May 4, 7445.

Going all the way to "Missley" with Mizuchi, Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) leader Red Andersen was waiting at the entrance.

"Mr. Andersen, we're ready. I'd like to get right to it, but what's the situation?

"Thank you for taking the time, Mr. Greed. Vix just tied them all up just now. It's rolling like a potato bug in my room."

Andersen's sister looked at me with anticipation. It'll take an hour, but I'm sure it'll be all right. By the way, there's a loud, dirty, cursing voice coming from inside the inn. I guess Balchemy.

"Really, that helps. And again, it could fail, and you can't be held accountable until what happens if you succeed. Is that okay with you?

Just in case, I uttered the warning again. What I practiced was a curse ring, not a curse sword, and I really don't know what's going to happen. I don't care if they rattle me later.

"Yeah, of course. I don't care about the sneaky item Retributed Items. If Vix is going back to being decent, there are still plenty of opportunities for magic items."

Well, I guess so. That Vicks, Dog People (Dogwars) Battle Stick (Mace) named Vickens Balchemy, seems to be quite powerful even in Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). When I heard Andersen's reply and nodded at Mizuchi, I crept through the "missley" front door.

When I was guided to the Balchemy room, Balchemy, which was being watched by other members of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) while being wrapped around with rope, was being rolled. I curse my people with defilement. The content is like, "Give me my sword back" or "At least put it on my side" or something like that. Andersen led me out. Everyone but Balchemy, who turned into a potato worm when Mizuchi and I showed up, left the room. He says it's magic, so I guess he's distracting me not to see it.

When the members of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) he was holding back disappear, Balchemy is twisting his body toward a bed where his sword is placed like a squeaky torso. That eye bears a serious light, as I say, that we need to go save our loved ones who have fallen into crisis.

"If there's anything you need or need, say it. As you can see, the sword is on the bed."

"It's okay, we already have what you need here"

"... ok. Then I'll wait outside, too. Call me when you're done."

"Yes. It will take at least less than an hour to finish. Could be longer."


Andersen, who replied briefly, stared at Balchemy only for a short while, but soon rocked the dark pink long hair wrapped around the ponytail, closing the door as he left the room in a rhythmic pace.

"Well, let's do it"

"Can I help you with anything?

Mizuchi asked.

"Oh, be careful not to let this guy out of my hands while I'm using my magic. I think it's okay to leave the sword by your side, just in case."

"Mm, okay."

After hearing Mizuchi's reply, I grabbed the sword of the curse from the bed and put it in front of his face when he crouched in front of Balchemy, who saw it and started cursing me mad.

"Mr. Balchemy, you like this guy, don't you? I can't untie the rope, but you can do whatever you want on the pillow."

"Ooh. I'm sorry. This guy's my partner. I can't calm down without this guy..."

That's what Balchemy said as he cheeked on the sword with a lucid look, he grew grown up as soon as he could. I can have a normal conversation, as I was asking.

When I turned behind such a balchemy, I tried to grab the root and see if I could put my hand on it. There doesn't seem to be a problem. But ears would be better. It seems easier to grab the tail, but I felt like I'd be reluctant, so I decided not to do that there. I guess the sword is really the best, but unlike fairy town rings, it's a curse of fascination. Balchemy will be excited when you touch the sword.

"Shall we begin then? Let me out."

Mizuchi removed several small glass bottles from the bag he lowered to his waist. The contents are pre-bought spices, weeds, their roots, and so on. Of course you don't need that for the "Curse (Remove Curse)" sorcery. But even if magic succeeds, Balchemy's memories will remain. It's like the insurance I've prepared to deceive you.

Put the nutmeg powder on your finger and touch the whole body of the balchemy a little while while you cast a spell (laugh) with 'Jugemjugemgokonos Likire'. Saying 'Kaijaris Igionos Igiomatsu un Reimatsu' Now I start tearing the roots off the weeds. Rubbing the juice staining out of the cross section of his chiseled roots on Balchemy's face as he said 'Furaimatsuku unert coronis muto coro'. Balchemy gets grumpy as soon as possible. Well, it's obvious, isn't it?

Well, I can't help it if it's on him, so I'll continue the ritual. "Yabukara Koujino Kabukouji Pipe Popeye Popeye Pono Schulingan," he says. Now he rips off the weed leaves and leaves them around his body. "SURRINGAN NO GOOLIN DIE" Next, I draped the water that dissolved the spice over its leaves a little bit, and when it was done, I picked the tip of one ear. Even so, to the extent that it is gentle and painless.

"Mr. Balchemy. Use magic. Magic to test your bond with the sword. If I can stand this, I can give Mr. Andersen my opinion on you and that sword. What do we do?"

"Ah? I don't know if it's magic, but I can't tear it between me and this guy. But it's hard to get a mouthful of it.... Come on."

Do you then......

In the end, it took more than an hour for the magic of "Uncurse (Remove Curse)". After all, a ring and a sword are a little different. Finally, I recovered all the roots and leaves scattered by saying 'Goolin Dino Pompo Copino Pompo Conano Choke Meino Choice Kesan'.

I have already appraised Balchemy because the magic is almost over. It has been confirmed that the condition has returned beautifully to [Condition: Good (poor blood circulation)]. I took the sword from under Balchemy's face, which was tied up and sidelined, but I was able to take it without any particular problems. I've been picking Balchemy's ears without Walrus, too, so I guess it's blood loss.

When I nodded at Mizuchi and threw my sword on the bed, I pulled out the knife and cut the rope that was tying Balchemy to him. The balchemy with the blurred expression was just a bump and squeak in some small voice during that time. Yeah, I wonder what's kind of confusing you because you'll have all your memories. Until just an hour ago, he said, "How can I not tear between this sword and myself?"

Andersen came into the room when Mizuchi opened the door to the room. Other black yellow balls (Black Topaz) face peek inside through the doorway.

"Balchemy...... Mr. Gried, is he all right now?

Andersen says worryingly.

"Yeah, I think we're good now. Now I'm just confused. Isn't there any more untrained in the sword?

I said while still looking at the bumpy balchemy whining about something.

"Mr. Balchemy....... Mr. Balchemy!

Waving in front of him, he calls out and shakes his shoulders. The light returned to Balchemy's eyes like a stir.

"Ah, oh. I'm fine.... but why am I wearing such a sword... oh shame..."

Balchemy is turning bright red and shy. I guess some of the blood circulation suddenly went back to being bright red. That's what you should do.

"Mr. Andersen. A sword."

Mizuchi picked up the sword he threw on the bed with his sheath and handed it to Andersen.

"Thanks...... Status Open"

Andersen, who received the sword, confirmed his status and then began his mental concentration with the sword in his hands. I guess he even uses the magical "detect magic". It's okay. There's nothing wrong with the sword. I think if I lower it down to the sword belt again and pull it out with a pattern, it will be cursed anew.

A few minutes after they all kept watching, Andersen, who ended his sorcery, said, "It looks like there's still magic, and you don't have a problem with the sword," and put the sword on the bed again.

"" Whoa!

"" Good... "

"" Vix's Idiot... "

and other faces of black yellow balls (Black Topaz), who had been at the door until now and swallowed solitary spit and watched them become, sighed softly. Even for me, I didn't have any particular problems, even though I expected it. I was relieved.

"Vix! Don't get bogged down forever. Hold on!

"Ah, dear Red! Sorry! It's all right now. I'm not feeling that weird anymore."

"Is there anything wrong with your body? Yeah, that's good."

Andersen looked back at us again and bowed his head when he finished checking to see if there were any anomalies left in the balchemy following the sword.

"Mr. Gried. Thanks. It looks like there's nothing wrong with the sword, and there's nothing wrong with Vix. Thank you so much. Thank you."

"No, you're welcome"

Yeah, well, how effective would it be for you to thank me from Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), okay? It's been an exercise in "Uncurse (Remove Curse)" magic against the sword for me, too. It's more important to demonstrate in front of Mizuchi.

"Vix, you can't sleep with your feet turned against a killer (Slaters) anymore."

I've had my injuries healed before.

"Thanks to you, it's very helpful."

"No, thank you so much"

Other black yellow balls (Black Topaz) also lined up their words of thanks to me.

"Kirk, put the sword away. With a sword like this, it's only harmful. Looks like we should just sell it off."

"But Master Red, it's a magical sword. It may have some great power..."

"It's okay. If you try it, you might generate the next Vix again, and it'll be enough for some money."

"Really... it looks like a sneaky item," Retributed Items, "so it's the same."

I'm not particularly capable of anything other than charm. It's pretty durable, so it's better for that matter, but the performance is still better with regular infantry swords (short swords). Cursed Items (Cursed Items) So if you use the curse of charm, you may not be able to sell it at a high price, but then you will need to sell it to a foreign country, and then it will be smarter to dispose of it for as much price as you can sell it, or crush it.

"So now we..."

Me and Mizuchi tried to leave.

"Ah, Mr. Greed, tomorrow night, well, I'll take" Dollar Leon "in my name at eighteen. Let me talk to you about thanking you. Is the convenience okay?

"Yeah, no problem. Got it. Tomorrow night then."

That's what I said and left "Missley" behind.

We're back at the Boyle Pavilion, and when we put the props in the room, sometimes it's already a good time, so we go out for dinner. I guess it's "Peggies" today. That's a little closer to a dirty tavern than a rice restaurant. When I went to "Peggies," everyone, except the two of us, had already eaten thoughtfully at a table arranged outside the store.

"Bad. No, you're a little late."

"No, we just got here."

said Tris as he slapped next to the bench. Sitting straight to Tris' left, he quickly began to whisper the report when he asked the Cat People (Cat People) kid who came to pick up his order for a beer and boiled beans.

"I was able to fulfill my request for Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) safely. This should have sold them some favors. Tomorrow night at Dollar Leon, I think we'll get a little more information on sunlight (Sun Ray) as well."

"I was stretched out with Marceau today, but I didn't go in or out of the Inn."

Zulu also reported. The example inn is the inn used by Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell of Sunshine (Saint-Ray) for their permanent accommodation. A little further away from there, there is a large beverage shop there where you can keep an eye on the inn's entrance and exit. So I was letting the three slaves take turns on surveillance. If there is anything like consulting in the sunlight (Sun Ray), I heard from Vilheimer's of the Green Group "Verdegli Brotherhood" the other day that most of the time there is a consultation going on at the inn used by Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh.

"I heard rumors yesterday while I was having lunch with Tris. Sounds like you were talking about us. An adventure-style man and woman who I don't know very well, rumored about Lar and Mr. Mizuchi."

say as the bell tilts a jock of lukewarm beer.

"Oh, I heard something similar in" Salok "at noon. Sounds like a pretty good rumor."

"It's kind of like letting Al pull a poverty label..."

Tris told me he was sorry. Rumor has it that I haven't managed the party... I can't help it.

"Ma, that's what was expected. Never mind. Well, we're just getting started. Sunlight (Sun Ray) won't work that easily either. We need to set up some long-term warfare. What about Bastral?

"Oh, I just tried the contents a little bit. I've brought it. Shall I bake it?

When Bastral says so, he gets cheers from Ralpha and Guineh.

"Oh, that's good. Let me eat."

The clerk kid brought me and Mizuchi's order. Looks like Mizuchi was asking for a beer, too. The food Mizuchi ordered seems to be a handy one. All I brought was my boiled beans. Bastral started negotiating something on the kid when he took out something like a chunk of ground beef wrapped in cloth from the bag. This guy has been removed from the plan due to this previous bar reading. I told him during the day not to have to do anything anymore, just make the contents of the sausage. But did you get a prototype in half a day? What's going on with the recipe or something?

Bastral stood up and disappeared into the back of the store with the kid.

Is it natural? Looking at the blonde chasing Bastral with her eyes, this guy, I guess she's looking forward to tasting, I thought her obsession with food was something she looked up to.

Sounds like Mizuchi ordered it after a while. Bacon grill came out. When Zenom was briefed by Mizuchi and Guineh on the sausage and began to feel restless when he heard about it, Bastral finally came back. On the plate was a piece of ground beef that was a gnawed pig, and there was an elongated piece wrapped in cloth beside it.

Apparently I didn't cook them all, some of them shaped in sausage, wrapped them in the cloth I brought them and boiled them intact.

We all ate what we baked, but it was salty. Pepper and vanilla are also used, and the flavour itself is not so bad. It would be just a blending mistake. But if you boiled it, did you lose some salt? It was quite flavorful.

"I knew I'd have to pack it in my bowels."

The woman who dyed her long hair golden looked great. But the reincarnators are all nodding, including me and Bastral. I want that toothpick called Paki. Besides, I guess I used pork belly meat, but it's low in fat and bad in color. Besides, I get the feeling of a little blurring. I don't have a comprehensive salt pickle. You want phosphate from the adhesive thickener, except for the colorant.

"Sorry, I tried to get about 2 mm square to give it a rough grinding feel, but you're worn out..."

Bastral says as Shin, but since there is no grinder (mincemaker), I just chopped it with a knife and slapped it. There's no reason why you can't make it into a proper ground beef.

"Really!? Isn't this delicious!

Giberti praises at will. If I say it tastes good or not, it tastes good. It would be better to have Giberti join us in making sausages later. By the way, Xenom, Zulu and Engela seemed to like it there too. I don't know if I could, but I guess I've never had ground beef before.

"Hey, hey, that's mine..."

They took a slice of the boiled meat stick Mizuchi tried to take from the side to Ralpha. Eat for complaining.

"Hehe, you eat bacon and you're blurry. If you don't want to eat, I'll have it."

I'll have it, after I swallow it already...

Are these guys fighting over food today...

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