One evening at the end of March, when the city of Balduk is also fully springing. Members of the lower organization of the Top Team Killers (Slaughters), known in part as the Massacre (Butchers), were gathered at a diner called Forton outside downtown for a meal on a menu of thoughts.

"Hey, Mr. Rall, who's next?

Ask a Pu (Hume) girl by the name of Ralpha Firefrid, who is in good hands if you let her hold the sword, but good veteran adventurer Rocco (Locust Kainestan) sits in the front. Despite her youthfulness as a teenager, she was still the leader of this massacre (Butchers), who had dived into the Labyrinth of Balduk until a few days earlier.

"Mm-hmm. Wow, I think it's Follish. Why?

The girl, who was called Ral, has quite a well-made, well-looking look on her face. It is difficult for the public to accept it in oaths because it is not meant to be so deeply carved, but there are maniacs everywhere. Because of this, I now combine long, gold-dyed hair up to my hips in one piece so as not to interfere with my diet.

But such was she now cheek-fried meat and vegetables in a cup of mouth, just like the adventurers around her, and then the sauce was dripping from the edge of her mouth. On the right hand side is a rare piece of bacon stabbed in a fork in this class of diner, and on the left hand is a wooden jock with beer gripped. It's a fairly well-behaved category that just doesn't eat with bare hands like the others, but I can see it being a very mean-spirited and demeaning personality.

"Because this time the time for a three-tier breakthrough has expired... Tomorrow's audition is about the next leader."

Carm (Carmine Michaus), who serves as a compiler for the slaughterers (Butchers), followed, except for the leader who is sent every time by the slaughterers (Slaters).

"Ah, I see... Oh, yeah, why don't we just ask Al directly after this? It's your turn tonight, isn't it?

A member of the Massacre (Butchers) was told yesterday by Al (Alain Gried), who was the leader of the entire Massacre (Slaughters), to "come to my room at the Boyle Pavilion as soon as tomorrow night's meal is over". Members of another lower organisation, the Eradicators (Exterminators), had been called in last night.

The errand is a measure of the size of the combat boots you supply to your members.

"Well, yeah, but no matter how much I've heard, Al won't tell me his next leader until the night before he goes into the labyrinth... I was wondering if Ral would know."

Hearing Carm's words, Lar changed his expression slightly when he swallowed what was in his mouth.

"Mm, I don't know either. While Al's away, I'm in charge of the Slaughters, but it looks like your dad and Tris are gonna decide."

Kim (Cumilay Bioscoll) was a little surprised to hear that conversation at the edge of the table.

(Ral was like being entrusted with a killer (Slaters) by you, Gried!? Eight below me? Sure, this kid is amazingly strong... but Mr. Firefrid that he's my adoptive father, or Mizuchi, who can use full healing (cure all), is more dependable, and I feel at ease when I'm at the party... can Tris and Bell say the same?... but no ralls? Greed, why are you rallying?

However, while Kim has considerable confidence in his own arm dealing with spears, in mock warfare he is induced to easily be nostalgic for whoever he deals with as an avant-garde in the Killers (Slaters). That's with me, even if I'm dealing with Lar. Despite the use of a hand axe (tomahawk), the reach is overwhelmingly long spear attacked and missed. Sometimes they grab the spear this one sticks out with a spear that's as quick as a light business. Someone with a rall in the gap jumps into my nose with his avant-garde.

Each technology has so few eye-catching parts. It boasts considerable white soldier warfare moves around Zenom, Mizchi and Lal, but other members can say that they are below the slaughterers (Butchers) if they look at simple technology alone. However, momentary movements and the weight of a blow can still exceed expectations. It's a level of open-mindedness about your ability to relay battles.

The front line of the slaughterer (Butchers), who was jumped by one or more of the slayer (Slaters) cutters (Avant Gard), instantly collapses. The attacker role of the killer (Slaughters), usually a mountain (Dwarf) girl who serves as a (Spear Interceptor) and a cat (Cat People) boy move forward quickly, turning him into a assault avant-garde (Raid Banguard) and teasing him a bit of an astonishingly intense thrust.

Kim and the others, who were rearranged as massacrers (Butchers) and exterminators (Exterminators) after the absorption of sunlight (Sun Ray) to which they belonged at the time last summer, have never beaten Killers (Slaters) in a mock fight before in the same number. Of course, there are often good fights from prior experience, but it was more overwhelming for each person to succumb to the offensive power of the killer (Slaters) who did it thoroughly and perfectly, or not to cross the line of defense. Also, if you make a difference to about double the number of people, you can beat a killer (Slaters), but that's not something you can be proud of because it's obvious.

(... well, I can't figure it out even if I think about it, and I should leave it to Mr. Carm...)

He swallowed food with cheap wine mixed with water, and was Kim waiting for everyone's meal to end as he colluded with his surrounding companions.


Zenom Firefrid's torso voice, which directs the slaughterer (Butchers), woods in Balduk's labyrinth. Kim thrust the voice into the demon with a spear on the signal.

This is a triple layer of stone. It's a room where demons nest.

Kim and the Massacres (Butchers) had broken through the first and second floors since entering the labyrinth around 8: 00 this morning, and had just raided the second room on the third floor. The owner of the room is Green Oulbear. He is an owl-headed bear with a body surface covered in green feathers. It is a relatively large and supposedly strong demon among the Oulbears. Of course, it is a bear, so even if the feathers are growing, there are no wings for wings.


He calls out and puts a spear in the flank where he's disfigured and made a gap. This gap was created by members of the Massacre (Butchers) with their lives at stake. I can't waste it. Kim's hand feels the response of passing on the tip of the spear and destroying some of its guts. Kim put more effort into her spear-shaking hand and pulled it out as she twisted.


Intolerable to the pain, Green Oulbear shouted as he spread his yellow-bent mouth, wielding a wild, fat arm with raptor claws into the dark clouds. Kim's spear, however, boasts a length of fifty centimetres only at the tip of the blade and nearly four meters at the entire length, and the attack of the boulder's green owl bear cannot fly over that distance either. Pull out the spear again without alarm, Kim, and continue to tow.

Thanks to that restraint that created a gap in the demons, Rocco, Kevin (Kevin Firestarter), Henry (Henry O'Connell) and the Cutting Squad (Avant Gard) were able to retreat without one injury. To cover the retreat, several arrows are being released towards the demon's torso. Carm and Meath (Meafest Ransoon) must have let it go.



Jer (Jertod Ramirez), with a similarly long pattern of spears, stuck a spear on the other flank, and from the front, Ruby (Rubano Fiernote) shook the wax spear (Halvard) over the demon's head.

One big attack after another is decided, and Green Oulbear's movements are visibly dull.

"Let's go!!

At the behest of Xenom, the freshly retreated Cutting Squad (Avant Gard) also adds Vince (Binnod Gekdo), who was keeping his magic warm, and leaps to the weakened demon with each of his gains in his hand.

Before long, Kim confirmed that the Lord had stopped moving.

Xenom pulled the map out of his luggage and spread it out when he ordered Henry and Ruby to pick the Green Oulbear demon stone. I immediately folded the map and pointed to one of the passages connected from the room.

"That passage will be close"

Carm confirms his previous map (which he took over from the old daylight) in Zenom's words.

"Mr. Xenom, no that way? That room over there once had silver ore coming out of its walls."

"Hmm... I don't mind if you want, but we're gonna eat time?

Xenom replied slightly confused by Carm's suggestion.

Three layers have broken passageways and room walls, and very rarely digging such places can yield ore. The vast majority of adventurers who visit three layers can also be a major purpose.

"Let's get to the point where Mr. Xenom is right. Three layers of ore don't come out unless you're lucky enough, and that's not a big amount. Don't think we should waste our time."

Kevin said as he wiped the blood attached to the battle axe (Battleax) by hand.

"Yeah, I think so too. Something you can make more money from going to four or five layers."

Meath also says as he retrieves the arrows from the body of the demon who is cracking his chest to pick the demon stone so that it doesn't get in their way. Thank you. It seems a priority to go to the fourth level.

As for Kim, who was taking care of his previous gains as well as Kevin, it was fine. She is a spearman (attacker) who used to belong to Sunlight (Sun Ray), formerly known as the top team, and also self-rated as the most armed spearman (attacker) in this massacre (Butchers). I'm proud to say that I don't have the kind of arm to lose unless I'm caught off guard by a three-tiered demon. Even if you look around the whole killer (Slaughters), the only spear user more than her would be Ginger (Virginia Newman), who plays the role of a compiler of eradicators (Exterminators). Running was as fast as she was.

"Hey, Carm. Let's leave three layers of ore alone, as we all say. Mr. Xenom is here. This week is our chance for a three-tiered breakthrough. Then accommodation is allowed on three levels. Ore or something. Maybe after that, right?

Carm also looked convinced that Vince's opinion seemed to have gone bad.

"Right. Shall we go for four layers? Oh, thanks."

Calm, who received the arrow he recovered from Meath, said so while checking the tip of his ear.

Kim is (four layers or... certainly easier to pick ore than three layers, well, it's not bad, is it? But that smell...) and it was wrinkling over my nose. There are zombies and ghouls and other undead in the four and five layers, and there is a stench that makes your nose bend. Kim doesn't really like the hierarchy. Especially not the hierarchy she likes in this Balduk labyrinth, etc.

"What's the time?

The moment we reached between the metastatic crystals at the center of the three layers, Carm asked Xenom with a high expectation eye.

"Twenty thirty... sorry to hear that. Let's go back and make dinner."

An unfortunate sigh leaks from there. Kim was a little sorry too.

(Couldn't you... I'm going to try again tomorrow, and if I try three more, it's going to be time to go...)

The Massacre Back on the Ground (Butchers) rolled out to the usual Forton, surrounding Zenom, who was the leader this time, for dinner.

"Hey, Mr. Xenom, how do you think I can shrink for another thirty minutes?

That's what Rocco said and saw Xenom.

"Mmm... right. I don't think it's necessary to reduce the pause. If you reduce it poorly, you'll be distracted. From what I can tell, it's taking too long to collect demon stones and avoid traps."

Everyone who heard Xenom's answer saw Henry and Ruby in unison, but soon came to the conclusion that they were beginners as adventurers. It should be noted that Henry and Ruby seemed apologetically sloppy.

(Collection of Demon Stones... Greed, we were all hand-picking them until you bought them. Gleed, I'm glad you told me you should let slaves do what a hassle it is to collect demon stones... You can't say that either.)

Kim didn't seem to be the only one who thought that, and some of us said we should split up and pick demon stones from tomorrow.

"But then don't just tell the warriors. Tell us too..."

Gel is the one who complained. Same spear (attacker) as Kim, but his strength drops a little. Everyone finds out that they like the same werewolf (Wolfwer) meath thing, but they have a sadly optimistic personality that only they don't realize they do. To put it well, I can be honest, but normally, you're a groovy fool. When it comes to salvation, is it salvation where Rocco doesn't think about it as much as he does?

"Gel, it's up to us to realize that. You were the one who was most happy that Henry and Ruby came in, weren't you? Mr. Xenom, we'll pick the stones again tomorrow."

Carm was craving the gel and Xenom was laughing and nodding.

"Oh, and he said it took too long to avoid the trap..."

When Meath said that, he took the green vegetables out of the stewed pork and green vegetable wine and ate them with his mouth close from the bottom to the green vegetables hanging from his hands.

"Well, that's it. The traps on the three layers are pitfalls, crossbows, drop doors... drop fences and wall pitfalls. I've only met a drop fence and a hole in the wall once. Everyone is too afraid of traps. Of course, it is a terrible thing. But you've been in the labyrinth with Al, haven't you? He was scared, except for the six-layer metastasis trap."

When Xenom said so, he said, "If the party doesn't split up, what can we do?" and stuck it on the boned rose meat.

Kim, who heard that,

"But three layers of pitfalls are stone to the floor, so if they fall, you'll get hurt badly, and the crossbow (Ishiyumi) is scary. If it was poisoned, it wouldn't have to hit the steeple. Even if it takes time to disarm, it is better to go far..."

And something I was thinking about accidentally poked me in the mouth and came out.

"Right, that's what happens if you activate the trap. So I can also understand trying to avoid a passage where a trap is found to be set. But I want you to get used to it, but don't be too afraid of the trap. Of course it's not something to be alarmed about. It's a waste of time to go through one side of the pit at a time. If you're all part of the Slaughters, don't freak out. I think you should just pull out the street."

"I said that... I don't know where the arrow (Quarrel) will fly from if I don't disarm it..."

That's what Vince says, but Kim thought "I totally agree". The pit has recently come to pass by. I can't really wipe the "horrible” emotion because it's very dangerous even if the target is a weak demon like a goblin if it gets raided at that time, but I'm still getting used to it. It is also insurance against annihilation that passes by with all due care. Especially with regard to the pitfalls in the center where the passageways that I said were tripartites, crossroads, and pentagrams intersect, given the sudden raids from the side, I can't understand what's wrong with being cautious.

However, as for the crossbow (Ishiyumi), I don't understand the nerves that can pass by simply switching on the actuation switch. Even though Killers (Throwers) have many users of healing witchcraft, there is also a risk of major injuries that even healing witchcraft can't catch up with if the hit is bad, and most importantly, I'm afraid of poison.

"Mmm... it would be a weird way to put it, but a little more." Trust the labyrinth. "Unless you activate the switch, the pitfalls won't collapse, and the arrows (Quarrel) won't fly. If you can feel the area, you'll be able to get through in a shorter amount of time, and you'll be able to spend a shorter amount of time as a whole."

What Xenom said was not well understood by Kim. I wondered what you meant by "trust the labyrinth”.

Returning with the battle slaves belonging to the slaughterer (Butchers) to the shooney he was permanently staying in, Kim opened the door by cheeks as he lifted the cat squatting in front of the door of the room. Kim, a tiger tribe (Tigerman), possesses special skills at night (Night Vision), but is useless until she opens the window. I lit the light demon prop, put water in the plate on the floor from the water drain, and when I opened the window, I immediately turned the light off. I drank water. I let go of the cat when I sat on the bed in the dark room holding the cat I was doing so. The cat drinks water as soon as she jumps off Kim's lap.

Kim, who was originally on the top team, can stay in a higher grade inn than Shooney, but it's like using this inn to keep a cat.

I wanted to take a shower, but there are no shower facilities in Shooney. I had to draw water from the well to take a bath, but given today's fatigue and tomorrow's events, I didn't want to consume energy. Kim stroked the cat as she took off her clothes, drinking water and coming up to bed satisfied. Cat's hair feels ticklish on her naked skin.

Soon, around this time last year, behind Kim's brain was the face of a Tigerman from the Knights of the Township who had joined Sunshine (Sun Ray) and had fallen out and gone somewhere less than six months later. From time to time, he was a black-haired, black-eyed man with a look like his brother I had left at home.

"He... I cared about him..."

When I kicked the ungrateful out of my head, I began to think about what Xenom meant and closed my eyes.

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