Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 58: The Grid Chamber of Commerce Headquarters

1 Dec 7443

Pay this month's salary to five non-slaves and head to the labyrinth as usual. Along the way, I started talking about the future.

"I think it's time to see five layers of breakthroughs, so in the future...... yeah, starting in about two months, I don't think we're going to go overnight in the labyrinth like we do now, but what do we do?

Speaking to Zenom like that,

"That's true... it takes me from morning to evening until the end of the three layers... and it's still tough not to spend the night there. Four layers and five layers are still going to be used for a day, no matter how accustomed you are from now on. Maybe it's time we thought about going to the labyrinth for a week, like all the other parties."

He looked up at my face and answered me.

Everyone else didn't say anything in particular, but I know you feel bad about it. Somehow, now four of the six days of the week is a work system called Labyrinth, Complete Holiday for a Day, Half Day Holiday (?). In other words, the complete holiday in the month is five days, and the fifth is half a dong, so. If this happens, I might as well turn a month into a standard instead of working based on a week.

For example, it would be nice to divide it every ten days. Take a labyrinth from one day to six days, and two holidays on seven days and eight days, and rest well. Ninth goes to the labyrinth, but this is not an exploration, I want to spend it training collaboration. However, given the density of the training, it would be more efficient to do it on vacant land outside the town as before. And ten days off. This way the monthly work has been reduced to 22.5 days so far to 21 days. However, since the time spent in the depths of the labyrinth will not be comparable to before, will it not affect overall earnings or will it rather increase?

The problem is I'm suddenly going to spend a week in the labyrinth, so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You can rephrase that there will be fewer days to feel comfortable resting on the bed. Even the cost of the inn while you're not staying should be well taken. Well, for a whole week, we're going to be using the inn as an expensive locker, but we're all accumulating a lot of money. You can put it together in one room about the inn while you're away, and then you can pull it off, but in the meantime, it would feel bad if someone took the room.

If you wish, it is also possible to have Balduk and Lombertian administrations make paid lockers with Chamber of Commerce privileges number two. They take the price of the dormitories, but if you wrap up more property than silver coins, it's not that big of a deal, so if you're sure you want to preserve your property, you're in for a choice. Especially since this is a property preservation system for a few days if the two chambers of commerce in various parts of the country come to the vicinity of Wang Capital, not many people use it over the long term. That's why they demand as much as 5000Z (50 copper coins) in one day for high conservation costs.

It's about 60cm cubic, but you can put in just silver coins quite a bit, and if you turn it into gold coins, you can buy a whole small area of the city and go in enough to get a change. Tens of billions Z or so would be put in with an easy win. Create a list of items and amounts to be put inside when depositing under the staff presence and have their status checked as well. Naturally, people who do not have more than two chambers of commerce, even though they are noble, are not available because they will also need a licence for the chamber of commerce of number two.

And then there's the hand of having it deposited with the shrine as a secure property preservation. Actually, I owe the shrine in Balduk one locker similar to this administration. It exchanges money for armor commerce and property gained in the labyrinth and accumulates it. It costs as much as 300,000 Z (30 silver coins) in a month, but it's comforting for me to be able to safely let go first. I only have about 10 million Z (ten gold coins) precisely on hand.

As a result, all I have now is 370 sheets in gold coins, a little over 370 million Z. Gold coins are just over 6cm in diameter and just over 3mm thick, so if it's about 500 sheets, it goes into a small bag of shoes. They say the white gold coin is another big turn, but I've never seen the real thing, so I don't know. Even gold coins can only be used at more than the big stores there, and now I'm in no trouble at all because even one locker is big enough.

I got a little off the side road, but is it too much to worry about until their inn bill? I pay them well enough, and I don't care how they spend it. It's their freedom.

"... mmm... right. Until we can do 80% of the five layers of maps, we can keep it that way. When I go to the sixth floor, I just have to change the way I do it, so I look at the sixth floor several times before I think about it."

Still, the idea is to spend the week in the labyrinth all of a sudden. It would be better to increase it by a little. We need to get used to the spirit that forces tension for days in a row.

2 Dec 7443

I was out of the labyrinth diving from yesterday morning until near this evening and was contacted when I was going back to the inn to get dressed before dinner. It's from Associate Baron Logflat. It seems like there's going to be a vacancy in a good property. Let's go to Lombertier tomorrow as soon as possible. For your convenience, it's Wednesday. There will be plenty of time to see and negotiate the main office of the Chamber of Commerce even if we travel back and forth to Lombertia because it is a day off.

3 Dec 7443

Immediately after breakfast he crossed the military horse and went all the way to Lombertia. I also made available 50 million Z in cash just in case. A little more, but I wanted to keep a calculation to get the base of the chamber of commerce even if it was sidelined with the worst gold.

I'll even go to the "Duke of Emerald Club Reception Hotel" and have them call the log flat associate baron by telling me my name. The Associate Baron came right out for me.

"Thank you for letting us know, Associate Baron. Quick, but I'd like to take a look on the ground..."

"Yeah, fine, let's go"

He kept the military horse at the "Duke of Emerald Club Reception Hotel" and went on a carriage to the realtor where the associate baron would introduce him first. He's a realtor the size of the Tuxes Chamber of Commerce I used to ask for, and he calls his name the Gillean Chamber of Commerce. He was then accompanied by a person from the Chamber of Commerce to his destination. Looks like a grocery store halfway down Vail Street.

I liked it when I saw it. Affordable in size. The ground floor is a store, and the second floor looks like a living space. There seems to be plenty of room for display shelves and some inventory, and it will be plentiful.

"Here, that's good. I liked it. How much would it cost to buy it? Also, how long are you going to be in there?

Yes, I asked someone at the Gillean Chamber of Commerce. Commercial members of the Dog Nation (Dogwer) are:

"It's a purchase, that's right... What I'm hearing is that we also need a workplace, but if you can join us through the Chamber of Commerce, how about 38 million Z.? Plus, you can move in soon enough. I just need to get rid of them now."

I came to say. High. The market would make 30 million Z impossible, but 35 million Z wouldn't.

"Gum... 38 million or... How much is a lease due to this?

"You want 250,000 Z a month for a lease. Oh, my God, the place is good and the crowd is constant. The Fourth Knights outpost is a block away, so security is good."

Hmm, it's a subtle place, pays in about 15-16 years. But if you decide now, I'm sure someone will come by from Barkud next spring. In the first place, we have the funds so that we can have a little more. The place is a pretty good place, and, well, okay.

"Um, okay, I'll buy it. But please show me what's inside and what's built. Also, I'd like to see some candidates in the workplace, as I'll be fine later."

When I said that, the merchant looked happy with all the covetousness. Just dogs. I can't see it, but I think I might be waving my tail.

"Of course it is. You can even put it in there right away. Please, come here."

That's why he invited me into the building. I follow him into the store. Pot kettles, saucepans, a little trinkets, etc. are arranged narrowly, but they are so well cleaned that there is not a single dust-wearing thing. Now, wasn't it very popular? Naturally, if it was fashionable, it wouldn't be possible to let it go. Is that obvious?

Behind the store was a cat tribe (Cat People) woman around 30 years of age and several children still under the age of ten. I laughed back weakly when I made the meeting,

"Hey Yoturen, we're going to have a buyer. This is Mr. Gried. They want to see the building, so they want to see it."

and the merchant member says in a high-pressure manner. Well, it's none of my business, and if you were behind on your rent, the victim is from the Chamber of Commerce. It may also be that the management is simply painful and debt to the Gillean Chamber of Commerce. I don't feel sorry for them, but I don't care what happens to them. I was just walking around the store slamming columns and slamming walls.

cheeky at the Cat People woman called Yoturen, who is mostly

"I'd like to see it up there, too, okay?

I nodded when I heard it, so I guess I don't need to hesitate. I climbed a narrow-width staircase and stepped upstairs. I feel like I've seen it, upstairs looks like a regular residence. Take a look around one room at a time and make sure there are no particular problems. He returned to the ground floor again, slamming the big black pillar penetrating from the ground floor and putting his face against the dust falling from the beam.

Dogward's business members greeted me with rubbing hands,

"What do you think?

I came to say.

"Mmm, well, okay"

In reply, the members of the Chamber of Commerce raised their voices to Yoturen.

"Hey, get out of here and lose it by tomorrow morning, 'cause we just talked!

Because I say

"Oh, that's it. I have no problem with you using it until next March. [M] But then you'll have to clean up the rent until then."

Just to say, to the members of the Chamber of Commerce,

"I'll pay you in cash right away. And show me who's in the workplace."

So I just left the store. For some reason I rode in the carriage again with a disgruntled merchant member and a slightly laughing associate baron. The house hurts so fast if someone doesn't live there. My father said it before he was reincarnated. I just believe in it. Explore candidates for six workplaces in order. I took a good look at everything, but it was relatively spacious in there, had good water stools, and only one spot wore my glasses. However, it was untreated and the floors and abandoned shelves were so stiffened with dust that they had become formations.

Well, you can use it if you re-take care of it. I decided to buy this place. This one was a mind-blowing price of 4.8 million Z.

In total, he paid 42.8 million Z. to sign the proof of sale and have a letter of entitlement drawn up. In the meantime, he relaxed in the corner of the Gillean Chamber of Commerce drinking tea with the Associate Baron.

"Thank you very much for your time today, Associate Baron"

That's what I said and carefully bowed my head.

"No, because you can be present at the location of the further doorstep of a valued trading partner who is having our Chamber of Commerce wholesale the 'sheath'. Naturally. Plus, I introduced you to this Gillean Chamber of Commerce..."

The Associate Baron laughed as he waved at me to say it was nothing.

"With that said, what is the reputation of 'Sheath'? It is a delicacy that I can confidently recommend, and I am confident in the quality."

When I said that, the Associate Baron came up on his knees.

"Yes, that 'sheath', but it has a reputation. My chamber of commerce has been selling on my right shoulder ever since. This month is up to 50% compared to last year, and it's very popular. I've been too busy with boulders, and I've talked to the warden about bending verses and introducing slaves."

That's what I said and broke my face. Yeah, that said, it was also a sale that you didn't use slaves.

"That was it. Looks like we could use some help, too."

I smile and give it back, too.

"No matter what you think, it's because of the 'sheath'. He said it the other day when I talked to the head of state, and when I asked the employees for their opinions, they all said it in solidarity. Before and after the introduction of Sheath, there are no particular changes to the content of the service. and then this change in sales can only be attributed to the 'sheath'. My chamber of commerce can't really sleep with its feet up against Barkud."

Much as I imagined. To be honest, I went to Wangdu's whorehouse to see what pig intestines look like. Because I thought it was tough to keep selling without knowing about boulders.

And stunned. You know what? You Japanese don't know. Pork intestines are subtle in their thickness, but they're pretty hard before that. That's less than a cuss compared to the poor quality condoms I used when I used to travel to Southeast Asia. So, my brother's condom is definitely no more than a condom in Southeast Asia, but still, it's definitely a moon and a spoon with the bowels of pigs. I doubt the nerves of a decent guy like that.

Oh, no, my brother used it, too? Well, no.

"No, I'm glad you're happy."

"Be modest... and that package. Doesn't it have a royal crest? It is also a point of credit for the surprise of our customers."

"I guess. We also offer direct access to the royal family. Well, it's for the royal family. Think of the quality as origami."

Listen to what I have to say. There's also an Associate Baron. He's nodding. An earlier merchant member there prepared the paperwork and returned. You use my blood on this. Press your thumbnail and take it to the administration, and it's all over. When I received the finished paperwork, me and the Associate Baron left the Gillean Chamber of Commerce and headed to the government building.

He submitted documents to the government building and returned again to the "Duke of Emerald Club Reception Hotel".

"What do you say, why don't you play and go?

Yes, the Associate Baron told me, but I crossed the military horse saying I had something for Yabo after this for a moment.

Honestly, I appreciate the offer and thought it would pull my hair back, but I can't help it.

Of the future again, no, I finally got it, so current, should I say? I haven't processed the relocation of the main office of Chamber of Commerce No. 2 yet, so it's nothing of the future, but I didn't go wrong, but I took a trip to the base of the Green Chamber of Commerce anyway. Connect the horses to the pile in front of the store and lay them down. Hiring a cleaning lady wouldn't be a bad thing if you did an interview and I was convinced.

Besides, I have to let you make a sign. Where's the sign shop? Well, if you have more new employees, you can let him do his first job ordering billboards.

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