May 6, 7446

Marie's face as she walked toward us seemed completely out of sweetness and tight. He also seems to be getting a little sunburn. Whoa, we all left our helmets on. I took off my helmet as I lifted my jaw diagonally up and untied my jaw string. The bright red dyed hair will stand out.

Marie looks a little surprised when she sees my dyed hair and still walks over without breaking her stride.

"You look good, Marie"

"Thanks to you. I have a room. And this one?"

Marie, smiling a little, said as she looked at the three, including Mizuchi.

"They're all my party members. I'll introduce you later. What about Claw?"

"I'm out shopping for a little bit with my shift time now. We should be back soon. Here you go."

"Wait. Can the horse connect to the pile here?

"Yeah, no problem. You can keep your weapon."

Engela quickly connected the horse when she heard it.

Someday I will be put through to the room where I met with Captain Sendoherr. After entering the building, she slipped away from several people, but Marie was bound to retreat to the side of the hallway and wait for her opponent to pass. We had no choice but to imitate it.

"I'm sorry, I'm a squire... and the Knights treat visitors the same way."

Well, that's what I knew because in four years I won't be a true knight. I don't have a choice.

"Now, do you want to just introduce me before Claw gets back? Yeah. Guys, she's Marie, Marissa Binsuil. He's still a squire. So he's a free folk?

"Yeah, that's right. Nice to meet you. I'm Marissa Binsuil, Knights of the Marquis of Webdos."

Marie greeted him firmly in her name when she stood up like a soldier.

"As I said before, I'm an old lady who looks like this and is only a little younger than me. Don't forget the old spirit."

I joked and said it, but Marie looked at me with a great look.

"I don't care how old you were! Because it's eighteen now. Introduce me sooner than that."

"Oh, from you. Mizuchi on the left. It's Mizzerit Chiztunol."

"Nice to meet you, Marie. I'm Mizerit Chiztungrl. As you can see, I'm a Dark Elf. The hair is dyed, but if you remove the dye, it will be black. She said this guy took care of her, and I'd like to thank her."

Mizuchi said so and took a step and reached right for Marie. Marie also grabbed the hand and shook it, but seems to be under barometric pressure for the color of Mizuchi's skin.

"... nice to meet you....... sorry. I've never met Dark Elves before...... its...... Besides, this guy..."

"Oh, I'm a little 'wife' on the edge of old times. I'm not married yet"

Marie looked a little happy when she heard us talking, but she said, 'You too...' and stared at Mizuchi's face and smiled.

"Then the mountain tribe (Dwarf) in the middle is Gühne. It's Grinner Akdam."

"Nice to meet you, Marie. Mr. Al has told me the story. It's Grinner Akdam. I'm just like Al and Marie."

"I thought you weren't. Nice beard."

Marie talked about Guineh's beard. Don't touch him because he's popular with books.

The Japanese are supposed to be very attentive, right?

"Eh, thank you. It's a lot of work, this."

I won't let anyone hear the hassle or anything. But you seem to have completely blown it off already.

"The rightmost dog-man (Dogwer) is my battle slave, Marceau Engella. Everyone normally calls me Marceau. Yeah, she's not the only Japanese, but don't worry too much because I know some of the circumstances. 'I haven't talked about moves that only she can use, but if I have to, I don't have a problem talking about them separately'"

"Thank you very much. Your husband wants to talk to you. My name is Marceau Engella. After that, I want you to know me."

"Nice to meet you. I miss you so much, I may have words you don't know, but forgive me."

Okay, enough foresight. I have to hear what you're asking.

I opened my mouth when I sat on the couch.

"Marie, I'm sorry to bother you so suddenly. Four years after that. I'd love to hear the answer. I had to go home, so I stopped by."


Marie looks at me and keeps her mouth shut.

"As I said before, I don't resent the conclusion."

Is that a hard answer to say? I thought it was easy to say. In case you don't want to rendezvous with us, unfortunately, we can't help it. I had to give up “now” because I thought the edge was thin. Of course I don't get hungry.

"You're an adventurer now called Balduk I, aren't you? In just four years, it's a big deal."

Will they say no after all? Shall I shut up and listen to you first?

"We used to go to Brides to get rid of the Horn Bear. About once a year, right? This kind of thing. I went there once last year, and no one died then. But we're both dead this time..."

I felt the tone of Marie's voice drop without my heart.

"I didn't see one, but the other died right in front of me. Horndbear hit me in the head with a blow. He was only seventeen."

Everyone stays still and listens to Marie.

"People don't die easily, do they? As you know, we went to war last year. Me and Claw were being turned to food escorts in the rear, so directly, I didn't cross swords with Dabus' army, but some of our knights died in action. Some people were helped by major injuries, but three were killed in battle. I thought you were scared."

But you didn't quit, did you? I remembered Marie's face when she said "I'll eat you up and show you”.

"It's our Knights, they're talking grass."


"Your brother. Sir Fanstern Gried. He joined the group at fourteen and became a full knight at sixteen for the first time. Raise the big hand there. A hero who also returned to his hometown after marrying to throw all the glory after that and grab the captain's daughter. Webdos black eagle. I'm proud of you, Captain."


"Your sister Sir Milhaia Gried joined the First Knights of the Kingdom in front of fifteen. A true knight in just three years. Naturally, he's also very famous in our Knights. Sounds like the sword's arm is pretty good, but the two things to be afraid of are its high moves as a wizard. Black witch. As young as twenty-one years old in the last war, he also participated in military discussions. The captain was so proud."

What the fuck?

"And you. Alain Gried. In just four years he became one of Balduk's best adventurers. There are no strangers in that neighborhood. At the same time founder and chairman of the Green Chamber of Commerce. You're doing great without a fight with the Webdos Chamber of Commerce."

Marie's tone as she began to describe her brother's background was quiet, a conversation that only pointed to the facts, but not somewhat funny.

"You know what? We worked hard, too. When I joined the Knights, we all knew about you and your sister. Oh, well. I thought Al was the brother of amazing people. You actually watched magic and swords. I thought about it again."

At some point Marie leaned down and rinsed.

"Whatever Claw was, I didn't know one way to grip a spear. Somewhere was always hurt. But encourage each other with Claw. At first, I wanted to be a true knight in two years... and that was three years, four years, and I extended it..."

That's when I heard a knock on the door of the room. Marie said, "Claw?" And at the same time who would do it, the door opened, cut his hair short, burned a little in the day and a shallow, dark-skinned man entered the room. Claw.

"I'm sorry. I was just outside. Long time no see."

"Oh, it's been a while"

When we finished introducing each other again, Claw sat next to Marie.

"How far have we talked?

Claw asked. I replaced my response by shrugging my shoulders.

"Marie is. I'm a little nervous right now. Did you hear about last week?

"Oh, you said one squire died better in front of everything?

"Hmm... that's all? She was a lovely junior, a squire who died in front of her. So I'm a little shocked..."

Yeah, did you?

"I'm sorry. I'll take over the story. Simply put. I'll say something unsolicited, but two more years, no, wait a year. I meant to work pretty hard, but it's still not an adventurer breakdown with the diner's daughter... the first year equals nothing could have been done. It took me two and a half years to join the group because I was able to do a decent mock fight with the other squire. After all, the kind of guys who come into the Knights have been trained since they were little... we weren't very enemies."

I'm not in a hurry, so that's fine...

"Do you mind if I take that as meaning doing adventurers with me in a year?

"Oh yeah. I told you I'd pay you back.

That's what Claw laughed niggly at.

I can't... I don't think I said it.

"There's nothing wrong with waiting. I don't know what to say, but there's plenty of power there right now, so there's no need to rush. Of course, I'd be glad to see you soon. But I want to hear the truth. If it's your will to rendezvous, then there must be a hand to quit the Knights and rendezvous now. I guess you can use your weapon now, huh?

When I ask, Marie and Claw look at each other a little, and then Claw opens his mouth.

"Oh, I guess. I'm sorry, but there's a reason. At least I really want to get the Knight's reign. As you used to tell me, we don't have a lot of problems with seating students. It's just memorization. All you have to do is understand the basics of a big book about tactics. Even if you put in an accountant, we're the best in the Knights. However, he is still a combat skilled person, especially Marie..."

"Well, I know it's true... but tell me everything."

"... sorry. But I'm sure it's part of the reason. The truth is, my father in Vince IL told me that Marie can't do it to his daughter-in-law unless he's a true knight... he's a civilian if he's a true knight."


The bearded woman was excited. This guy really loves these stories.

"Then say so from the beginning. I'm not mad at you."

Well, it seems it fits where it fits. I guess it still worked that I did a separate rubber bag when I broke up. I did a good job.


"Enough said. By the way, you said you were going shopping? A ring, maybe? Hmm?"

I said with a laugh to soften the place I came to soften up.

Claw and Marie turned a little red.

Oh, my God, did you really go buy a ring?

What a read for me.

"No, the ring is on a boulder... he said he was just going to buy something he needed"

"But I suspect you're both turning red - this one"

Guine also has the hands of the phase.

"No, you know what? It's what Al used to give me. There are many stores that deal quite well with keel."

A condom. Gyahun.

A year later, at least Claw seems to be to the point where he can see a true knight. According to Claw and Marie's story, Marie has also recently seen stretches, which seem difficult a year from now, but it doesn't mean she can't do it at all if she can name quite a few handles such as demonic exorcism. I heard from your brothers, but you're working hard. They seem to be willing to rendezvous with me, and I have no problems with them because I have been able to confirm the recent situation.

Besides, there's one more thing I need to do with Keel. I'd like to ask Ritton's owner, Mr. Halitide, what's going on. A man like that toad has attractions about his brains, though he can hardly see them. I was also talking about store number two, so I was going to offer assistance if it still seemed to be jammed with funds or something.

I walked the three of them to Ritton, but as I approached them, my resolve dulled. Whatever Engela is, I don't know about going into a whorehouse where Mizuchi and Guineh are. Let's stop it. That's more than just calling Duckleton. Off the road on the way, I turned my foot toward Duckleton.

It's a frivolous thing to do, but for once, I want to be a nobleman. I got an appointment without a problem. I'll finally tell Boy I want him to put out a use for the Ritton owner and call him at eighteen o'clock. Naturally, they charge an incremental fee, but it's a necessary expense.

"I have a business meeting. I'd like to talk to a customer who made a deal with me at that volume in the early days. I'm sorry, but you have to eat without me tonight."

Returning to the Vince Pavilion with that said, I change into clothes that are not superior but snug.

Jabba (Haritide) apparently flew over to an invitation from the president of the Grid Chamber of Commerce. You seem to remember me, too. My brother sells it now, but I'm the first one to wrap it up. He showed up rubbing his hands and wondered if he was talking about a new product again. However, the proposal from me was funded by Store 2. I thought I'd be even more thrilled, but I don't seem to be that dumb, so I turn around and look very cautious.

It has to be this way. Now you can say no. It would suffice if it were conveyed that I have that much money and that I am serious about it. Oh, of course, what's wrong with the second store in the country whorehouse? It's not stingy to accommodate about that amount of money if you wish. The goal is to make a strong impression of me in his memory.

May 7, 7446

"Then in a year, come to Balduk. I'll be waiting."

"Um, Al... I'm sorry I said something weird yesterday."

Marie looks sorry and says.

"That would happen. But death is everyday for adventurers. I need you to get used to it to some extent. But I will declare that I will not let my own people die. I haven't let anyone die yet. At last, I'll tell you, I'm not mad that I became a Knight and stayed in the Knights. Just know this is all. Come to Balduk and I'll do many times the salary of a righteous knight."

Marie looked a little surprised when she said that, but she was laughing.

"Well, Claw's fine, too. You're the only one who just has to take the Knight's reign, right? It's moonlight, but come on."

"Oh, me and Marie will be grateful. Wait for me."

I shoulder to shoulder with Claw and Marie and whisper quickly when I make it like a circle.

'Don't be mad at me. Listen to me. If Marie will allow it, Claw, level up [seduction] 's unique skills. You may know, but if you do it a few times, you'll get a higher level. I'm not saying I can't if Marie says I can't. But I think it's a good skill for gathering information. I'll leave the judgment to both of you.'

I hardly seem to have used the Claw one since then. The level remained at three. Marie's [Toxic] level of skill was MAX.

We finished our farewell greetings in front of the Knights headquarters in the early morning. We left Keel.

10 May 7446

Not if it's a good road.

He quickly passed through Marquis Webdos territory and entered Viscount Penride territory. Guine remembers the terrain perfectly.

"I think it's more efficient to learn a new way home. What do you want to do?

I would have taken the route around here to bypass the foothills of the Petes Mountains, which stand in the southwest of Viscount Penride territory. Then you go to the capital of the Viscount Territory, Karlum, and then all you have to do is go along the coast. I don't have a carriage, I'm light, and if I don't play along the way, I'll be in Balduk in less than three weeks. Once upon a time, when your sister returned home, she went back and forth from Wang Du to Barkud in a month and a half. It won't be that fast because there are not enough horses for the number of people, but it will be possible to travel at a rate that will sufficiently change in a month one way.

Hmm. I'm not arguing about a day. I wish I could have gone home by the end of the month, but I've decided it's better to make a map even if I spend some time thinking about the future. The exact coastline from Balduk to Karlum is already in Guineh's head, and the road is remembered. Don't you need to go down the same road?

"You sure do. Then let's go this way."

Shall we bypass Mount Boards to the east of it, not just the Petes Mountains, and run through Viscount Yorise territory before heading north?

After having lunch and spreading the map of Japan's warring countries, we decided on a general course. By the end of the day you will be able to reach Biasso, a village to the east. Overnight there. Around twenty kilometers away lies the Ramdock, a city of thousands of people. If we get that far, Viscount Yorise's territory is at the end of his eyes and nose.

I had lunch, and when I got on the back of my horse, I started moving.

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