January 1, 7444.

I managed to get back to the city of Balduk in time for dinner. Eat a little extravagant New Year's menu with everyone (although I'm just saying they use a little fancy ingredients) and head back to the inn. Tris and I were asked to go out for a drink, but there's something I have to do alone in the inn room.

I don't have to tell you, it's the "Report" sorcery that's hanging on me. Sounds like a super-high difficulty and super-magic sorcery in God's class, but hey, even I'm in God's class. Maybe. Sit back in the chair in the room and grab your head with both hands. Yes, unfold the "anti-magic field" versus the magic field against my head. Almost all the magic you can get in is leaving MP5 behind. Of the MP7063 left now, use 7058 (only 12 natural healing per hour, and quite a few MPs on the way home from battle. MP used for "anti-magic field" magic is MP with 3 added to multiples of 5, so if you use it all, the MP goes to zero).

I just ate rice, and I thought about using all the MPs because when I get sleepy I just need to fall asleep, but I want to avoid being attacked by a woman who can't stand it and goes on the road. Besides, now the MP is in the inn if it doesn't even go to zero, so you just have to fall asleep.

Calm your mind and work out your magic. I've been using "Anti-Magic Field" quite a bit from time to time, but the MPs I can get in are a few hundred at best. I've been using it so much all at once since I was still small and obsessed with getting more MPs. Because I guess I've used exactly the same amount of MP five times, so you'd better be prepared for 10 minutes for the "anti-magic field" to activate properly.




All right!

I turn the deployed anti-magic force field, Anti-Magic Field, to my head while being aware of the magic of Reporting.

... This should do it. Probably all right now. There's got to be a remnant of the force field deployed with the remaining MP between my hands right now. If you appraise the glowing hand, you can calculate the magic of "report (report)" and how much MP they used to do it. My MP should have 5 left. Appraisal makes it 4, but, well, okay. I'm interested, and I'll take an appraisal.


My hands aren't glowing!

There's only one thing I can think of.

Through the MP7058 I used for "Anti-Magic Fields," which means that more than 7055 MPs were used for "Reporting (Reporting)" magic, that's all. "Anti-Magic Field" has long been used by brothers and sisters alike, and its properties are completely grasped. It is the lowest to use a total of 8 MP of 4 for each groundwater flame wind. Now we can dispel any sorcery with MP usage up to 5. As I said earlier, if you add MP to the magic of all attributes one by one in the future (i.e., say five), the total amount of magic MP that can be defeated increases by that much. If it's the "anti-magic field" I used earlier, it can be wiped out if the MP up to 7055 is even the magic that was used.

I glanced at both palms, but the laughter grew.

"Knock it off"

God (god) or sub-god (demi god) but I don't know, the world is huge.



"Hehe hehe"

Don't you know the frog ocean in the well?


Is there a guy like this who can use magic for years who doesn't know when it's going to help or not stand? That's exactly God, damn it. Calm down and think about it, it's not human business. I already knew too much that the existence of God existed, but once again I thought it was amazing. At the same time, something hard to contain, Dos. A black emotion comes in, but I decide to force myself down.

Well, if you're going to get rid of me because you think it's harmful, it's not something you can't do if you can use all this magic, or you can get rid of me with one fingertip. To say that you have not done so far is to say that you approve of my actions. No, is it also possible that you are simply observing? Either way, you don't consider me a threat, and you're probably not willing to kill me. I don't know if you know until now that I tried to crush "report" (because "report" seems to only peek into my memory when my level of consciousness is dropping), but if you do, what happens to me?

I thought about it for a second, but I didn't think I'd be doing anything about it. In the 1970s, when I was in elementary school. I kept the wasps in my tank and watched them as I took care of them every day. He also kept a crab. Both of them bite me with scissors and I have been injured. But both the quail and the crab were far from making me a threat. Assuming I found out that the wasps and crabs that were kept by me were capable of thinking, and the fact that they were kept was not interesting in itself, and that I was thinking about getting out of here, I wouldn't have done anything special.

Of course, I would still feed him properly, and as long as he was alive, I would have taken care of him by removing dirt and washing his tank. I understood that even if I tried to escape, I wouldn't be able to open the lid of the tank with their power, and even if it were to run in front of me, I should never be angry with them or anything. On the contrary, it would have been even cuter with something like, "Oh, you're doing well."

I mean with that. There may not be any difference between implanting a transmitter into a dolphin or sea turtle to check behavior and range of movement, or implanting a transmitter into a rhino or silona gas whale that is a protected animal. Researchers will have less to offer if anything happens to the observant than cute kids with zaligani.

Of course there is no certainty. Maybe it's just my paranoia. Because he is the God who reincarnated him, maybe he wants to know about the cause of death if he dies or lives. Anyway, when I first met God, I think he answered how many people were dead by then and the cause of death was illness. When it comes to harmful harm, it's enough to occasionally put a seal on the proper memory, and if someone points that out, it's a seal to the point of remembering it all the time. I do have bad memories of forgetting to keep a secret about the efficient acquisition of magical special skills, but that's why I remembered perplexed because my brother beat me up and pointed me out.

Since then, I've been careful and sticking a note on the wall saying, "I'll keep Barkud's code." That's all I can remember right now that I'm having trouble forgetting. Extreme stories, I don't have any immediate trouble forgetting anything else. Of course, I often have trouble forgetting words, forgetting how to use magic, or forgetting how to appraise them, but it seems to be limited to episodic memory of statement memory to be lost when I'm talking about Carl, so words, knowledge, and some kind of skill (not just inherent skill or magic. usage such as swords and fishing techniques).

In other words, knowledge such as my mother's proposed "acquisition of magic skills" or what I know of "a certain chance of increasing magic by using up magic in childhood" is not lost (sealed) because it is the domain of semantic memory. But "hide these two knowledge" could be sealed because it's episodic memory. To give another two examples, I remember the knowledge that "magic is increased by a certain probability by using up magic in childhood" because it is semantic memory, but the reason why I remember that knowledge is episodic memory, so it could be sealed. Especially though I would probably recall this if I looked at a subwindow of MP that I could see by appraisal.

Similarly, the fact that my name is Alain Gried is not a semantic memory, but an episodic memory. However, the names of third parties and goods other than yourself are classified as semantic memory. Because the first means of recognizing oneself is to know one's name, that first memory is often one's name. Especially in my case, where I went through reincarnation, I had the ability to remember episodes from my baby's time.

In my case, I was born as an adult about my ability to remember episodes, so knowing my name is an episodic memory equal to a major event. But I won't forget about the status opening because it's a semantic memory. If you look at your status or appraise it, even if you forgot your name. Just like when your brother pointed it out to you, you'll remember right away.

If you think about it this way, it will calm down somewhat. But it's not a good idea to seal your memories. Not good, but not good mental health for not being forced to even think like this, beyond the lack of countermeasures. It would be a better act to put the spirit of self in the direction of stability at all, because it is certain that treading on the estate here to regret or evil in the sky will not solve anything.

Anyway, in "Anti-Magic Field," which is anti-magic to witchcraft, I suppose it didn't work out to be at least a little over MP7000. I'm going to sleep once and try "Anti-Magic Field" again tomorrow morning, ready to run out of all the full MPs. My MP max is 7436, so if it's "anti-magic field" with maximum effect, MP usage is 7433, and the total amount of magic MP that can be cancelled is up to 7430. I can knock out nearly 400 more MPs than this one.

Think in common sense. Except for me, such as being able to use over 400 MPs for one sorcery. I only have about my sister, so normally I can strike out what sorcery would be first with just this difference......

January 2, 7444.

Naturally, I used "anti-magic field" magic to get up and out in the morning. I didn't expect more than half of it, but again, there was no blue light of evidence that there was an "anti-magic field" left in my hand. I'm pretty sure they use over 7430 MPs for the "report" sorcery that's being played on me. Somewhere in my mind I said if I didn't have the faint expectation of "a little..." naturally there was. Simply to say that reality was heartless...... damn.

My MP residue should only be 3, so when I eat breakfast, I think about using up the MP and going to bed twice, even if it's self-powered.

On the road to the diner, we discussed whether the "report" was being put on me alone, or on all the reincarnates. The six Claw, Marie, Ralpha, Belle, Tris, and Guine I've met so far have never seemed particularly different about their memories. Well, unless that's lethal where it happened. It's a story I wouldn't even notice if the person didn't declare it... As much as I've said before that Bell may have only regrown to near physical age about spirituality, he didn't say anything in particular about missing memories or anything like that.

Even I noticed something missing about a year ago. In fact, it would have occurred more than six months before that, but anyway, until the end of last year, I wasn't entirely aware of it to the extent that it was somewhat weird, or uncomfortable. It seems the only way to solve this is to get Carl to see them.

If all reincarnated people are subject to "report (report)" sorcery, it doesn't change that they don't feel good, but, well, you can be convinced, and you can't help it. But in case I'm the only target, there are dramatically more things to think about.

Just a thought, why am I the only one? There is a problem. If the user of "report" magic reincarnated me as a god (god) or a sub-god (demi god), then there must have been 39 reincarnators. Why was I the only one chosen as the subject? It also develops into the issue of In this case, I can't think anymore about having two unique skills or maybe a few other subjects (samples) besides me in the first place.

The next thing you know, did you really get hung up by a god (god) or a sub-god (demi god) who made you reincarnate? The problem also remains. Not all eight million gods would have been involved in reincarnation either. It could be completely irrelevant. I can't deny the possibility that it's not even God, but I can assure you that this won't be possible first. Because even if there was a guy with more magic than me, still, the MP couldn't be twice as good as mine. Carl said the effect time should be a few minutes, especially once he hung up on the "report" sorcery. I mean, you should have to hang it many times a day.

Of course, once you hang it, it will be possible to hang it back for a while, but then, in the middle of the day, there is no point in taking the time that my consciousness is awake first and I know it has no effect. At least, I have been using it at least a few times for an hour I was seeing Carl yesterday during the day, last night, this morning. It's weird to assume you have twice as many MPs as I do. As it happens, I can't even think about it, but I've been a target (or at least one of them) for at least a year and a half, and there's a chance that I'm hanging "report" magic on other members of my party in turn.

But that would be extremely small. It's probably more unnatural to assume that you're in another reincarnation person who can use enough MP like hot water not to be on any level as many times as I am, and that's mixed up with the oath general public or something. If he did, he would be practicing magic on me for a day when the sun is up, so he wouldn't be able to do much of his life. If you can use magic while doing something else, like me, you can't even think about it, but that should come with a lot of difficulty to keep going.

So, at this point, it is still more convincing to assume that it is a supernatural being, and because the supernatural being is confirmed by its very existence... oh well, it should no longer be more likely that it is God.

You can't possibly hit all the possibilities or anything, so you can narrow it down to a handful of candidates and then you just have to cut it off. Even if there was a correct answer in it, it was it. I just have to give up.

The problem that remains is... I went to the diner. Should I dare to tell you what happened yesterday? No, it's not going to solve anything from what we talked about. Probably just makes them feel unsolvable fear early on. If you want to talk, is it the part where you exclude the "report" sorcery? That would be a good time to take him back to Carl. It's only four months away. If there's anything in between, you can talk about it then.

January 17, 7444.

It's the first area on the fifth floor. I discovered there was a room as usual at the end of the labyrinth aisle. Get close with caution. The only room that looks thinly blurred at the end of the aisle seems to be a wall to the front, but you can see a stone statue like a demon giant about 3 m high in the center of the room. It grows bat wings from its back, and there are a total of four stone statues like a horned demon, all pointing in the direction of each wall of the room towards its back. This one, that one. Gargoyle. Around twilight last year, I saw it once. And then, I guess that's with me...

Stopping everyone in front of entering the room and looking carefully in the room, it turned out to be there. Something like an altar with a black flame and a fire hand up was on the left hand side of the room. There were two passages in the room on the back of that altar and further back on the left wall, and one on the right wall as well. I don't know if there's another passage on the wall on the side where we're at the entrance to the room.

Stepping into the room, the central gargoyle stone statue moves out, launching an attack on us, the intruders. At the same time, the black flame of the altar burns well and I don't know what the principle is, but another monster is summoned before the altar. When I first entered a room with an altar, a horde of ghouls was suddenly summoned, cooling my liver.

But I found the original Emerald stone last year at dusk, halfway through November, in a small shrine resting on the altar. After wiping out the gargoyles and ghouls, as I was checking the room, the flames on the altar that had been burning until then became smaller, and the temple door opened for audible viewing. I borrowed what was in it.

We heard on the fifth floor that treasure is often gained from the altar of black flames, and we're already excited about that. And then he got the original stone of a jewel without a clutter and returned to the ground with a hock-face. But at that time, Emerald's original stone sold at a hell of a high price of 14.95 million Z.

I looked around and pointed in the direction of the altar. Each of the Golden Deceased who admitted to the altar has a grin on his mouth. I guess I'm getting a nigga too. One shot here, the magic wand (wand) that "fireball" can put on everyone. I guess it's only natural that on the day I roll out, I can osarab with such a spicy labyrinth other than going to Carl's. If not, there must be a lot of expensive treasure coming out.

"Zulu, Engela, you guys go into the stone statue in the center of the room. I'll cover you. Zulu is the guy on the left, Engela is on the right. I'll be the first to hit the guy in front of me with stone spear magic (Stone Javelin). After that, we'll aim around the right. Don't be the last to cover Zulu. Be careful.

Zenom, Tris and Ralpha proceed with vigilance towards the altar. Belle and Guine are the backup. You don't have to worry about us. Zulu and Engela clean up the stone statues and if the monsters on the altar still seem to be alive, split up on both hands and separate monsters, or if one of them storms from another direction. In the unlikely event that a monster does not appear on the altar, Xenom is under Zulu's cover and the rest of us are on alert. That's good. "

Make sure they all snort back and check their gear again.

Zulu and Engela take the lead, me behind them. On our left we have Tris and Ralpha in their hands, mainly Zenom, behind them Bell with an arrow-mounted bow and Guine, a protruding role from the rear of the avant-garde, standing with a spear of about 3m. Only Guine needs to slow down the start a bit because the spear is the weapon. We're all set.

Look around everyone again and hang the ordinance.

"Let's go!

With my signal, Zulu and Engela ran out with the stone statue of Gargoyle standing in the center of the room, and the altar unit centered around Zenom also began to run for the left hand altar. As soon as they step into the room, the eyes of the gargoyle stone statue emit red and light, spreading the wings of the bat.

It was given MP efficiency that I didn't punch in the magic while I was being a stone statue. When I saw it before, I tapped in "fireballs", "lightning bolts" and "stone javelins" from outside the room, but it was only slightly scratched, and the MP needed to destroy the whole gargoyle while the stone statue was still there was over 500. But after it moves out, it becomes a normal monster. To be honest, if I hadn't listened to the moving stone statue and the black flame altar, I would have entered the room normally, even though I would have been cautious, assuming it was just a creepy stone statue, and would have been ambushed.

The moving gargoyle is pretty quick. The sky will fly, too.

I ran out. I used the "Stone Javelin Missile" magic from behind them to finish off one of the gargoyles and again shot out the other one who jumped up into the air with the "Stone Javelin Missile". Zulu and Engela have reached the two remaining proximities.

The bowstring rang with my left hand. It would be Bell's shooting. I hear the monster has already been summoned.


I heard Guine breathing and rushing out. Is it a strong enemy? But now we just have to get them to bear it. I'll cover you in a minute.

Standing in front of Engela, he unleashes a "stone javelin missile" on the head of a demon wielding a hook-clawed arm. It hit me brilliantly, but continues to attack Engela as she gets half her face cut off. Don't die. I just have to finish it.

The "Lightning Bolt" that reaches the enemy instantly is a user-friendly sorcery, but it is difficult to use it in these situations even if you can make some quick attacks because releasing it from behind your allies can result in a lightning rod replacement.

He stabbed a stop at Engela's current gargoyle with a "flamebolt missile" and unleashed another attack on the gargoyle in front of Zulu with a "stone javelin missile". A stone spear flies through the chest of a gargoyle, guided by my magic. It's too late when Gargoyle finds out. I don't know if my stone spear stood fast on my chest or by Zulu's unleashed two-handed sword (bastard sword) on Gargoyle's belly, but Gargoyle died anyway.

Already Engela has placed a sword (broadsword) horizontally on her right hand and has jumped her past the body of Gargoyle, who has now fallen, to begin an assault to the left. Zulu also kicked a gargoyle and pulled out a two-handed sword (bastard sword).

I also shifted my eyes to the left altar with my left hand forward.

A large white lizard appeared about 4 m long. Isn't that the ice monster he was talking about?!? No arrows are poking anywhere in the body, even though there is a distance of more than 20m, was it bounced on the scale covering the body surface because it is hard to imagine Bell taking off that big goal?

"Aim for your right eye!

I say it to Bell quickly, or I use "Fire Arrow Missile" magic. Not a great deal of power, but power falls behind because crushing your eyes with it is your primary purpose first. It works as small as possible, is easy to see with luminescence, and is sufficient as long as it is quite powerful.

Slipping through between the three centers of Zenome, who dared to storm toward the ice monster, the "Fire Arrow Missile" flies for the left eye of the ice monster.

Once he raises the arrow of the flame big enough to draw his attention back to the Zenomes. At the same time, I run out near the center of the room to secure the next ray. Of course, you use missile-based magic (oh, Carl said it was the Invocation system that manipulated it like a missile), so you don't have to have a complete ray through it, but it's just easier to manipulate it to secure vision.

If you get on a falling gargoyle corpse in the center of the room, you'll be able to see it from a high place about 30 cm.

Guide the "Fire Arrow Missile" as you run, swirling over the ice monster.

The bowstring rang again behind me.

It would be Bell's shooting. I don't even know if you used the sense of shooting, but I'm sure you did.

Icemonster's head shook to the left. Bell's unleashed arrow must have stood in or around his right eye or hit him without stabbing him.


There was a voice of Guine. Did you crush your eyes successfully?


Dramatically descend the "Fire Arrow Missile" that remained swirling over it and aim for the left eye of the Ice Monster.

Oh, my God!

The "Fire Arrow Missile" stood in the left eye of the ice monster making a noise that, at the same time, burned the surrounding tissue.


Ice monsters roar. Unlike Horndbear, it should be just a growl.

Something like white smoke is leaking from my mouth.

Is that... cold air!?

Andersen's sister in "Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)" said.

“I'm gonna exhale the ice. You'll need at least four levels of high-ranking fire magic to fight it. ”

But I'll settle for you before I let you exhale (braces)!

I use the "Fire Javelin Missile" magic and direct it towards an ice monster.

Xenom slammed the axe (tomahawk) like an uppercut from under his chin to the top avoiding the head of an ice monster that was wriggling in agony. Zenomes who aren't wearing helmets don't know where the pink hair and mustache border is.

On its right, Ralpha similarly wields an axe (tomahawk) with both hands toward his right torso, trying to swing it down exactly now. Gold-dyed hair reflects the flaming light of the "Fire Javelin Missile".

My torso interrupted me and it was hard to see Tris' "Oh no!" I heard a temperamental hanging.

More right than Ralpha, I can see Engela rushing in with redheads similar to mine toward the rear leg of her torso.

A few steps behind Engela and even bigger, Zulu says "ghoul" to the tail, he's pushing forward with his usual whisper.

It would be octopus beating.

He manipulated a "Fire Javelin missile" that was flying about 5m above the ground, trying to plunge it down towards the back of an ice monster.


A severe pain ran behind his right leg. It was totally unexpected and had accidentally attacked me, giving up control of the "Fire Javelin Missile". Without plummeting, Javelin jumped over the altar and flew towards a cave with his mouth open behind the altar.


Severe pain also ran on the back of his right arm.


You're under attack from behind me!

I also felt a shock in the middle of my back and head.

But this one seems to have been played by Ebonite armor (plate) with a helmet and rubber protector with board tag (Were there?).

Five layers of boulder. I don't know if it's goblin or hobgoblin, but some zombies used bows and arrows!


Looking back, several figures increased their luminosity in the cave leading to the right hand side of where we came in.

Use appraisals with habits. Big for a goblin, hobgoblin or oak!?

No, it's softer than that. He doesn't seem to be cursory either.

A silent adventurer raid!

At this time!

Hot as the wound had a cool fever.

Maybe the arrow was poisoned.

Yeah, I know this poison.

I point my free left hand at them.

By then the poison has already been neutralized.

About half of them seem to be armed with swords and spears.

What idiot.

If you want to kill me, smash your head with a blow.

Lick it.

"Chain Lightning"

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