Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Hundred Ten: Unfortunate Fathers and Sons

January 15, 7445.

Faruelgers and Heroscols have not been to the labyrinth since then, and together with Kumir and Lutz, they collect information, buy tools, and manufacture preserved foods (they sell common things such as flour dough mixed with dried meat and other things cooked hard, but they are cheaper to make. supposedly the Kumirs taught it) and so on. All four look almost demobilized.

He showed his face to me a few times too and asked a lot of questions. I didn't hide anything from him about what he asked me, I told him everything, but I even told him what I thought was a favor but he wouldn't ask me.

It's a possibility that whoever thought he was one of us would betray him. The expression betray includes a variety of meanings. I only said that it would include a very broad meaning, such as not following the rules I had set in advance, such as literal meaning and rubbing with the method of distribution of shares. And I said, "Maybe we're short on combat."

I was generally honest to ask, but did you convince me about the betrayal part and the lack of combat power, or was it difficult to convince me, it was a subtle look. Well, I think you should think carefully about what the seniors say and come to a conclusion.

By the way, we returned from the labyrinth on January 11th, but when we returned from the labyrinth, it was announced that today was the day of judgment. This is the arrow tip I was going to put back on my schedule of six days labyrinthine, then three holidays, because it wasn't publicized during the New Year's holidays. It would have been another day to try the labyrinth if it had been as planned. I wish you would have made it public a little earlier.

I don't start complaining, so I head to the square in front of the administration anyway with the three Tris, Ralpha and Guineh. The other members are not accompanied this time because they are not victims or witnesses, like us. I went inside the administration and told the attendant that I was here to appear in court, and when I asked him about the expected time, he said it would be about noon ago. Once we went outside and looked for everyone, we met up because we found ourselves in a subtle position, around the middle of the square, laying goza and drinking tea to see. The other wild horses had already taken the spot in front of them that was more suitable for viewing.

A greeting from Balduk's deputy was made before about 9 a.m. by a magic prop like a loudspeaker (megaphone) that is said to be only here and in the Wang Capital, and then in a few places, declaring a total of forty-six counts and a public trial for their sinners and the enforcement of their sentences if they were found guilty. And soon the king takes the stage and the judgment begins.

Before the beginning of the judgment, I thought I had met the king for the first time, but he was ignored, although he had made a gesture. I had no choice but to ignore him sooner or later, and I was in a line of witnesses, and I was sitting in a chair with my arms together. Smelly burglaries, injuries, murders, arson from a lust that had been around a while ago were solemnly tried, and sentences were executed at the edge of the square.

And, as expected by the attendant, about noon before the sound of whipping echoed from the edge of the square, Ralpha and Guine were summoned from the line of waiting places for the victims (plaintiffs do not exist because it is a criminal case treatment), and the judgment began. Ten examples, headed by suspect Missel Beirut (16), have been brought to justice. Now, Your Majesty King Thomas Lomberto III, what kind of judgment are you going to show me?

Although suspect Missel Beirut was removed from the ape, he didn't say anything. Will I not speak until I have permission? Then it seems to be quite common sense.

Standing on the stage, the king read it out in a flat voice, not making him feel any emotions in particular, when he received from the Knights attendants a piece of paper with charges and charges, just like at any other time of judgment.

"... pleaded guilty to attempted robbery on such charges and sentenced suspects Missel Beirut and Richard Oigen to ten lashes and ten sentences. The suspects plead guilty and serve their sentences?

Hmm...... That's a little heavy for ten attempted robberies. I'd say it's pretty heavy because I think the real robbery that wasn't an attempt was definitely fifteen. Attempted robbery is my first case today, and I can't measure the validity of my sentence. In the first place, to a certain extent, reference seems to be made to past jurisprudence, but it does not appear to be a consolidated jurisprudentialism, as in Japan, and it is not possible to deal with it in any way if it is the King, the only sovereign who embodies national law itself.

"Chi, Father, we said," Shut up, who's Father! I'm just adding a charge to suspect Missel Beirut. False declarations and royal insults. I will stand upon the witness myself. The sentence is three lashes and beheading, and the prison gate is exposed. "

Mm, that bastard named Missel (?) That's pretty stupid, too. Honestly, I have to admit, I could have whipped you ten times... In general, I can't even understand the fact that I'm not willing to consider blood ties in terms of what I've been accused of. It ends at a time when my brain is full.

In a polygamous Romberto kingdom, there can be no right to a common son. But regardless of the charges of royal insult, I don't think I have made any false declarations so far...... Yeah, publicly my father would mean Sir Beirut, so don't take "Father” against the King as a false and royal insult.

"Ah... gu..."

Missel opened her eyes so wide that her eyeballs seemed to roll off that she let her mouth fill with surprise.

"Answer me, suspect Missel Beirut. The answer is yes or no."

With a grim and soaring face, the king is his son (?) asked.

"Oh... no, I won't admit the charges"

"Is that all charges?"

... Is this in a way the part of kindness as a father?

"No, only attempted robbery..."

For a few seconds, the king stared at the face of suspect Missel Beirut, but immediately shifted his gaze to the suspect next to Missel as if he had lost interest, listening in the same way. The remaining nine, who were uniformly struck by surprise, had lightly pleaded guilty.

Well, there's at least one guy who doesn't plead guilty. And what I'm going to say is that me and Tris are going to be called.

"Then bring the witness to this... well, it's still you... and the witness swears not to falsely testify to the God of the law and the truth"

"I, Associate Sir Alain Gried, swear to the law, and to the true God, that I will speak only the truth"

"I, Associate Sir Tolkeris Karostaran, swear to the Law and to the True God that I will speak only the truth"

It is the official title of a quasi nobleman to speak of a quasi. Even if he is the eldest son of the Duke, he will be equally an Associate Duke while he has nothing of the title. The only exception is to be a prince or princess by royalty alone.

It will answer the King's questions, which are judges and prosecutors and advocates. The question itself has changed nothing from the time of other judgments. Answer the date and time of the crime, the circumstances, the impressions, etc. as they ask. Well, almost just look at what I said when I stuck both the killers out to the Knights of Balduk.

"I will say the verdict again. Missel Beirut suspect has been whipped ten times for attempted robbery. In addition, he was whipped once by a guilty plea. Whipped three times by a false declaration in this judgment. Decapitation for royal insult and a week of prison gate exposure."

Declaring so moved lightly to the next judgment.

Back at everyone's place, I sipped Walrus and sipped tea and watched the rest of the judgment while Xenom behaved to everyone with a wheat pancake (a treat that was just cooked by mixing crushed stir-fried beans with flour dough). Looking around, I figured that old man couldn't stay alert.

It should be noted that this escort was partitioned by Sir Balxas of the First Knights as captain. As soon as the judgment was over, when the First Knights went to the side of the administration as they were called because they had come to call me, the King and Sir Balxas were trying to hide behind the fence. Before I took the honor of my subordinate, the king slapped something in the ear with a nasty look on Sir Balxas's face. Shit, this old man, you don't want to talk to me so directly.

Well, somehow, I reconsidered that the original nobleman does not exchange words directly with anyone but very close high-ranking ministers and specialist clerks, and since I have such an image, my dissatisfaction may itself be a misguided object, and decided to go along with the message game. But when I thought about it, I just exchanged words with criminals, and you exchanged words with me, too, so you did that. Anyway, that's it, right? You're Evo. Yes, yes, good for you. Long live the rejuvenation when an old man who sees the mature age when he's losing his endurance is made to say hi to a woman or something like that.

... I don't know why. I don't know if there was love, but it's like killing my son for splitting his blood. But this is the world. Parents and brothers are neglected and may be so obvious as to put their hands on their son.

"... Mr. Gried. Your Majesty ordered me to tell you that every word is correct, but this is not my word."

Looks like the king put his head behind it because Sir Balxas started to tell us something that was a mess of excuses. At the same time, he kept his mouth close to Sir Balxas' ears and eared, "Don't say anything extra," he said. I hear you. Ryu. "Charm Person" and "Succession" will be used? Old man.

"Mm, Gohon. I never thought I'd be able to bring home one of my magic weapons."

Another king snapped the back of Sir Balxas' head.

"I can't take it back, it's not. You can't take it back, right? And don't forget to put the kid on. Be as accurate as your message."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

"Uh, Ko, kid, can't you take one of your magical weapons home from then on, even if it's a killer (Slaters) or something. Is that what you're saying? Isn't it going to take more than a decade at this rate? You can't be responsible for the boulders if I don't do something between kings, can you?"

Damn... where it hurts. But he's got as much of a magic weapon as he does. Uh-huh. It's dumber to say it's stupid. Look at that. It hasn't been a year since then, has it? I'm in too much of a hurry. Premature ejaculation? But... did you care?

"... oh, this is... I'm afraid you're familiar with many of the trends…"

As soon as he did, the king gave him a tongue-in-cheek and looked uninteresting. I'm not even funny.

"But we're just getting started. I'm not in any hurry. In the first place, I am still in my sixteenth year of age. Whatever you say yourself, but since you are still young, there are endless possibilities... whoa, I can only say the truth because I have just sworn to God of the law and the truth, but forgive me in peace..."

I hate it, me. Even if I did, I told you. You're still young.

"This... little guy... Okay, let's go."

When he said so with a bitter laugh, the king walked past my side and disappeared into the administration, accompanied by an escort to take his benefactor's gratitude.

You'll need to show him the possibility of my dying young when I vomit big language. I'd like to do something about it by the end of the year if I can.

I kept thanking my men until I lost sight of the kings who were leaving.

I'm sorry to hear that. Your Majesty.

I guess that's one way to do it your way.

You mean your son was too dumb at all costs.

I'm sad.

... that's what I think from the bottom of my heart.

January 16, 7445.

There have been many holidays a day in relation to Judgment Day, but from today on we enter the labyrinth again. As usual, just go for the seven layers and hurry ahead. He proceeded without problems to three layers and camped in a room of crystal bars with three layers of transfer.

January 17, 7445.

Preparations for the camp were made in a room of crystal bars with five layers of transfer, breaking through the hierarchy of four or five layers of undead. And even so, it's not as much trouble as it is raising the soil to be used for sleeping beds. Less than twenty minutes after the two of us started preparing for the camp, a group of adventurers showed up in a room with five layers of transferred crystal bars. I thought the rest of us had caught up, it's fast there today, but in troop formation (partisation) it still seems there's a distance there, so don't say anything. It's sunlight (Sun Ray) that I don't have to say comes here other than the killer (Slaters).

In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, it's a party of six other people. Other faces they found out were a Pu man who says Hulkaine Hoomiz, who uses round shields (round shields) and battle sticks (mace), and a werewolf (Wolfwer) who says Gerto Ramirez, who uses spears. The other four were strangers.

Hoomiz and Ramirez both came to me and greeted me. As an adventurer, I'm quite courteous, and I like it. I don't mind.

"If you can use the shower, go ahead."

That's what I said and gave in. They looked appreciative but surprised. Oh, yeah, I am. I've broken it down to two and nine. I was wondering if it was true if it was rumored or not, but I was actually surprised to see it.

"Um, Mr. Greed. Mind if I talk to you for a second?

Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell's husband, Corit Lindbell, spoke to me. You finally came, and I invited you to the bench with care so you wouldn't feel unnatural thinking so.

"What is it?

"Well, I'm ashamed to say this, but would you mind accompanying our members once every five layers?"

Huh? You're not taking this one in, you're coming from that way? I can't figure out what that means. I don't care what you think. You're a spy. Is he an asshole?

You must have looked too surprised by accident. My husband Lindbell immediately understood what my expression meant and added as if he was in a panic.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry. Sorry for the misleading expression. There was a guy who admired our young but killer (Slaters)...... He wants to go through the sun (Sun Ray) and join the slayer (Slaters) … Honestly, he's a member who's been with us for quite some time, so it's a shame, but if he wants to, he just wants to make it happen."

No, no, whatever it is, it's too blatant. I'd like to make my members happy if I really only took the surface. Kindness, I wouldn't even be able to take it like that, but there's no way there's a guy who can get hooked like this. Or will they see me getting hooked? If so, I don't feel that much. You may look like a nice lad, but you're still on top of Balduk's team. I hope you don't lick me too much.

I wanted to use "Charm Person" to find out the truth, but I felt good about it. If there's a slight chance of failure, it's a hassle in case.

I politely declined and asked for it.

Afterwards, they all rendezvoused, had dinner, showered and thought a little bit as they wrapped around the blanket.

What is the aim of Sunlight (Sun Ray)? The big goal is clear. It's self-evident. Make money. There would be nothing else. Whatever you do with the money you get, it's his freedom, so whether you give it up or melt it in dog racing, I don't care. I don't care if you're not someone I know.

So, the Lindbells of Sunshine (Saint Ray) are collecting money in a way that's close to fraud to achieve that big goal, apparently. Usually they seem to use pullouts as the main means, but even they on boulders would understand that it smells impossible. So I thought of another hand. But you're too crude.

Maybe you've thought of something I haven't thought of yet.

But isn't this way like you're giving me a warning?

Even for me, the Ginger I saved before, the Gekdo, came to visit me one day and told me he wanted to join a thankful killer (Slaters), and I thought for a second.

Oh, I have to go to bed now.

It's early tomorrow.

January 18, 7445.

Two round-trips through the six layers all arrived in the evening in a room of crystal bars with six layers of transfer. This time I was the first to take Bastral in consideration of what would be said from the sunlight (Sun Ray) and put Giberti down. Sunlight (Sun Ray) wasn't there when I picked him up. They've all moved to six layers.

Well, I talked to everyone on the road about sunlight (Sun Ray). Everyone was laughing but Bastral's eyes swam. I was rushing into Tris right away, but everyone would want money. There are circumstances, especially in Bastral. While I have little knowledge of the labyrinth, I can't help but shake my feelings.

"You can repay your debt and go to sunlight (Sun Ray) if you really want. Don't be shy."

However, I won't forget what happened when they did that.

"It's outrageous. Was it sunlight (Sun Ray)? Perhaps they're less powerful than the killers. I'm not kidding. All I thought was that some hands would go into them deliberately pretending that someone was fooled. But if you think about it, it doesn't mean anything."

Yeah. I thought about that, too. The truth is Mizuchi is the best in ability, but the boulders are going to find out soon enough. Belle on the next point, but she's our old stock along with Xenom, Ralpha. I don't even think those guys think they're going to quit us now and join Sunshine (Sun Ray) because we've been together for almost two years now, even for Tris and Guine. The rest is bastral, but this guy's still an amateur, and if he sucks, he could pull his leg in the fight.

Oh, my God, are you okay?

I don't care anymore. I wonder if that's okay.

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