Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Shogun 25: In the case of Hiroki Horida (27 at the time of the accident)

(Uh, my hips fall out...... The sun is yellow...... not nice, cloudy)

Hiro was standing on the station platform with his guitar case on his shoulder, taking multiple fan women into his home since last night to be held back by slutty behavior. In the immediate vicinity, a young salaried man is told a novel in an older middle-aged man who seems to be his boss.

(Both Rotten Lehmans)

Hiroki is the guitarist and subvocal of the popular indie band there. Even the band, coupled with the sweet mask, bisects vocals and popularity. I've never had trouble with gold and women in my life before. Women have long stopped by, even if left alone, and the money came in to a point where they wouldn't have any trouble if they made a contribution to the woman.

I have a recording in Shibuya's studio today. I left the apartment a little early because it was bad if I was late. Looking at the home clock and checking the time, it looks like the expedition will come just fine. You'll be able to get there 30 minutes before the scheduled time.

On board the leading vehicle on the express train that had slipped into the home, the seats were vacant, as expected. Sitting in an empty seat raised the volume of the electronic music player. The woman sitting next to him looked disgusted, but Hiroki didn't care to put a guitar between her crotches, so that she could hold it.

(I like this melody here. I knew Rock was British)

Rhythm with a finger holding the guitar to match the beat that flows from earphones to Hiroki's ear at high volume. He closed his eyes and was carving rhythms even naturally and on his feet.

My guitar looked down when I was devastated.

(Huh? Why me, float. Oh, my body?

From earphones stuck in both ears of Hiroki, which were cut from shoulder to top by steel, the beats of British rock played by electronic music players who were miraculously safe, including that cable, continued to flow forever.

(Oh, shit! Not at all.)

Hiroki Horida clutching the broken pattern. Sarjes Bastral walked with Tobotobo towards the deputy's hall when he picked up his head. Sarjes was born in the eastern part of the kingdom of Lomberto as a cat tribe (Cat People) serf. It hits almost northeast of the reincarnation range. He was then moved with his family to a pioneering village in the southeastern part of King's territory when Sarjes was still young, and has been engaged in pioneering since.

The intrinsic skill of birth is [resistance (heat)]. According to God I used to meet, even temperatures at levels harmful to my body don't get burns or frostbites. Especially since the sensation remains intact, it is possible to grasp the charcoal burnt, but the heat of it is felt, and it is no harm as long as the magic continues even standing naked outside all night in the midnight of winter in the mountains, in the snowstorm, but the cold is no different. But it automatically protects itself from unexpected dangers (such as grabbing burnt stones by mistake or almost impossible events), so there's nothing useful about it when you forget.

"My lord, the pattern of the bamboo has broken. I'm sorry."

I bowed my head when I even went to the side of a man who would put his energy into combat training at the training ground beside the deputy's mansion. The civilian man of this mid thirties elite (elf) is the owner of Sarjes. At the same time he was a squire serving Sir Benks, who ruled this village of Rockford. When the squire glanced at the broken pattern, he said, "Don't have a choice, tell the slave-head to do something else until we have a new pattern" and went back to his training.

I had no choice but to spend some time weeding the fields my slave head told me to.

I was given a wooden stick the next day, so I exchanged it for it. Too much scraping to put in the hole in the head of the Xu failed. Slave head hit me, but this is my mistake. I have no choice. I got a new stick and now it's time to repair it without fail (?) I'm done.

Occasionally, the army passes through the village of Rockford. Are you heading to the battlefield, going home, or are you simply moving to another location? I have no idea about Sarjes, but I wonder if that would compare, Sarjes was just forced to migrate from a village where he was born and raised in his childhood. Therefore, since I had never stepped out of the village since, I had no knowledge of which city to follow if I went either way down the street through the middle of the village, and what kind of city lies ahead. I didn't even know the general shape of the Romberto kingdom I live in. It was enough to know that there could be no battlefield around here unless there was even a great war.

Of course, Sargess wanted to know a lot when she was a kid, and she had the corresponding curiosity. But I knew and despaired that I was a slave to every family in the years before I came to emigrate, and I gave up completely after knowing the terms of getting out and the value of the money. Because I already knew I could see the status, so I thought it would be Othi who would be found and brought back as soon as he escaped.

By and large, the more I know about the newly raw world called Aus, the more I know that slaves aren't that bad, and I can tell you that I gave up completely. On the surface, of course. It feels good to be Catherine, the second daughter of another slave's house who has been newly migrating since last year. You have a pretty neat face for a cat peep, and you can feel good about it. I was just the same age.

Sargess was starting to think (marrying Kathy and working in the field while even a kid isn't so bad). We had a little conversation between farm tasks and it didn't take long until we started having lunch together. I couldn't help but love Catherine the first time I held her and kissed her and reached over her belly. This was the first time I had ever been born with this feeling, including in my previous life.

(Oh, I never felt like I'd had a big life before, but you were born to be with Kathy. This is my first "woman")

Catherine has different owners. You have to prove that Sargess is a "useful" and "usable" slave to get married as a servant of the owner of Sargess. Nothing. I have no problem with Catherine's owner's squire thinking, "You want Sargess." My second son Sarjes didn't originally care about my family name or the housekeeper.

Sarjes thought so in the autumn of the sixteenth and worked well to look different.

He acted before the slave head told him to, and even somehow created a thousand tooth treatments he remembered. Much was praised by the squire who found out about it. Lord's deputy, Sir Benks, also praised Sarjes for his thousand-tooth treatment. This was a major feature since the opening of Rockford Village, and even gave the reward a quarter of a million Z. (one Kim Joo) and a number of chickens. At the same time, the Elf's squire, the owner of Sargess, seemed to have been given gold coins.

"Sargess, don't worry about Catherine. Combine this reward and we'll save some money next year or so and we'll manage to negotiate. Instead, have lots of kids."

Sarjes was thrilled to kiss his squire's boot when he heard the words his owner's squire said to him with a laugh. Certainly a rubber bottom super fancy boot that was given to a village squire last year or so after saying it was a substitute for a nuisance fee by the army who stayed in the village while they were on the move.

(I can't go to war like my servants, but I'm rooting for Rockford Village and enriching this village. For Kathy and her children...)

But things turn sharply around the end of November, when the year is also approaching. Two horseback rides passed through the village. One is a well-dressed Pu man and the other is a big Tigerman (Tigerman) man. They were both young martial artists with a stern face and a glimmer of hope in their eyes. The time passed is sixteen o'clock, near dusk. The two had begun to prepare their camp in a vacant lot in the village when they asked Sir Benks for permission to stay in the village.

It was Sargess who walked by there. This vacant lot is large enough for a unit of the army to garrison. It's not uncommon for pedestrians to camp. Sarjes tried to pass by the side of the vacant land with his eyes bowed without disrespect to the guests of the village, but two young martial artists spoke to him. Are you telling me to draw some water, too? It's troublesome, but I can't help it.

"Would you like to call me? Knight of the Journey"

I don't even know if I'm a knight without checking my status, but I've never crossed the line. The two young samurai raised their voices in surprise as they leaned over and saw Sarjes bowing their heads in awe.

"'Are you Japanese!?

Sarjes was with me when I was surprised to hear the words. If you raised your face and looked closely, both of them had black hair and black eyes. And the face that will be bleeding Japanese without a scratch.

"Oh, oh..."

Sargess too surprised to be stuck in words.

Don't you understand Japanese?

A young martial artist of the Pu asked Sarjes as he rode himself out.

"Oh, oh, hi, it's been a while since I've spoken, but, of course, I get it"

The young martial artists acknowledge Sarjes, who snort and reply in Japanese.

"Excuse me...... status open"

A Pu man grabbed his hand and looked at the status. Because I had already met God with Sargess, I knew as much as I knew that there was a Japanese somewhere, but I didn't even think I could see him.

"A slave... Mr. Nom, how many do you have?

'... hey, is it with you to think? I can afford about 2 million Z. What about you, Eto?

'Eh, don't lick the Count Falergers house. I have money.'

The two young martial artists turned to Sarjes when they stepped aside and said so.

I'm Yukiyoshi Nomura. This is Shoji Eto. You, what's your name?

Tigerman asked the question first.

"Oh, hey, it's Sarjes Bastral... Oh, no, hi, Hiroki Hotta, not It's Hiroki Horida."

"Horida-kun. I'm sure I can free you from being a slave, but what do you say? Don't worry, I won't tell you to buy you out and then give you a hundred times more. It will be in the form of liberation as a free people, but if you return the price for what you bought later, that's fine '.

Nomura said with a man's smelly grin that caught the edge of his lips.

"We're going to Lombertia, the king's capital, so I think the real liberation will be after we get to the shrine in the king's capital. If you become a free citizen, you can move around, so if you start in any business, you can pay back the money immediately. It's a hometown friendship. I think I can lend you some money. '

Eto gave me a much softer look and explained.

(hey, what!? Free me from slavery? Are we talking like that in a dream? I'm a serf for sure, but slaves are expensive, aren't they? I would do millions of Zs... like I was just saying 2 million Zs or something...)

Sarjes can't keep up with the story that came down and gushed with a blue sky thunderbolt. It just makes my eyes black and white.

"Oh, no... say something delicious... oh, I can't believe you said that without knowing who I am... can you trust me"

'Oh, right. We don't know who you are. Good man or bad man? Did you commit and enslave even sin in the first place...... I don't know anything. But it's the same Japanese, right? Isn't that a reason?

Edo cheered when he said so.

Horida-kun. If you say we can't trust you, don't say we can't. Whatever you want. '

'Mr. Nom, well, say that... You can't even think he's a slave and good... Mr. Horida, I can understand the feeling that you can't trust us when we suddenly show up. But you say that the goddess of chance has no hair behind her, even with her forehead. I think you'd be smarter to grab it when you can. Or is your family untrained?

"There's no reason my family isn't trained..." And next year, some women have vowed to marry. "

(Yes, there's no way I can trust you. It would be possible to sell it somewhere before you buy me and let me go. You can't even look me in the eye if that happens)

"You have a woman... but you have a few stars in the world. Why don't we just look again? Besides, if you're untrained, why don't you just make some money and buy it after you become a free citizen? Rural serfs around here would never get more than 2 million Z. Didn't you just say 3 million Z.?

(These guys...... how easy it is for you to say 3 million z)

Sargess was too frightened to say anything. His wage is 1100Z per week (eleven copper coins). Less than 70,000 Z in the year. I was just saying if you can save 3 million z over your lifetime even if you don't spend a penny. In fact, there is also a salary increase, and since there is also the Golden Joo I received before this, it is not possible to buy myself back at the beginning of my forties if I am concerned about saving from a young age. But there's no doubt that it's so much money that it's distracting.

"That much money, I think you, the Japanese, can make money soon..."

Horida-kun. Can you read and write?

"I can't."

'Right. But it's not a big deal because I can remember the letters right away. You can do the math fast, right? The oath must be gobbling with the seeds of commerce because of its low civilization level.... How old were you when you died?

"Oh, it's twenty-seven."

'That's enough. If it wasn't for elementary school or something, it wouldn't be a problem first. As long as I have the money. So, we can have enough money to buy you now. I don't want it to be returned properly after liberation, so I need you to write me a proper loan, but I'm not going to take any interest. There was no culture of interest. "

The idea is closer to civilization than culture, to be precise. It is an initial step in the financial civilization. Interests are also recognized in major chambers of commerce and elsewhere some time ago. This young martial artist (Tigerman) just doesn't know.

'Ho, really...?

'Oh, it's true. It would also be on the edge of something to have met the Japanese here. Don't worry about tricking me into buying you and selling it to someone higher. Even so, it's a statement without any collateral.'

In the end Sarjes was bought by two young martial artists, Rolic and Fio, for 3 million Z. There was a strong aspect that was forcefully negotiated by the status of the eldest son of the Count Falergers family of Lorrick. I promised Catherine that I would become a free citizen, make money in business and be sure to go back to buying. The boulders didn't even buy Catherine. Sarjes said honestly because he was also asked about his unique skills. Because I thought it made no sense where I was hiding it.

"Hmm, [resistant (heat)] or similar to my [resistant (virus infection)]"

"Somehow I thought there might be some inherent skills in [resistance]."

"What are Mr. Nomura's unique skills?

"Mine is a guy called [Gut (Variance)]. It feels like you can temporarily put out the idiotic power of a fire. '

Thus, on their way to the king's capital, the three of them exchanged information to date.

According to that, the Rollicks and Sarjes were on the same train lead vehicle. Lorrick said thirty, what an old man Fio was ninety. The two were officially Knights of the Homeland Knights of the Count of Falergers, and had just retired and started traveling the oath. Lorrick didn't inherit the Count's housekeeper either, apparently leaving the house to follow Fio. I see, a knight would have money, and Rolic is the eldest son of the Count family. I had enough money to buy Sargess and it was obvious.

They both dazzled the eyes of Sarjes, who had lived at the bottom of society until now as slaves. I also felt like I couldn't help but wonder what the difference was between them and me when I said I was reborn in the same accident, but when I thought about it, I remembered that there were times when I cursed that I wasn't even born into a rich house in Japan.

Horida-kun. It doesn't start when you mourn the evil of being born. Indeed, I too am grateful to God for being born into a civilian home. I was really lucky. Even Eto was born close to the apex of the oath. That's why I don't know how hard slaves struggle. Of course, before I joined the Knights, it was a country village, so I was close enough to know it. That would have been a lot of hard work. That would have been an unimaginable struggle. But there's no point in infidelity rotting there. I guess that's important to see how you climb up. We're just a little help with that. "

"That's right, Horida. I was only a little older than you when I died too, but I was a salesman and I had a wife and kids. I kept being single. You didn't know. I had a hard time. That's when I suddenly became the son of a nobleman. Compared to slaves, of course, nobility has a hard time. Even when I was reborn, I almost never left home until the Knights forced me into it. Sometimes I couldn't help but be jealous of the next son of a civilian who didn't have to worry about anything.... I thought it was nice to be scared and aristocratic after I heard there was a demon. '

In Sargess's eyes, they looked very strong. I've been raided by a bunch of goblins along the street only once. The two of them were quickly kicking their goblins while riding their horses.

(That being said... I was born into civilians and nobles, trained in the Knights, and I have money. That's why I'm so confident. I'm nothing...)

As I read how Sargess feels, Lorrick once said:

"The value of people is not that they have direct strength or gold. Whether you enjoy life or not. I don't know what to say, but before you met us, did you even enjoy your life? 'Cause there was a woman who was thinking about getting married, wasn't there? You had a good time, didn't you?

(It was fun indeed. There were quite a few hopes and prospects. It just seemed like a great life to have lived)

'Of course, strength and money are important things. To the extent they are owned, they both guarantee their freedom in the society to which they belong. Whatever the strength of the serfdom life in Rockford Village, I think it was enough just to have some money. Maybe I could have had a better life. But I think there's a lot more fun in the world, right? The Japanese would know that. So I wanted to pull you out, even if I couldn't force you to.'

(You gonna sell me a favor?... thanks, no matter what you think)

It came with my imagination that Sargess and I finally had more fun than the little happiness we grabbed. I am aware that people have different values, but until a short while ago Sarjes was disconnected from getting out of slavery and was about to be satisfied with it as a result of his quest for little happiness. Marry as a serf, have children, and grow crops. There is not a single element of shame there.

(But I want to make Kathy "happier". Fio says there are about a few stars, such as a woman, but she's certainly right. There will be about a few stars. But my star is Cassie. If it's possible, I don't want it to be a tough field job like right now. I want to eat delicious food and make him live a comfortable life. Even children are born slaves. May be subject to unintended trading. I know that's not true of your husband (the Elf squire), but as long as he's a slave, it's not a zero possibility)

Sarjes was turning his thoughts around as the horse rocked behind Lorrick. I realized that greed for life had been born.

Finally the three arrived in the king's capital, Lombertia, on the evening of December 12, 7444. Since it was too late, I decided to go to the shrine the next day to do the liberation of Sarjes, and first I decided to pick up the inn and eat.

I went into the right diner and ordered liquor and food. During a meal to Wang Du, Rolic and Fio didn't drink alcohol, but they were cautious. He also said that Wangdu was also a one-off destination, and for a while he wanted to stay in Wangdu and look around. Sarjes was also advised to drink, and for the first time since he was reborn, he mouthed the liquor. The liquor and food were delicious enough to paralyze my tongue.

(I've never eaten such delicious food. I want to feed Kathy too... it's a dish about how many times I can eat it before I die while I'm a serf... It's good to finally believe them. I'm still thankful that you're from my hometown.)

The next morning, when I woke up at the inn, Lorrick said he was going to the royal castle before going to the shrine. Surprisingly, Sarjes said that his elderly, separated sister fits into the Fourth Lady of His Majesty the King. Lorrick laughed that he could come to the king's capital and not even say hello to his sister, the queen. Then Fio seems to accompany him because he wants to see the royal castle. Sarjes was also invited, but although he was interested in the royal castle, he was afraid that his slave self would be annoyed by following him, and decided to wait for him to return at the inn.

Two hours later, Rolic and Fio came back. We were both pretty excited. Apparently it was a very fine castle. When I heard that, Sarjes said, "It's a corner, so should I have seen it? I thought," but I don't know how to be polite, and clothes are cheap rundown. I still decided to wonder if I was right not to go.

All three went to the shrine on the outskirts of Wang capital. There is also a large shrine by the royal castle, but it seems to be crowded, so I gave up.

"Because it's a king's capital with a population of over 200,000 people, we'll be doing dozens of naming rituals every day, and the liberation of slaves will be taking place as a matter of course. Besides, according to what I hear, they also make currency. I hear there are some shrines outside the Wang capital, so let's go that way."

I'm dressed for Lorrick's opinion. We arrived at the shrine, and still waited long enough to finally become their ritual of slave liberation. A lot is confirmed before the ritual. Certification of Sarjes' trading will, of course, make it easier to explain the Liberal People's Head Tax, etc. After this, a proper explanation will be given after going to the administrative office. At the end of the ritual, Sarjes is shaking his right hand, similarly shaking his left hand and saying "status open" to check his status. I watched Lorrick and Fio smile at Sargess like that.

"Ro, a registered free citizen of the Duke of Lomberto, Kingdom of Lomberto... Indeed... Ugh, Ugh..."

Freed from his slavery status, Sarjes, who became a clear and free people, was in tears with emotion.

"Congratulations, Sargess. Now you are no longer a slave. Freedom."

"Sargess, enjoy your life. No one orders you anymore. [M] I'm not tied to a single piece of land."

"Oh, oh, yes, thank you." Thank you, "I will never forget the grace I received from you!

"Ha. But it's not a luxury for boulders. Give it back sometime."

"If you forget, you can do it later."

From now on, the three of us will go to the diner to get lunch and prepare Sargess's loan. Three million Z of Sarjes' purchase price is paid for in full by Lorrick. Lorrick had also agreed to lend an additional 2 million Z. to Sarjes as seed money for commerce.

I had a fairly early lunch, had a bookkeeper draw up a borrowing letter, and went to the administration to complete my registration as a full free citizen at the same time as the head tax explanation. I've never been over it sooner because there are penalties for not registering within a week of the date of the status. Fio was talking to administrative officials in some way, but with a garlic grin, he was giving Rolic an OK signature. Lorrick also looked at it and laughed sloppily at Niyaniya. Sargess has no idea what to do.

Afterwards, he was to roll out to the whorehouse in the name of celebrating Sarjes' new life's doorstep. I could read Fio's actions in the administration earlier. I guess they introduced me to a reputable whorehouse. Sargess said she had Kathy, but she was taken forcefully. I guess the truth is Lorrick and Fio wanted to go. I don't have a choice, Lorrick says he'll be able to afford it, and I'm going out with this.

"Hey, Lorrick. That was awesome... I should have made it three hours instead of two..."

Finally, Fio showed up in the waiting room at the "Duke of Emerald Club Reception Hotel" said with a sloppy face.

"Oh, really... I found out how good 'condoms' are. That, where can I buy it?

"Oh, I want one too. You forgot to ask..."

"Ugh, good... too good... Kathy, sorry... but good... is this heaven?

Over the past two weeks, we have traveled together to understand that when these two speak in Japanese, Lorik speaks of Fio and treats him politely, but when he speaks Ragdarios (Common Language), he speaks equally, and each other's names are also called by their names in Aus.

All three of them were walking towards the exit.

"Oh, hey... sorry, where can I buy that 'condom'?

Lorrick was calling the boy who was cleaning at the exit and asking.

"What? What is a 'condom'?

Boy answered with a strange face.

"Huh? That's the only one I'd have if I had a 'condom'? It's rubber. It's used instead of pork intestines."

"Oh, that's a sheath. Then, in Wangdu, the manufacturer's direct seller, the Grid Chamber of Commerce, handles it exclusively."

Lorrick was listening carefully to the location of the Gried Chamber of Commerce. Sarjes watched the situation in silence at first, but was immediately thinking seriously with some flashing look on his face.

(That condom will sell. The price seems to be about 1.5 times the price of pig intestines, so there's no reason they can't be sold... and then there's the excess intestines of pigs and sheep... because they don't need to be treated like condoms, can you buy and beat them with a bundle of three sentences?... this)

"But we should be out of stock by now. When I went to buy it last month, there was hardly any stock left, and I moaned that I was in trouble. We have a contract, so there's no problem. Now I'm only selling it to repeaters with rubber bags of proof that I purchased in the past."

"Yeah, don't bother with that. Hey, you use a lot in this whorehouse, don't you? Split one rubber bag for me. You can buy it."

Lorrick ate down. Fio is also nodding. Sargess had sworn to her heart to go buy it again after freeing Kathy and getting married because it would be a waste.

"That's not possible. We've had more customers lately, and even our share is critical."

"Well, can you write me a reference? This guy is the eldest son of Count Falergers. You deserve to write a reference, don't you?

Boy politely bows his head and apologizes.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we can't do that. If I had written references to all of those customers, the inventory at the Green Chamber of Commerce would be gone in an instant. Mostly, we make a lot of money because of that sheath. You can't imitate the Grid Chamber of Commerce to deceive you. But let me tell you one good thing. There will always be a sheath for the dog race side awards hosted by His Majesty the King. It should still be happening today. Why don't you go try your luck?

Soon Lorrick and Fio asked about the location of the dog racetrack and decided to pull Sargess over and head there, wanting to go to the process of setting up the Chamber of Commerce.

"Ugh! Rabbidley, come! Come!

"Strike! Come on!

"Shit! Hit it!

"I took it off too!

"Blue tissue! Come on, yah!

"Marcy! Show me your guts. Ooh!

"Yes! Next!

"Not yet, it's not over yet!

"Avalanche! Go! Give it to me!"

"Burglary! Good luck with that. Yikes!

"What, couldn't you?"

"That's hard, this"

Fio and Lorrick bark as they squeeze the dog tag with the tattoos and numbers of the eight nearby whales burned. One hundred thousand Z (ten silver coins) worth of bills with condoms as a side prize. It's only a single win, but it's a mechanism where you get a bag of condoms along with the prize money as a secondary prize if you center your expectations at ten times more than a million Zs (one gold coin) on the refund.

As a result, the dog racing system has a rule that only one dog tag can be purchased per race. Small dog bills are often ignored, but high dog bills are checked for status when they are purchased and redeemed, so if you really want to buy more than one, you need to gather the number of people to buy them, but the sale closes three hours before a race that takes place every twenty minutes. The roughly expected odds are sticking out, but sales are tallied after the deadline, and postings are switched to the latest odds five minutes before the run. In the end, the torso was a lucrative mechanism.

If you want a dog tag after the sales deadline, you need to negotiate relative with the person you already bought it from to buy it higher than the normal sales value. There are people who make the buyer a business and ask the buyer to pay a fee to find the person who buys the dog tag.

"Hey, Mr. Lorrick, Mr. Fio, you two are going in for another half a million, right? Let's give up. They'll sell it when it arrives again."

Sarjes, who says so, had bought only two hard, low-multiplier dog bills and had them both mid. It's the lowest dog bill one hundred Z (a piece of copper coin) (it was 2.5 and 3.2 times the dividend, so it's 370 Z's money). I had no choice but to go out with them and buy them.

"Ugh! Get back what you lost!

"If I pull here, I'll have a man!

(Oh, these people, are they the type to break themselves in horse racing? Did you like pussy or something?

"You wouldn't generally win a dog tag with that magnification, would you? Have you ever done 'Horse Racing' or something? Strong dogs usually have low multipliers."

"I've never bet before."

"Me too. I used to bet on the fate of the 'company', but I've never seen anything like it."

(You're a typical beginner... look at that.)

"But I hear there's going to be more than ten times as many dividends every ten races."

"Oops, the highest dividend seems to be 23.5x today. If I take it, I can flip it at once."

"Then you're not going to lose because of the odds?

That's the math, Lorrick. That's the math.

Sargess was shy and unable to say anything, but the two are benefactors. Mostly, if you want a condom, you should be able to buy enough with the money you've poured in so far. They also sell it for 15000Z a bag with the Green Chamber of Commerce, but if you say you will give it ten times, they will not sell it.

"Both of you, let's cut it out! I can't do this!

Dogs with more than ten times the odds can't win, so it's more than ten times.

Fumi Sarjes remembers.

(That being said, I used to think about it. I guess my feelings are totally back to being a kid......)

Sarjes made sure to grab the root of the two and left the dog race venue behind.

"You'll be first to try to get to the Green Chamber of Commerce. Maybe if we negotiate, they'll sell it, and isn't it important that you go through it a few times and remember your face?

"Oh, right. The first time I lost, it got so hot, I forgot me."

"Lorrick, you too... when I lost the first time, I got here cuckoo..."

Encouraging two dripping people, Sarjes was also walking toe-bottomed around the corner of downtown by pushing two backs dropping their shoulders for the Green Chamber of Commerce.

That's when.

"Cora, you hit the sheath!

I thought it was a yakuza and a lion (lios) man yelled at me. Apparently Fio's sheath hit Lios' sword sheath. Several of the men around Lios have also raised their minds and cursed at Casa.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

Fio answers cheerfully, but didn't miss the yakuza thing. I'm assuming you pay some money. Naturally both Fio and Lorrick say they can't pay money they don't know that way, but I was worried that if I tried Sargess earlier I'd be losing bigger in the dog race, and honestly if I even paid silver coins, they'd likely miss it.

"Hey, what are you doing on a round trip under the sky? Get lost, chimp."

A middle-aged man from the Mountain Nation (Dwarf), with his somewhat compelling pink hair and mustache, has broken in. The man had a long blonde Pu woman with short yellow-green hair and a black bearded dwarf woman. The two women were both invincibly smiling lightly, but turned to the Sargesses and smiled nicely.

The three men who saw the woman's face hardened in an instant.

Whatever you think, the three of them didn't see this interrupting dwarf as Japanese. Face creation is completely inconsistent with the Japanese. He claims that all basic facial parts are "pure dwarves".

The two women with them also had blonde hair and yellow-green hair, so the three of them seemed oath people at first glance, but they noticed that the faces of the two women who smiled at us clearly had Japanese characteristics.

"You're Japanese, right? I'll help you. '

When a long-haired Pu woman said that in Japanese, she scored behind Dwarf's diagonal.

"You can count on these two."

The Dwarf woman didn't seem to have a weapon, but she held and opened a sloppy, lowered hand.

"Damn it... no doubt about it! Oh, brother, these guys...... no, these people are killers (Slaters)! Oh, they're bad..."

"Ah... oh, I've seen it too. She's a ball-crusher."

"So is this pink-haired dwarf Mr. Firefrid...?

"Whoa, if you know what I mean, you talk fast. Hey, kid from Lios, you can fight, but we're Balduk adventurers. I always deal with demons. I'm gonna do the same thing, so you can't cut me loose, can you?

The yakuza things changed their complexion when Dwarves threatened them as they twirled their hand axes (tomahawks).

"To, Japanese......?

It was Japanese, wasn't it?

'I heard that too, and that face...'

"But a woman can help you..."

"Uhm, don't be tight."

Is that what you're saying? You don't have to add up?

"Ah, oh."

"Ooh, ooh."

Looks like Dwarf and the ladies with him said something more while the three of them were talking about this, and the chimps said "I didn't want to" and disappeared into the crowd.

The six men who entered the diner in front of them had surrounded the table. I have introduced myself first. The three were surprised to hear that the blonde, long-haired Pu woman was the daughter of that Dwarf, but convinced to hear that the Dwarf had picked her up and raised her as an abandoner.

"Hmm, is that right? But we're convinced."

Answered by a woman named Larfa, who dyed her long hair golden. I thought Sarjes was cute, but now it doesn't matter, so I kept quiet. Slave guts stained over the years had allowed him to suppress speech without permission.

'That being said... it's possible that you guys are being fooled by that man because of that contract?

Fio keeps persuading me.

"Um, I don't understand Mr. Xenom when it's" Japanese, "so you're asking me to speak Ragdarios (Common Language)..."

Akdam, a dwarf woman dyed her hair yellow and green, cautioned Fio. The three seemed to be uncomfortable with the fact that the woman with the Japanese face had a mustache, trying not to look at Akdam's face as much as possible.

'No, it's your problem. You're all grown up now, aren't you? Make up your mind about yourself. Japanese would be fine.'

It doesn't matter. Fio continues in Japanese. Speak back with a face Ralpha doesn't seem to like.

"I don't hide anything from Zenom, and I don't need it. If we only talk in 'Japanese' any more, we'll go home."

It was Fio and Lorrick who panicked when they heard that.

"Wow, okay. I don't use 'Japanese' anymore. Listen to me."

"Calm down, we just want to help the 'Japanese' woman if it's possible she's being deceived"

Xenom the Dwarf, who kept his mouth shut, struck Ralpha in the ear.

"I don't know what we're talking about, but shouldn't we call Al?

"Mmm... it's okay. I didn't rely on Al either..."

Akdam, who sees how it goes, says to the three of them.

"Excuse me, I'll tell you a little confidential, so I'll just talk a little bit over there"

Moving to another table, they had an argument for a little while.

"The reincarnated should be drawn to their people."

"I know that..."

"Yes, you should call Mr. Al."

"But, you know, I hear you two like that knight have been around for a while. Even if it's good, you know... what happened? You said Cat People's ex-slave wanted to buy someone to start doing business early and be his wife. Compared to the two knights, it doesn't seem useful in the labyrinth, but, Guiney, you can fight monsters nicely now, so I'm pretty sure that's more likely for him."

"That's right. But I think you should negotiate with Al."

"I think Mr. Xenom is right, too. What do you want me to call you back?

"That's no good. I want you to come with me because Xenom is an adult, and me and Guine are Japanese. You should be in the negotiating room. Besides, I can't help but always leave it to Al. Let me show you that we can negotiate alone."

"Well, then you'll be scolded by Al."

"I disagreed."

"... worst of all, if Al takes the time to negotiate, I'll come looking for him tomorrow on my own... We'll rent a place at the Grid Chamber of Commerce if we bring it in till tomorrow."

"In the end..."

"With Mr. Al's fungus..."

"It's okay, I'm just gonna cut you some slack! Al will wipe your ass!

Apparently, the consultation came together.

Fio and Lorrick lick their lips and look serious.

Sarjes was interested even though he pretended not to be interested.

Because they have a chamber of commerce owner in their people.

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