpensive (but not more than 100,000 Z) light magic props like them.

John, who had finished fastening his rubber belt, rose out of bed and poured a glass of water from the small table water into the cup and drank it in one breath. Terry just put his foot through the sandals, too.

They both hang a small magic of awakening (cantrip) to wake up around an hour before dawn every day.

I head out to Schooney's main building as I greet the Keeper patrolling the Inn grounds biting down the stretch, and have the keys kept at the front desk where someone is packing them all night.

The meeting point is in front of this main building.

For a little while the two of them waited and Henry, Meck, Ruby, Jess and other battle slaves came together continuously. At the end of the day, when Zulu, the slave-head, appears, they all say "Good morning, Master Zulu," and travel to the Boyle Pavilion.

"Hey John, come on, I don't like this..."

"Oh... but I can't help but tell your husband"

Stuck at the back of the slaves, two John and Terry were bumping and whispering their grievances.

John and Terry, both of whom were bought by their current masters, Associate Lord Gried, were forced to run for about an hour each morning from the beginning of the year, months after they were bought. It is a hard exercise for two people who are only eleven. I don't even understand what it means to run. I'm just running because I was ordered to. Still getting used to it, it took me plenty of an hour at first to get to the heavenly side of Mount Outer Ring and come back, but lately I was able to come back in a meagre but early time. That doesn't mean anything will change.

I'm going to run to the heavenly side of Mount Outer Rim again today and say I'll be back, I don't know what that means at all. I'm forced to do a wasted task of simply crushing my health. I was hoping to thank you for the good fortune of being bought in the closest environment possible as a slave, but it is the common sense of the two of us to say, "I wish I didn't even have this to be honest".

After waiting for a while in front of the Boyle Pavilion, various adventurers gathered in light attire. They are all part of a party directed by the adventurer, Associate Lord Gried, the Killer (Slaters). Brigadier Lord Gried and his self-proclaimed wife, Mizchi, who are returning home for use, and then Martha, a combat slave, to Guine, who is part of the same killer (Slaters). Add these four and you'll be the usual member. Only four people are not running in the Killers (Slaughters): Xenom, Rocco, Kevin and Vince.

I wonder why they're exempt from running? John has said that before and raised questions. Terry replied, "Because you're not a slave," but I didn't know if that was the right answer.

"All right, let's go!

Running in unison with the hanging of an Associate Lord Karostaran.

"Yes, fine, be careful"

Said Kathy as she stuffed the grinder twice.

"Yes, I'm fine"

Terry answered well and began to turn the grinder handle. Though invisible by the mouthpiece, the pork is pushed from the plate with the hole in the back of the mouthpiece. To avoid leaking it, Balducki is manufactured using the intestines of pigs in the mouthpiece as a casing.

Kathy is sending out the casing that she is wearing by shrinking to her mouthpiece with a completely accustomed hand. They adjust the speed of the ground beef while calling Terry, who turns the handle, and twist it into the casing at regular intervals to align the lengths. The casing also mixes small air bubbles from time to time, but you can poke this with a needle later to get the air out of it.

What I'm making now is a normal type.

Three-time roughly chopped pork into a grinder to make ground meat close to the paste, which was intestinally stuffed. Only slight salt and pepper flavoring. According to Surge, the developer of this Balducky, it is the ultimate bowel stuffing that is all fundamental. Terry turning the steering wheel is also my favorite dish.

Next door is another grinder grinding pork with John sweating on his forehead. There is a large bowl under the plate of the grinder, and the ground beef that came out accumulates more and more there.

This one later mixes well with a vegetable analog cheese called a lightly ground kazot only once, then passes it through the grinder again for intestinal filling. I was just preparing a kazotted bowel filled spring.

Now he manufactured and sold bowl stuffs with several other flavors, such as these other coarsely ground peppery bowl stuffs that were teethy, and those with vanilla (herbs) mixed with a refreshing lemongrass, and dry ones mixed with a fine seasoning, chile (chili pepper). However, beef is not available due to the purchase route.

Manufacturing volume at this time is about 500 bottles in Nissan. Between 60% and 70% of the production is wholesale sales to restaurants and the like, while the rest are sold in the entrance square around evening. It should be noted that I have been prompted by arrows to do wholesale sales by the Chamber of Commerce of Wang Du Kee, which I learned of Balducki, but I have not been able to deal with this one at all.

"This flavour, this price can be expected to demand enough (over a thousand bottles in a day)," the demand for increased production is high, but regardless of the grinder, it was hard to have to say no to all those demands due to smoking and other workplace problems. The preservatives that arrive in large quantities every month are not diminishing, and are becoming a source of concern for the Bastrals. So much so that I seriously started considering renting a warehouse.

However, it is planned to open a proper bowel filling manufacturing plant in Wangdu from the middle of July to August. The Green Chamber of Commerce, run by Associate Lord Gried, has asked the Ronslile Chamber of Commerce, a slave trader in and out, to procure a large number of slaves for the selection of slaves to become employees of the factory.

Around June, after selecting and educating people to buy from the slaves they had collected, they planned to send Kathy to the factory with John and Terry as the factory manager through. Kathy moves her residence to the King's Capital while the slayer (Slaughters) is in the labyrinth and returns to Balduk on the day she returns, it becomes a busy life.

As for Kathy, she was not at all dissatisfied with her life because of her trust in Surge and Associate Lord Gried (she told me that she could have the cost of transportation for the boarding carriage and staying in Wangdu at any rate at the Chamber of Commerce), so she was eager to study reading, writing and calculating in her spare time.

Also, while Kathy was in Balduk, the factory operation hurts when it comes to income pain to stop, but that's still similar now, so it was expected that production would go up a few times as much as it is now, and with that, sales and profits would turn out to be several times as much gold as they are now.

"... Terry, over?

Cathy raised her face and asked Terry because she was stuffing her bowels and Tane stopped coming out.

"Yes, it's over"

Terry answered as he peered into the meat-packing pocket of the grinder.

"Mr. Cathy, we're all set for this one."

John spoke to Kathy.

"Was it the last cazot in? Oh, Terry break it down and wash it while you can. When we're done here, we're done for today, and we'll have lunch while we smoke."

Cassie said with a smile. At the same time, the casing was pulled out of the mouthpiece and the excess was cut with a knife. I push it into my finger again and shrink, and now I push it into John's grinder mouthpiece.

"Yes. Um, I'd like some vanilla today."

Answer as Terry loosens the all-powerful power of the grinder.

"Oh, you know, I like the cazot I'm making right now."

John also says as he attaches his left hand to the top of the grinder and holds the handle with his right hand.

"Yes, yes, eat whatever you want. I knew I was coarsely ground.... Okay, do it."

A little while after John starts spinning the handle, a cazotted ground beef is pushed out of his mouth. Kathy pushed out the cleverly shrunken casing just like earlier and started making bowel stuffs. John was also worried that the speed at which the ground beef would come out would be constant, carefully adjusting the speed at which the steering wheel would turn.

Balducky's delivery will also be finished after 4: 00 in the evening.

So far there are only four stores to deliver, but John and Terry will be framed for running around the city of Balduk at full speed with heavy baggage that can be as much as ten kilos here and sometimes because they need to make it in time for dinner.

Then you head out to the entrance square and bake and sell a barducky skewered in a simple stall.

Despite the relatively high pricing, which is three hundred fifty Z for anything other than normal and four hundred Z for anything with chiles, Balducki can always be sold to fly. As a result, each wholesale value is discounted by 100Z. However, eating at wholesale stores adds nearly double the value of this stall. Especially since they are mostly served in half rather than in whole pieces at the store, the prices are the same.

When you start assembling stalls in the usual places, you get more and more customers who can't wait.

There are quite a few more people who have learned the flavour of Balducki, and the popularity of Balducki was eel climbing, which is easy to eat and quite satisfying (there's a little over a hundred g of it). When you start baking baldukki by laying thin oil on a frying pan you put on a stove demon prop, there's a little more waiting, and you can have a little crowd.

"Yes, there you go, vanilla (herbs) and coarse ground. Seven hundred Z. Seven copper coins or one big copper coin, please."

Sell lovingly as Kathy smiles and grins. Of course it's the usual outfit with a trademark black shirt and a towel wrapped around your head.

"Five balduckies, three kazots, two chiles up!

When John is so prestigious as to scream, the baked goods are immediately transferred to the plate by Terry.

"Yes Yikes! Next."

A new dish, skewered and cut in, is arranged in a frying pan by Terry.

"Eh... this is vanilla (herbs), so far coarsely ground, this one's balducky!

Watching Terry line up in the frying pan a little between the skewers, John just nodded that he was comfortable, shaking the frying pan so that the oil could reach the surface without being full.

"Yikes! Customer! Please stop!

"No, no, no, no, no, no."

"Please don't touch me anymore!

"Heh heh heh, what are you running away from, you want to feed me more than that? Taste it now."

Rarely do I have guests like this. He's a troubled customer trying to get a little bit out of Cassie, who serves as a seller. This time it seemed like a rough, seemingly pre-twenty or so trio of Puppets (Hume) and Dogs (Dogwarts) headed by Lions (Lios).

"Uh, customers. Can't you see this?

But Terry calms down and points at the sign. It says "Slaughter's (Slaughters) store" there.

"What!? Kid! Killer (Slaters) tu? I don't know! It's not like that!

The guests were like new adventurers. I'm totally used to dealing with this one or two times a month. It's not time to panic yet, unless they pull out their swords all of a sudden.

"Fine? He's Mr. Surge's wife, right?

I rang as John twirled the skewers over the frying pan to make sure the heat passed evenly to Balducky.

"Oh, my God, these kids! I don't know anything about Killers (Slaters), and I don't know more about Surge! May I repent and stop this Black Dragon (Black Dragon) disease, Master Stong!

"... Black Dragon (Black Dragon) disease... I just made up my mind.... Sister, if Stong sees you, no. Don't give up. Stong doesn't look like a tiger (Tigerman) or a cat (Cat People).... Hick, no."

"You're not! Hey, give it to me. Do you think so?"

Thanks for the booze. I think I'm getting too upset. The dogward man started eating on his own without even paying to take a bottle of baldukki from Terry. Kathy frowns even more when she feels the smell of liquor spitting out of Lios' man's mouth like a pun.

"I'm telling you to stop, you drunk! You're a de newbie who doesn't know our pawnbroker (one) but a killer (Slaters)!

The noise began, and the good citizens only took a far-flung view of the stalls.

"Hey, you. Keep it around there. This is an administrative place. You're gonna have trouble rubbing it."

I saw a young knight or squire from the Knights of Balduk guarding the taxpayers at the entrance to the labyrinth and went in to stop them. It's not even thirty meters away from the entrance he guards, so I don't like it, but I can see it. The stalls are permit-based, so they pay firmly for shova, and the Knights don't miss out on a taxpayer crisis whose identity is certain. That's why the entrance square is an open-air merchant's heaven. The wild horse also had a horrible look at things as soon as they seemed to calm down.

"What!? Noooo - Cora!?

A drunk who stares at a wary knight. At that time, there was a group that came out of the entrance of Zorozolo and the labyrinth.

"Whoa! You made it today."

"If you do it, you can do it, okay, that's the leader! Lomberto one!

"Eh, hi-hu."

"Balducky! Balducky!

"Nice, I like chiles. Buy more and have a drink."

"Before this, the leader said he wanted to get sick, so he ate late."

"Do it when you're going to scratch me? Huh?"

"What that face, hey, die!

"True, you must have that face. Vanilla (herbs) in there, do you still have it?

"I haven't seen Guiney lately... I'm going to lose my morale"

"Truth is, if you don't eat Balducky, you'll be zero motivated."

"Yeah, hey, Guiney. Hang in there early. Wouldn't you come back... oh?

A group of adventurers, made up of only the Mountain people (Dwarves) dyed black and dressed in leather and metal armor decorated with orange flames everywhere, returned from the labyrinth.

It was one of the top teams in the labyrinth city of Balduk with a purgatory flame (Gehenna Flair). Leader Heggs Whiteflame, dressed in black dyed overlay armor (Sprint Mail), sewed between people as quickly as a cockroach when he sensed the anomaly, and arrived at the scene immediately.

"Hey, I thought you were in a fight... I'm bored... oh, give me a bottle with a kazot"

Heggs looked at the drunk being grabbed by the knight and ordered flat towards Terry even as he looked slightly discouraged.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Whiteflame. (Dijo) You're still okay today! Three hundred and fifty Z. It's freshly baked!

Terry is also responding without showing any rushing bareback. The knight also came, and was already at ease.

"Ohihihiko, wow, this should be good!

Heggs reached for Terry's offered skewer when he paid for it with a toddler's face with something sweet in front of him.

"Hey, you, if you ate, pay for it!

"Oh n? This is your luxury, isn't it? Boy."

"There's no way!? Ouch! Come on, get off me!

"Ha ha, ho, when you get rammed, you fall, huh? I'll support you. Come on, ho ho ho ho."

"Hey, stop it, where are you touching it!?

"Hey, you, come on!

"Knights don't know, I didn't mean to say anything very hard. More vultures, Wick."

"Don't be ridiculous! I'll pull it together!

The knight, who thought it was unclear as it was, tried to use his strength to grab Stong's arm and pull it off Kathy forcefully. As a knight, I have difficulty rubbing, but to this extent it was just an escape from eating, and I was going to chill my head in the stuffing room before teasing the sermon and making him pay for it.

"Let go! Do it!


The drunken man shook off his arm grabbed by the knight. That arm hit Heggs, and he dropped Balducky. The mustard I put on top splashes and Balducky rolls corny down the entrance square.

"Heh... heh...!

Heggs' face stains with despair.

"Oh, are you rubbing something?

"Isn't that the leader?

"You ran out and tried to eat first, didn't you?

"You're mean..."

"It didn't just start, did it?

Members of the Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) have gathered to scratch the crowd.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Look at Heggs' shape with blood on his head as he looks at it. John and Terry say, "Hih!" He shouted and was frightened.

"Ah, you... ho, Whiteflame... of Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair)..."

The face of the knight who saw Heggs' face also rapidly becomes a sinister face. The knight thought he could earn control of the Norma inside. But I basically pretend not to see and see the contention between adventurers. Because you get caught up in it poorly, and if you get hurt, it's too ridiculous. One is the leader of the top team Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair), where the crying child also shuts up. There was only so much a young knight could do to back off.

"Oh, thank you for your service, Han. I'll take care of the rest."

Without looking at the knights, Heggs said, and as he took a step, he raised the drunk threesome from below.

"What is it, old man! Don't come and talk to me later!

The Pu's drunkenness was awesome, but Heggs was flushing it with the breeze where it blew, staring at Stong, the drunkenness of Lios whose arm hit him only.

"The weaker he barks the better... hey, can't you pay for it!

At this point, the dispute will take the form of Heggs asking for payment, ruined by the goods purchased, and will have to be left alone unless he can sue even as a knight.

"Ah? Oh, my God, you little one."

The moment Dogwer said that, voices rang from "Ah", "Bad" and "Run," and members of the Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) lifted up stalls and John and Terry and retreated. Kathy also retreated when she suddenly turned bright blue and quickly shook off Stong's arm. Of course, there are young knights who know Heggs well. You're just loyal to your duties "Don't kill me here!!" I just put it down.

"Leave me alone already after that. Oh, I'll chill in. Three."

"I'm Cazotted"

"I coarsely ground two bottles"

"I'm vanilla and regular balducky."

"Over here, cazotted and coarsely ground three"

"Ah, yes. Wait a minute, please."

No one was ever more attentive to Stong or Heggs. Kathy also returns, and the voices of three healthy people echo from the stall again. The moving stall will also be accompanied by guests who were wild horses. Soon the young knights also watched as things changed. The share of partners and tax officers also bought the baldukki and went back to their places of possession.

Labyrinth city of Balduk.

This is the largest inn in the city, the first floor of Shooney's fifth wing, room six.

The time is midnight, when the grass also sleeps.

Someone left the room with cautious footsteps, cared not to wake the occupants of the room when the cradle shifted gently from the inside. When I got out of the room carefully to rub the floor, which was polished but feathery everywhere, I gently re-locked it.

Gatin, the sound of a key hanging.

However, the locked figure leaves the room softly with a familiar foothold without showing any particular surprise or panic, and proceeds down the hallway. When he entered the jaw that was in the punch, he put his arms on both eyes and pressed his forehead against the wall.

I didn't hear anything for a while, just breathing in the very slightest starlight that plunged through the window.

In time, the breathing sounds start to disturb.


In the corner of the inn, there is a voice and a sob that squeals from the inside.

Only regular breathing sounds continued from the bed on the left side of room six.

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