
Back at the inn, Mizuchi and I thought about the wooden plaque of Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell in Sunshine (Saint Ray), or the god plaque or the talisman, well, the god plaque is fine, but the M.O.

Proposal 1. Anyone will soon come up with this

1. Hire people. You can have the poor or the vagrant. The higher the number, the more advantageous. Just so it's easy to understand. Hundreds for now.

2. Give them five thousand z. on a full moon day and make them buy divine bills

3. Two full moons gather a million z-minute divine bills

4. Adventurers took it to the shrine and changed it to a big god bill and ended

It would be possible to disperse the shrine in multiple locations. However, I think it costs a lot because I have to hire people. Considering detention time and all that, you need to be prepared to be about 50% higher than the original amount, and in some cases, some guys will run away with it. Before that, I blamed the same person for coming to exchange a large number of divine bills in a short period of time... It may not be a praised act, but it is not a bad thing, so it may be acceptable without any problems. Maybe not. Either way, I don't think it's enough to be struck by lightning. Reserved.

Proposal 2 is the aforementioned development. Maybe not, but here's what I'd do, just go for this.

1. Organize. Ideally make branches everywhere. Assuming ten places

2. Hire people. The more this is, the more advantageous it is. Assuming two hundred.

3. Let these two hundred make a tour of the branches everywhere (to make the surface less cracking)

4. Make them buy five thousand z god bills at the nearest shrine at the full moon.

5. Someone goes to pack it up in the right place (this guy would be the adventurer)

6. Big God Bills Get

You could let him carry some luggage and make him do business in the process of making him travel. But as soon as I let them use this many people to do business, I feel that they will make more money and become the main business. Finally, the upfront investment costs a lot of money, and communication between branches is hard. The collapse is visible sooner or later if we don't leave the branch manager to our Tris and Velcras extra credible guys. Well, you're a bot.

Proposition 3. Is this a positive attack?

1. Collect gold

2. Acquire the priest of the shrine and give him over a million z to get a big god plaque

3. All the priests were struck by lightning and ended

No, I don't think he can get a priest in a shrine.

Proposition 4. If you really have a back route to say sunlight (Sun Ray)

In this case... well, isn't that okay? If you don't get struck by lightning, you'll have nothing wrong with it, and on the contrary, you've found it well, something like that.

It is not feasible to think like this, except for draft 1. Proposition 1: If it is feasible, its organizational strength is significant. But I expect neither Mizuchi nor I will be any of these. If you have no money, no power, no magic, you'll have to use your head to strengthen your party. Quite simply, you're a fraud. There is also a need to align some of the god bills as real bills. If you have some money, it would be possible.

Assuming Me and Mizuchi were in the position of Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, I would save some money anyway and of course buy it myself, but I would go to the shrine on a full moon day to acquire the guy in line. Buy 5,000Z of god bills, in some cases for 10,000 Z. There will be some guys coming aboard. There are two couples, so we should be able to act in two places. It would be possible if it were repeated for six months.

Keep it unchanged for 10,000 Z divine bills. There doesn't have to be a million Z minutes. Suitable. This is the sign. So, I talk to an adventurer who's about to lose his head.

"On the special route behind you, you'll be able to align the original decade-long god bills in a year."

"It's the back route, so I won't let anyone reveal it. I'm scared of thunder."

"Huh? You want one too? I can't help it. It's only special to you."

"But it's gonna cost more than a million Zs."

"It's obvious, right? He can't even do it over there."

"You're as smart as you need to be, too. You'd understand that, wouldn't you?

"Hey, that much money, you can make money at my party right away."

"Oh, don't tell anyone about this."

"Come back soon. God is testing your faith."

"Okay, you're the one on the right, you deal with the one on the left"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear you got hit by one..."

"He wasn't there last week. He died because he didn't have enough faith."

"All right, you're on the front, you turn around behind him"

"You haven't seen anyone. The enemy seems weak too... die!

"Mmm, too bad. This happens because you don't have enough faith."

"Hmm. Shall I teach you a proper way to come... stop the luxury first"

"Yes, faith is recognized with pure poverty"

"Whoa! Well, I managed to help."

"Well, if we respect God properly, we can save you at your place."

"Okay. I will deliver the loot in the labyrinth to the shrine on behalf of the leader."

Pretty good, but this is probably the place.

I can shorten it by about a year, not as soon as I pay for it. That's Miso. If the other person is convinced, two or three years is fine. In the meantime, if we use it to murder him properly, we'll have no problem. If you're too strong to beat a couple, even if it takes two couples, you should really do the god bill. If you're serious enough to make a billboard, you can't collect it for a year, can you?

You can go to the shrine in these processes and delude them. In some cases, you may want to be like an emerging religion. If you do this for a long time, there will be people out there who will notice Karakuri. If you think you can trust me, you can let me in and subordinate you. If not, it's murder for a couple. There will be no evidence left in the labyrinth. Some people believe me if I say, "He's not confident enough and he's dead" or "I guess he went into the labyrinth alone blinded by greed" or something. Even if I don't believe you, I don't have any proof. Even a guy like that can be cheeky in some cases if he slaps his cheeks with gold, or else he can end up in the labyrinth.

Anyway, when we can have about two of those guys besides ourselves, no one can deny it if we come in new anymore.

Of course. I'll keep my back in the labyrinth. I can see death if I deny it poorly and can't get cover. At first, it's okay to be half-hearted. People with zero education and simple oaths would believe it if there were something like a practical example a few times. Huh? That's how no one believes you? If you think it's a lie, go to Africa or the depths of the Amazon. There's so many people roaring about wearing T-shirts and using their phones that they're scared because they really believe they're spirits or evil spirits.

The best merchant on earth is the one who invented God. There's a saying, but if it's predictable, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell's intelligence is a big deal. Chest shit is a bad way to do it, but it is admittedly an effective means if you have a few strong and trustworthy associates. Well, it's my personal emotion to say bad chest shit. If he is convinced and genuinely believes, he may be happy even if he dies. I don't care if you're a family member or a relative, I'm not the one who talks to anyone else in red.

I'm sure both Vilheimer and Andersen will feel the same way. Because I don't know what sweet words I made to the party members of the "Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood)" or "Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)," but it's obvious that it's the responsibility of the leaders who could only build a relationship of trust that would allow them to get out of the party to that extent. The same applies to the murder and murder of members. I didn't grab evidence or see the scene. I think even that Lindbell and his wife are going to drown all of them when they accumulate some money.

"Hey, someone who's about to be pulled out of the current killer (Slaters)... is there any way"

After taking a shower and refreshing, Mizuchi said in a squeaky voice with a hand made steamed towel against his face.

"You're not here. There's no flavor for healing magic, and Bastral's the only one who's going to fall for gold, but he's not as powerful as he sounds yet. Slaves can't even use liberation as bait unless I approve of the sale. If you're more or less a reincarnator, you better not notice the frigidity... I don't know Farelgars and Heroskol '

"Uh, aren't you okay? I don't think I'm hooked on that... '

'I wouldn't hook you up, but I can't deny the possibility of you going in there yourself... sounds like you have some strange sense of justice...'


'I can only imagine if I'm more or less murdering members. There's really no wonder you're making it in the organization and getting the divine plaque. "Cure-all" magic would certainly be fascinating in that case. To be honest, aside from the Miras, it's me and you, and the court magicians. Oh, I can't believe you're in Wang Du. I hear you can use a healer. He was in Balduk, but he died of aging about ten years ago. "

"Hmm, if it's Dureau, there are about thirty of them... high-ranking or retired warriors."

'Either way, it's not a big number. A normal adventurer would want my hands out of my throat if I couldn't use them about all the elements. One might hesitate, but the two of us would sometimes feel bigger and go with the wheelie. Whatever it is, it's definitely working. "

'If you ask me...'

Steamed towels, that sounds nice. I'll make one, too.

'... if I were Lindbergh's position... if I were to take in the Falergers, I'd be desperate to get a divine bill. Even with the ink of Count Falergers' eldest son, it will be foiled. So, throw it out of the party before it gets any trouble. 'Cause that would be good publicity.'

All right...... hey, here's the thing.... uh, this is good. I've had acne on my right cheek since last week. I guess I'll crush it if I spread my pores.... I hope you're young. It's been a shabby problem for decades.


I went for a run as usual to get up and out in the morning, but went back to the inn and when I took a shower, Mizuchi and I used a condom. Supplies are coming around today anyway. I don't even have to get beat up. Then to go out for lunch with Dureau, I turned to the lobby and Ralpha and Guine were watching us with loose, muddy eyes. Kids can kick their ass healthy and play outside. I don't have a can.

He returned to the inn and started taking care of his swords and knives in the narrow backyard, respectively. Under the cold skies in the middle of winter, next to Mizuchi, who rounds his back and grinds his knife, I too had a grinding wheel on my sword. It's a fine grinding wheel from Cambit that costs 20,000 Z.

Was it about a little around fourteen o'clock? The Boyle Pavilion kid came to the backyard looking for me.

"Dear Gried, it's a customer"

I thought it was time, but you arrived on exactly the right date. Boulder is my sister-in-law.

Turning to the table, Barkud's carriage stops, and its carriage is loaded with luggage. One of your men, two escorts. One military horse. Except for the military horse and the knight who would have ridden it. That's a good number to say the least.

"Hi, Sister-in-law Shani"

I called out to the yellow-green-haired woman who was about to unload something from the carrier.

"Al! It's been a while! You heard the story, but you're getting bigger!

Sister-in-law Shani called out to me with a beautiful, hazy smile as ever. Barkud's squires say hello to me, too. Right now, I think I'm 175cm tall. As a man, is it about the average of the common people? I think it stretches a little bit more because I'm young.

"Congratulations to the First Lady of the House of Lord Gried for her fame."

That's what I said while I stood back and thanked him for the spill. Your brother would have already marched the throne for a long time.

"Already. Thanks. And... it's hard to say, I'm going as far as Wang Du today. I don't have much time..."

Sister-in-law Shani said with apologies as she thanked her.

"Oh, I'm listening. Troops, right? I'm letting Wangdu prepare food and supplies. But you can stay tonight, right?

"Yeah, about that. Thanks, Al."

That's what my sister-in-law smiled at me.

"And, sister-in-law, I'll introduce you. She is Mizuchi, Mizzerit Chiztungrl. She's a member of my party... an important woman. Mizuchi, this is my sister-in-law. It's my brother's wife, Mr. Chanlade. I call you Sister-in-law Shani."

I was a little upset. I heard my introduction. My sister-in-law rounded her eyes, but immediately smiled and reached out to Mizuchi.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Chiztungroll. This is Shanreid Gried. Please call me Shani."

Mizuchi greeted her sister-in-law when she turned her thin pale cheek bright red and held that hand.

"Oh, thank you. This is Mizzerit Chiztunol. Please, call me Mizzerit."

Shit. Don't bite.

"And my sister-in-law. This is the plate of His Royal Highness the Marquis of Webdos, which was put up for my sister-in-law, but thanks to her help. Thank you so much."

When I said that and lowered my head, Mizuchi was also lowering his head with great momentum next door. Yeah, no matter how much you keep your head down, it's never been too low. In your case.

"Well, sister-in-law, if you're going to King's Capital, I'll call you because I have a few people with me. Just a moment, please."

When I said that, I went into the inn to get Xenom, Ralpha, and Ghine. Speaking to Xenom, who was sleeping in the room, Ralpha and Ghine said they were hosting a fashion show in Ghine's room, so they kept knocking from outside the door to hang their voices, and when they tried to get down the stairs towards the lobby, Mizuchi, with a small box, came into the inn. What is that?

"Oh, that, and the sample, even the rubber. You don't look a little embarrassed... I was more embarrassed... '

'Mmm... leave me by the bed...'

When I went outside, my sister-in-law was already riding a military horse. When I told the kid to pull out my and Mizuchi's military horse, too, the kid and I quickly put on the horse gear.

"Al, what about the armor?

"Oh, it's okay around here. You don't have to. A sword would suffice.... and magic."

With that said, my sister-in-law is perfectly armed with a sword in her protector and even a spear on her military horse. We're going to the battlefield, naturally, but I guess that's a big reason we don't have room for armor in the carriage.

"Whose horse is that?

"Oh, it's Mizuchi's"

"Huh. I want her to get behind me. Somebody can ride about a horse, right?

Huh? Why? Well then the only thing you can't ride a horse at my party... other than Bastral, you won't be able to ride a slave. And then we're on holidays, and we can all ride and run enough.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. Let me talk to her."

"Ah, yes..."

Mizuchi is back.

"Ah, Mr. Mizuchi. You get behind me!


All of a sudden he said that and he snorted at Mizuchi, and he was dealing with the squire who was talking to me. Looking sideways, Mizuchi is too nervous and beefy.

"Master Al, are you marrying that guy?

Sean, who took over as chief squire in the timing of his brother's raid this fall, has said happily. Beckwith Eisenside, who until then had been squire chief, has crossed fifty lines and retired to boulder. Sean Timber was chosen as the next generation of leaders, naturally because of the popular desire backed by high strength. Sean would assist his brother and do well.

"Mmm, I don't know yet, but, ma, for once... I wanted to introduce you to my dad when he arrived, but I couldn't let him see me..."

"It's beautiful, but it's an elf, isn't it? Are you all right, sir?

Reynolds, a squire, said worryingly. He is the eldest son of Beckwith and the brother of Emberto in charge of rubber, but his strength is better than Sean's, so he couldn't be the squire chief. I have no choice.

"That's when it is. You'll be. Don't worry too much."

"Master Al chose you. I'm not worried about anything."

Jamie encouraged me to help. Jamie is the eldest daughter of the Dubois family of his squire and has a very belligerent personality. Naturally it also combines high strength. I guess it's my brother who cares about my sister-in-law Shani who put these three on the escort for delivery. Among the squire serving the Gried family are three powerful men.

"Oh, Jamie, thank you"

"Uh-huh, thank you for waiting. Ah, Mr. Sean, Jamie, it's been a while!

Ralpha and the others have finally made up their minds. What the heck, man? That's embarrassing.

"Sister-in-law Shani, Xenom Firefried from left. And its adopted daughter, Ralpha Firefrid, on the far right is Grinner Akdam. They're all my precious people. Everyone, this is my sister-in-law, Shanreid Gried."

"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry from the high ground, but I'm Shanreid Gried. I hear about you all from Farn. Looks like Al's always taking care of you..."

We greeted each other in turn from Zenom, and Mizchi's military horse was ridden by Zenom and Ralpha, and behind me was Guineh.

Let's go.

"She's a beautiful woman... I admire her..."

The gne behind me reputed my sister-in-law Shani and said: I'm sure you are. You're my brother's wife. That makes me feel good and nice to everyone. I can't put it in my mouth, but it's amazing at night.

Sister-in-law Shani is having some fun talking to Mizuchi. Ralpha is cleverly sitting back to back with Xenom and eagerly talking to Jamie.

Around seventeen o'clock when the sky darkened, he arrived outside the king's capital, Lombertia. There are no street lights, but you can still barely see the ground, and there are plenty of shops that are open in the evening if you go into Wangdu. We even arrived at the Green Chamber of Commerce without any problems. The Zenoms are staying overnight, and they're taking a ride back to Balduk tomorrow. I left to see him again at the end of the day off and disappeared into the Lombertian sunset.

I introduced my sister-in-law Shani to Yoturen and the others, who were the store numbers, and carried her luggage into the store while they waited for the Ryogs to return. Surprisingly, Diane seemed ill, resting upstairs. Wow, I was pregnant, and they all faded, but I was sedated because I ran out of words that Yoturen was just about to cure a cold. As Diane was taking care of herself and resting, her husband Luke also took care of it, and said he was absent from the dinner party today, so we had dinner at the restaurant with Mr. and Mrs. Ryog and Yoturen's mothers and children. My sister had already marched out.

About that evening, Mizuchi, who had lodged in the inn, embarrassed himself into putting out a rubber bag.

"Um... Mr. Shani gave it to me... because it's new..."

I got that. I keep an eye out for a slightly different feeling than usual.

'Heh... pu, ko, this is...!

Are you sure? Use this...... yeah!?

I see things in my hands alternating with Mizuchi's face.

Mizuchi's cheeks are dyed red with exhilaration.

Do you still have this?

Huh? This is all I carried into the Boyle Pavilion... Gokuri......

Eleven rubber protectors are worn for this delivery. Five hundred pairs of sandals. Five hundred boots. Fifty pairs of boots. Four thousand pack of condoms. And a hundred packs in a small box I gave Mizuchi nothing. Another one of the same is a hundred packs apart. From this time on, the condoms had been placed in small boxes of about 15x15x20cm burned with barkud and royal crest every hundred packs.

"Well... it's a corner. Try using it and sell it somewhere..."

'Ooh... but okay?

I swallowed a gokuri and a twat and widened my nostrils to ask.

"Yes, because... Ah, the rubber field, there's one more... for that matter, I'm going to turn it to the manufacture of this, so don't worry..."

Mizuchi took off his shirt. He's shy of hiding his chest with one hand, but he can't hide it all. The lump sticks out a little from his arm.

"Oh, yeah..."

I'll take my shirt off, too.

"Beh, nothing. I'm normal, but... but if I can, I have to cooperate, you know?"

Sitting on the bed, Mizuchi turned bright red, took off his pants with one hand, and immediately laid his hands on his underwear.

'Oh, I don't know what it's like if I don't use it...'

I'm putting my pants down too. He bit off the end of the rubber bag, and when he pushed one out and took it in his hand, he wore it roughly.

'Ugh, that's awesome. This. Look.'

I put my hand on my hips and showed Mizuchi when I became Jen-royal.

Don't show it to me anymore.

Mizuchi turned to the side and dived into the bed.

The new condom stirred up Mizuchi, but I was normal. Normal condoms were better used than that. That's the only woman you're happy with.

I went to Royal Castle without sleep to deliver my armor, and I said to my sister-in-law, "Oh, that, who was I thinking?" When I heard that, "she said with a clear face," we both thought about it. "" Manage it out of the reach of Zed and Becky, "she disliked, but her sister-in-law laughed.

He was thanking Mizuchi for turning bright red by pulling his sister-in-law out to his ends.

But the boulder is my brother. I didn't expect to reach this realm without any hints in such a short period of time... this would be what I would call a true genius. Besides, my sister-in-law... you said you and I worked together and thought about it... it might be hard to say that it's still done... You two must be no match for me for life.

Becky came when I summoned the queen. We had an unusual conversation and subtly added two new bags along with ten packs of delivery and placed them on top.

"Hmm? What's this?

"Ha. It's something we're developing anew. Please check."

I say in a strange voice as I kneel down and grace my subordinates.

"... be! What the hell is this? What's this?

"It is painful to state clearly that it was developed by the men you will use… more heavily than His Majesty, the women… Her Royal Highness. Hope you can try it."

"Ko, this kind of thing...... is it okay?

Becky said a little worried.

"Her Royal Highness Lady Rebecca. Absolutely. I've already tried it. The protrusion of the rubber attached to the surface is securely glued so there is no need to worry about shedding during the act. Very popular with women. However, the thickness of the sheath itself is slightly thicker due to the problem of ensuring strength. Men have a greater sense of spiritual fulfillment when it comes to one thing or another."

Becky's voice goes up a little when she hears that.

"No, not quality... here, put this in... but, you know... men are mental... women are... back off, that's good"

Yeah, physical (from) health along with quality won't be a problem. It's okay. I guarantee you.

But maybe the feeling isn't okay. Uhihi.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please excuse me."

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