29 Apr 7445

"Who said goldfish shit!? Ral is not the goldfish shit!?

"Huh!? I'll tell you what, you little punk! Come out later and sit face to face.

Mizuchi and Ralpha are yelling at each other with big voices.

"Hey, you two, I'm not stopping you!

The bell is embarrassing, but where is the wind blowing?

"Poop out!? Did you say pompous? Who's poking around!" Blonde Yankee "habit! This Lord Zube!

"Ha, no money to dye your hair? Poor man! To the rotten colour habits of a woman!

They're staring at each other.

"Hey! Come on!

Xenom yells. but it didn't work.

"Ku, ku, ku, I won't let you rot!

"No, it's rotten. Zombie woman!"

How about this with a zombie woman. Is Ralph distancing himself from me?

"Hey, Marceau, I'm stopping you!

"Yes, Master Zulu!

I take a seat in a panic if Zulu and Engella are trying to even strangle Mizuchi and Ralpha from behind.

"Come on, zombie! Say that or you fucking kid...... You're the one who hasn't become a warrior in your busy habits. You're the only one who's spoken ill! This."

"Ro, I'm not at war with you...? What kind of mouth is that?

Mizuchi is not very popular either. You don't have to say that much. But I guess she's also quite angry when she says she's a zombie woman.

"Lar, you say too much!

"Mind your language, too, Mizuchi!

Guine and Tris are also loudly stopping it.

"Mostly you, you always make me smell sour and smell gello!

"Nah!? I didn't puke, I didn't puke gelo or anything!

Ralpha is on the verge of tears. No, you, you're drunk and you throw up a lot...

"Oh, uh, oh, both of you, no, please! I'm gonna stop. Hey!

The bastral is grated. This guy was the only voice that sounded like a stick read. I can't use it. Giberti, for Christ's sake, was eating silently with the body he said. Well, if these two are rampaging, there's no way Giberti can stop them.

"Dear Mizuchi! Enough."

"Lal, I won't tolerate rumbling against Master Mizuchi."

Zulu and Engella strapped the two wings from behind.

Speaking of which, I just finally slipped between the tables and broke between them. They have both stripped their teeth and threatened each other. It's a monkey.

"Why don't you stop!

I drank it and dropped a gong and fist bone on Mizuchi and Ralpha's head.

"Because this girl!

"Because this man!


"Shut up. I know it's annoying to other customers! If you really want to do it, go outside, go outside!

When I told them to grow up, the two of them sat as far away from each other as they could ever after. I bowed my head with a weak grin to the four of them in the sunlight (Sun Ray) and left the store this day without staying long after a meal.

April 30, 7445

Breakfast was eaten alone, not with everyone, and when I bought dried food on its feet, I just deposited my horse in a despicable inn out of town and stepped into the labyrinth. While I slowly took the time to break through the two layers, I magically hung onto the monsters I met to see how effective they were. As soon as I got down to the third level, I moved to the place where I would connect to the fairy land on the second level, singing your generation, and stayed until the time the door opened. I forgot to buy lunch so I was hungry.

I also thought I'd fire it out with fire magic and burn the dry stuff, but it's as small as a gas stove, and if you keep using "Flames Lower" magic to keep a certain amount of fire out, it's fine, but there's no five virtues. I only have one knife to stab and bake on a knife... you have a thousand. If you make this guy look like a golden skewer, that would be OK. Well, if I eat one, my belly can stand it.

At midnight, a little before the date changed, he water out and washed his face, pushing his hand against the door at the same time as the date changed and stepping into the fairy land. I crossed to the island floating in the pond in the centre of the street as usual, calling Carl and Master Mira as I pulled the magic props of the stove from the wooden cave.

"Pfft, haha, are you alone today? Did Mizuchi shake you? I'm sorry."

"Don't talk about this, Carl, rubbing salt into people's wounds. Al, men aren't faces, are they? Don't be discouraged. You see, the Pu (Hume) and the Dark Elite (Durrow) can't do that to another race or to a child."

"I'm not shaken! I just can't come on business this time. Don't be rude. Dry stuff, man."

"Really? This is rude, but it's bad for Al. Don't say anything. I'll come alone. You can't help but get me wrong, can you?

How do I get in touch with you beforehand?

"And then Master Mira said that men aren't faces either, I'm sure... that's not so good, but I'm wondering if that's even enough to be said..."

"Well, more than that, will you bake the fish first?

Don't you have any followers?

"Oh, I'll bake it now... hey, which one would you prefer at first?

"I thought it was Mayneigh at first?

"Right. Piru, piru."

Master Mira seems to have spoken to the other fairies. Soon many fairies gathered around them. Speak to your master, who is done eating dry food after a while.

"Master Mira, I know you want to teach me the magic of" Uncurse (Remove Curse) "this time. Do you know this magic?

I have to say something before I forget.

"Mm-hmm." De-curse, "of course I know. Has Al been cursed?

Oh, was the master still familiar? You don't have to be ashamed of yourself, apparently. Good......

"No, not me. Not even Mizuchi, of course. Someone else had a cursed sword in his hand, and he was fascinated by it."

"Ho, right. But I don't think I can remember the magic of" Uncurse (Remove Curse) "until I've seen everything that actually unleashes the cursed opponent from the curse... which I think is quite difficult.

What do you mean? Does that mean you'll need a cursed item? This is bad......

"Well, there's just one good thing about that kind of thing. Wait a minute."

Master Mira flew away towards the top of the tree as soon as he said so. Look... good....? I feel kind of bad about it.

"Oh, will Mira bring that one? Or is that it?

Carl said something, but his words came in from the left of my ear and came out from the right. I only have a bad feeling about it. Soon Mira came back with something like a wheel in her hand. The ring has a diameter of less than two centimeters and looks like a ring without gems.

[Poison Ring of Poison]

[Mithrilled silver]

[Condition: Good]

[Generated: 16/10/6715]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 35]

[Effect: delayed lethal toxicity]

I knew it...... I'm going to get a bad feeling.

"This is a cursed item. It's a bracelet for us fairies. Al, you put this ring in your finger."

Um... I'm out of lethal poison or something, is that...?

"Oh, you have an [appraisal], too. Don't worry, I'll take it off before you die."

[Effect: Slow effect lethal poison; whoever fits the ring is invaded by the curse without exception. The poison is the type of poison that takes away health, taking away HP by HP every minute. Naturally, if HP reaches zero, it will faint due to weakness, and if left alone more than that, it will lead to death. It is possible to recover HP lost by magic such as "healing". It is also possible to temporarily neutralize or unplug poison by "poison neutralizing" or "detoxifying" magic, but as soon as the ring is not removed by some means, such as cutting a finger fitted with this ring, it is invaded by a new poison. Poison doesn't work any more if you remove the ring]

I had imagined from the name that it was not an instant death, but what a disgusting product. I swallowed your knob as I watched the ring on my palm.

"Look, why don't you just fit it in?"

Master Mira is in a hurry. Am I going to have to be brave enough to fit a curse ring? Can't you make me a charming sword or something?

"What, you don't like that? Would you like another one? But the other one is a little unsuitable for learning" Uncurse (Remove Curse) "magic. Because you lose one sensation. I won't put up with him."

I don't have a choice. I have over 200 HP right now. We'll figure it out within three hours...... whoa, let's just make sure.

"Okay. By the way, Master, how long can you use the magic of" Uncurse (Remove Curse) "?

Hearing what I said, Master Mira says with a single eyebrow raised.

"What? Do you doubt my arm? Don't worry, I can take it off right away. You used to put Carl in his arms when he did something wrong."

I was relieved to hear that. Carl's HP is only a little over twenty. I pinched up the ring and inserted it into my left hand pharmacopoeia. I put my right hand away from the ring, and a few seconds later, a bunch of little tentacles came out of the ring and dived into my pharmacopoeia, and the ring tightened. It didn't hurt, but hey, what the hell!?

"Look, it doesn't work. Hang the" Uncurse (Remove Curse) "magic now. I don't remember that feeling very well."

Master Mira seems to have begun his mental concentration with his hands on the ring embedded in my finger. Blue magic light leaks from the flat of both her hands. As it lasted for a minute, the tentacles that were diving into my fingers pulled into the ring. I hurried off the ring.

"The trick is to match your magic flow to the magic of the ring. Once you're together, trace it the other way around and untie the magic of the curse that's intertwined in the ring. You should practice again and again until you get the hang of it. Yeah."


"With all six magic levels, we should be able to use them. So Al must be able to do it too. Well, don't worry, I'll recover along the way, just in case it's tricky."

All right, you want to try? Place the ring in your finger again and wait for your tentacles to come out. Tentacles dived into my fingers. Now...... lay your right hand over the back of the fitted left hand of the ring and start your mental concentration.

The first "Uncurse (Remove Curse)" magic took about two hours to take effect. Then I practiced many times (of course, recovery went every time), but Carl, Master Mira, and all the other fairies all fell asleep back into the tree sinus around 1: 00 a.m. I fight a single finger-eating curse ring.

In the morning, I ate dried food with Master Mira, who was awake because I was hungry, and when I finished my meal, I fought the curse ring again. The trick was very difficult, and it was about midnight and I was finally able to activate it in about an hour. In the end, I stayed in Fairy Town until the middle of the night.

"Carl, Master Mira, thank you again for this time. By the way, next time I'm thinking about bringing in more people if that's possible, can you forgive me? Naturally, there will be more people, so there will be more fish to bring."

Carl and Master Mira broke their faces when they looked at each other. Carl expressed his joy as he jumped up and around, and Master Mira grinned as well.

"Nothing if you let me ram here. Yeah. If you don't harm your people, you won't be able to come."

"Of course, I won't let you do anything harmful. I want them to teach them magic, too, and maybe just let them stay a little while. I want you to try something new."

"Oh, well, then nothing. Yeah."

"Thank you. And one more thing. Will you shut up about my unique skills?"

This is an important point. Don't forget.

"... I don't know. Can you remember this guy..."


"Haha, Al is as stupid as ever. I don't think I remember. Oh, did Mizuchi shake you because you're an idiot?

There was a feather in front of me that defied my chest proud of my lack of memory. So shake it. Yikes! Is Carl also a head obstacle? That's right, I tried to prototype a dozen or so guns if possible and bring them in and let Belle practice. Was I sweet... Of course I'll need to practice. The fairy town has a diameter of about a mile, so the sound won't leak, and I thought it would be perfect for the practice area.

Well, you can practice with seven broad, bright layers, but there will be many kilograms, and if you even include ammunition, it will be of considerable weight. It's the bones that take it. I just thought it would help if I could get it done here. Well, then should we bring Zulu and Engela, the slaves of Giberti? If Mizuchi was included, there would be five of us, so we could bring a fair amount of fish to thank him. No, I knew it would stop. I forgot Carl's brain miso was made. I can't talk about people, either.

Once again, I thanked him politely, leaving Fairy Town behind. By the time I left the labyrinth, I was completely up late at night, and when I checked the clock demon props, it was about 3: 00 in the morning. "It's hard to practice witchcraft," cried Church, shifting the hood he was wearing and guarding the taxpayer at the entrance to the labyrinth, to a despicable inn where he kept his horse when he put the hood back on.

May 2, 7445

He repeatedly went to the Chamber of Commerce of the Wang Capital for intermittent sleep on his horse and arrived after dawn. Of course there are restaurants, but there are some that are already open in fast-paced shops. A quick, meal-eating fat shop wearing a grass-dyed jacket runs all over the city, carrying a fat bucket with a scale stick. Wangdu has a chamber of commerce that produces twenty or so fat shops and produces fertilizers in the suburbs. They sell it to villages around the Wang capital. It seems that people who have houses along the river are also flushing their stools down the river, but if they keep it stored, it will be about 50Z (five big bitches) a week for a family of six, so it will only be rich.

At this hour, the Yoturen mother and child would still be at work. As I was connecting the horse to the horse stop pile in front of the store, Diane just opened the door and came out. I guess it was where I was going to buy breakfast. I had a pot and a deep dish.

As I've said before, in Aus, urban people basically eat out a lot. It only makes a difference if you go to the store and eat, or if you buy something made in the store and take it home. Fuel like firewood costs money, and demon stones are quite expensive to consume on stoves. Inevitably, the diner holds the stomach of the area.

Most people earn more than a certain amount to be able to cook meals at home. There are grocery stores for restaurants and shops that handle ingredients for a handful of self-catering people, so it is possible to cook at home, but there are more overwhelming houses that are not equipped to cook in the first place. When it comes to rural areas away from urban areas, there is no problem with fuel, so the proportion of people who cook at home is mostly.

"Oh, Master Al."

Diane spoke to me with a slightly surprised face.

"Ooh, Diane. You're going shopping for dinner? And my share, please."

I also easily returned my voice and took the big copper coin out of my purse and gave it to Diane, some 2000Z and I would be able to buy as much as I would eat with the four Lyogs. A pot of 400Z or 500Z for a little stew. After that, you can buy the appropriate bread.

"I'm in awe. I was going to make it a stew, is that okay?

"Oh, of course. Everybody awake yet? Can I come into the store?

"Yeah, of course. Everyone's already awake."

When I walked into the store, Rosrall, Wendy and Luke had already started getting up and getting ready to go to the work shed. I exchanged greetings and offered to talk to Rosrall about how to get through the product replenishment that he would have been in the store all day with me for months if he didn't need anything special.

More than enough Diane came back with a deep dish with a pot of Atsuatsu stew and five eyeball grills, bread like a fat baguette. We all had breakfast and Yoturen mother and son came to work as we were drinking tea after dinner.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

Camnal came running up to me greeting me with a tongueless voice.

"Ooh, Kanna, how you doing?

Almost five. I'm gonna hug Camnal and swing him around.

"Already, Kanna, wipe your feet. You'll get dirt on the chairman!

Anna cautioned. You're a boulder sister. But that's all right.

"Look, put your foot out... sorry, hey"

Hannah is also baking Kamnal's care worthwhile.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay"

Is there no rubber sandal just for Kamnal?

"Wendy, make him some canna sandals too. A little bigger."

"Oh, no, that's fine."

Leila hastily tells me that the body of the Green Chamber of Commerce that deals with rubber is not barefoot, even though it's a child. Kamnal is a boy, and he's going to have to be a brilliant handyman any day. Anna and Hannah, of course.

"Yeah, I'm in awe"

Wendy also replied with a smile.

"Well, shall we go"

Luke spoke to Wendy and Diane and the three of them walked out towards the work shed.

We stayed two nights in the Wang capital and had a detailed meeting with the Rosrals. Customers who came to buy condoms asked when the new model would arrive. They were all good customers. Leila...... I'll do it.

May 4, 7445.

We arrived at the Boyle Pavilion and when we deposited the horse, there was no one in the inn. Has it already been out for lunch? I had no choice, so I left the inn to go out for dinner, and I decided to enter the store appropriately, especially since I hadn't even decided to meet up, and I was walking through the city of Balduk.

Then a face I knew from before walked in. Kirk Dunkel from Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz). Looks like they noticed me over there, too, and they're rushing over for a little run.

"Hey, Mr. Dunkel."

"Oh, Mr. Gried, just in the right place... were they going to Wang Du or something?

Oh, my God, I'm not gonna make it easy on you.

"Yeah, I need you at the Chamber of Commerce. I just got back. Oh, yeah. I have everything I need. How about this evening, if that's all right with you?

"Oh, that helps. The place..."

Dunkel said with an openly relieved look.

"I'm going to your inn. Mr. Balchemy needs to be tied up and held down."

"I understand. So what time is it this evening? I'll be ready and waiting. The Balchemy Inn is a" missley ". Did you know?

"Yeah, it's a mid-range inn on Second Avenue, isn't it? I'd like to finish it before dinner, so I'll be there after 5: 00."

"Oh, that helps. Now I think I can go to the labyrinth tomorrow. Our Andersen will be delighted."

You're not thinking about failing? I don't mind.

"No, thank you to Mr. Andersen, too. Now if you'll excuse me."

"Oh, yeah, Mr. Greed. Whether it's a thank you or not, it's subtle, but they say the Puppets (Hume) and the Dark Elves (Dark Elves) in the Killers (Slaters) are unfamiliar. It may be an extra favor, but I thought you might want to keep it in your ear for once."


"What!? Is it true!? What are you doing, those guys..."

I gave him a surprised voice.

"No, well, it's a rumor... because I didn't check directly either..."

I was told in a pitiful voice.

"Excuse me, excuse me for a moment"

I scolded him to return to the Boyle Pavilion. It stinks of trouble...... I'll take a bend down the road and eat anything in the right store on the way. I wanted a sandwich somehow, but can I scratch a soba?

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