Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 155: Eight layers of appearance


Nine days from the 19th to the 27th were set as the last labyrinth row of the year for year-end progression, and nine days from the 28th to the 6th of January next year were set as New Year's holidays. And unlike the last few months, this labyrinth row will soon be challenged by the killers (Slaters) in full membership. I handed over a little early and long New Year's holiday to the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators).

Of course, if you want to go into the labyrinth on vacation, you can go in as you please, and I told you that you don't have to pay me for the share. However, I told you that I would never set foot after the second tier and that the admission tax is self-contained because it is not a labyrinth row with my permission, and that I am self-contained about food consumed in the labyrinth, etc. Nor, naturally, am I going to lend it to you about the four combat slaves. I honestly don't think there's a single guy going into the labyrinth during this holiday when this happens.

That said, I was wondering if they would complain because they would make less money, and I was also thinking about excuses, but who didn't complain, rather cheered happily. I asked Carm a little strangely, and she seemed to feel a little snappy about everyone, including her.

Since the transfer test about February ago, he was giggling damned that it was a delightful trend because the guy who runs was also out of chills. But in addition to this draining quite a bit of health, it becomes a streak in the labyrinth, to say the least. He goes back to the ground in his heels, and when he is forced to pack his meal, he cannot even drink alcohol, and returns to the inn to sleep like he died. The next morning it will also be a run as soon as you wake up, a battle in the labyrinth.

Expensive magic items (magic items) and precious ores are not available for income either, but there are no complaints at all because roughly three labyrinth rows a month and 800,000 to 900,000 Z. Rather more than in the Sunshine (Sun Ray) era.

The number of times you enter the labyrinth is increasing, but so far it's a day trip, and on average in a month it's more or less twenty days. It was only slightly more than during the Daylight (Sun Ray) era, which was roughly twice a month, for a total of around eighteen days. Even if it was going to be a series of fights that didn't bother me at all in terms of safety, the killer (Slaughters) was reputed to have just made it easier for me to not have to worry about some injuries because of the dispatch of a leader I could count on.

That's why he wanted to enjoy each vacation or use it for rest. They were secretly looking forward to it because they had heard from members of the killer (Slaters) who had come on assignment so far that "New Year's Eve will always be a big vacation".

There's no obligation or anything about the labyrinth during the running and rest periods, so there's absolutely no need to do it unless you want to. As far as I'm concerned, I'd be glad to say that you did it because it would lead to a bottom up in your strength, but whatever you have to do to work properly in the prescribed labyrinth row, it's up to him.

The guy who originally trains on the day off will, and the guy who doesn't. People are something that gets flushed by the easier ones, and whoever doesn't do it without being forced to do it, I'll just treat them that way, too, until then. Rocco, for example, knows that he doesn't like calculations (not uncommon. However, it is rare for adventurers with many opportunities for gold accounts), but they don't seem to be willing to study or change it. The same applies to gels that cannot be read or written in the same way.

By contrast, it seems that Zulu and Engela and Giberti have been teaching Bastral to read and write lately, and there are even Zulu women on the spot, starting with Katherine, on top of John and Terry. I don't know who started saying this, but this is a good trend.

I was needed to teach Zulu and Engela Japanese and Arabic numbers, including numbers and capital letters, until then. You would have liked to hear about other common letters if you tried them. I knew you were about to tell me, but you didn't even tell me if you were reluctant, so I didn't tell you either.

Having learned that, O'Connell and Garhash also seem to be teaching Fiernote and Manzocki calculations from preliminary additions. But bastrals seem to teach reading, writing, calculations, and then simple science, and so on, as well as basic agronomy. Seems like the four of them are attracting interest, so it seems like they'll all rendezvous eventually.

The problem started with the occasional mixing of zenomes in it. I'm just asking mixed up (on top of my civilian origins, Xenom, who had a long adventurer, naturally can read, write, and base calculations), but he's struggling with allotments, fractions, and decimals. Then, in an attempt to confirm what was taught to Ralpha, it was revealed that Ralpha was also unable to satisfactorily calculate the fraction.

When I heard that, me and Mizuchi, Tris and Belle, and Guine laughed with a guerraggera in their bellies, and then just in case I made some problems with Guine, she was incomplete, too. The four of us, with the exception of Guine, looked at each other and turned blue, and rushed to call Rolic as well to make sure we all did.

mizuchi, Tris, Bell, Bastral, Lorik all had no problems starting with me until around the n-order equation, but when it came to the triangular function, per logarithm, Mizuchi, Bell, Bastral fell off, and Lorik fell off in differential, integral. I was the only one left when it came to complex numbers, vectors, and discrete numbers. That said, this is not good because it was compulsory in cryptography combined with probabilities, prime numbers, etc. The calculations themselves are overwhelmingly faster for Tris.

I thought the memories packed in when I was young were something I wouldn't forget so easily, but it's been a long time since Saturday was also a holiday. No, sometimes my stuffing methods would have been somewhat special. I had barely been packed in a special way since the Showa era. Even so, it's nothing special. The policy of the battalion (known as the battalion for each dorm in Daejeon) only tells us that the members of the rooms where they are staying were rampant with unscrupulous corporal punishment, starting with iron fist sanctions with joint responsibility.

As far as pre construction is concerned, they are paid under the name of student allowances from taxes. Therefore, study should not be taken out of hand because it is a class. I was desperate not to bother my surroundings and dawned on my studies (to tell the truth, there are always upperclassmates in the same room, so I will be punished even more by my upperclassmates in the same room after being punished on a room by room basis). It's what I taught my classmates in the same room so many times. It's been decades since that, but I remember quite a bit.

Regardless of complexes and vectors, it would be necessary for fractions and decimals. As for Ralpha and Guine, they all went into the Bastral class unanimously and were forced to learn, though against my will. Because they said, "I can do it! He said he could do it right! He said he just forgot!" "I just made a little miscalculation! It's okay, you can do it right! He said," but didn't trust anyone at a time when fractions couldn't be allocated to each other. You sure you want to learn that in elementary school?

Right now, I'm between seven layers of the labyrinth's metastasis crystal, but under Dr. Bastral, three of my slaves are teaching basic arithmetic for about a year or two in elementary school. When that is done, there will be a slightly higher arithmetic class for Zenom, Ralpha and Guine.

"I wish I'd taught you sooner..."

Xenom says. Ralpha and Guine look disgusted.

I feel a little pathetic, so let's not say anything.

"Tomorrow we're going behind the eight layers, and don't pack too many roots"

Mizuchi says something. I've been through six layers in the last two days, yesterday and yesterday. It's unlikely to get very expensive demon stones on the eighth floor, so only today was I walking around seven layers a day, killing as many as thirty-five ogres and picking demon stones. I had decided to go all the way between the seven layers of metastatic crystals where it would be good time to prepare for tomorrow. A week from tomorrow, we're going to the back of the eighth floor.


It's been a week since we started transferring to the Eight Layers, and today is our last day.

The eight-layer piece of information that George Lomberto I is said to have spoken of (which I can only assume is the one with overlapping places) was denied on the second day. At the same time, it was found that George Lomberto I would not have had the inherent skills of [topographic grasping (mapping)] similar to that of Guineh or of [spatial grasping] similar to that of Ralpha.

After transferring to the eight layers, it was with the past that there were divisions as we proceeded through the passage-shaped caves. But the passage was mostly dead, and at its end a new pedestal of metastatic crystals was seated.

The 22nd of December (first day) returned to the path that came without touching such a metastatic crystal and ended with seven and eight layers coming and going all day. Eventually, it was concluded that the eight layers would be a collection of small areas, and the rest would be to investigate the destination from the metastatic crystals at the end of the aisle.

He cast a spell when he held the metastatic crystal thoughtfully on December 23 (the second day) and proceeded to the next area. There were just similar passage-shaped caves at the destination of the transfer. And I discovered a new metastatic crystal ahead of me, but I wasn't surprised. Because it was expected. Only one area can be understood by Guineh's unique skills. When transferred with the same crystal, it was returned to the crystal from which it was transferred. Of course the spells are not the same.

However, Ralpha's unique skills were leveled over several metastases. Because I had to use [spatial grasp] to ascertain the direction of each metastasis. At the beginning of the level up, Ralpha suddenly presented with symptoms of confusion.

I used to think it was time for her inherent skills to level up, but she seemed dumb to count either way, so I left her alone. However, I immediately realized whether her inherent skills were special or about the maximum level of capability expansion.

He even sensed what we were equipped with. They got the feeling that a variety of cluttered items were floating around the space right next to them, causing their heads to hang out without being able to go about processing. Instead of breaking in from outside the scope of the effects, I felt everyone's gear floating through the universe the moment I used my abilities, making me sick.

The moment I heard that, I thought of [spatial grasping] leveling up, and when I [appraised] Larfa, new information was appended to the final line.

[… the ability to expand the MAX level is to be recognisable for all of the inanimates within the scope of effect that are unnatural to be present there. This allows recognition even if it exists in advance within the scope of effects. It is also possible to sense objects in the effect range until the end of the effect time even if you are out of the effect range yourself]

Immediately after this, Ralpha, who had come back, accompanied the lady of the party and transferred to the crystal rod he had just transferred. We laughed bitterly and watched the women disappear to make sure they were safe. I just transferred, and first I stepped that there would be no danger. Ralpha was very excited when she joined the women who had returned shortly.

He sensed that Ralpha, who had patiently metastasized his additions, was about twenty meters away while keeping a cautious group of women near the crystal rod, but at that time he was out of the [spatial grasp] range of effects. But he sensed us men wandering around the center of the range of effects even though we remained within range, and he felt the boots of the women guarding his surroundings at the top edge of the range of effects.

From this, Ralpha realized that the distance between the destination and the source of the transfer was not so wide open, and that the positional relationship was almost up and down. Everyone who hears this comes pinned to the phrase "I just think there's an overlapping place" that was in Lomberto I's biography. Until now, I thought metastases were occurring within only eight layers, but I thought of the possibility that metastases were occurring across the hierarchy.

Of course, there is a good chance that we noticed it as we connected the areas of the map that Guineh created so that we could fit the pieces of the puzzle. But what I realized on the second day is unfortunate. I thought it would remain eight layers because I couldn't see it turning into a monster I met in the aisle (naturally I don't think it would be eight to nine layers with a high or low difference of just four to fifty meters, but I can say that it was a huge harvest to be able to think of that possibility).

Well, I didn't use the metastatic crystal in the middle of the labyrinth, so it's natural. Until now, it has not been possible to move beyond the hierarchy unless a special metastatic crystal in the centre of the labyrinth is used. The only exception is the pitfall trap in the metastasis I used to catch.

Here came the opinion that the six-layer trap of metastasis was not actually a trap, but that opinion was denied because it was fundamentally different from the metastatic crystal that would not metastasize unless it was actively spelled.

It also soon turned out that it seemed normal to stay at least fifty m away from the previous transfer position even when transferring using the crystal rod of the transfer, and that Ralpha noticed that it would be due to his luck that it was one of the few "transferring at close range".

From the dawn of December 24th (the third day), we broke through the cave anyway and only began to bear in mind that we would reach a new metastatic crystal. Until then, the first two days had seen all the areas that had been transferred to the eight layers, and then Guine put them in sight before choosing some metastatic crystals again. But if this is the case, there's something going on, and there's really time to go back down the aisle.

I disliked this and immediately repeated the metastasis when I saw a new metastasis crystal. While doing so, I also discovered a route leading to some areas that had been transferred in the past. Given the creation of the complete map, we will eventually have to walk back properly, but we are certain that the tread distance has grown steadily.

And today, the last day of December 27th (the sixth day), I was finally able to reach the immediate vicinity of a place that looked like a demonic room. Tension runs on everyone. Sneak into the room with little by little, little by little sliding feet. For the first time, he stepped into this labyrinth in Balduk and remembered that Scavenge Crowler had snuck into a further room to nest in. Soon he chewed up the bitter laughter that was floating, gripping the grip of the gunsword with his right hand, and his left hand approached the entrance weakened to allow attack magic to be unleashed at any time.

He's gone.

[M/15/11/6924 · Great Fairy (Troll) Tribe]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 521]

[Level: 7]

[HP: 722 (722) MP: 1 (1)]

[Muscle Strength: 52]

[Jun Min: 23]

[Dexterity: 12]

[Endurance: 37]

[Special Skill: Dark Vision]

[Special skill: Super Regeneration (Super Regeneration) Type III]

As for [Dark Vision], fine. I get it somehow. I'm sure it still looks like daylight or something. But you say it's [superregenerative (superregenerative) type iii]?

[SPECIAL SKILL: Super Regeneration Type III; Heals in 5 seconds per HP for any damage other than burns. Body tissue lost in the process is also replenished. It also restores damaged visceral function. In case of missing physical areas such as hands and feet, it is possible to reconnect the wounds to each other in about five seconds if there is a missing area. If the missing area is not reconnected and regenerated, the time required to regenerate one litre of flesh by volume is about one day]

As it sticks with fat, Uneune and acres of hair.

Dark green, bumpy skin as if she had skin disease.

Long pointed, slightly drooping big nose.

A mouth ripped wide enough to reach my ear.

An orbit that falls deep and looks as if two large holes are hollow, not even sure if it has an eye.

Overall, a wrinkled running face that gives the impression of a mean, dead tree-like old man.

Black glowing thick, durable looking nails grow, long arms with palms large enough to be unbalanced.

Just a little hint, a floating torso of ribs.

The spine is floating and thriving as if it were a degenerate spine.

The surface of the skin is as dirty as ever, but the legs feel tight and muscular mass.

The only thing I wear is something like a hipster.

In my previous life, I had absolutely nothing in common with Tobe Jansson's almost painting, which I had a crush on childhood masonry.

Let's just say it's more of an ugly demon (monster) than an orga.

There were two of them, facing each other and crouching, hitting Giant Mantis' soft belly.

There's a breathtaking sound behind me.

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