7 Sep 7445

I left in front of the Boyle Pavilion in the morning for a run, and besides Zulu and Engela, there were two other people, John and Terry, who were taken by Giberti. Everyone else still seems to be in control.


"" Good morning, master!

When I greeted them, the five slaves returned their greetings in solidarity.

"John, Terry. Do it right from today. You may not get used to it at first, but listen carefully to Catherine and Giberti, and think carefully."

"" Yes!

That's honest. I love honest guys.

"Giberti, I left the ice in front of my room. It's stacked in three barrels in the right size for ease of use, so use it as you please. It shouldn't dissolve for a while because it feels a little lower too. Throw it in the back if you need it."

In total, about 100 kg of ice was released. Quite a lot, but even if I have this amount available, it's September's head now and I can't hold it until evening.


Giberti with other detailed stories soon accompanied Catherine and Bastral came out as well. Giberti and the two boy slaves were deposited with Catherine, and the two children were ordered to do their work by listening firmly to the adults. I'll finally give Giberti a little more money for the purchases I think I need today, just in case.

In the meantime everyone else kept coming out.

"Good. Let's go then."

Catherine and four of them, Giberti, John and Terry, dropped me off and started running with nine, excluding Xenom.

Back from the run, after breakfast, we'll be training the slaughterers (Butchers) and soon (Sooner) until lunch for all the slaughterers (Slaters). After lunch, the interest of everyone returning to the inn is the sausage made by Catherine and the others. How much can you manufacture in half a day's work, and how complete is that?

Today, they are forced to do so from purchasing meat and fragrances other than casing in the morning. Of course, as soon as we went out for a run this morning, we had breakfast and went to the butcher's. I still don't care about purchasing or gold in Catherine, so I leave it to Giberti.

"How much did you make? Maybe a hundred?

"A hundred bottles... then nothing is too little...?

"Well. So maybe a thousand?

"... Ral is extreme. It's your first day, and two hundred to three hundred is enough, right?

Ralpha is out of the question, isn't Guine a good place inside? Sometimes this is the first day and I plan to manufacture and sell about 300 copies. Even if it didn't sell out in a day today, I would smoke it, and I would boil it cold, so if I kept it exactly beside the ice, I wouldn't have any quality problems until tomorrow or the day after.

The size of the sausage to be created is three to four centimeters thick because the casing is a pork bowel, and the length would be around fifteen centimeters with a Frankfurt size, so maybe a hundred grams a bottle? There is also a mixture, so I should be purchasing about nine kilos of pork per hundred bottles. Twenty-seven kilos for 300 bottles? They tend to wonder if it would be better to add as much as 10% of the mixture, but the flavor is slightly thinner, but more shake ice is smoother on the palate, and less failing. Reduce the number of accidents that rupture when boiled. That's enough for a little more.

When he arrived at the Boyle Pavilion, the lad rushed over and complained.

"Dear Bastral, please ask them to do the smoking outside the room. … use the roof if you want to do it"

Well, that's true. There is no ventilator, and if you smoke something in the room, it will fill the room with smoke, right? It wouldn't be a big problem to keep the windows open a little bit, but the amount of smoke is out of step when it comes to smoking hundreds of sausages. I'm so sorry about this.

As soon as we all politely apologized to the lad, we headed to Bastral's room. Will John and Terry work well under Giberti and Catherine?

There was no one in the room. There's just a grinder and a fixed table for it, and it's cleaned up nicely. There was a bucket by the desk, which contained the bowels of a pig to use for the extra apparently casing. I hear everyone's already on the roof. Other than the shower tank on the roof, there should be a drying station or something to kill the landscape. Sure could be just right for smoking or boiling sausages or drying them a little.

And they were all gathered on the rooftops, and were working by the command of Giberti. It seems to be washing the sausage it was able to do, removing dirt, and smoking it sequentially from the one that wiped off the surface moisture. By its side, it is boiling water in a pan, boiling smoked finished sausages while Catherine regulates the fire to avoid boiling.

The smoker that Bastral and Giberti used to make isn't much bigger. The volume would be about four cans a dozen. I think a hundred copies at a time is the limit, even if I devise a way to hang it. A pot that boils water is also a size that can be heated by a portable stove for adventurers, enough to make soup for at most ten people. I would only be able to boil about ten bottles at a time because it would be about three liters.

By its side, the big tarai seemed to have the rest I served in the morning, with melted ice water strained, and all twenty bottles of boiled Frankfurt swimming after being smoked.

Hmm, inefficient to look at. And, I mean, whatever the smoker is, the stove and pan are small. This, then, is a delicate place to see if we can make it all by evening. There's nothing I can do about 300 bottles if it takes so long. When Giberti gave me a change for the purchase, I ordered him to "buy a bigger stove and pan" by adding one (two hundred and fifty thousand Z) gold joo to the change he received.

This time the cost is about 8,000 Z for each area of pork totaling about 27 kg. The casing was prepared in advance by Bastral and salted, about 4m. Fifteen bottles are one thousand Z, so 15,000 Z. I wonder if the spices and whatnot add up to a few hundred Z. Putting smoked chips and stove demon stones in the calculations would not reach 24,000 Z.

Is the cost of a single piece of raw material 80Z? It's expensive, expensive.

Especially the casing. The biggest problem in Balduk is that there is a demand for condoms, so even before processing, the price is pretty good. They say if you buy from Lombertier, it's about a third of the price instead of half the price, so is it better that way, considering you buy in bulk? Thirty Z alone can drop the cost of materials. If I could sell one bottle to 50Z... would it be there if I sold it for about 200Z? No, if you think about adding preservatives that you haven't used this time, the cost of the materials will be much higher. It would be water on the baking stone, but you might want to consider increasing the amount of shake ice and lowering the cost.

I noticed. I'll whisper "status open" with one I can do in my hand. A blue window opens that is rarely seen lately.

[Pork (cooked)]

Well, I guess so. Next. Now the familiar green window opened. Damn, I don't know why I haven't noticed this before, I... Sometimes it's been a long time since I stopped seeing or [appraising] my status against food...

[Frankfurt sausage]


[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 7/9/7445]

[Value: 20]


I got a weird voice.

I was able to boil about thirty bottles at a time using the stove and pan that Giberti had bought after a short while. It's somewhat better, but it's going to cost more money about capital investment. I sold a large stove demon prop when it was, I should have taken it...... That would have boiled about 300 pans at once if I could have even prepared a pan like a torso.

Tomorrow we are going into the labyrinth, but Giberti and Catherine are stalling the entrance square with Bastral and the three of us. I paid about five times the usual (usually around a thousand Z for one comma on two meters a day) to screw into the Knights who manage the square, which costs five thousand Z. It's a rough business you can do because you know Mr. Church, a Knights of Balduk. Now they put the frying pan on the stove they used to boil the sausage, and they stab Frankfurt in the skewer and cook it.

I also have a bottle of mustard. And they sold it for a vicious price of 300Z a bottle. Isn't it the price of a Japanese festival nightclub? I have to be extravagant. I can eat about a meal. Even all the killers (Slaters), the massacrers (Butchers) and soon (Sooner) were mobilizing to make Sakura do it. Except for Lorrick and John and Terry, most of them are well-known adventurers in Balduk.

Those guys flocked to the stall and stung me in the skewer. They were stuck around Frankfurt.

"Isn't 300Z a little expensive?

Ralpha, waiting in turn, says pointing his mouth. A particular opinion......

"It's a test sale. It's hard to raise the price later, but it might be just right for the first price. You don't have to bother selling it cheap if you can sell it with this, and if it doesn't look like it's selling well, why don't you just see how it goes and go down a little bit?

Bell is answering. Right.

"Your husband, that smells good. I want to eat fast."

Engela is sniffing with Sung Sung. He also seemed to be shaking his tail a little. You bet. You bet, I want to eat fast, too.

"Oh, I'm hungry...... this is so hard"

Said Zulu when he saw the mountain and the loaded Frankfurt with his hands on his belly. It's time for dinner. I don't know. I can't help it. You're a snug, sounding belly bug.

"I prefer sausages just boiled...... but they look delicious"

"Oh, the one who ate when, just boiled. That was delicious, too, but I liked the baking I had before."

"Dear Akdam, we got a little boiled today, but it was delicious!

"I never ate anything that good!

"Pfft, you're going to eat a lot. There are still so many delicious things in the world."

"Whoa, keep eating. It's my job to eat kids."

Guine and Xenom are having fun talking with John and Terry, too.

Looks like it's time the first few were burned.

Mizuchi, who received two of them, put plenty of mustard on one and offered it to me.

I take it and go around.

At the same time, the sourness of the mustard mixed with the fat (lard) of the pork on the surface and felt a little nostalgic.

Kaoru falls out of his nose and further stimulates his appetite.

When chewed, the creepy teeth continuously, and the mixed ground beef with gravy bounces off in the mouth.

Yeah, yummy!

Big and 300Z isn't bad.

Looking beside him, Mizuchi was licking the fat that had begun to drip through Frankfurt's surface with his cracked tongue earlier.

When I met him, he grinned like a prankster and tangled his long tongue in Frankfurt.

Don't play with food.

Please play with my Frankfurt later.

"Oops, it's late. I bought this, so put this on for all three of you. We're aligned."

Looks like Tris got us a black dyed shirt for three. Uniform.

"And Surge and Larry are the cooks. Wrap this around your head so your hair doesn't fall off."

He was then passing a white cloth like a light towel to the two bastards.

I guess I tell you to wrap it around your head like a pirate.

Frankfurt is burning more and more.

"Ha-ha, n! This is better than Ovento's before!

He's raising his voice like Meath was impressed. I guess the reason I let everyone have it before was because I wasn't even able to smoke it. This one will taste good.

"Oops! This flavor, it just so happens! Mustard fits well."

Vince also answers with a delicious twist. Mustard is good too, isn't it? I'd like to do something about ketchup when this happens. I can't help it, but come on.

"Nice tooth!

Hiss had eaten nearly half of it already. The rest seems to use mustard. He couldn't wait for Vince to finish putting it on.

"Your husband! It's delicious again when you add mustard!

One of Lorrick's slaves, Dender, was speaking to Lorrick as he was impressed.

"Right!? I like 'sausage' too..."

"Have you ever had it?

"Oh, back in the day... Sleek...... yummy this"

Lorrick answers with a slightly distant eye.

"Oh, it's gone... give me another bottle!

"You're the same, Rocco. How cannibalistic are you?

"Kevin, that's the second one, right? I've been watching."

"Hehe... I'm dying for a beer"

"Right...... Kaoru also seems to fit the beer. Hey, why don't you put the beer down, too?

"Guess we won't be able to get our customers to come along, will we?

"That too...... get another bottle!

We all enjoy this neighborhood as much as we like.

"Delicious! Is it sausage? Hmm? Balducky?

"I call this sausage, because this guy is a new food born in this city (Balduk)! It's Balducky!

He was drooling his lecture as he sliced into Frankfurt before the bastral stirred it so that the fire could pass easily. Soon there stood a price tag on the table that read "300Z a bottle of balducky". Balducki, who is baked on a frying pan with lard on it, is making a good noise all around. Next to it Giberti was silently skewering as he looked into the grilled eye.

Well...... Do you want another bottle?

[Wooden skewers]

That's right. Hot but I can't help it.





[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 7/9/7445]

[Value: 30]

I see. There are many things I don't understand... but thank you very much.

"Oh, sister, give me one too."

For the first time, other guests came and spoke to Catherine, who was the store's number. He's an old man about to get drunk. From the octopus on your hand, you must be some kind of craftsman who finished the job early and hooked up a cup.

"Yes, go ahead. It's 300Z. Enjoy as much mustard as you like."

"Come on, three hundred for one, two, three. Should I paint it with this spoon?

"Yeah, but keep the first bite. Try mustard if you want to change the flavor"

Catherine was lovingly responsive to the nasty drunken jerk. Hmm. Do you also have the qualities of water commerce? Oh, no, she was a slave until before this. I was the one who told you to respond because all the guests thought you were my husband.

"Heh, no... whoa! This is delicious!"

Catherine smiled when she saw the old man's face eating baldukki looking delicious.

"Then we'll have the mustard next...... Oops! This is good too!

The old man disappeared into the streets of Balduk at dusk, following a skewer saying it was delicious and delicious.

Everyone seemed to be watching the old man react uniformly. My neck was only moving so that we could all drop off the old man.

I guess we got a good sign when we bumped into Balducky around the stall. Seems like a bunch of passers-by were stopping by as guests at some point.

"Oh, that, give me one"

"Welcome. Three hundred Z."

"Three hundred!? That's a little expensive... well, okay."

"Oh! Yummy! Is this mustard? Oh! This is delicious too!

"Thank you very much!

"What is this? Heh, Balducky? Balducky and I are in a lot of trouble. Give me one, too."

"You're here!... Yes, go ahead"

"What is this? What the fuck! Delicious!"

"What the fuck!? Is that a new stall? Yeah, I didn't know the killers (Slaters) were eating it all. Oh, sister, you too!

"Yes, it's 300Z, please."

He's a tiger (Tigerman) gorilla from a second-rate party, isn't he? I'm sorry to interrupt, but he can't even read words as busily as he looks, just gorillas.

"Whoa! Look... that's the shape I saw somewhere, sister! Uhihi."

The gorilla woman, who paid to receive a baldukki with a humble laugh, sneered as she licked her tip slightly.

"Isn't it? But my husband feels better."

Catherine looks back at Bastral when she says so. Bastral also lovingly bowed his head. He's a member of the slayer's army. The gorilla woman didn't seem to realize that two bastrals and gibberties, aligned with Catherine, in a black shirt with no pattern, were killers (Slaters) because they had a white towel wrapped around their head so much that their eyes could hide. It's Tris' idea... it's some noodle shop.

"Heh, yeah. Ngu. Yummy! This!"

"Please eat properly to the root!

"Ooh! You can stay! Give me another bottle!

"Every time."

Seems like you can have a hell of a customer too. This would be good. The Sacraments, including me, slipped out for a decent meal.

I was eating dinner at Murowa and the three of them joined me in about two hours. It's still around nineteen o'clock.

"That was fast."

When I say that, the three of them sold a little excitedly. I've been happy to report that they sold. An account that sold about one bottle in twenty to thirty seconds? Steady... this momentum is amazing even though I didn't advertise it on a busy basis.

90,000 Z sales, including Sakura? Hmm. Is this going to be business? I would sell about three hundred straight stalls, and then if I deducted a little price for about a thousand, and wholesaled them to the rice store, I would likely get about 150,000 Z. a day of gross profit. If we don't let them sell stalls when we wholesale... is that all right?

It's not something we'll ever bother to do on our own that we need to sell stalls for Shoba. Six months to a year at most, even if it's a long time. Yeah, maybe we need something when we unveil a new product like mixing beef, cheese, or even a pig's tongue (tan). No, should we just let these new products be made? Either way.

Anyway, estimate less and expect a gross profit of 100,000 a day. Two million as the twentieth day of the month. Fixed costs, such as sales and administration, are about 200,000 for the slaves' labor, including accommodation for the two lads, and the Demon Stone for the stove... about 200,000? Catherine million, me 600,000. For the time being, it's good. We should see how it goes for a few months and judge it by the amount of production per person, the city's reputation, and sales to sales destinations.

Thinking that far, Tris and I drove the sausage thing to the corner of our heads while we followed Ibody's dried food and Caesargo's simmering.

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