January 17, 7444.

Lots of luggage and hurrying back the way I came to avoid an extra fight as quickly as possible. Even some loosening of alert to demons is a speed priority.

"Hurry up, I'll blow it up in case the monster comes out. It's a fight against time."


"" Yes!

Explain to everyone immediately after that, and hurry back without a little pause. There were nine survivors of the shining blade (Brightblade) that was there, combined with the body. There must be another one. He was at the raid site, but he was at a distance or something, and he either ran away from that place without me noticing, or he was in a small room with a four-layer transfer as his luggage number. When we moved to the fifth floor, there were traces of camp on the fourth floor, but no one was there. Probably escaped, not the luggage number.

It's kind of heavy air, should I change my mood a bit? We talked as we walked.

"Hey, guys. I need to talk to you a little. About a date to dive into the labyrinth."

When I said that, they all looked back at me with faces like, "Finally here."

"Most of the five layers have been explored. It's about time we went to the sixth floor. I'll reschedule next month. From February, three days in a row, four days in a row and more and more days diving into the labyrinth. But I'll make sure the holidays are at least seven and a half days the same as they are now. I will also train for two and a half days to collaborate. But diving in a row will be tiring, so maybe the holidays themselves will increase. Consider the holidays as well. Well, even during February, you mess with the schedule. You talk to him about strength."

Everyone, except Xenom, had a subtle face.

"Right. More holidays, more time in the back of the labyrinth, more money, I agree."

Probably because we used to talk, Xenom immediately voiced his endorsement.

"Sure...... Mr. Xenom is right. I think I'm good, too."

Tris seems to agree. Come on, I thought you and Belle were gonna disagree. Unexpected.' Cause when you think about it in the month, you spend more nights in the labyrinth. Only one night in the labyrinth has been scheduled to explore the labyrinth so far, I didn't stay in a row, so it was a total of ten nights per month, but I think there will be more from now on. I didn't know you would agree that the consumption of 'sheath' is likely to decrease...

"... I'm fine too. Let's make some money."

There was a strange time in Bell's answer. So you're saying I can read her feelings better because we've been dating longer than Tris?

"If everyone is good, so am I. Good luck."

Guine is a little stiff too, but she smiled and agreed with me.

"... Shit"

Let's let this guy go. But, well, let me tell you something.

"Hey Ralpha, I'll teach you to understand even that pathetic head of yours. Sometimes diving long into the labyrinth does make it easier to make money. Until now, the day I got home from the labyrinth, and that's only been around late at night the next morning without training, but I can go for two days in a row during the holidays, so I can go for more drinks. I'm going to train you to collaborate in the afternoon."

When I said that, the edge of my mouth hung a little. I don't know.

It even came back to the crystal bars of the metastasis that came to the five layers. We're moving back to the center room on the fourth floor. Well, that room will only be able to come to the top team, and it won't matter if anyone is there, if it's any other top team, or if there's only one left with a shining blade (Bright Blade). I also thought there might be a slight loosening in everyone's expression by finally being able to return to the safety zone, but that didn't happen. All right, you seem to understand that our loyal elites are firmly justified.

Transfer and restrain the other guy who should be on the shining blade (Bright Blade). Or intercept.

Reach for the crystal rod.

"Just fine, let's talk before we transfer."

That's what I say. I look around at everyone. You're nervous.

"Everybody fall apart as soon as you transfer. You can punch your bags at your feet. If I find the remaining one of the shining blades (Bright Blades), I will restrain them without saying whether or not they are present. If you weren't there, pack your bags and prepare for interception."

Everyone looked at me and nodded.

"Me and Guine, Tris and Bell, Xenom and Zulu, Engela and Ralpha to team up. It is the monitoring of a pair of crystal bars in the order I just said. Kick it off, with or without me, if there's a guy who's transferred by himself. You can hit it. Anyway, pull it off the crystal stick. You can cut it with a sword, but never kill it then. Xenom would be nice, wouldn't it?

"Oh, I know"

They are all carrying luggage or holding it in their arms, but they are ready to prepare their weapons immediately.

"All right, let's go! Reducks."

Transferred into a small chamber of crystal bars of four layers of transfer. At that moment, they all threw out the luggage they were carrying at their feet and each fell apart in a separate direction. At the same time, I pull out my gains and look around the room. There was a set of parties in the corner of the room, and I had a rest and I was eating.

He seemed surprised because he pulled out his weapon and unleashed his killing temper around him when he thought he could have sprinkled his stuff at the same time as we moved in. That's right. But only one of the top teams representing Balduk on the boulder, and it's a quick reaction. Everyone immediately drew their weapons to hand and watched this one without alarm.

Are those the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood)?

"Hey, Mr. Gried, that's a mess. Put your sword away."

The leader, Vilheimer, called out as he stood up. Still a sinister and good voice to the habits of the elite (elves).

Hinofu's, nine people. Except for the elf of a newbie I joined a while ago. Same rash on my face as usual.

"Oh, excuse me. I just got attacked by a bunch of shining blades (Bright Blades)... I was wondering. Besides, how long have you been here? Didn't someone on the shining blade (Bright Blade) transfer here alone while you were here?

I answer with my sword, too, but at the same time I ask questions and my gaze remains flying all over the room. There seems to be only the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) in this room. When I signal everyone to lower their swords,

"Tris, Belle. Excuse me. I need you to take the first watch. Everyone else pack up and rest in the corner. Ralpha and Engela are hurt, and if you can sleep just in case, go to sleep."

So he walked out toward Vilheimer when he put his sword back on his shoulder. I spread it out as I showed my palms flat to show that I had nothing hidden in my hands. You reassured me like that, they put down swords, spears and other objects that they also had in place. Huh? You let go of your palm because you can always magically bury him alive. Well, he's attacked and he's on his mind, so he gets a little aggressive.

Below Vilheimer's, the members of the Green Corps (Verdegli Brotherhood) seemed unable to hide their surprises in what I said, but they also saw faces somewhere convincing.

"Looks like the shining blade (Bright Blade) hasn't been wiped out... how many are left? And then we arrived here about two hours ago. Since then, you've been the first to come to this room, including metastases. And I want you to tell me more about it. To be honest, I'm wondering if it's true that maybe you were attacked by a shining blade (Bright Blade). But..."

Damn... that's what I mean. But, well, you have no choice. Understandable.

"Really... they suddenly raided us from another entrance when we were in battle with ice monsters in a five-story altar room and almost managed to take them down. Thanks to you, several people have been injured, including me. But the rest of them are alone. Nine people were killed on the spot. We're collecting demon stones. Can you check?

When I said that, the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) were looking at each other and talking to each other.

"... seriously."

"Did they alone drive the shining blade (Bright Blade) to total annihilation?

"Bye, you don't seem to. I recognize that armor."

"Killers (Throwers)...... Is your strength real"

"You said there were ice monsters too? You mean you took down an ice monster?

'Cause that's what I'm saying. You're right.'

"That, can you defeat..."

"... Shit, let's go! Be quiet. No! I'm sorry, asshole."

"No... I don't care. But I can't talk about it any more than I do now either. It was all of a sudden, and this one was desperate to respond, so I couldn't help it. Look at this. They shot an arrow in the back. All of a sudden during the battle with Ice Monsters. It was really dangerous."

That said I turned around and showed traces of my leg and arm arrow wounds (the wound itself is a trace of an open arrow under my armor, since it has already healed) and still raw blood. Then I spoke to Zulu and let Bell bring me the stabbed arrow that he pulled out and retrieved.

"Right. But you know you can't just decide on one side of the story, right? To be honest, it's not uncommon for a party to be completely annihilated or devastated every month, but it would be big news when it's about a shining blade (Bright Blade). The Knights might come out, too. You can go back to the ground like this and decide on a strange face, but that would make it hard to dispose of the sparkling blade (Bright Blade) gear. They're selling faces and names."

You're absolutely right. That's why I'm trying to secure the other one, too.

"Right. You are absolutely right. Well, that's why we hurried back after the battle, too, without resting on our busy schedule. To secure the last one."

"Right. We can help with the arrest, too, but is it okay if they're alone... Oh, by the way, who's left? Demitridus?"

"No, the leader Demitridas has killed. Maybe not the rear vigilante who's always stuck behind the party? I don't even remember his name."

Honestly, I don't remember all the other party guys' names. I'm checking for prominent guys and other guys who seem capable.

"Ok...... Martha or Logmit, it would be around Bickens. Any help with the arrests? If you're here, I can help..."

"No, we're all good enough. I won't bother you. It will take them a long time to get to that altar room, too. I don't know how long it will take me to get back to the crystal bars of the transfer by myself, but I'm going to stick around here as long as the food lasts."

That's what I said but it won't be that long. Wouldn't it be about half a day for a long time? I don't think the guys who started Demitridas and raided had any magic left in their heels, so they were pretty much disposing of the monsters along the way. The stones rolled out of everyone's nostalgia with dry or rotten flesh.

"I see. But I don't think so. It's a matter of autonomy in the labyrinth. All right, listen up. I don't doubt you. [M] But I'd also like to hear what the Bright Blade has to say about it. Pull over here. If we're going to do anything more on our own, we're going to suspect the evidence collapse. I want you to wait outside the room if you can.

Of course, let's promise to secure the rest of us when we're transposed responsibly. If you doubt us, then maybe one of you, if you swap with one of our members, you'll never know. You wouldn't know the first thing if you wore a helmet and changed your armor. After I arrest you, I'll listen to you. Your turn comes from then on. "

Oh, my God, this guy looks great in a partition. What is autonomy in the labyrinth? I don't care. That's not true. Or something? Are you the Lord of this Labyrinth or something? Well, I don't know what you're trying to say, or wish in a way.

You must have noticed my subtle look, Vilheimer continued with his cheeks on.

"Don't look like that. Don't make it worse. Neither do we like bright blades. Even you wonder what survival of a shining blade (Bright Blade) would be without you?

Vilheimer said, feeling a little weak.

"... ok, it would be better for us to do what we say here....... please replace the watch. From our party, we're gonna get an elf on the lookout right now."

"Rock, Benno. You heard the story. You guys take the first watch. Then Bath exchanges gear with this elf with the Slaughters. You stay in the aisle with the Slaughters."

I heard that. I speak to Tris, too.

"Tris, replace the watch with the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). You need to change gear with this guy and join the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). Give a detailed explanation."

When he convinced Tris, who had quickly rushed over to explain the situation, he had his gear replaced and let him dive into the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood).

We pack our bags again and wait in a cave a little further from the room.

The wait lasted about five hours. I never got bored because I was in a public conversation with Bath, the elf of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) who exchanged gear with Tris. Bath has a rough personality when it comes to being a thirty-six year old elf and rough, but when I talk to him, he's just rough in tone. Well, he's a very normal adventurer. But only a member of the top team seems to stand up quite well. Xenom is the only thing older than him at our party, so it gets to my nose where I'm looking down, but it's certainly just the kid and the little girl, so I can't help it either.

If you shake the story, you'll give it back properly, and sometimes you'll shake the story from the other side. Sure, there's a part of me that's looking down, but I also understand that I'm the leader of the Killers (Slaters), and I don't get to lick your mouth. The conversation continued with the blur (I don't feel like speaking out loud because it's by the crystal stick room of transfer in the labyrinth), until we laughed at each other jokingly.

That's when.

"All right!"


"What! That hurts, what the fuck! All of a sudden! Let me through for a second. Go back to the ground."

Voices echoed from the room of the crystal rod of metastasis. All quiet at once.

"Hey, isn't that Bickens? What's the matter with you alone? Demitridas and the others aren't together?

It's Vilheimer's voice.

"Ah? Oh, you... no, the... yes! Killers (Slaters) guys, hell no! They're coming at us!

This guy must be Bickens with the shining blade. Suitable flattery...... Just like me, members of the Killer (Slaters) were expressions of anger. Only Bath looks funny. It's not funny.

"Huh!? Are you serious!? So, did Mr. Bright Blade get hit with a compliment?

You're a good match. That's the spear voice of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) 's Raptors (Bunny Man).

"That's what you need to hear. The Killer (Slaughters) leader kid, he suddenly turned his magic on me. I've never seen such an amazing electric magic (lightning bolt)... I was back there, a little further away, on monster alert, so I was safe."

"No way, they did it? What's wrong with everyone else?

Now the voice of the Mountain (Dwarf) woman. Sure you got something... what is it?

"I don't know. I thought Yabe and ran away right away... But I'm pretty sure he came at us all of a sudden after he took a break."

You bastards, instead of taking a break, you're probably the ones who attacked me from behind during the fight. I'm not going to deny that kind of behavior per se. Honestly, I don't even think it's cowardly. If you win, it's the government. But think about when you fail.

"Let me know more. If it's true, you have to stick it out to the Knights."

It's Vilheimer's voice. Calm down.

"Oh, whoa. But can we do it tomorrow? I'm tired. I'm just getting back on the ground."

"Not bad, a little bit. I'll serve you some rice, so don't eat with me. I'm not telling you to pay. It's my luxury."

A Pu woman? Surely she should have used a sword and a shield.

"Hey, I'm really tired. Anyway, I went back by myself, avoiding demons. Sleep, now."

"I can't help it. But it's not that easy. What if a slayer (Slaters) comes after you here? Let's just talk about the situation. Besides, the shining blade (Bright Blade) was attacked in the aisle... Whatever it takes. Then it's too careless."

It's the voice of an elf man who's apart from Bath. They probably have high bow arms. Still, I think our bell is a few steps up.

"Shit, I'm in a hurry... on the fifth floor, there's an altar room, right? We were just laying there flat and resting. I was the only one on guard at the end of the aisle. They attacked me there all of a sudden. He had just defeated the demon, and I guess Mr. Demitridas was a little out of his mind. Suddenly I was magically camouflaged and quickly many fell into it. So, if they did it all at once, you'd be scared. I ran away before they even noticed me."

"When was that?

You're a Vilheimer again.

"Today, of course. About seven to eight hours ago."

"Right. You're back in seven to eight hours on your own?

This would also be Vilheimer's.

"Ah? Yeah, because the end of the aisle I was on guard connected me to where I was..."

"Well, that's lucky."

You're a Pu man. This guy should have used swords and shields just like a woman.

"Oh, not at all. Can we go now?

"Not yet. But Demitridas is dumb, too. Why are you alone on the alert? Now, there were three aisles in that room, right?

"Oh, yeah. The passage we came in and the passage I was on guard up ahead. And three more passages attacked by the slayer (Slaters). Is something wrong?

"Isn't that weird? It's not too bad we didn't give up a hundred steps and alert ourselves to the passage we came in. But it's weird that you're only alerting one of the other two, right? I don't think Demetridas is that dumb."

She's a werewolf (Wolfwer) bowman.

"What the fuck! You doubt it! I'm not lying."

"I didn't say that much. I just thought it would be crude not to stand guard properly during a break in the labyrinth."

Looks like a werewolf (Wolfwer) woman went on to say it.

"Oh, no, Martha could have been on the lookout, too. Maybe the Slaughters killed him first."

"What, right? Then say yes from the beginning."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"So, Martha was killed without time to speak up. Was he killed instantly by witchcraft?

You're Vilheimer's again.

"Am I right? I don't know because I haven't seen it..."

"But hey, if you get ambushed with some amazing electric magic (lightning bolts), I'm a little surprised you can't do anything all of a sudden..."

You must be a female warrior of the Pu.

"Yeah, that sounds like we fought back. I saw Mr. Demitridas bowing. But I didn't think so."

"Huh? That's awesome! Did you take the electric magic (Lightning Bolt) and bow back? Don't lie to me, you bastard!

An old Dwarf penetration burst wielding a double-handed axe (Battle Axe) bigger than the Zenom I'd never heard before.

"Oh, no, he might have been killed before I shot him just because he seemed so."

It was already Gdagda from here. I was just caught up in some Vilheimer's induction interrogation, and I was seized.

Vickens was blatantly wolfish when Wilheimer called us in.

Show me the arrow that stabbed me, that it is a fairly luxurious arrow, that it is easy to identify the buyer, that the flesh pieces and blood of what was already dry at the temple also remain creepy. That I got an arrow from behind. Poking at the (lump) of the helmet and the arrow wound on the back of the armor, and the fact that the shape of the retrieved arrow matched, etc., he seemed to have given a notional look, but did not admit it until it was attacked.

It's a tough thing.

Anyway, we all tied Bickens up and returned to earth.

I offered to the Knights, but even then Vickens denied it.

Since then, we've had backup shooting from a later date, but unexpectedly.

Dollar Leon was in Balduk before he was attacked by a slime and nearly wiped out. He was the second son of the owner of the luxury restaurant Dollar Leon. Yes, that's the first restaurant I got an order for when I showed my armor to Baron Logan, the First Knights Commander.

"Not only did the Greeds save me in a critical situation, but they also did not demand any equipment from my dead companions. You returned it to me because it was all a relic of one of my people. Of course, I paid some gold as a thank you, but this must be natural. I can't imagine Mr. Gried aggressively attacking other adventurers."

Of course, it was not evidence of any kind, but it became an important testimony as a reference opinion.

It may have been significant that the Knights of Balduk also used "Dollar Leon" a lot, but anyway, Vickens will be spreading that life on the next Judgment Day.

All the sparkling blade (Brightblade) gear and possessions became mine. But they were saving outside the labyrinth (after all, these guys seemed to have lockers in the administration, too) and all their property was confiscated by the administration. It was not obtained as a result of the battle in the labyrinth, so it was simply handled when the inhabitants of Balduk died. I don't think I have any body, but there's nothing I can do about this.

Two metal belt armor (banded mails), relatively close to safe, decided to equip Zulu and Tris. Pretty good quality swords (long swords) traded for Tris', swords (broadswords) for Engela's, and spears (spears) for the gear Guinese used. All other armor and equipment were replaced with gold. It should be noted that there was also a high quality bow, but Bell said, "I'd rather have something I'm used to," so the bow was eligible for redemption as it was. Sorry for the chronology, but of course these are about May.

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