August 8, 7445.

I wasn't too far from expecting what my sister told me after I felt stupid about the conversation I was having in sports. The stage of this battle is a village called Muse in the eastern part of the Dart Plains, which seems to have been originally pioneered about fifty years ago by the Kingdom of Lomberto. After that, the master of the village changed about three times, until a short while ago, the Kingdom of Dabus ruled. This march was a war of aggression against that Muse village.

Sir Kendus, Commander of the Third Squadron of the First Knights of the Kingdom, took overall command, and the Knights of Webdos and the Second Knights of the Kingdom were regarded as the core of their power. To a total of less than three hundred other people, they also joined several knights from small territories other than Webdos, which had swelled to a total of about two thousand and three hundred warriors.

The composition of the two thousand and three hundred is about two hundred, including the retirees of the knights (more than half are retirees of the Orthodox knights like brothers and wives who do village lords and the like, or nobles who are lords or their immediate blood relatives even if they are not knights like their father), about one thousand and two hundred infantry soldiers, including archers, and the majority of the rest seem to be engineers under the slaves of the Second and Fourth Knights needed to build heavy units and positions. Officers and infantry are also taken for the command and escort of this heavy unit, as well as for the command and supervision of engineers. It was said that there would be fewer than 200 officers and about a thousand infantry participants in the pure battle.

Twenty men had been dispatched by the First Knights as commanders and below Sir Kendus, including his sister. Half of them are knights and squadrons, and half are dedicated heavy units with high mobility. Your sister joined the battle as an adjunct to the Second Knights' fourth or fifth captain named Radle, who became the captain of a right-wing unit that divided all armies into three with one squire. The Knights of Webdos, including contingents from the village of Barkud, were at the core of the left wing, with Captain Sendoher-Webdos as captain of the left wing unit.

The collection of small knights who joined the battle from different parts of the difficult command, as well as the remaining units of the Second Knights, were put together and placed as central units, and Sir Kendus also headed the overall command of the two Orthodox knights and three squires of the First Knights as commands.

In mid-February, the Royal Romberto Army, which served to assemble all but some troops in the northern part of the destination village of Muse, the capital of the Zangot region ruled by Count Job as deputy, and Zango, will conduct deployment training for a little over a month. How by this time at the latest, the organisation of the invading forces of the Kingdom of Lomberto will have been detected by the Dabus side. In a month or so, you can see that the information is also being communicated to the top of the Dabus.

Later, after a week-long march, he set up a formation in Bekos, a village on the front line at the time, at a point about ten kilometres north of the village of Muse. The Royal Romberto Army swallows about two hundred squadrons of the Second Knights, a defensive force stationed in the village of Beccos, to finish the formation of the planned invading army.

Having refrained from April to present, and having finished organizing, the Royal Romberto Army will spend a week building a simple field position using the meadow area, which was at a point about eight kilometers southwest of Beckos, as a bridgehead. At this point, Dabus would have grasped that Lomberto's goal was the village of Muse, but the village of Calhay, about ten kilometers west of it, is also important, so there is no reason to leave it alone. The Royal Army advanced southwest to strike a blow from the bridgehead where it was stationed at the beginning of April to the village of Calhay, about ten kilometres west of its destination, the village of Muse. Of course this is a positive move and the destination is only the village of Muse.

Having created a situation in which precious defensive personnel had to be dispersed, Sir Kendus led the Corps of Engineers to the village of Calhay, making it look like an army of nearly a thousand in the distance. I had ordered the Corps of Engineers to retreat as soon as it was time to make up their minds to the bridgehead. Consolidated by combat personnel who left the bridge headquarter late, time lagged behind, the main unit went for the Muse village, about six miles southeast of the bridge headquarter.

Naturally the Dabus side defense team in the village of Muse will also resist this violently. This can be taken for granted because slow marches like in the Middle Ages have long since slipped out on the Dabus side. Dabus' defensemen were extracted from the surrounding villages and sent to the villages of Muse and Calhay. The Lomberto side also read this and just made sure they had to disperse the defense team.

As for Dabus, while they resisted and managed to secure both villages, they won with defensive success as long as they moved troops from somewhere to the village of Muse, which could be described as a defensive main force of about the same size as the invading army. Conversely, as for Lomberto's side, if he surrenders his defense team and garrisons in the village in the meantime, he wins.

A thousand troops will need about three times as many troops of the same degree to drop the bases they defend. This time the Royal Romberto Army has more than a thousand and two hundred combatants alone. Surrendering this will require an army of less than four thousand combatants of the same degree. Even if engineers temporarily convert from infantry, heavy units, etc. will need a total of 6,000 troops. However, since Dabus's army has a large number of conscripted soldiers, the degree of proficiency falls considerably below that of the Royal Lomberto Army. Your sister said you would need more people.

There is a record that Otto II, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, had two thousand horsemen and four thousand shielded infantry in 981 A.D., but the oath is somewhat better than that, at a level inferior to warring Japan, so the only way to forcefully retrieve the once fallen village of Muse is to move some of the permanent armies.

I don't know if hundreds of kilometers of the south manage to come all the way from the capital of the Kingdom of Davis, called Grease, but the minimal organisation will have to take place, and I won't be able to come in January or there saying I've soaked up my training. The Lomberto side had fully understood and calculated it. The average number of combatants on the defensive team on the side of one daybus in the village, present around the front line of the Dart Plains, was estimated to be around two hundred in previous surveys conducted, for example, by intermediaries and forcible reconnaissance. Even if the neighborhood had reinforcements, we had enough people to let them fall at once.

A second attack was carried out on the village of Muse, during which he also took prisoner some of the reinforcements attempting to influx from the village of Calhae, where the defensive forces were increasing. After a third attack and a short while, the Muse Village defense has offered to surrender. It is the middle of April.

The Lords of the village of Muse kill them all in front of their inhabitants until they reach their children and women (if they are lords and reside there, their property has been taken over, and they cannot take ransom unless they come out of an extraordinarily powerful house. And I would just say that it wasn't out of a leading house), those who survived in the defense served as engineers' servants, all of whom were also rostered as wartime prisoners.

Rozral said something like "the war itself settled at the end of May" this morning, so I went in there and my sister said, "Because it's a stand-up stop by the store on the way home. Not that anyone is asking me, and when I talk outside, I say it deludedly," he said. And he said, "You should be deluded when you talk outside for another six months or so. And Rozral," he said. Is the date of the war that's done that important? No, the manifestation of the First Knights educating the Orthodox Knights?

Then deputies were dispatched, garrisoning in the village until the garrison troops were organized again, to keep an eye on Dabus. Muse, the incremental units of the defence of the Kingdom of Davis, which I believe were headed for both villages of Calhae, also entered the village of Calhae, after which I did not see any particular major recapture movement, leaving a little more defensive forces behind a month later to confirm a partial retreat. Negotiations for ransom will begin almost simultaneously.

It means he was freed from those whose ransom was paid safely, and at the end of June he was on his way back sequentially from the First Knights of the Sisters. No ransom was paid. They say the wartime prisoners will pull with them when the Second Knights return, so I'll keep them for a while now. They also have a few cavalier classes who were allowed to ride anything, so I can expect this. I'm not going to shake Zulu's slave-head position so easily, but I don't know if I'm good at it after being able to confirm more loyalty than he is.

My sister, who was in the right-wing squad, seemed to know nothing but rough things about the movement of the Webdos Knights in the left-wing squad, but she didn't particularly care except to make sure there was no damage in the Barkud Village Dispatch.

Naturally, I didn't even know that existed about Claw or Marie. It doesn't help, sister, but it's not like I was telling you about them in advance (I could have told you before last year's assignment, but I didn't want to annoy my sister, the righteous knight, with anything extra), and this isn't just my thing. Since Claw and Marie originally knew each other, and the same left-wing unit, sooner or later information would be received from either of them.

Anyway, I'm glad your sister and the people from Barkud Village were safe. I'm worried about Claw and Marie, but it's an invasion operation against a village that ended successfully, so the chances of being taken prisoner are close to zero. Both Claw and Marie should be about three years' squire from the Free People in the first place. If you want to make a hopeful observation, it is likely that you will even be in an excursion when you are turned by the Webdos Knights' Heavy Troop escort. No, I don't know.

About forty people were killed and about fifty seriously injured in this war on Lomberto's side. Even so, I hear your sister healed about ten seriously injured people who need to be life-threatening a few days after the enemy surrendered. It seems that the majority of the casualties of the war are infantry belonging to the Second Knights, which belongs to the central unit.

They say the death toll of the opposing Dabus was over a hundred. Not many have been taken prisoner. They said there were over two hundred seriously injured people we couldn't move, so it would be a huge victory. Heavy forces and other prisoners, he said, reached less than two hundred. Because cowhorses are not so easy to use in oaths, the number of heavy units is considerably higher. Of course, there are no bull horses in the heavy units either, but they are naturally taken in.

I could hear more or less the story, so I resigned from the headquarters garrison of the First Knights when I mentioned my return celebration again.

Back at the Chamber of Commerce, Xenom came back with all kinds of smoking where he was killing time with Anna and Hannah. I found something unusual after getting a little hemming. Analog cheese made from soybeans. They say the name "Kazotto". The bread is known yeast because it exists, but was it even discovered yeast of this kind? Smoky aroma is also aromatic just for smoking when I tried it, it was really cheesy.

Just as Bastrals went back to say that Mizuchi and I were impressed with smoked analog cheese, and I started insisting on Xenom asking him where he got it too. Apparently, he came up with mixing it with sausage or something. Looks like Bastral came to buy a pig bowel and saw that would be a sausage casing. The structure of the grinder is simple, so I taught it as far as I can remember, but they're going to make it. Plates with lots of rotary knives and holes like cross handed backswords wouldn't even be able to be made if they were properly drawn and asked by a blacksmith.

The problem is with the roll department, but I'm telling him to tell me if he can't make it. It could also be "Transmute Rock to Mad" magic practice, but you're really tired of doing that. If you're going to make gun parts, I'll do my best, but if you can concentrate for hours or so for the roll of the grinder, I want you to give me a break, and if you're going to make it a business, it's more convenient for someone other than me to manufacture it. But in the end, I feel like I'm gonna make the first one.

He returned to the Boyle Pavilion with the three of them who took their seats in a boarding carriage arriving in Balduk around the evening.

10 Aug 7445

"So that's it for today's training. Tomorrow I will ask you to enter the labyrinth again, but this time the leader to be sent from the slayer (Slaughters) is Tris to the slayer (Butchers). Mizuchi is applied to the assistant. Soon (Suner) will have Belle, assistant Zulu."

Everyone admitted to snorting. I declared my dissolution and ordered the slaves to retrieve training wooden knives, wooden spears, etc.

When I returned to the inn, I was contacted by the "slave shop Ron Slyle". It seems the Slave City will be held in Wangdu around the 25th of this month. So if you would come around the 27th, you would have some combat slaves. Yeah, the end of the next labyrinth row is twenty-five days, so it's just convenient.

Flowers bloom into the story about making sausages that Bastral and Guiberti are trying to make while eating dinner with eight people: Zenom, Ralpha, Ghine, Bastral, Cathy, Engella and Guiberti. Bastral and Ghiberti went out to Wangdu again yesterday to look up even the manufacturer making analog cheese and bought a good amount. Ground beef and cheese prove compatible and make prototypes, behave to everyone and ask for their opinions.

Unexpectedly, Engella, who was usually modest, was interested in the cheese's message and showed more appetite than Ralpha. Of course, Ralpha, who is tense in eating, also tried to lose, but decided that it just didn't make sense to let Ralpha know how to eat with each other, Bastral seemed too busy defending his cheese-mixed hamburger from Ralpha, his cheese-ridden bacon grill, etc.

It should be noted that the Chamber of Commerce making analog cheese has only a few smaller ones as far as they have been examined, and production is not a big deal.

"If business is on track, could you buy one?

Bastral's face, he said, was serious in itself, and he was about to snort. It's nice to be cheap, but it doesn't mean it's just one house, and it's not something you can monopolize. It is sufficient to purchase only the product. I can secure more than one supplier, and there won't be much point in buying every Chamber of Commerce.

Than that (you'd better educate Catherine and become a sausage factory manager and a distributor general, you're gonna need slaves anyway, and you're gonna need someone to use them, right?) and struggled to contain them from about to speak to their families.

Well, there are some hands that leave it to the slaves to shop in factories, but slaves like hundreds of thousands and millions Z's that can do a chamber-sized gold account seem to be more expensive than combat slaves. It would be helpful if Catherine could do that.

At the end of the month, you might want to buy some regular slaves as well. Oh, no, it's not too late after it's convenient to be a factory shop...

"Sounds like you could make 'pizza' too, right? Maybe I can go to" Cheeseburger "or" Cheeseburger "..."

Looks like Ralpha had a rosy dream about me elsewhere, but I don't care about that little business. Producing sausages in bulk is more likely to be wholesale or something, and it's not comparable. And, whatever the pizza is, isn't it going to be named Cazot Dog or Cazot Burger?

"Enough of that story over there. I'm leaving 'sausage' related to Bastral, so if you want to talk to me, make it Bastral. I'll start tomorrow."

I took over the word by checking everyone's attention.

"If you carry your stuff one more time, you'll be done basing the seven layers. I'm just going to try and fight Auga for a little bit and take a peek at the eight layers if everyone's doing well."

Everyone's face tightened a little, then they did.

Both of you.

If it's worth seven layers of orga demon stone, you think eight layers is more, don't you?

Did you know that?

Of course, we don't do eight-layer exploration.

Just a little peek.

If that's possible, let's see about the monster in the aisle, that's all.

No, it's about confirming what's going on in the aisle.

Me and Guinness are enough.

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