7 Oct 7445

It's finally Judgment Day.

In anticipation of this, the Bastrals had negotiated the purchase of the necessary materials for sausage purchasing before going to the labyrinth the last time. Thanks to you, I had a rough day yesterday. Bastral left alone in the morning to buy the bowels of the pigs to Wangdu, but one grinder was not enough for the amount of meat purchased. I was practically begged (blackmailed) by everyone in a way that was close to crying down, and I ended up building a grinder with my nosebleeds dripping again.

I finally finished building my second grinder, so I wiped my nosebleed and tried to immerse myself in satisfaction, and I could hear the teasing upstairs sounding fun. The rest of us seem to be in the middle of having fun making pork ground beef and bowel stuffing using the first grinder. Catherine instructed me to fill the casing with ground beef, but I didn't seem to be able to do very well because of the trick.

"I'll do it next."

"Let me do it next time"

"Dear Coroyll, here's your left hand."

"Oh, I tore it..."

"You'll be fine for a little while."

"Isn't that easy!

"Mr. Xenom is clever!

I could hear everyone really enjoying themselves, for example.

Right next door, I should have been in a room that was only one level away, but in the meantime I had a little loneliness when I thought I was alone and focused on brass ore against my wall, eating my teeth off and bleeding my nose, but I couldn't help it all. When I went up with a second grinder while I was sweating, the grinder I had just made with cheer was robbed by Ralpha, and everyone else told me that sweat was unclean because I was making food, and they kicked me out. I don't blame you.

Still, it took me until midnight just to pack it in the casing, and then I was boiling the sausage right next door while smoking all night. Catherine and John and Terry, who are used to the work, had health problems and put them to bed early at night, with little sleep under the guidance of Giberti. The work was carried out throughout the night.

That effort was fruitful, and in just one night I made nearly two thousand sausages.

If this doesn't sell tomorrow, I can't even hit my eyes. I don't care about the money, but it's all hard work. Or spiritually hard. People with raw oaths like Xenom and Ghiberti, Zulu and Engella say, "I can definitely sell it. If you can't sell it, you can buy it out with the money you saved." So if that's what you're going to say, I made it.

The application for stalls in the square in front of the administration had been completed immediately after the announcement, and solid tables and stoves and frying pans had been purchased additionally.

"Don't Remember the School Festival"

'Oh, that's what I thought, too. That was fun...'

I'm talking to Tris and Bell right here while they do the setup, but it sounds like fun.

"Are you having fun at a college school festival?

'Cause we only know about high school cultural festivals...'

Ralpha and Guine are asking Mizchi.

'Cause it's on a different scale. It's fun!

When I heard that, both Ralpha and Guine laughed with pleasure and headed for the inn to pick up the sausage of the sale. I also speak when I stand next to Mizuchi.

"Well, it was fun to have a big school opening celebration. Because there are foreign students from the military, they all run a cooking mock in their hometown. I went around until I ate down with my friends."

"... if only I had a friend... it would be fun..."


"Me, I only went there a year after the college school festival... I was bored because I didn't have any friends to go around with me... and then every year during the school festival I killed monsters in online games..."

'Well... but you're here now, aren't you? Friends'

'... yeah. I'm in charge of lunch today! Sell a lot!

Shouldn't we just get the past back?

We have to forget about business. It's good to have fun. There's nothing wrong with that.

I only have a use for it when I'm sitting on the witness's seat with Binnod Gekdo (Vince), dressed in superior clothes for official use. Is Vince very nervous or restlessly repeated the shake of poverty next door from the start?

"G, G, Greed, you can be so calm a lot..."

He swallowed his sawdust and Vince spoke to me in a small voice.

"... because I'm used to it..."

This is how you attend Judgment Day...... how many times? You're out pretty good. Of course, I think there's a lot of things in the audience that watch people drink and eat and whip and whip and whip and tie.

Sometimes we killers were centered on reincarnators, and with the exception of Xenom and my slaves, the majority of the kids, including me, weren't very interested in serving their sentences, and were simply eating food and booze feeling close to seeing flowers. Looks busy this time though.

"Really... I've never seen this before, and this is going to be a direct conversation with His Majesty the King? And I'm very restless..."

As always, Vince is making his knees dance with Kakukaku.

"It depends on the reaction of the Corritts to speak directly with His Majesty... if you deny the charges, they'll call you as a witness, but if you affirm and accept the judgment, they won't. Well, I think they'll probably call me. Mostly by yesterday, we've got a pretty good collection of evidence, and there's no problem, right?

Since the incident about two months ago, the old Nikko (Sun Ray) guys have also been consolidating evidence, and some have submitted it to the Knights. Mizuchi's handout also tells us that Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh have not been collecting your bills in the Wang capital since the beginning of the year.

I have also been told that today I am calling for a noble healer in the Wang capital called Tukerin who directed the investigation and summed it up. Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell's crimes are also intriguing and rumored in the city of Balduk, so the trial time is the easiest time to get attention just before lunch, he said, so Tukelin hasn't arrived here yet.

As we do so, the judgment goes on and on and on and on and on and on with it time passes.

Dozens of trials started at eight in the morning were over, and it was nearly noon.

Tukerin has already arrived. He's sitting next to me with his face.

I guess the Dark Elves (Dark Elves) I saw in King's Capital were this old man.

It was seen from the neat appearance that he was a sassy and beautiful boy when he was younger.

Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, Hulkaine Hoomiz (Hulk), and Beanscole Semunel (Bean) have been drawn to places like White State.

The king, who had a good eye for the material, once declared the charges and asked if he would plead guilty or not. The face was very harsh from the beginning.

Well, I don't know if it was the day before or this morning, but you've heard the revelation of the incident.

"… both Corit Lindbell and Mayria Lindbell suspects are guilty of fraud on such charges, as well as fraud against you, and shall be sentenced to twenty-six lashes, one hundred and twenty-five million Z (one hundred and twenty-five gold coins) fine and one week's imprisonment at the prison gate.

In addition, suspects Hulkaine Hoomiz and Beanscole Zemunell both plead guilty to complicity and sentenced each to 21 lashes, a fine of 100 million Z. and a stranglehold. The suspects plead guilty and serve their sentences?

Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell pleaded guilty.

Hulk accepted by shaking his neck vertically in silence, and Bean pleaded guilty, as did the couple.

Well, you're right.

The magic of my "Succession" has expired, but once it was placed under the influence, it has not turned the idea itself upside down because it is deeply contemplated during the effect time of the magic.

By now he said, "I want to avenge a couple who have abandoned themselves for all they've done. To do this, you need to spit out all your sins. Naturally, in the process, I can't get away with it either".

Having honestly pleaded guilty, Hulk has already confiscated all his property, and has submitted it all to the Knights, but it's not the amount of money that reaches the fine in the first place. Besides, I've honestly pleaded guilty and just hung myself, and I probably won't have to be whipped.

Anyway, Hulk has someone else who doesn't plead guilty, so he should be questioning the evidence and the summoned witnesses. In order, it will be the opening of evidence first. The Knights of Balduk will read the evidence submitted by the people of the former Sunshine (Saint Ray).

Some of them included past evil deeds heard from Hulk, who listened, and the Wizard Santos, who died in the labyrinth this spring (for which no restitution of the price had been made). He also reports that nobility was included among the victims (it's about Vince).

The king was listening to them in silence. And it came to the stage of summoning witnesses. Vince and I, and Tukelin, were moved to the witness stand beside the king standing on the stage. I will thank my subordinates all together, but I was promptly made to stand up because it is a trial.

"Witnesses swear to testify without falsehood to the God of Law and Truth."

The three of us tried to state our vows in turn.

"Damn... Tukerin... long time no see.... but I'm not a witness to such a fraud. Pfft. Hmm?... Mm."

The Knightly Commander of Balduk and the captain-like knight of the escort are both ears to the king. That guy sure... oh, I remember. He is the eldest son of the king. Duke of Richard Lomberto IV. I belong to the First Knights, but I'm still supposed to be the platoon leader.

I've heard that the king's escort captain will at least have more than a squadron captain for that assignment, but I guess a prince who might be the next king is the exception. In particular, it seems more likely that this man's child, the king's grandson, will be the next king. He's only two or three years old. He's just a toddler. My predecessors seem to be the king's grandfather now.

"... I see. Oh well...... ok"

The king was watching me as he hammered. It was disgusting to see me worthy of it again.

I just lowered my gaze while remaining silent.

"You've interrupted... Associate Sir Binnod Gekdo, the witness. Swear to testify without falsehood to the God of the law and the truth, and testify."

Vince testifies first when the king commands him.

"Whatever happened to my sister, she took back the amount I paid, but in the meantime, she missed a business opportunity because she was dying money, and it was impossible to invest anything else."

Yeah, you've spoken as I've made you practice many times since last night. I'm nervous and sweating an amazing amount, but I can't help it. This kind of person is not uncommon. Well, am I next?

"Then swear to testify without falsehood to Foreign Minister Byzwons Tukelin, God of Law and Truth,"

The status is the same as Mizuchi's [Lyle Kingdom Civilian (Lilac)]. Well, it's about a dark elf with a status of a civilian. Normally you manage to be a housekeeper or something like a second son... I guess it's special. But who's the foreigner? Are you different from the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce? I'll ask Mizuchi later.

"I, Baizwonce Tukerin, swear by the law, and by the God of truth, and by His Majesty the Great..."

Your Majesty Lils sounded small to me next door... nothing.

Tukelin was asked to investigate on the fringe, stating that he had conducted a detailed interview with the residents by the shrine, mainly the poor.

Paper at the same time (!) and appears to have submitted a dossier summarizing it in a booklet.

The Knights received and admitted to matching Tukelin's testimony.

There are also twenty poorer and surrounding inhabitants and lower-ranking aristocrats whom Tukelin has accompanied in the corner of the audience (!) It seemed to be so mixed that they testified that the investigation had been carried out and that it had been summed up precisely, and the reliability of Tukelin's investigation materials was secured.

Naturally its contents have been here since the beginning of the year, which proved that no takeover activity of the Divine Bills had taken place anywhere in the Wang Dynasty.

"... to hand over the verdict. Corit Lindbell is sentenced to thirty-six lashes, a fine of 150 million Z., and a 10-day sentence for hitting the prison gate. Mayria Lindbell is sentenced to thirty-six lashes, a fine of 150 million Z., and ten days' imprisonment for beating the prison gate. Hulkaine Hoomiz shall be sentenced to death by strangulation. Beanscole Semunel shall be sentenced to thirty-one lashes, a fine of 120 million Z., and a three-day prison sentence."

They don't need my testimony.

The sentence was summarily executed and served as a lunch break.

I thanked Tukerin and tried to speak up to invite him to lunch, but as soon as the Duke of Richard Lomberto IV rushed over, I and Tukerin were told to come all the way to the administration.

With that said, the king and Tukelin seemed familiar. Did you ask for anything back in the day?

The king also stood further behind the implant, trying to hide in the shadow of the administrative gates. Me and Tukelin thanked our men again and knelt down.

"Tukerin. Be honest. Oh, my God, what's that got to do with the Grid there?

Heh, that way.

"It has nothing to do with it directly. I just happened to ask you to investigate."

Should I not touch you about Mizuchi?

"Shit, you're the same guy I can't eat. Something that moves as fast as you've been asked to investigate. And about that kind of scam... Well, good. Did the Grid there direct the investigation to you?

"No, Your Majesty. Because his compatriots in my country asked me to. Otherwise..."

Oh, can I tell you something?

"Oh, I hear you have one dark elf. Well, if that's the case, well... hey. Greed."


"Enough with you. Call it in... Yeah, hey, I heard you. You've reached the eighth floor."


You're a fast ear.

…… All right, back off. Tukelin, it's been a while. Let's have lunch. Come. "

"Oh, excuse me."

"I refuse"


"Why? I let you cater from one of Balduk's best restaurants because I heard you were coming. It's veal tongue stew and steak."

Whoa! Sounds delicious! And it looks expensive! If Mr. Tukelin doesn't eat it, give it to me!

"As always, Your Majesty. I said no because there's something better."


What? What?

"It's been a long time. You can have me at Your Majesty's disposal."

No way...... no... no way?

"Hmm? That's what you call it. It must be delicious, huh?

"Naturally. Anything. They say it's new food born here in Balduk. I had it this morning too... but that was... awesome"

No, stop it! That's not what the king eats! There's only one flavor today. I didn't even mix the beef.

"Let me take it with me right away. Mr. Greed. Can you do me a favor?

"Ha... the... what?

Oh, I knew it... this old man, if he thought he was late, he'd eat sausage. He said that he would be taken care of with preservatives or something... I haven't used the preservative in the product yet because I have been experimenting with it.

"You guys are proud of yourselves. Did you say“ Balducky ”? Plenty of mustard...... oh, let's stop. Sire, that looks like the best freshly made one. Shall we go? Right there."

"Hmm. Well, it's a little catchy that Greed's involved, but well. Guidance."

"Ha ha!

When His Majesty ignored the guests in line and interrupted him, he ate five bottles elsewhere, kneeling simultaneously around him.

It seemed to be good publicity, and less than two thousand Balduckies sold out at night.

It was helpful because there was still a little left at night when Dollar Leon put in ten Balducky orders. Souvenirs were also desirable, but I didn't finish experimenting with preservatives, so I said no to boulders.

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