Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 67: Going to Fairy Home Again 1

14 Feb 7444

I don't know, I ended up diving into the labyrinth from February 1st to 5th, more than I had originally planned, and then I took three holidays, diving again from the 9th to yesterday's 13th. In the adventure in between, he concluded that six-layer metastases were still a form of trap. Walking around throwing stones makes it quite easy to discover. The aisle is about 9m wide, but stones with weird marks are fixed on both of its walls. Between the stone and the stone, about 6 m of space seems to be the starting point for the transfer.

I threw in a lot of stones and tried them and found out. I mean, I can get through about 1.5m from the stone. It seems to transfer even if you throw stones from the other side. Besides this, there were as many pitfalls and crossbow traps as ever. That's more of a hassle to discover. So the search for the six layers has not progressed as late.

It should be noted that the marked stones seem to be just popping out some of the big rocks and I gave up digging them out. Also, the marks are not constant. Is the destination different depending on the mark, to speculate? to the extent that the opinion can be expressed. Sharpening off the mark was also a stone, or the rock was hard and impossible. Well, even if I could scrape it off, I don't think it makes much sense because I also feel like it will come back to life after a while due to the labyrinth's ability to recover. Because I don't know where to transfer to the sixth floor, so I don't go through the same place all the time.

I've never broken into a metastasis trap yet. An overly reckless opinion was suggested by Ralpha to go in thoughtfully, but it was unanimously rejected.

By the way, I only confirmed that nothing would happen if I stuck the tip of the pole. When thrown in, it transfers. On closer observation, the metastasis appears to activate when half of the entire object exceeds the trap of metastasis. We have not been able to confirm whether this is the case even with organisms. Even goblins can tie one up and kick in if they wander around, but the only thing they see as raw hatred is pig "cave wild bore". It is impossible to capture this size of pig alive on a boulder. Even if I could, I wouldn't be scared to kick it.

Anyway, it is expected that the six-layer search will take a very long time in this way. We'll just have to sit back and work on it now. What you get is huge. Anyway, I've only been in a six-story room twice, but the first time I never said anything about just about ten pigs, but the second time I busted a summoned "Cave Great Bore" in an altar-mounted room that was also on the fifth floor, I got a silly big gold ore.

Bigger than an adult's head. The gold ore was very heavy and weighed about 50 kg because, according to Tris, it weighed about 50 times as much as a litre of water. I guess the ore was also pure, refining it would take about 20 kg of gold, so if that's true, they can sell it off for over 60 million Z.

This is the first example of bringing home so much gold ore in the last few decades in Balduk, and the adventurers boiled down. We declared we found this ore on five levels and succeeded in drawing the top team to five. Especially since "Sunshine (Sun Ray)" ate into this information, and they broke the party into two parts today and even started attacking at the same time.

As usual, we exchange birthday gifts, celebrate our sixteenth birthday with five people about being celebrated safely, and a week from now, the big money will also roll in with gold ore that seems to finish refining. They all drank lumps because they felt bigger. The next day was hard on boulders, so much so that I seriously thought about using "poisoning neutralizing (neutralizing poison)".

The five of us who are reincarnated are even more capable of aging. Each level has also risen, and the lowest Guinee is at 12 levels, which doesn't bother me as much as if I were on the top team.

25 Apr 7444

My brothers were there when I returned from the labyrinth to the Boyle Pavilion. Apparently, my brothers arrived last night, and without me, they couldn't go to deliver to the Knights, and they waited for me. 'Cause I got a letter this evening... so I was just relieved. Barkud's caravan was loaded this time. For about two years from this month, some of their luggage will be there because the Ryogs, Barkud's squire, will live in Lombertia. There were only two carriages in any case, so in addition to the goods for delivery, their household items and so on were loaded and the two were like mountains.

That's why they were leaving the village a week earlier than usual. Well, I've been stuck in Balduk for two days, so I ended up with a mess, but if you think about it, is it normal to leave early?

I told everyone to think about it for a second.

"Uh... sorry, but the next labyrinth is supposed to start on April 29th, but it's also convenient for the Chamber of Commerce, so let's make it a little earlier 'Golden Week'. Since May 3rd. So for seven days until May 2nd, I'll take the day off. It's sudden, but someone tell Zulu and Engela too... oh, I'll tell them from you when you have dinner"

For about three months from the beginning of February, we have vigorously continued our six-layer search, but due to the caution of the trap, the search has not progressed as late as possible, and it was expected that it would have progressed a little over 10% of the six-layer. Magic items are the only ones that have not been found, but the sense of fullness has been saved because we have discovered a tremendous amount of momentum: four ore and gemstones in total, an average of one or two a month.

It's good to remember where you are. May 1st is the day you can go back to Carl. I don't know if I can go but it's well worth a try for the whole day. Now I'm going to take a lot of fish.

Well, anyway, now let's celebrate the reunion and roll it out to dinner. I said to my brothers, "I'm going to get dressed, just give me a minute," and when I pulled in just now, I took off the protector, took a shower all the time, and changed into snug clothes. Because they were both in use when I went to the shower room (probably Bell and Ralpha), I went back to my room and pulled out a bucket for cooling in the summer and took a shower.

I went to my brothers waiting lobby with my sword band on my hips, and after being hugged by Rosral and Wendy, who had seen my face for a long time, I smiled at their daughter Diane and said, "I've got a good place for you, stay tuned". Ralpha and Guine also came to the other escort squire where they were also greeting each other. Are these the first two people who were showering?

My brother spoke to me in a grumpy manner for some reason.

"Al, the innkeepers told me about you, anything. They already say you're the best adventurer in Balduk. It's a big deal. You're a boulder, well done."

You're being praised, aren't you, me?

"That's right, Master Al. I also heard rumors when I was eating dinner yesterday, they called me a Killer (Slaters), didn't they, to pay back a bunch of adventurers who had been attacked before this! Everything was a crime of jealousy about Master Al's birth... but the boulder is Master Al. Return is a big deal."

Sean, by contrast, is in a very good mood. Rozral and Wendy also praised me with a smile. So my brother pulled me into the corner of the lobby and whispered in a whisper.

"Al, I need to talk to you for a second. What does it mean to be a killer (Slaters)? Is that what they named you because you're attacking other adventurers?

My brother is staring at me with harsh eyes. Oh, well, do you hate about the name Killer (Slaters)? My brother doesn't like being crooked, so I can't help it. It's also natural that you don't know because you don't come to Balduk all the time.

"Oh, don't worry. Slaughter (Slaughters) is a nickname given to him because he kills almost every demon he meets in the labyrinth and picks demon stones. Other adventurers don't fight as hard as they can. It's normal to go in the back. But we don't bother avoiding demons. I have defeated them all and gone to the bottom. I never imitated anything to tarnish my family name."

I said that with a firm look in my brother's eyes.

"... well, I was relieved to hear that... One night last night, when I heard what they called me a killer (Slaters), I thought for a moment my heart would stop. Of course I didn't believe you. The squire believed the same. But you're an adventurer and you're diving into the labyrinth... no matter what. I'm sorry I doubted you. Forgive me. But what a noisy nickname to be a killer (Slaters). I was surprised. Besides, I was worried that if you had changed, you might not fit your goals."

When my brother said that with his hands on my shoulder, he lowered his head. I...

"Keep your head up. But it's terrible to doubt it. I won't do anything to piss my father off. I don't really like being a killer (Slaters) either, but it's a useful nickname. It's not bad."

I laughed and said away. My brother,

"Mmm... I guess so. It would be a hard nickname to be licked. Some girls are your age... Surely it's not bad to think so? But I wanted them to call me" The Blade of Justice "or" The Loyal Wolf. "

I said and laughed. "The Blade of Justice" or "The Loyal Wolf" is the name of a legendary adventurer's party centuries ago. It is also the subject of fairy tales. "The Blade of Justice" is the great men who fought heroically against the dragons (dragons) to protect the surrounding villages when the dragons (dragons) of the Dart Plains went wild and retreated, but also inflicted great wounds on the dragons (dragons). "The Loyal Wolf (Royalty Wolves)" is a group of magnificent werewolves who were the men of the first king to join the war against the Empire of Granan in the days of the Second King. That's what the first king called it because the werewolf adventurers who helped him during his adventurous years played a major role in the war of aggression of territorial expansion, not forgetting his gratitude as a guerrilla. He is treated as an adventurer, not a soldier, because he did not belong to the regular army and joined the war by organizing guerrillas as prostitutes.

Both are very famous groups as role models for adventurers, but not my hobby. I'm either going for Logmock the Pit Viper, the log mock king of adventurers who founded the Romberto I and the Cambit kingdom, because adventurers just employ it as a means. He said he was a fairly remote foreign country, and he didn't know much about it, but he stepped up from an adventurer and took over the Cambit kingdom, which was a garbage-like small country at the time, and pushed it up to a great power in a generation. Rapid scaling up in just a few decades, almost as good as the founding of a nation, is the story grass of the Aus people. Unfortunately, they say that their children are not blessed and have no offspring, but it's still a big deal that got them excited about a country. Honestly respectable.

"But don't get me wrong. I'm not looking to be a first-rate adventurer... I don't even want someone to compliment me. I would strike unintentionally if I had to, and I would deceive you. I might even attack other adventurers as a result. I just didn't because I didn't need that before." Oh, I guess so. I know that. The world isn't sweet. I was just worried I'd kill you to kill you. 'Cause if you found out what a killer (Slaughters) they call you, you wouldn't be able to think so, would you?

That's what my brother said as a nigga. And

"Something unintentional is obvious. Even I kept thinking about how to get out of my opponent when I was at war. I would have done as many things as I had the opportunity to deliberately raise their flag and approach them or even deceive them. I just didn't do it because I didn't get a chance. I figured out there was nothing I was worried about, so that's fine."

He said and stroked my head.

"You've grown, Al. He's going to get run over soon."

My brother is not as tall as Zulu but he is quite tall, he would have about 185cm. I'm over 170cm too, but I'm not going to lose my brother's back because it's about whether I can get to 180cm by the end of my growing season. I...


I said and laughed.

"Mr. Farn, it's been a while."

Belle and Tris came dressed.

"Hey, long time no see. You both look fine, and most importantly, you can always tell me if this guy (Al) says something unscrupulous, and I'll break the cage."

That's what my brother joked about and walked out to everyone laughing at something with Tris and Bell.

Where shall we make dinner today? "Dollar Leon" is fine. I told Ralpha, "Let's go to Dollar Leon. I'll tell Zulu and Engela. I'm going first," he said, walking out to the "shooney" that the two slaves were using for the inn.

26 Apr 7444

After completing the delivery to the Knights, and at the same time explaining that from now on they would be able to take measurements, deliveries and repairs at the headquarters of the Green Chamber of Commerce, and introducing the resident, the Ryogs, they headed to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce with all of Barkud.

The Yoturen family has already rented a house a little further away to complete the move. They are not allowed to take their youngest son, Kamnal, to work, so they are not allowed to leave one toddler at home to go to work. Introduce them to the Ryogs and also introduce the Ryogs to the Yotourens. The lower back Yoturen and others, but the Ryogs were no less than beaten and greeted with lower back.

Barkud's free folk were only the healer, Grandma Shami, and the rest were the hunter's dokshes. Awareness of the class difference between the civilian population and the free people is low for the rural people of Barkud because they were both indispensable people in the village. Except for the slaves. Besides, if you try the rhogs, you don't know the right or the left. They're the only people in the metropolis who can count on you, so let's go low on nature and hips. Do you want me to stab you in the nail?

"Rosrall, Wendy, Diane, they are regular employees of the Grid Chamber of Commerce. Be your seniors. Then, Layla, Anna, Hannah, they're now employees of the Green Chamber of Commerce, but they're inherently Barkud squires. No disrespect."

This will do. My brother is snorting too.

The Chamber of Commerce headquarters is cleaned exactly every corner, and the "Green Chamber of Commerce" sign is also hung above the entrance as ordered. I'm going to take the Ryogs' luggage upstairs and go buy what I need today, such as an armored exhibition deck in the store section. Since only the shelves remain intact, arrange samples of rubber sandals, boots and various cushions, and do not put a price tag on them yet.

"Diane, use this carriage for delivery. Take good care of the horses."

I said and deposited with them the carriage I bought from Guineh and two luggage horses.

The brother who was watching it,

"Just give me a minute. Naturally, we'll be back in Barkud once, but we'll be back soon. I have to get some inventory for sale. I'd like to use that carriage."

I've said. Oh, well. You can't just leave me alone until summer, can you? Because I can carry it all at once. I do prefer a lot of carriages.

"Huh? Oh well. Then use it."

So I pulled Diane back in to turn the carriage around.

The loading and installation of tools to the workplace and barrels of rubber materials such as rubber sap (latex), sulphur, charcoal and wood vinegar liquid will take place tomorrow.

Once you have finished shopping, have the door tightened and have a dinner party that is not a decision gathering for everyone to deepen your rapport. It wouldn't have to be a super fancy store. I wish you could talk thoughtfully in a store a little bit more than normal, and it's not a good place to be too elbow tight. Oh, yes, for the donation of condoms to the royal family, or for the sale, we need to be sure to include Rosrall. That's what I thought. I tried to teach Rosrall how to be polite, and I told my brother,

"Al, it's your chamber of commerce, so you can do whatever you want, but you should be the only one delivering to the royal family on the boulder, right?

It was noted that Um, all you have to do is tell me because there aren't always kings and queens out there, and I didn't think it had to be me. Well, it's certainly not an honor to climb or enter the royal castle. I don't like it when they send in a civilian and say, "Are you licking me, Cora" or something. It's not a good idea since something happened, and it's not a bad idea to come out to the King's Capital once in a while. But it's also a good idea as an organization that I'll always have to be on the table... well, I've been thinking about companies from my last life, but commerce and economics haven't developed that far in this world.

When I say big store, it's just a big personal store. I can't help it. The concept of branches and branches has developed since we entered the modern world. It would be hard to understand if communications did not develop more technically than to some extent. Oh, no, Keel's Ja, Momo, Halitide, I wonder how you are. Don't you have to force me to do it now? You just have to make me understand slowly from now on.

Anyway, I have to book tonight's shop and finish loading tomorrow. Since then, during the month, I have to stay in King's Capital and consult with the Lyogs, and I have common sense. It's almost time to meet Carl.

April 30, 7444.

In the meantime, he finished the whole process of making common sense of the city to the Ryogs, leaving Lombertia behind before the evening. We must hurry back to Balduk and do what we have to do. First, I bought a glass of fish dried with my eyes, and gripped a demon stone. Don't forget the stove and clock demon props either. I'll buy sandwiches for me later.

Indeed, Carl said, "It's not just a coincidence to move from one layer of the labyrinth to another where you can come here. I am able to transfer once every four months, that is, only the first days of January, May and September, when I am lucky," he said. We will have to enter the labyrinth as soon as this evening, crush time until midnight in the crystal chamber of further metastases, and repeat the metastases at the same time as the dates change. Originally I was supposed to be in King's Capital until the day after tomorrow, so if you buy what you need, grab your stuff and then head to the labyrinth, you'll put it in the labyrinth without being noticed by loud Zulu and Engela. When you're not lucky and can't get to that area...... I don't want to think about it.

I'm off till the day after tomorrow, so I feel like I can handle it if I repeat the transfer all day tomorrow. Oh, with that said, "The door won't show up unless you push the switch at the bottom of the pit that was on the way, exactly in order," he also said. I also feel like I have to try this again and again. In what order did you fill the pitfalls then? Well, you'll remember if you go. You don't have to bury it. You can go down to the bottom of the pit, investigate the floor, and look for the switch.

Anyway, be sure, I need to see Carl again and talk to him at all costs. Of course, it's important that you teach magic, but there are things you need to ask and check before you do.

All my feelings diverge as I'm rocked by the back of a military horse.

Before 9: 00 pm, I even came to a small room of crystals with further metastases. Of course, monsters on the way are magically slaughtered and left without a demon stone. I don't have a body, but I can't replace my stomach on my back. There's only one person in the room, it's suspicious that he's depressed, so much so that he sits back in the proper aisle and occasionally puts his hand on the clock's magic props to check time.

This morning or yesterday, I'm guessing you went in a long time ago because of your complexion and tiredness. A sevensome party showed up off another aisle earlier and we're taking a break. Some would dive into the right place pretending to be tired if they had a few more people. He weaves a hooded coat of rashes from the top of the protector where the helmet was removed to make it less noticeable. I haven't even brought a gunsword. Only remove the sword and put it in the sheath, it should be hard for you to be noticed with me at first sight because you're strapped to your hips.

Oh, a guy in a hooded coat like me showed up alone from another aisle. Sometimes you're there, this kind of lonely guy. I know you're strong enough to dive into Balduk on your own, but there's a limit to it on your own. Oh, moving to two layers without a break? Well, die wild on your own.

Observe a group of other adventurers entering yet another aisle from behind the aisle, sidetracking adventurers who foolishly transfer alone along the sandwiches they have prepared more for their evening meals and tomorrow's meals. Now... ten full members? Yeah, those are the guys who came to Balduk for six a few months ago. We have a solid increase in membership. You seem to take a break, and don't be fond of it. But I'm pretty sure he's my rival now, not to mention weak. I wish I could storm recklessly and be our bonus gear.

Always pay attention to the aisle behind me. If anyone wants to come closer, I won't fail to just stand up and get ready to move into the room just now. Apparently a bunch of new adventurers have approached behind the dozens of meters. You won't see from them, but my appraisal eyesight shows leather armor with increased luminosity. Looks like a total eight-person out of sight.

He raised his heavy hips, entered the crystal room of his metastasis, leaned down and lowered his hips on the wall.

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