10 Mar 7443

It was the shop boy who had knocked on the room. The two guests arrived, so I came to see if I could get through. I said let it pass because it's about a pair of men from the elite (elves) and a woman from the mountain (dwarves).

Karostaran and Akdam came into the room from behind the boy. He mouths something special like "That's bad" or "It'll be a treat" while looking at the luxurious interior, which seems slightly unusual. Akdam must have changed his clothes, they were snug outfits, but the Karostaran ones were thin, dirty clothes. Good thing I paid under my sleeve.

"Oh, excuse me, can I go to the bathroom for a minute? How about Mr. Karostaran with you? It's amazing."

I looked at the bathroom in advance. It's an unscrupulous, luxurious toilet in oath, with a marble-like stone-digging urinal and a bag of perfume in the drain.

I invite Karostaran a little hard to go to the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and spoke up.

"You said Yosuke Sema. What does that have to do with Mr. Akdam?

Suddenly it's a tattered mouth. Well, fine. '

What are you talking about? It would be that way when we met or you were listening to a lot of mouth just now.

"Did you know him about a month ago? I helped where her parents' caravan was being attacked by orcs. That's all, but what happened to that?

Ho, good...... Relieved.

'Right... good... Relieved. At least you don't have romantic feelings for her, do you? That's all I wanted to make sure.'

When I said that, Karostaran asked me not to know what it meant, but I guess I figured.

'Oh, you mean that. Sure, she's neat and cute for a dwarf. I feel sorry for her, but you can rest assured that I have no romantic feelings for her. I won't disturb you. "

There seems to be some mistake. Besides, thank you. Does Akdam care more about Karostaran? Or is this guy just over-conscious?

'Oh, that's not what I meant. It's just how you feel that I wanted to make sure. Yosuke, let me check one more thing at a time. Do you have a woman?

When I say that, he says, turning away from me a little bit.

'I'm not a faggot, so don't expect that. I have a woman I like. I have to find her. "

Who's a faggot, you bastard? Well, fine. I laughed niggardly.

'Right. And I'm not a faggot either. "

That's all I said. I'm gonna pant my bum for you. Peek into the neighborhood with Chira. Oh, he's smaller than me. And I wear the same thing. I was just a little happy to think that he was Japanese even though he was here.

'I'm glad you said that now. You can count on me.'

water from the water bottle with a pattern, washing his hands and saying so,

What do you expect? That's a pleasure to meet the Japanese, and I've been wanting to hear a lot about it...... oh, is the food here that amazing?

washing his hands just like I did, wiping his hands with a hand plush hung on the wall. Pushing his back,

"Well, well, expect me anyway"

So I went back to my private room. There was one Acdam at the table, with a slightly uneasy face, but he felt relieved when me and Karostaran entered the room.

'Oh, yeah. You too, Mr. Akdam. "

"What? What?

When I said that, she looked at me with a strange face, and at Karostaran. The carostalan

'I don't know. The food here sounds amazing'

Or something like that.

"I'm going to order a course for a minute. Just give me a minute. '

That said, I closed the door without taking my seat and left the room.

Immediately go to the room where Bell and Ralpha are holding off and open the door without even knocking. They stare at me with their own thoughtful eyes, standing behind an open door without even taking a seat. I don't have a hobby for not wearing it here.

'Belle, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Good for you. Go get him right away. "

I heard it all the way. Bell pushed me away and ran out. Her expression was full of joy when she glanced at her at the wrong time.

"Come on, Ralph, let's go."


Ralpha smiles as relieved. I'm sure I'm laughing, too. When I turn around and Ralpha leaves the room


I said, I heard Bell screaming. Me and Ralpha walked into the room where we spoke when we looked each other in the face.

When I walked into the room, Bell and Karostaran were hugging each other. I had predictions, but forgive me because I didn't even seem to kiss him. Ralpha shouts at me as I enter the room.

"Young Vegetables!"

No, that's what happened here.

"Huh? Who?

Is that it?

"It's me, Misa. It's Misa Ono!

Ralpha is hugging Akdam. Then all of a sudden you don't know your face if you jump in and get hugged. There was a confused look on Akdam's face, but her eyes turned to Karostaran. Well, is this a troublesome pattern after all? But Ralpha named him so he seemed surprised.

"What!? Misa? Really!?

"Yeah! Yeah! It's Misa!

Wait a minute. Bell and Karostaran, Ralpha and Akdam. And me. Why am I alone? I can't help it. Shivering to reunion right and left with a six-man table set up in the middle of the room as a border, I lay eyes on each one as I put my arms together, watching a lid set crying too much of the joy.

Belle and Karostaran hugged each other so close together that they would still kiss each other, crying and laughing. Ralpha and Akdam are unlikely to kiss each other, but they are happy to reunite hand in hand. A warm sentiment springs up against each of Belle and Ralpha when he sees the faces of his delightful companions.

Well, there's no choice. But it's almost five minutes past now. I decided to shift them elsewhere to a chair with a tripod to the left and right of the table. I'll look inside the room from near the entrance. Let's sit Ralpha and Akdam on the left from me and Bell and Karostaran on the right.

Move one chair on the right in front of you to your birthday seat at the back of the table. Naturally, this seat is mine. Let's hang one of our voices at a time.

'You guys, it's nice to rejoice, but it's time for the guy from the store to come into the room. Come on, why don't you take a seat?

That's what I say as I sit in my birthday seat and put my legs together, but my voice was hung on the filter as well. I couldn't see how it reached their tympanic membrane. Akdam occasionally takes a glimpse of Karostaran, but I'm sure he's still happy to have met Ralpha. Seems certain that you are happy. But I don't know... it's really just getting a little spicy.

'Hey, how long are you gonna be doing that? It's time. Come on. "

Whatever it takes, it's time. I'm going to have to hire these two guys that I think I can use. Karostaran had previously agreed that Bell was confidently okay, so, well, it's hard to get rid of Akdam. I don't care if you even sign the contract with Larfa forever here.

Well, do what you can right now. I originally thought there would be one reincarnator, so I only had three copies of the contract available per set. Just in case, the paper itself has a few spare sheets. I should borrow the pen and ink from the store and write down another set while these guys are talking about it. It's a luxury store in Wangdu, and that's how much you'll have ready.

When I took my seat and left the room, I called the boy and told him to wait about twenty minutes for me to serve the dish, while at the same time I told him to prepare a pen and ink, and a plate because I would use the demon stone for that and the contract.

In two to three minutes, the desired items were prepared. They even had pins for scratching fingers I didn't tell you about. Well, you don't know I have a knife. Confirm (signed) a new contract with Bell and Ralpha on their asses, who are still having an endless conversation. The text itself is identical to Ralpha's. I don't have a lot of text, so I'll be able to write it up soon.

Without making any mistake, three additional sets of contracts could be drawn up without delay. Because of this, it looks like these guys have been settling on boulders, too, when they were working on a third contract.

Remove two demon stones of equal value for the contract from the nostalgia and rub them together on a plate prepared for you to make the right amount of demon stone powder. The pin I had prepared because of it, but when I take out the knife without using it, I cut off my right thumb and bleed. The knife's bleeding easily. With the thumb of my right hand, which remains bleeding, I mix it with about a third of the powder of the Demon Stone on the plate, with the belly of my left thumb on it, and press my thumb over my name on a total of six contracts.

Everyone was watching the work I was doing. Finally heal your right hand wound with healing magic, wipe your bloody dirty fingers with this handkerchief prepared for the store again (I didn't wash it with water magic simply because I didn't want to stain the floor) and I can do it once and for all. Dry sorcery on the contract, layered six sheets on the right side of the table in front of me, placed a plate of demonic stone powder, ink, pen and pen dish on top of it, and opened his mouth.

'Is that enough?

When I said that, Bell nodded shyly, and Ralpha said, "Eh, heh, heh." I'm sorry, "he said, scratching his head and his tongue out. Karostaran and Akdam seem surprised that I'm using magic without doing anything.

'Well, I think it's time to cook, and because of this, we met the Japanese. Shall we talk?'

Thanks to Ralpha, the air has also softened, an atmosphere that is easy to talk to.

'You start by introducing yourself. I know you already know, but I'm Alain Gried. I come from the village of Barkud, Marquis of Webdos in the Kingdom of Lomberto. In Japan, Takeo Kawasaki, when he died, was a 45-year-old salarier. The unique skill is "Magic Mastery". Call me Al.'

While I say so, spread your hands and reach out to Karostaran and Akdam. Karostaran looked pompously at my left hand, but Akdam looked at my status by saying "status open" when he reached out and touched my right hand. I saw that. Karostaran is also rushing to touch my left hand to see the status.

You thought your part was next, Bell opened his mouth.

'I am Bernadette Corroil. I am from the village of Larryl, Duke of Stales, Kingdom of Dabus. In Japan, I said Soma Tomorrow and Summer. When he died, he was a 21-year-old college student. The intrinsic skill is the "sense of shooting". Call me Belle.'

I said mainly to Akdam. I'm reaching for Akdam, who's across the table to the right from her.

"I'm Ralph Firefrid. I am from the village of Ralpha, Count of Hentil, Kingdom of Lomberto, but I do not know my parents because they were abandoned children. It was a dwarf named Xenom who picked me up and raised me. When he died, he was a 17-year-old high school student. My unique skill is" spatial grasping ". I'm fine with rallying about me. '

Ralpha also said as he reached for the carostaran on the left across the table.

'Well, then, I'm next. My name is Tolkelis Karostaran. The village of Yogtte in the territory of the Earl of Rosenheim, Kingdom of Lomberto, is from Pain'

Apparently, Bell snapped at Karostaran's hand.

'Long time no see, but talk properly. From the beginning.'

Jesus Christ. The calostaran praised by Bell coughs up, "Mm-hmm.

'I am Torkelis Karostaran. I am from the village of Yogtte, in the territory of the Earl of Rosenheim, Kingdom of Lomberto. In Japan, my name is Yosuke Sema. When I died, I was a 21-year-old college student, just like tomorrow summer. The unique skill is "scale". It's an inherent skill that doesn't really help...... Call me Tris.'

That's what Tris said with his left hand to Ralpha and his right hand extended to me.

'Er, I'm Grinner Akdam. The Kingdom of Lomberto The Duke of Lomberto The Lombertia of the King, from this city. Misa...... I was on the bus with Lar and I was in an accident. I was 17. The unique skill is Terrain Memory (Mapping). Call me Guinee.'

Guine also introduced herself with her right hand on the bell and her left hand on me. When I finished introducing myself, three boys from the store knocked and came into the room. The two lay napkins like a lunch mat on the table, arranging dishes. The other is serving glasses for a number of people. He asked me if I could start serving meals at the end of the day, so I snorted at him and he went down. I...

"Belle, okay? You're gonna eat about a meal, right?

And I asked Bell, with his face.

"Yes, of course."

And I've replied. Well, then, it looks like we should just talk. That's when the boys brought in the appetizer. All seven appetizers were served plates, including fried cold vegetables and bird ham that looked like ratatouilles, sweet-boiled some nuts, and lamb carpaccio. At the same time, white wine is poured. There was still a boy after I went to all of them.

"Well, it's a corner, so let's toast. Congratulations on a miracle you met safely. Cheers."

I say and drink wine. Yeah, it's a pretty good wine. I don't know. But it's so easy to drink. Everyone mumbles "cheers" and puts their mouth on the wine, but only Akdam is confused.

"Um... I'm definitely an adult... is that okay? I've never had a drink before."

Oh, is that the kind of educational policy family you have? Speaking of which, what did she say to her parents and come out this evening? Shall we talk from around here? Boy's already left, it's a hassle, and you can speak Japanese.

'Hmm? I'm not saying I can't, if fruit water (juice) or water is good, should I order that one?

'Huh?... it's okay'

Guineh glanced at Belle and Ralpha drinking wine looking delicious and he put his mouth to it.

"Is that it? Yummy...... whats this?... Huh... '

... Is it Dwarf's blood? I stared at the glass once as if I had first noticed its deliciousness after a sip, but immediately started drinking it looking delicious, leaving the glass empty.

"Hey... young vegetables, don't get too drunk"

Ralpha seems worried.

I also drink soup like consomme, main dish (main) beef (!) By the time Poiret and Tanvirum (tongue-plane-eyed fish living in the shallow sea) Muniel came out, they all came to understand each other's affairs and the table was surrounded by a soothing atmosphere. Looks like Guine and Tris met for a month or so.

He hired two adventurers to escort him, his parents and five of them were ambushed by a bunch of orcs on a busy mountain road, and when he was nearly wiped out leaving Guineh, Fresh and Tris showed up to save him from the danger. Does that make you fall in love? Before I was born, it was the eye of a female employee in another section who adored Inoue, who was my man, young, had two children and was handsome of Janice descent.

When we talked about the Orc raid, Guine was crying. It happened only a month ago. This is something I can't help because I lost my parents at once (it would be a more shocking way to lose them, and I can't help it, that they would be killed by demons in front of me) and even the Akdam Chamber of Commerce, which was a family business, was being pushed into a situation where I couldn't inherit with a white license of type III or II. Even if we continue with the family business, we have to start over by multiplying it by millions of Z's of gold and getting a license. It would take months anyway for the licence to be officially granted that Conne also applied for a licence without anything.

Well, it's convenient for me around here, but I'm pretty sure it's kind of uncomfortable to seem happy with someone else's misfortune. At least all the loads that were loaded in the carriage at that time were disposed of and cashed in, so it seems that the stock we now have as a chamber of commerce is about grain seed and vegetable seed. Well, it's a good time, and if you want to dispose of it, you can just dispose of it. If the owner of the white warrant died accidentally because of a monster raid or something, even if it took some time to pay taxes, it would be a big deal.

Tris left the house about 13 years ago and about two years ago now. He found out about Bell's reincarnation in his meeting time with God, which was only a minute away, and confirmed that the reincarnation location of the reincarnator was also far away. Thanks to this, they were able to confirm only a few other things.

If I thought he was a pretty smart guy, when they showed him a video like the news show at the time of the first explanation, he noticed because there was Bell's name right under his name. I immediately checked Bell's reincarnation and asked him where Bell was reincarnated, but he couldn't answer this. I could only confirm that my name and the entire victim surrounded by flashing red squares were Kanji two-letter surnames and two- or three-letter Kanji names.

but like me, he asked me how to determine the reincarnation location and found out I was reincarnating by keeping some distance or more, and when he asked me how far it was, he told me it was at least 100 Km or more. For this reason, they were traveling around small villages, avoiding large cities that seemed to have difficulty finding people. The bank also happened to run into the spot where Guineh's carriage was being attacked when it was getting thinner.

We talked about each meeting, too. It feels like Ralpha and Bell are talking exclusively and making up for what I'm missing. Hearing that I was meeting Ralpha in a way that would save Bell's peril, looks like Guiney's eyes changed a little. Until then, it felt like, "Oh my God, this goldfish hun is" whereas now I obviously feel like I'm being seen just like Tris. Maybe this doesn't mean I'm over-conscious... What, this guy.

Tris listened to us meet Bell, and when the conversation was over, he took a seat and bowed down to me deeply. Oh, my God, isn't that pretty honest?

After eating the main dish (main dish), the conversation continued while eating a salad with steamed chicken as a mouthpiece (solve). Regarding the usefulness and danger of the reincarnated. Neither Tris nor Guine took that into account, and he was listening seriously. I'm going to let him sign the contract for reincarnated advantages and physical level information before we talk.

When dessert fruit jelly is served, it is time for the end of what we talk about.

'Well, can we get this far?...... yeah. Now Belle and Ralpha are in the form I hire. A total of six other women, Ralpha's adoptive father Dwarf and my warrior Lion (Lios) man and Dog (Dogwer) woman, are challenging Balduk's labyrinth. Tris, Guine, what do you think? Why don't we do it together? Of course, I'll pay you as well as Belle and Ralpha'

I talked while looking at Tris and Guine alternately. So Ralpha pinched his mouth.

"The salary is Z200,000 a month. When you make a lot of money, you don't get to pay your bonus every day. Me and Al have been coming to Balduk since June of last year, but on average, you end up getting over half a million Z's a month."

Why are you stretching your chest there? Then Bell went on to pinch his mouth as well.

'And the holidays are Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, right? Well, I think this fluctuates when you start diving into deeper hierarchies. And, Guineh, that... you get a separate day off a month. I have it twice a month but because it's light......'

Oh, menstrual leave.... Sometimes even more holidays in that sense when Ghine is with you... Ma, shame. Fine.

'Let me accompany you, of course. Tomorrow summer...... Bell asked me to come with him, and I don't have a quorum, so thank you enough. Mr. Al, please.'

That's what Tris said right away. All Bell had to say was confidently. But I can also say that I've eaten it simply because I don't have any money.

'Oh, you're welcome. Then sign the contract for me. The contents are the same as those of the bells. Hoi. "

That's what I say. I give you a set of three contracts. I wonder about Guineh. It would be helpful if you would sign with me.

"Young man, Guine, what are you going to do? The Chamber of Commerce won't be able to do it any time soon, will it? Al also has a chamber of commerce. And I don't know if there's anything too dangerous in the labyrinth because Al is so strong. '

It looks like Ralpha will solicit you.

'Ugh... but you're an adventurer... how strong are you? And what about the Chamber of Commerce?

Guine is questioning Ralpha.

"Um, I was winning a mock fight at the end of last year against a guy named First Knights Deputy Commander. 'Huh!? You're lying, right?'

Don't I look that strong? I think he makes a pretty good body for his age too......

'Yeah, I saw it in front of you. And Al's sister's in the First Knights, too. My brother is so strong and looking good again!! Hey Belle, Al's brother Farn, you look super good!!

Suddenly Ralpha spoke to me, and Bell was reading the contract with Tris just in case.

"Huh? Mr. Farn? Yeah! You looked great. '

Face up from the contract and Bell answers. Neither of them saw Bell's face, leaving his gaze down on the contract. Did you not get it in your ear, are you originally less jealous, or do you trust Bell? I wasn't sure. Guine continues.

"So, what's your license for the Chamber of Commerce? He's out of Marquis Webdos, so we can't talk about it on number three."

I almost opened my mouth to answer, but Ralpha answered again.

'I don't know about the warrant, but I'm dealing directly with the king. His Majesty Lomberto and His Majesty the Queen are calling directly. "

Now it's time for Guine to look suspicious at me.

'I haven't brought it to you right now, but my Gleed Chamber of Commerce license is number two, a kind of red license. You can make as many deals as you want with anywhere in Lomberto. Barkud rubber products, have you ever heard of them?

When I said that, I guess Guine thought of it, too.

'Ah... I've heard of rubber products... I've never seen them... but they're amazing. Whatever the two types, we can't be very...'

Maybe she doesn't know the aristocratic privilege of a fee for a license. I don't mind. If a normal person who is not even a nobleman creates a type of chamber of commerce number two, it would cost 150 million Z. I ended up with only half a million Z's of the commission. Rubber protectors and condoms.

"I want you to come with me because you also have experience in business in Aus. We're also going to create a chamber of commerce hub in Lombertia this year or next. We have to find a candidate building as quickly as we can."

I smiled and spoke to Guineh.

'But... I can't use the spear much either... well... I fight... hey, I'm scared...'

Oh, I guess so. On the other side of the desk, Tris started signing contracts. Shiatsu.

'Hey, I'm telling you. I can do it, too, so it's okay. Because your father also says that an axe or spear would suit you best if you were a dwarf. It will be ready for use. Besides, I'm here, and Al will protect me.'

said Ralpha as he slapped Guine on the back. All right, you, you've been working pretty good lately on your brain footing habits. I guess it's me and Bell's Kaoru gift. Oh, my God.

'Well, read it. The contents are exactly the same as the one I gave Tris, as is Larfa. Oh, was it a pact between Zenom and Ralpha in pairs'

I'll give you the contract while I say so. I received it and started looking at it, but I looked up without even reading it in a busy manner, whether it was the weak type when pressed or because I saw Tris already starting to sign it in front of me. They're waiting for Tris' signature to finish.

When I received the pen and ink dish from Tris, who finished signing, I started signing the contract. I give Tris a knife, and he moves a plate full of demon stone powder off the table.

"Mix your own blood with half of the remaining demon stone powder and press your thumbprint. The wound will be healed soon."

That's what I said. I was watching Tris push his thumbnail. Looks like Guine's autograph is over too.

All right, you can think of two more effective handpawns, who could have been placed under your supervision. I gave one of the three sets of contracts to each of them, and I treated the wounds magically. I'll keep one of the two remaining copies of the contract, and the other one... I'll have it stored in the administration. This is one of the reasons formal contracts are expensive. The thumbprint pressed with Demon Stone blood can be opened.

Now they can't get away from me that easily.

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