14 Dec 7444

Though I was a little surprised by Bastral, who has suddenly hoped to get a job, now would not be the time to interview him. But there's no reason to leave me alone without doing anything.

"Please raise your face. Um, this is just a confirmation, how does Mr. Bastral relate to you two?

Because I want to avoid being in such a way as to pull out my entourage. Falergers and Heroskol looked bitter and watched Bastral, but didn't say anything. He got his mouth out of the side while Bastral was wondering if it was something he could open his mouth to. I didn't have to tell you. It was Ralpha.

"He said he was a slave. These two bought it last month and brought it all the way to the king's capital to free the free people."

Heh, well, that's all the reincarnators can do, and I'd be damned if I'd met a slave bastral, if I could afford the money then. But we'll find out if you were born a slave to liberate, if you fell into slavery because you couldn't pay a fine as a result of a crime, or if you're behind on taxes, though.

"Really... it's also... well, we'll talk about employment later, if possible"

"Oh, please!

He's desperate, he bows his head to me. I'll put the bastral back on track.

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to pay you what you earn... but I don't think I have the strength to be told by you, outsiders anyway..."

We talked as we worked out our facial expressions to look as sincere as possible. I'm nodding to say that Tris and Bell are right next door.

"... I see you did give them quite a reward... I'm convinced they said they were happy with the reward"

"Really, I see you understand. Most importantly."

"But I didn't get a satisfactory answer to the point of imposing an obligation to obey orders other than restrictions on the free will of separation or life-threatening issues. Again, some parts are still missing. There is no arbitration clause. When there's a dispute between the parties, how are you going to settle it?

Is he an asshole? It's not Japan, and we don't even have to stick out the laws of the country or territory. What a similar court of competent jurisdiction would be the day of judgment, but basically only deals with criminal cases. Civil is the only way for a nobleman to ask a superior nobleman to judge him, or a superior nobleman would have to judge the king.

I'm a critical quasi nobleman, so if I cry, maybe the Marquis of Webdos will judge me. The king can't count on it now.... You did try the King's home, yes, the Count Falergers' house and the Marquis' 300-year-old debt, whether it's Rhodail or Crocodile, right? All you have to do is sigh.

... Ralpha said that the employment contract in question was drawn up and signed in the first place. I learned later that no one has an employment contract. Even Doran's clerk, who went by before coming to Balduk, opened his mouth and got stunned, and even after coming to Balduk, every time he took it to the administration, officials looked at him like, "Is this guy stupid?" I'm not the one who started it. I was hoping to use it if I could just use it with the boat I boarded.

"... Huh. Well, let's answer it in order from the easy part…. First of all, it's an arbitration clause, but have you two ever signed a contract in Aus for some sort of commercial transaction or something?


"No. But isn't it natural to include such clauses in anticipation of disputes between the parties to the contract? Well, if a good-faith clause doesn't exist and you leave it to your employer, I think it's all the more necessary to maintain the fairness of the contract."

"I see. The two of you seem to have climbed to the Horseman, so your realm... I know that you have also been involved in the security of the Judgment Day and the enforcement of sentences in the realm of His Excellency Count Falgers... Yes, it is that Judgment Day. Small village or city lords will similarly judge you if you are to the extent of a misdemeanor, as is typical of that. Oh, naturally, I recognize what you understand. Trials will be transferred to topical crimes or, if it's a felony, to the capital in the greater realm, right? So, our base is Balduk, under the direct authority of the King. It is possible to appeal to His Majesty's deputy if there is any rubbing. That's right. When I'm unpaid, it's possible to force me to pay my salary by suing me like that. That's good to go."

I'm getting tired of fixing some serious faces, too. But it doesn't make sense to smell like trouble here. Pull yourself together.

"What I want you to think back about here is the opposite. There is no penalty clause. Even though you are properly remunerated, there is no provision for penalties for any disobedience to my orders or for any damage done to me. It's a weird analogy, but even if you insist on leaving me on your own, and you leave me voluntarily, I can't take a path other than insisting that you put your contract back on the shield."

I'm aware of that, but you're a hard face to say. Well, that's all I've been pointing out about the deficiencies in the contract. It would be natural because you would be more out of your mind if you didn't notice. Looking to the side for a moment, Tris and Bell looked as strange as they were surprised. Ralpha's got her mouth half-opened, and Guine looks kind of hard. You can leave the front seat group alone.

"Certainly, there is a way to go about it if you are insulted that it is my mistake not to incorporate those various clauses. Sometimes it bothered me on the way to what I wrote to be honest. But isn't blaming me, their employer, on the one hand, also lacking fairness?

"... I was going to say something about that later. But we tried to get the contract right, and perhaps the contract we heard was almost accurate. It seems to be all ten."

Ten articles, I feel like eight articles... Were you even a little confused? Ma, no. Guine told me I was twisting my neck.

"I think maybe the difference between Lar and our contract is because there's a lot of part of the first month's income and the part where Mr. Al teaches us magic. Because that's where my difference was."

Oh, is that right? I don't even remember that. It's done. It doesn't matter in the future.

I say "well" to Guineh and I nod and I say back.

"So, it's time to ask you what you mean. Since yesterday, you have spoken with three of my Chamber of Commerce employees, Zenom Firefrid and his daughter, Ralpha Firefrid, and Grinell Akdam. Yeah, there's absolutely no problem with where and with whoever they talk to on holiday. When you heard about the employment contract from them, you felt that the contract was unfair and that I, the employer, had a problem. I don't care about that, either."

I sipped a cup of tea that got completely wet.

"But although I worried about an employee who wouldn't return after one night and ran to Wang Capital, I was told I'd been talking to a pair of people I didn't know all morning if I thought I'd finally met them at my chamber of commerce, and if I asked them carefully, those three were ex-Japanese. Ma, this will be good too. But in a house I own, I was stuffed (naughty) about punishing the perpetrators who worried about us, and I was even rebuffed that I was cheating and using employees, let alone 'brainwashing' them, and I was forced into a situation where I could be cracked into our relationship, which was turning well. It has nothing to do with you before, but I think it was caused by the fact that you came from the side with your mouth pinched..."

Ralpha is turning blue. You sit there and reflect a little.

"I'm sure you thought it was the same town, and a flattering young woman being fed, so this would be good too. But what exactly are you entitled to and pinch your mouth to the content of our contract?

Talking that far, I stared into Heroscol's eyes.

"That's what I found out. But first, you do seem to have to apologize. Let us say it without any rights, judge it without missing information, and apologize for the one-sided rebellion. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

Oh, you've been quite honest with me. I shrugged my shoulders and accepted my apology.

"However, judging by the little information we had, it was our first move, but we felt the crisis of the woman in our hometown. I couldn't help but overlook it. What I got from that little information is that you, their employer, are also Japanese. I mistakenly assumed that the same Japanese were feeding their countrymen. I think I've caused you trouble."

Heroscol has bowed his head quite easily. It smelled like an excuse.... Hmm.

"Ma, we can't help but keep talking sloppily here. It'll be a good time. Shall we also settle the separation once? You can cancel everyone's contract now. Of course I'm paying this month's salary the other day, but I'm not even telling you to calculate the daily rate and return it."

I looked around at everyone surrounding the table and continued the words.

"Let's cancel the contract if you want. Burn the contract after returning to Balduk. Including, of course, what's in the administration's possession. Tell me if there's anyone you want."

Everyone remained silent on my sudden proclamation.

"... you don't seem to be here. Lai Lai"

I put my gaze back on Heroscol again. It's a sinister face that chewed up bitter bugs.

"Nobody offers to cancel the contract despite all those allegations of deficiencies. I mean unconvincing. Now, please don't get involved in any more of our internal circumstances."

When I proclaimed that, for the first time today, I leaned against the couch and stood beside my head, basically putting my right elbow around my elbow. Mizuchi rushed over and pinched the jade lamb between his index finger and middle finger. I chewed off the edge of the jade lamb with my teeth, though it wouldn't tighten where it wasn't a lit cigarette, and ate the lamb (yomo) that came out saggy to replenish the sugar.

I don't know why. Heroscol and Falergers looked a little envious and watched. You're a nice guy, aren't you? Passing the rubber balloon that was wrapped in jade lamb to Mizuchi, who was holding back, it seems the two in front of her were still after her with their eyes. From the angle of your eyes, you're even looking at it in your ass?

Sure, your face is a very neat face with elf blood on it, and the proposition is better for sixteen, but accepting that skin color isn't a very hobby. Whatever the big scratch on your face, it feels like a light pale purple corpse.

"Okay, Mr. Bastral. It's about you. You want to get a job at the Grid Chamber of Commerce…"

"Yes! Please! I'll do whatever you say! Make sure you hire me!

Bastral came out when the conversation changed. I wonder what Falergers and Heroskol think? Shall I check it out?

"Hey, wait a minute, please. Mr. Falergers, Mr. Heroskol. He says this, is there a problem? If there's a problem, I'm not going to keep talking about it."

When I took my eyes off the bastral and stared at the two of them, the Falergers answered blurry.

"... nothing wrong. I couldn't sit back and watch the Japanese turn themselves into slave classes. I wanted to make you do some business and save you. Of course, I'm going to get the cost back."

Well, then you don't seem to have a problem. Heroscol is also nodding when he hears it. But I know how you feel and what you're trying to say, but if you did, it would be cruel for both of us. It doesn't matter if you're normally born into an oath, not a reincarnation, and you don't think anything about it, do you? It's not that way of thinking that I'm outraged. The way I think is understandable, and I would think something similar. All I could think about was not being able to talk about it all the time in places where Zenom or Zulu or Engela might ask.

Well, I guess the way people feel and think is about each other. You might think that even the current line, if someone asks, is the owner of a warm idea about his fellow countrymen. Well, I don't care.

"If you hire them at this Chamber, I can replace them for the cost of Mr. Falergers replacing them."

Anyway, I'm using the young ones to make some rough money. I should have about the right to say this much dislike, too, I thought, but I didn't say it there. Later, too much will be noticed around Mizuchi and Xenom.

"... but our Chamber of Commerce employment contract is full of holes as you can hear right now. Even if the current contractor is as good as it is, it's also a weird story to push it up to those who hire new.... What can you do to help before then? As a result, the clerk is on time, and we haven't felt any problems with delivery to our customers so far. So naturally, you will hire as a guard to challenge the labyrinth with us..."

I can't do it without using Japanese reincarnators in store numbers. The appraisal I just saw doesn't seem to do me any good so far, but I'm young, and I've been working out for a few years, and I'm a man, so I'm better than Gwyne, right? Sales so far (not profits. I cover my monthly salary, my entrance tax to the labyrinth, the tools I use in the labyrinth, and all the regular food I consume. That said, there would be 99% gross margin on sales or something) I pay each of the six guys a bonus of 2%. I pay a total of 12% from sales, and I don't have a problem getting a little more people because I think it's acceptable up to 20% and in some cases about 25%.

No, but I want to keep my payments as low as I can. At the same time, we have to convince members who have been around for a long time. If his strength jumps through and is as high as Mizuchi's, he can be convinced, but in his case, he says he was a slave until the other day, and the level is appropriate. It would be difficult to treat them equally from the outset.

"Gu, sa, at first I'll do anything with a load! I will try to remember to treat even weapons!

"Have you ever fought a demon?

I guess so. Unique.

"It's... it's not. But I will! I have to do this. Absolutely, definitely make money..."

Heh, there seems to be some kind of goal. He may never be one of my guys forever, but he'll be better than the guy with no goals whatsoever. The easy to understand goal of making money is also great. The question is whether it's just the mouth. Don't get hooked on "Lie Breaking (Dictat Rai)" all of this.

"For the time being, I think it would be plain, like handling or training weapons, right? Also, what seniors say in the labyrinth, including me, is absolute. I will not tolerate disobedience or objections. We're just arguing, and time passes, and the danger is imminent."

Don't say this line for the first time. But it would be time for a line.

"That's for sure! Whatever you say!

I looked at Bastral's face for a while and made sure he was seriously staring at this one, and I saw Ralpha, Ghine, Xenom, Bell, and Tris' face. Ma, look.

"I understand. I'll hire you, Mr. Bastral. Shall we discuss the treatment and decide otherwise?"

Bastral, who looked worried, had a full grin and said, "Thank you!" I came to thank you. Ralpha was breathing in the corner of my sight. I guess I was relieved that my movements didn't go to waste at all. You're as stupid as ever. You. Keeping the reincarnators in check is a big deal. It's not the same as whether or not to contact me.

"Well, Mr. Falergers. How much did it cost to let him go? Let's replace it."

That's when I said it.

"Uh, could you give me a minute? On the way, we let him go, but I think we have a responsibility to see it through properly. By and large, is it naturally dangerous there to say you're going to challenge the labyrinth? There are many young women, and they're in danger of everything, aren't they?

That's right. It's not safe.

"... that's why we obey orders, and that's a fair reward. I thought you already understood..."

"I'm going to understand that. But it's also like watching a friend you know step into the danger of embarrassing you in silence... it doesn't suit you sexually."

... all I could do was stare half-eyed already.

"Mr. Heroskol, if you'd listened to me in silence earlier, what the hell was that? Sounds great. Our Greed has responded respectfully from the beginning to the present. I'm not obliged to explain it to you, am I? It doesn't matter if you're ex-Japanese or not."

"Stop, Tris."

"No, Mr. Al. I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. The same goes for the case of the" to Fire Freed ". He said something about corporal punishment, but that's our internal problem. Sure, it's embarrassing, but when can I do it if I have to? That's all she worried about. It doesn't matter why. There were several ways to get in touch. Failure to do so is the problem. I know it's right in front of others, but we should do it when we do it. It's also necessary for Ral's sake. This is proof that I believe that Lar's future life is much more important to Al than his relationship with you and your impressions. By and large, corporal punishment is" weird and the tea boils in a heck of a lot. "

Uh, it was obedience, except for life-threatening orders, wasn't it? You and I have that contract, too, right? In the beginning, I'm more embarrassed than having Ralpha and Guineh sit in the front seat, but this.

"In the first place, aren't you ashamed to say that now about the Japanese? We're not Japanese anymore. Thirty-nine of them all died then, didn't they? I'm going to live in this rombert, the oath, for decades to come. Sure, the idea of helping the people in my town because they seem to be tied up in unscrupulous contracts is splendid. I don't think that's something I can do either. Looks like you're actually saving your slave, Mr. Bastral, too. So what is it, how do you say that great thing?"

"Hey, Tris."

If I didn't let him stop me, when I thought I was about to open my mouth, Bell reached out from the other side and hung his hand on my left arm, watching the Falergers with a cold look on Bell's face. It's Coroyl, you too. But.

"Tris, come on, apologize for the rambling. Mr. Heroskol is the knight of Count Falergers. Mr. Falergers is similarly knighted to be the eldest son of His Excellency the Count."

"I apologize for making such a busy complaint. Please forgive me."

In a strong tone to me, Tris silenced, then leaned down and apologized.

"I'm sorry about our young man, I'm very sorry for your loss"

Heh, it's a line that some Yakuza's parents are going to say.

I'm an adventurer, and I'm not much different.

"Please don't be offended."

That's what I said and bowed my head.

"But please think carefully about what Karostaran has just said. Thank you. I see you two still have a Japanese temperament. I think you have a very good temper."

That's what I said and smiled. I'm surprised there are people who act on modern Japanese values, but you can have them. Instead, I even think it's a big deal that I've lived in Aus for sixteen years and still retain that value. Even those saved by it are in front of us.

"Certainly as that Mr. Carostaran said. It was disrespectful. I apologize for not losing my habit talking to the Japanese. I'm sorry."

Heroscol said so and bowed his head. No, it's nothing.

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