
Well, what's the matter? I don't think I'd hit a bee watching the four of them hang here in private (lynch), but watching private (lynch) isn't really my hobby either. In the first place, I don't even have enough pawns in the corner to say - so I need you to work a little bit more.

"Wait a minute! Are you going to personally (lynch) me here and kill me!?

I told Jer like I was in a bit of a panic.

"Oh, yeah. I can't forgive these two! Of course, both Bean and Hulk are guilty of the same crime. These guys must have sucked us into the stock with some delicious juice!

Gel is getting totally emotional.... but I can't help it. The same applies, of course, to the other members of Sunlight (Sun Ray).

"Well, well. You won't be able to escape if you don't suddenly. Regardless of sticking it out to the Knights, shouldn't you guys at least return the money for not receiving your bills? And I'm not going to return anything that comes back."

When I say that, everyone is looking at each other and nodding.

"Besides, whether you're cheating or not, I have one strange thing to say. Why do people need different amounts of money? I want clear answers around here."

"I hear that that will change the amount of money needed to work..."

Heroskol answered my query. The Falergers are also nodding.

"Mm-hmm. Really? Did all the Mr. Falergers pay together?

"" Oh. "

"What's the price of one of you?

"I was told two and a half million Z. So I haven't paid the full amount yet..."

Well, it might be worth hanging that much money if it's going to heal beautifully and refreshingly even if you suffer from a dying serious illness. I can't say much about this neighborhood because its values for injuries and possession will change. But around the time I didn't pay them all, I guess it's about time they ran out of Falergers money.

I don't know if Heroskol will stick to the Falergers even to your bill, and I'm guessing the million that he paid is his personal money. I think that would be true for Sanno or Lutz.

"... a total of 15 million Z for six...... a lot of money. By the way, Mr. Kaynestan has paid more than five million, but he hasn't come yet. Besides, I was still likely to pay extra. Mr Ramirez, I have also heard that Mr Hallein has paid over four million. These two don't know if your bills are already on hand. Mr. Gekdo paid two million, too, and he's not here yet, is he? Yeah, it's nothing. Even if prices vary from time to time. The strange thing, however, is that the price difference is too large."

It looks like the four of you, Rocco, Jer, Hal and Vince, took my word for it and thought back on what you paid for it.

"You won't get a proper answer for listening anyway, but maybe the amount you need for your bill won't cost you two million per se. I suppose he demanded extra money from those who waited in silence and didn't demand it from those who seemed loud, or he looked at the time appropriately and gave them the bills he really prepared. What do you say, Mr. Corritt, Mr. Meilia?

Lindbell and his wife didn't talk about anything as infidel as a fluke. Especially if you can't talk to Meyria because she left her monkey bite.

"I think you can take it that I admit I didn't get a response. Well, it would be obvious to see this face. Well, the problem is the money you all paid. This amount is on the boulder. I think I'm hiding somewhere. The shrine must be suspicious. I'll explain it to you for those of you who don't know, but the shrine keeps things. Money is fine, of course. It keeps it safe up to a certain amount of size. If you hang them here on a private sentence (lynch) and kill them, the money won't come home. Still, if you say so, I have nothing more to say."

"... ok, if you haven't given me your bill yet and I want my money back, I'll give you my money back.... but think I'll never get your bills again."

Corritt said. You want to connect your life with that in the first half, and you'll guess in the second half.

"I'm saying this, do you still want to go on?

Gel put the spear away.

"Is everyone else good?

I confirmed that all the sunlight (Sun Ray) nodded.

"Well, then, Mr. Michaux, after you, please."

Cam looked stuttered when I told her the story, but she tightened up quickly.

"In the meantime, let's go back up... but... thank you, Greed... because my life is connected... Yeah, I have to check this too before I go back. If you're not going to hang a private sentence here, you're going to have to decide what to do."

I looked around at everyone when I said that. But no one said anything, just looked at each other.

"Mr. Gried, that's enough to stop private sentencing (lynching), so you have an idea, don't you? Will you talk to me?

"It's not like I have a big idea. It's just because I thought sticking it out to the Knights like this wouldn't bring the money home... but it doesn't mean that you guys would be convinced if you even had the money back, does it? Most of it will be a matter of feelings."

"Yes, it is."

"So the first thing that matters is getting your money back. You're going to say how you're going to clear your mind next. But we're almost at a conclusion here. I won't tolerate it. But I can't even wipe the feeling that I'm too dominated by temporary emotions right now. Why don't you go back upstairs once you're restrained, and they have a third party, if possible a third party other than the Knights, watch over you, and figure out how to get your money back in the meantime, and get it back, and then think about it? Nothing. It wouldn't make much sense to rush, would it?

"If you want me to keep an eye on you, I think the Knights would be nice?

"That's good, too, but I don't think they'll let me pick up the money they think I'm hiding over here"

"So who do you think would be better?

"I don't mind either. Fortunately I am new in daylight (Sun Ray) as well. There's no damage that seems to be done. Because you can say that your stake in these four people is thin. Yeah, of course I hire people not to get away with it. Fortunately, all the killers (Slaters) who want my return seem to be expecting me to be hired there."

I turned to the killer (Slaters) on the way and spoke.

"Mr. Al, we don't hate anything if we can get you back. Please tell me anything."

That's what Tris said and bowed his head to me. The wild horses bothered a little. Yeah, well, tell me about it in these places.

"Mm, I can't make a promise. But if you want me back, show me something useful. Right, let's not dare wrap them all up and hire them for 10Z (one big bitch) a day. Mr. Michaus, if you're a killer (Slaughters), you can't have a strength problem. You won't miss it in case. Expenses are… it's no big deal, so it's okay for me to be extravagant, but you should do something like this. I'll charge you later."

"Pfft. If that's all right. Shall I leave these four with the slayer (Slaters) later? Can we all do that?

There seems to be no objection. I also thought the Falergers and Heroscol would disagree, but it was worrying. They looked like they were out of their minds.

I moved to the ground because the conversation was all wrapped up.

Join everyone who listened to my predictions and head to the shrine with those legs that left the labyrinth.

There are two shrines in Balduk, but the smaller one currently has no god (people come on full moon days), so the only option is to go to the bigger one.

Travel through the city of Balduk, which is completely darkened, to the front of the shrine with twenty people.

Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh and Bean and Hulk were tied up with ropes, but the sixteen, including me, firmly consolidated around them, and it was impossible to escape, no matter what you thought.

Corritt has his finger broken in the first place.

Meyria has her teeth broken by me.

Semunel is pulling a surprise from being hurt scatterly.

Only Hulk is fine as he was treated, but I don't see any intention of escape.

In this condition, where he escaped, he would be quickly caught up and pulled down.

The shrine is not open for twenty-four hours, so it was supposed to wander in front of the shrine until the next morning.

All of us, of course.

I didn't pay, and I didn't have any grudges, so I wanted to go back to the inn and rest, but I read the air and put up with it.

The food was letting the Falergers slaves go shopping out on the way out.

In the morning, Corit and his escort Carm entered the shrine after confirming the attendance of the shrine staff.

Corritt was hung for status opening at the entrance, whether he was a god or a cleric, and he conveyed the words as he had met in advance. "I'll cancel the locker, so I want you to bring all the contents". Only the person whose status has been confirmed can put it in the locker. Other guys can't let me in, even if it's family. But if you're going to cancel, it's not the story. I just need to bring all the contents so I don't have to go in person.

The head bag I had prepared here quickly swelled back.

I don't feel like overdoing it, but everyone's worried about themselves is something in particular (because if Corritt deliberately took less cash out of the shrine and said, "This is all I have left," it makes no sense), so I kept my mouth shut.

Carm borrowed out the usual "Forton" in the morning after paying ten pieces of silver coins because it is narrow in the room rented by the "Mogolito Pavilion" Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell.

Let everyone go back to the inn in turn and pick up something like a payment deed.

He said that Carm would come right back without doing anything extra.

Well, here's the thing.

You couldn't have allowed yourself the luxury of wanting to relax or take a shower.

The property of the Corritts, which I counted just in case, was more than one hundred and ninety pieces of gold alone. Together, Kim Joo is nearly 200 million Z. Nearly 160 million Z remained even if we allowed the current damage to be returned from here. No one tried to get a hold of it, but Carm stared at it and stopped.

"Now there's no one paying you and no more bills, is there? You did get your money back, didn't you?

With all the nodding signaling, Carm returned the gold to his head bag again.

Then I called it a letter of payment, or I let Meath light the deed and burn it.

"I returned all my money. That's it, right?

Corritt told Carm.

Calm ignores the words and tells everyone.

"Well, the money's settled. But I think we all know we can't end this. Like you said yesterday, Gried, you'll also need time to cool your head off."

That's what I said, and I keep an eye on the two Falergers slaves, and I'm like, "I'm sorry, guys, but can you call out to the killer (Slaters)? Let's all rest for a while when they get here," he said and sat down in his chair.

But the killers (Slaters) are mostly running at this hour. He'll be running for another hour.

I had no choice, so I said, "I'm probably training right now. I think I'll be back in about an hour. You'll have breakfast afterwards, so it'll be easier to grab it for then. If you wait in front of the Boyle Pavilion, they should all come back once," he said.

Xenom doesn't go for a run.

You don't go to boulders for breakfast after that splash.

Everyone must be pretty tired, but to this extent, it's still as easy as being able to squeeze the target of vigilance if you think about going through two layers without me. I dared not have breakfast and waited for the killer (Slaters) to return. The two slaves made their way to the Boyle Pavilion early when they scratched breakfast just in case.

When we replaced the four watchmen with the slayer (Slaters), we were each taken to the inn, where we were to return again in the evening.

Carm said Meath and I would take turns to stay.

They're both women, so you'll want to take a shower or so, are you more responsible or angry... your leader is in trouble.

26 Jul 7445

After plenty of rest until evening I walked relaxed again to "Forton".

Interaction. I think I'm going to be relieved of this unpleasant situation.

Walk through the city of Balduk, which is becoming dusk with all sorts of delightful delusions swelling in your head about how to cage Tris and Bell, who were at the centre of the plot.

Oh, that smells delicious.

I wonder how many we'll eat when we get to "Forton".

But there, whatever you eat, it doesn't taste good.

Because this is the only store that can handle the price as low as...

As I walked down the road thinking there was no such benefit, a few faces I had learned from before walked in.

These are the Vilheimers of the Green Regiment.

"Oh, Mr. Greed. I hear you're in trouble."

"Oh, Mr. Vilheimer. Don't worry about it. Because it's going to have to be."

"Mr. Gried, you look like this, but never mind. Our leader is all about you here. [M] As much as a maiden in love. Look, you go. It must be tough right now, huh?

You let me go blocking Vilheimer's that Bath keeps trying to say something.

He and I have been talking intimately since the Bright Blade thing, but unlike the old man at Wilheimer's, he feels as good as he looks.

Sweet for your words, I just passed by and went inside through the "Forton" entrance.

Apparently, I was the slowest.

That said, most of the other members seemed to arrive at the same time as me, drinking ale and eating cheap meals first.

"Looks like we're all here. Thank you for your cooperation, Killers (Slaters). Maybe I'll call you back tomorrow morning, but I'm sorry then, but I'll ask you again. Don't worry about us if we don't hear from you."

When Carm said so, the faces of the killer (Slaughters), who was sitting in the wall seat, carefully bowed their heads and left.

"Looks like it's late, sorry"

I bowed my head to everyone and when I sat at the end seat I ordered beer, boiled beans and roasted pork.

"Well, we're all set. And all we have here is sunlight. I'm free to talk."

Calm started talking as the four of them stood beside each other sitting on the ground with their hands on their hips.

Carm is quite short because he is a Dwarf (Gnome).

He's a fine adult with a face and figure, but I'm sure if you look a little further away, kids like high school or junior high school, well-physique grade committee chairmen, look like they're talking.

One moment, please.

That's what I said, stood up, and it was Heroskol who looked at me a little more.

Are you involved again?

"Is Mr. Gried a member of Sunlight (Sun Ray)? Looks like yesterday they said something about going back to the killer (Slaters)......"

Oh, you know what?

But what is it, this saying?

I'm a little annoyed by the boulders, too.

If you want to fight, you can do it at any time you want, okay?

"Hey, Fio!

The Falergers are pulling Heroscol's sleeve.

It should be noted that there was also a loss of laughter from members of the first and second armies of Nikko (Sun Ray).

"Fio, I hear you don't really like you, Gried. But, you know, I don't know what's ahead, Gried, but now you're a member of Sunshine (Sun Ray). I know some of you may already be asking, but you don't seem to know. So I'll tell you about this one from the beginning. I want everyone to sort things out again, so let's talk about it."

That being said, Carm talked from the beginning of what happened at the seventh level.

Everything from when we moved to the seventh level until we got back.

The part she didn't know (me and the duck threesome who were bypassing it saved the killer (Slaters) who was under an orga ambush and half-destructed, and the part about the subsequent ambush attack on the orga) was followed by the duck threesome as appropriate.

Apparently, the Falergers were the only ones who didn't know about the situation around there.

Everyone else seemed to talk about it at once going out for drinks, but these guys went home to the inn for stupid honesty and slept?

It was Hulk who uncovered directly what Lindbell and his wife were doing on this case, but that was also due to Lindbell's decision to abandon the dying Hulk, to say the least.

That decision itself is by no means complimented, but it would not be something that a guy who was simply not in the field could say.

The problem is that Meyria flipped that decision early after falling into the magic of Augamage.

The first thing to blame here is whether the decision to withdraw at the time the Hulk was defeated was reasonable.

Before the Hulk was defeated, I said, "I've already defeated three. I'm dealing with four now! There are four of them on their way!" and give a warning, which we all hear.

It's not the Hulk alone who abandons him at this point, and the four of us in the detour could end up cutting him off.

At this time, the detourers were also able to fight in their favor with the help of the four killers (Slaters), but everyone admitted that the information was a decision to cut off the detourers as the Corritts did not know.

However, as far as I'm concerned, if there are three unexpectedly strong orgasms in front of me and the avant-garde veteran warrior has been defeated in one shot, I don't think there's any general denial of the idea of retreating and rebuilding once, considering that no more damage will be done (boobs) to try to have allies in the back.

Of course I'm not willing to be aggressive.

The next time is when Meyria is defeated by the magic of Augamage.

Sure, I haven't touched a word on Augamage.

but it is concluded that it cannot be blamed per se.

The problem was that a powerful monster named Auga Mage, who had not been known to have been there before, withdrew with Meyria's fall, choosing to fight back, even though it was found to be mixed with a bunch of augs with a futile face.

This battle power has declined, and the opponent's battle power has been revealed to be mixed with Augameigh, so you can assume it's gone up.

Moreover, it is a policy shift of one hundred and eighty degrees in a very short time.

Everyone stated that they were not satisfied with this decision.

I also thought that people would have that part about this, and I'm sure I was just talking about saying to Corritt that Meyria was my wife and more important than the other members.

Especially when you look at it as a decision of a leader who keeps someone else's life. I have to think so.

As far as I'm concerned, I flashed like a heaven at this time. It was too much of a situation.

Even if we only take these two points, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell's credibility is a bummer.

Instead of being truncated, your own spouse can't be truncated, you can also take them for letting them stand dead because they are choosing to fight back after the opponent has confirmed an increase in their power.

And irrational words against me after a situation of almost despair, crushing and breaking through more enemy forces and reversing them out of danger.

Seeing all of them, the hulk I was listening to explodes.

The momentum also rose me about past evil deeds.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, I had a good deal of anticipation about the bad deeds of the past, or the bad deeds of the present, but I didn't have them until I was sure.

To the extent that Hulk might also have cooperated to some extent, he didn't even think he was actively sending his people to the dead or accidentally hitting them from behind.

My aim was to exceed expectations by using the magic of "Succession" while lying on my back and waking up the Hulk, who was suffering while being beaten and lying down by an orga.

I didn't have to worry about the light leaking because I was in contact with a hole that I used for an empty appraisal or something on the gloves.

As far as I'm concerned, Carm was stuffed with abandoning the Hulk, so if I planted it on the Hulk, I wouldn't let him lose his appetite for the Lindbells, or if he finally emphasized my great work and saved everyone's crisis, the Hulk would thank me, and if it went well, maybe he'd be heartbroken, and multiplying it by it to take over the sunlight (Saint Ray) wouldn't be too bad.

At worst, we could pull out the Hulk and go back to the Killers (Slaters) for no reason, I was thinking.

Well, it helped me more than calculations, but the Hulk himself didn't seem to have revamped about what had betrayed everyone, and now I'm not going to pull the Hulk through itself because I don't want to do something about that guy to my people.

I'm not trying to help or wanting to help.

The same goes for Semunel, who is unfaithful with a monkey bite.

"... In the end, the Lindbells wore themselves out. Hulk shrugged back at it and smashed it all. Apart from that, Greed, you saved our crisis. I've helped the slayer (Slaters) by driving and forcing him to help, but I'm sure that helped."

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, Mr. Greed. Fio said its...... Mr. Gried envied" Sorry! I also said something boring to Mr. Gried. Forgive me. "

I put in a loud apology so that Heroscol could wear it where the Falergers were saying something to follow. I hope you understand...

After all subsequent discussions, it was concluded that the important point was whether or not they had already moved to raise money for the bills of the people who had recovered the money this time.

The focus here is on how to procure your bill.

I never throw up when I ask Corritt and Meilia just to cloud their words with laziness.

I don't think it would make any sense to hide the vendor if he had started sourcing.

Ma, you're not moving.

Hulk has been saying things since he figured out if it would take him about a year or two to use it, and I don't think he can say or force it.

I tortured him at the suggestion of annoyed Kevin and made him throw up a procurement method.

After all, there doesn't seem to be any intermediaries as I imagined.

Go as far as the king's capital on the full moon day, and give money to the poor and the stuffed ones to line up.

They were buying out the wooden plaque they brought for double the price.

It takes a lot of time to find out about this area.

There will be no full moon until the 17th of next month.

That day it would be necessary to wander around the shrines of the King's capital and the area where the needy were gathered to confirm.

Either way, I went to the "Mogolito Pavilion", the couple's inn, for the bills for everyone who had been paying for quite some time, and fished the room, but I could only discover the bills for a total of 340,000 Z.

Besides, 100,000 z-minutes were bills of Meirian names that could be hung with status openings.

This became the deciding factor, turning out to be nothing but scams, having received a total of thirty million (more than twenty million Z., even after deducting the eight million Z. paid by the Falergers, which has only been paid for about a month since) but only this kind of bill.

They even used the Knights to find out what kind of offense they would hold the legal officer accountable.

Then, it was considered problematic that it was still a crime of fraud, and moreover that both nobles, the Associate Dukes, were included (it was Gekdo and Falergers).

This was an active criminal, and there were many witnesses, so he was sure he would be guilty.

At last, if the money he was paying had not arrived at the home of a magician named Santos, who died this spring, no matter how hard he tried, he would no longer be able to open it.

He also replied that he had to ask questions about unintentional acts in the labyrinth that had happened in the past.

The fact that there were many ambiguities, such as the situation at that time, and that there was no denying the possibility of being indistinguishable from demons or people in the labyrinth, and that it was not something that was publicly recognized as a party in the first place (it was only coming in together on its own, and the possibility that it had become contentious with the way property obtained in the labyrinth could not be denied) was the reason for this.

It was also a reason why, even if the victim had nobility, he would probably not be able to pass judgement on the testimony of Hulk, a free citizen alone, because there were no noble witnesses who saw the scene.

However, the penalty for the crime of fraud against nobility was intense. Even the Lowest Associate Lord has ten extra whips, and as a fine, he says it's a confiscation of all property, including real estate, besides a prison gate exposed neck.

It should be noted that he can hardly say that there is no justice for the two collaborators who are not the main culprits, but it was expected that it would probably be the same crime.

For this reason, the four were now handed over to the Knights as suspects.

At that time, Carm handed over all the bags of possession without a word except the damage amount.

According to Carm, trust from fellow adventurers in continuing as leaders is above all important, and when you get your hands on gold here, you won't gain trust, he said.

Well, you sure are.

It should be noted that, as we found out later, the Lindbells seemed to have several houses in the Wang capital. I guess I usually lent it to people to get rent.

When retiring from the adventurer, did he dream of spending time in a good house among them?

Well, I'm the problem.

After sticking the four of them out to the Knights, he said that they would fall out into the Carm in front of the Knights' stuffing gates and in front of the fifteen remaining members of Sunshine (Saint Ray).

This is a bet.

But the look on everyone's face when they got the Orga Demon Stone, the face they admired for my fighting power, the tearful face when they rushed to the crisis and saved it off beautifully, my prediction...

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