May 28, 7444.

How long does it take?

I could probably earn a few dozen seconds or so. If that speed (enough for an adult to walk fast) would be enough to circle this doughnut, it would depend on the course taken, but it would be about three to four minutes.

"Maybe more than enough..."

No way.

So how about this?

"I'll attract him more, so throw a stone in the mountains with a" light "so he doesn't touch my" anti-magic field ""

"Huh? Okay."

I know you have some doubts, but it's a good attitude to follow immediately.

Mizuchi immediately picked up the proper stone and seemed to have bewitched the "light". At the same time I threw a second "long term light" stone around the middle of the aisle to secure the light.

I guess it was because I was stopping, and the eyeball guy and I were already approached about 10 meters.

Mizuchi's thrown "light" stone hit his white, cloudy central eyeball.

The stone never changed anything. HP hasn't decreased, nor has it changed the number of magic reflexes (magic reflexes). You don't play magic with low threat?

He also sped up a little and took a distance. What can be thrown...... twenty thousand, knives with missing blades. Nine Mizuchi knives, large and small. Four throwing arrows (darts). Blow arrows. There's a lot of stuff... If Bell is around, I can get arrows fired from behind the anti-magic defense wall...

Even if you let the blow arrows fly with wind magic instead of breath, Mizuchi says you can't be very powerful because of the endurance problems with the pipes you're carrying right now. I guess I'll try again with metal air gun (air gun) manufacture when I get home. I used to make some prototypes, but the power was pretty low compared to the range of crossbows (crossbows) I heard. The air resistance was too high due to the warhead shape problem. It's going to be a one-shot ceremony, but I made quite a trial and error trying to plant it in my sword.

Make an iron pipe and pack a dedicated arrow from behind. Stick the cotton around the rear or center of the arrow, put your hands and fingers on it so this one of the pipes blocks the wax. Wind magic there. It's about 40 meters in flight, and it's powerful. There's cotton on the arrow, so the deceleration quickly increases. When I raise the level of wind magic, my hands come off the pipe more, and in the end, they're almost together, and I can't target them, so the opposite makes no sense. Overall, it's pretty much better than flying an arrow with your breath, to the extent that you ended up giving up.

Anyway, I can't do a lot of scratching on that eyeball bastard just how much I threw in my hand. Unless you throw it with a sword and hit it well, but if you throw it once, it's over.

'Enough, next... I'll pull over to the inner wall more. Build dirt walls in the right place by pinching columns and reaching around the other side of him while hiding in the "Anti-Magic Field". The height is enough for me to stand and hide, and the width is 1.5m.... Now, go!


Make sure Mizuchi rushes out and stares at the eyeball bastard again. It looks as vicious as ever. If I solve the "anti-magic field" here and now, I guess I'll die in one shot. I really want to make it a last resort to play fleshball battles with my sword (long sword) while putting up an "anti-magic field". Anyway, his magic reflexes work about 50 to 60 centimeters away from his body. I have no more means of keeping that distance and attacking with weapons than I don't know what happens when I touch "anti-magic field". He jumped over the "anti-magic field" and stabbed a sword through it. If he rayed into my hand, he would surely die. Increase the retraction speed so as to open the distance again by about 30 m.


I heard Mizuchi finish his work.

'All right, stay put. I'm gonna stick to the inner wall, so you stick to the inner wall, too!

threw a third "long term light" stone. Fuji, on the left, if you look at the pillars that are at the core of the doughnut, you see a passage similar to the one that came in here. The passage was immediately bent to the right and naturally the crystal rod of the transfer could not be confirmed.

"I'm 5 meters behind you. The wall is about 2 meters to my right. '

Mizuchi spoke to me.

'All right, back off at about my speed. Stop on the verge of losing sight of me. If I hide in the wall, count to twenty seconds and let me know. "


A wall appeared to the right of his vision. The eyeball bastard is about 30m away.

I immediately unraveled the "anti-magic field" when I hid in the wall and used new magic.

It's magic Carl just taught me this month at the head. I've only practiced with standard magic yet, but it'll be enough.

"Delayed Blast Fireball"

It's certainly possible to use this guy like a normal "fireball," but the crux of it is that he doesn't have to fly a warhead. I fly precisely, but if I fly only 1 cm, I don't fly with it. You can set an explosion delay in time, and that's what makes it possible, like a mine, to look at the timing and explode. It's time this time. I can't let go of Anti-Magic Field. Mizuchi signaled me. I could make ten shots in twenty seconds. I put all the timers together and set them up five seconds later, then again expanded the "anti-magic field" to make sure they stick inside the doughnut and hurriedly retracted.

Though the eyeball bastard lost sight of me hiding in the wall, I guess he stepped on me hiding in the wall. He seemed to be headed this way without fluttering on the spot and without changing his speed. I was already about 5m away. That's good. Four seconds.

Looks like he's emitting a one-light ray towards me jumping out of the wall, and a violet electricity ran on the surface of the "anti-magic field". Oops, I forgot [appraisal]. MP is 51 or said!. Three more seconds.

Hurry back as you deploy "Anti-Magic Field". The earth wall and the inner wall of the doughnut are only about 2m. The only way to go after me is through the outside of the wall. Of course I jumped over. As long as you're happy to use magic reflexes (magic reflexes) to bounce off the walls. Two more seconds.

The distance between me and him is already about 10 meters. Mizuchi has joined us. One more second.

Come on! Come on!

I saw him jump over the dirt wall. On the verge of landing, all the "delay blast fireballs" exploded simultaneously. A lot of rocks burning with loud acoustics flew up on me, and I was held back by the "anti-magic field," wrapped in purple electricity and disappeared.

All this has to do is bounce back.

He was intact. However, it was firmly [magic reflex (magic reflex) 6] as it aimed. Success!

When you accidentally gut pose,

'All right! We'll do it again. Build a dirt wall just like that!

Yes, I ordered Mizuchi, and he kept retreating again. He then threw the last "long term light". Is it time to go around......

I hid in the dirt wall again, just like earlier, and now I used another magic trick. If he has feelings, he must be in a pretty hurry right now. I don't mind if I don't. Well, I could have done this on the dirt wall earlier, but I couldn't help but cut the number of magic reflexes (magic reflexes) below 8. You can cut them off in one go with my attack magic until 8.

"Split (Mirror Image)"

In about 10 seconds, the magic activated, and six of my guys showed up and ran towards the left and right of the wall. Immediately the first disappeared under the green light. The second disappeared under the blue light. The third is a yellow ray. The fourth is pink. The fifth, probably colorless. Sixth person…. It won't go away!! Release the "Mirror Image" and place the "Anti-Magic Field" again. I went out of the wall and [appraised]. MP is 1!

Look at you! Rotten eyeball bastard "Lotten Eye Ball"!

Even that one MP left is actually a decimal point, right? You were floating yourself with a beam of great floats, weren't you? One of the upper tentacles was always pointing toward you.

I unlocked the "anti-magic field" with a fierce grin on my face that peeled my teeth out.

You can't do anything, and still you're trying to bite me with your own fangs, the only weapon left behind, fluffy coming this way.

Calm down. I used attack magic.

"Fire Javelin"

Eight flaming spears (Fire Javelin) flew in a circular line with a chitin-covered methyl body. Six were played, but the other two made noises, pierced the corn, and burned the rotten body tissue with sound. It smelled like when I roasted crabs and shrimp with an exoskeleton. It did about 100 damage per bottle, whether it wasn't a steeple or if no steeple existed in the first place.

'We can go now. You take care of it. "

When I said that and spoke to Mizuchi, she also used magic.

"Fire Javelin" as well.

But only one bottle. Still, the damage was as good as mine (of course) at 100. One more bottle, one more. I've done 300 more damage. Her elemental magic should have leveled up. [Appraisal] I thought I'd do it, but you should be watching the eyeball guy. This guy's got six hundred HP left. Speaking of which, when I dealt with Franken, it was slightly less damaging. If HP goes negative later, let's hit him and make sure.

HP is decreasing steadily. I instructed Mizuchi, "Three more shots... two more shots... and the last one is weak, so do it" and set HP to -9. At the same time as it became negative, the eyeballs fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"Let him hit me one shot," he said, approaching the eyeball bastard, waving Tris' sword (long sword) down in momentum with only his right hand. HP -185, dealing as much as 76 points of damage. I can say it's reasonable because it looks like it has a high defense in the armor. and then Franken would have had an unusually high defense of the vegetables in the first place.

"One more hit and you'll probably die completely. But wait a minute. Read all '

That's what I said. I read all of Death-Tyrant Kin's open subwindows.

I see, strong. But I'm certainly not the one who can't win. It was me and Mizuchi this time, so I could win without sacrificing. If we were to tolerate sacrifice, if we surrounded ourselves with about fifty troops, about thirty would be incapable of fighting, but we would eventually win with taco beatings. Conversely, if we want to finish this guy off, we need fifty people attacking him simultaneously, and we need to be prepared for more than half of the non-combatants to come out. A living Ey-Tyrant would need more people, but he can't kill them. No, he can't do it to a boulder, or he's so smart if he lives. Hmmm......

Well, if we met in the labyrinth, if it wasn't for me, it would be wiped out... Well, fine.

"Shake it bare a few times to make sure the sword weighs and feels before you kill it. If you kill him, shake him and see the difference."

When I said that, Mizuchi nodded and repeated his bare gestures several times. Seems like he's doing some kind of streak or something. Then he walked up close and stabbed a stop at Death-Tyrant Kin.

I repeated the bare moves again, and I also tried to use the continuous moves and it seems satisfactory.

'Are you leveling up...... it feels subtly lighter in your body, but you certainly won't notice it unless you pay considerable attention...... to be honest, I don't think you'll ever notice it unless you tell me. I'm half-hearted, even if they say so.'

As expected, it was tremendous experience. It would be because HP and levels were high and special skills were very high. With over 40,000 in vegan condition, plus a 1% bonus and talent, I had a bit of experience even though I didn't do 20% of the damage. If I had done the damage alone, my level would have gone up.

[Alain Gried/5/3/7429]

[M/14/2/7428 · Pu · Sir Gried's second son]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 16]

[Level: 21]

[HP: 178 (178) MP: 4829 (7442)]

[Muscle Strength: 29]

[Jun Min: 39]

[Dexterity: 27]

[Endurance: 29]

[Unique Skill: Appraisal (MAX)]

[Unique Skill: Amazing Talent (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (LV.8)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (MAX)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (MAX)]

[Experience: 1358264 (1430000)]

[Mizzerit Thiztungrl/5/3/7429]

[F/14/2/7428 · Dark Elite Nation · Lyle Kingdom Civilian (Lilac)]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 16]

[Level: 11]

[HP: 116 (116) MP: 92 (257)]

[Muscle Strength: 17]

[Jun Min: 25]

[Dexterity: 20]

[Endurance: 18]

[Unique Skill: Troop Formation (Partization) (LV.6)]

[Special skill: Infrared vision (Infrastructure vision)]

[Special Skill: Inclination Sensing (Inclination Sensing)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (LV.5)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (LV.5)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (LV.5)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (LV.5)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (LV.5)]

[Experience: 172656 (210000)]

Well, I just took a breath, and there's something important. First of all, Demon Stone. I hate to separate this crustacean rotten body, but I don't have a hand to miss.

Took me over an hour to pick the Demon Stone. It's so heavy, and it's shaded enough to say it's white. Once appraised, it's worth... say 12,340,5678...? If you sell it, it's close to 100 million Z! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa I've never had more than 4 million Z's on Demon Stone alone before. Even Wang Du is suspicious.

Then fate. There was a brilliantly spherical crystal inside the largest eyeball crystal in the torso. It helps that you don't need to brush, but what a 30cm diameter. It can even be felt that it weighs well over 40 Kg and in some cases may be close to 50 kg. It's very hard to carry. I just have to roll it and take it, but I don't like it if I hurt you.

Do we have to do it here......

I don't think there will be a new Lord for 10 hours, but at least we should go one more step up.

And then, naturally, there was nothing silly about it to be gold. I was wondering if there was a crystal sphere in the eyeball at the tip of the tentacle as well, but there was nothing like it and it was packed with grey loose liquid.

I checked the central room that hit the doughnut hole, but the crystal rod of the transfer still stood on the pedestal. But I haven't had any spells. Does this mean we have to go back to the ground because we can't go any further here at the bottom? He carried the crystal sphere with him, and when he managed to hold it with one hand, he grabbed the stick with Mizuchi and cast a transfer spell.

"Put us back."

The destination of the metastasis was a corner of the room of the crystal rod of the unfamiliar metastasis. The walls are covered with sandstone-like rocks, and the floors seem to be a little hard to walk with, like, fine sand. But the crystals won't scratch either, and they'll be safe here for now. It can also be said to be suitable for the rest of the day. When Mizuchi and I looked at each other, did the tension fog up until then, and I sat down to go into the floor, either way. Like the usual labyrinth, we don't even need "lights" because the floors we enter, the ceilings about 10 meters high, and the nearby walls emit light.

The glow of the sand laid on the floor was so thin and faded away from us that it was no different, but its glow seemed to emit a grain of sand and even fantastic beauty.

I can talk to you after you get out on the ground, but there are times when no one can ask you if you're here.

I left my back on the wall and placed a crystal ball on my right side. On the left Mizuchi sat with his legs stretched out the same way.

"Finally, don't worry... let's talk about what's been happening..."

When I say that, Mizuchi's a little sloppy.


and said in a small voice.

"I never bothered to ask when it would be a battle.... I didn't want to upset you. Ask if there's anything you can talk about. I'm not saying I can't... '


Mizuchi didn't say anything.

'Well, fine. I can almost imagine. I heard that the “first warrior class” is the job of assassination... You, Lowkiss, were attacking a party of noble sons, weren't you?

"It's the..."

Mizuchi, who heard my words, saw me once, but soon fell apart. Affirmative.

'... I won't be mad at you for anything. That was your job, wasn't it? Was that Mr. Gozeagle? You're gonna need your brother's pills, aren't you?

'... Yes'

Mizuchi replied with a voice that seemed to disappear.

"How much do you need?


So I'm talking about how much you need to buy that medicine.

Mizuchi, who heard my query, said he was blurring.

'... twice a day, say Lachhog, you have to take a pill that does as much as 10,000 Z that can only be made from special mushrooms... it costs as much as 7.2 million Z a year. Still, my brother's body just gets weaker...... if my uncle and his wife don't take care of him, I can't even walk alone already. So you can't buy very much medicine without doing a lot of work...... you despise it, don't you? I'm going around killing people to help my brother, me. I'm already so paralyzed with my senses that I can kill them without thinking about it. A murderer, a murderer. "

Apparently it's true to say that the Dark Elves (Dark Elves) will also undertake assassinations as long as they pay. I didn't trust him at all because it was a rumor I heard in the tavern.

'If you're a man, I've killed you too. Nothing like that makes me think of nothing now. Don't worry about it. "


'But no shit... that's been hard...'

"Huh? I didn't think the killing itself was hard. Because that's how I've been educated and trained. '

Mizuchi said properly. Oh, my God, already. This is it if I comfort him a little better. Furthermore, Mizuchi

"It was hard for me to live the life of Junko Vertebra because I remembered it, because I had a life with so many different values. I had a lot of dissatisfaction if I stayed Mizuchi, but I don't think so because the killer himself was disconnected from the job '

I ran out of words. Ahhh.

'I'll do this. Take it. If it's worth normal, it should be close to 100 million Z. You'd sell it directly to the country, wouldn't you?

That's what I said. I let him grip the demon stone I collected from Death-Tyrant Kin.

'Huh? But...'

'That's okay. I don't have a place to sell it anyway. Mostly, you did most of the damage.'

'... thank you. It helps.'

Mizuchi, who received the Demon Stone, carefully bowed his head.

"Oh, don't worry about it"

That's what I said and took the word for it.

"So, did the Low-Kiss opponent's job snap?

'... Yes. I finally finished him off well at the end. This request is for:' Fine. You don't have to say that much. But let me ask you one thing. How could you locate Lowkiss in the labyrinth?

Until then, Mizuchi, who was pointing toward me, turned his face to the front and saw the crystal rod of the transfer. I leaned down a little, exhaled all the time, slowly, but clearly mouthed.

'... that's hard to say...... stumbled on one of his parties'

I shut up and stared at Mizuchi's face and a few unexpected words returned.

"You're stuck..."

If Mizuchi needs to do something that is very unlikely to be done with the vertebrae, he can do it flat?

"This is still an elf. You're ugly when you go home, but that's not what you dumped my face on, is it? Besides, I'm, you know, the one with the unlikely breasts in the elves... '

I laughed sadly, embarrassed to say so. A glimmer of tears drew a line on the right-facing side I could see from me. You're a guy who cries a lot. Sure enough, the D-cup seems like a big enough chest for a sixteen-year-old elf. But when I see Bell, I'm gonna lose my hips, you.

'It's dirty, me... and I partied with unique skills like I used it for you today. Of course, I'm trying to make sure the guy who stuck it doesn't know where we are. I was waiting in the back and two layers. They were disposed of in the dark with throwing arrows (darts) and blowing arrows (browguns). I have also used magic......'

'Well... how do you know where the party members are on another tier in the labyrinth?

I wanted to change the subject.

I don't know.


This response was too unexpected. What do you mean you don't know?

'The labyrinth is a strange place. Only members in the same hierarchy are sure of their whereabouts. I know you're on a different level or outside the labyrinth, but I don't know in which direction, how far away. "


I don't hear any more. Enough is enough as long as we know the mystery. Besides, I didn't want to hear any more about it, and I didn't want to see your spicy face.

'Well, okay. And...'

I grabbed Mizuchi's arm sitting on the left and pulled him over.

"If you don't like it, say it, as you wish, from now on you're my woman"

The cracked tongue ahead of me swoops my mouth passionately......

At the same time, I was clutching my wallet in the big pocket on my right leg of my pants. There's only one, motherfucker... But... this is... this is the guy you call the suspension bridge effect? No, the danger must be long gone. Well, I don't care now.

"I've never kissed you before."


Dark Elf's blood is red, too. My cheeks are fine and stained with light peaches. No, should I say light red purple?

"Thank you"

"Don't thank me."

We talked as we fell asleep on the fine sand. Mizuchi has his head on my left arm, turning this way and tangling his left leg and left arm around me.

'And then, hey, it's about me, maybe about us. Have you ever heard of the magic of "report"?

He shifted his body and turned left, looking at Mizuchi's face from the front.

"" Report (Report) "? No, I've never heard of it '

I guess so. You'll need to be sure here. There were times when I hung an "anti-magic field" on my head for a good reason for each of the reincarnators at my party, but never once did I lose the shine of my hands. At that time, he said, "It's also because I always keep my magic hanging. I guess it's when I didn't happen to hang it," he had himself in mind. But I'm sure of it now.


Having said that, I made a minimal "anti-magic field" with my right hand and put it on my head aware of the "report (report)" that should be on my head.

Looking at Mizuchi's face, which rounds his eyes to what happened in front of him, he made an "anti-magic field" again and put it on his head consciously, aware of the "report (report)" that should be on Mizuchi's head. As expected, the "anti-magic field" disappeared after losing its potency by releasing small purple electricity.

Keep that hand in front of Mizuchi's eyes.

Mizuchi, staring at my palm, opened his eyes in amazement.

"It should also be related to your amnesia. You must have remembered a lot when you saw my face, huh? I forgot a few things too... '

Mizuchi talks calmly. You didn't hear my words.

'Huh? This... was magical...?

And he was groaning in disgust. You'd be surprised.

'Hey, get dressed first. This "report" magic is troublesome...

Spent dozens of minutes wearing gear explaining the magic of "report (report)". Mizuchi doesn't seem to be too pompous to talk about. I can't help it.

"So here's this" Operator Detection (Ditect Magic User) "and" Far Tale (Telepathy) ". Can I say by chance, what is it, I got a splendid crystal sphere that I could use for the catalyst. I can already use these two sorceries myself. I'm ready to use it."

'Huh? Wait a minute, please. You know, all of a sudden...... you're a god (god) or a sub-god (demi god), right? Let me prepare my mind. "

You've been blocking me like I panicked.

"Prepare your mind? Always be prepared for that. Don't panic when you have to. Let's go. '

That's what I say. Concentrate on magic and work out the magic you need. Crystal spheres glow from the center.

Mizuchi was also glaring at the crystal sphere.

Gradually, the glow of the crystal sphere softened, to one statue with a solid statue that looked like a marble pattern of fuzzy black, purple or yellow...... what is this?

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