Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 46: The Black Eagle of Webdos


The simulated battle between the captain and his brother moved violently against each other and became incandescent. I met the wooden sword and the wooden sword, and I said everywhere, "Yikes!" "Yah!" "Zey!" "Mmm!" "Tho!" The temper between the two is broken, with a simple shield on their left arm, they step in and play before the opponent's punch exerts its power, and if they are bounced, they immediately fly away and distance themselves, again with the reward of intense moves. The captain is so used up that I don't think it's the first time he's worn a rubber protector.

My brother even showed off a series of double-penetrations of his wife's hand, which he rarely showed, but the captain responded brilliantly despite his first glance, such as paying for the second shot with his left arm, only distorting his face as he was surprised for a moment after he recirculated the first shot with a right-hand wooden sword. It took nearly a month for my brother to put an archery on me to be able to do that...

Once I held the wooden sword with both hands, I didn't know which hand I would replace it with, I also let it correspond brilliantly to my brother's double-handed moves. Is swordsmanship something that can be worked out so far...... I even forget to breathe and see it.

But my brother couldn't win either. Though sticky as I was, the captain eventually made me taste the bitter cup. Besides, I lost the same double penetration as my brother. There was a slight difference in the type when sticking out, so I guess the leader of the group could have used it originally. The speed was higher for the captain.

This is followed by a battle against my brother and Ser Kendus, Squadron Leader of the Third Squadron. He would be tired of playing against the captain of the regiment, but he flirted with a medium captain wearing overlapping armor (sprint mails), just like when he dealt with the deputy captain, and when he created a gap, he decided to win both punches quickly. Wow, a boulder.

I guess my sister and the squadron leader do it all the time, they seem to know all about each other's hands, and at first they didn't make a lot of moves. In time, it became a diagram of a squadron leader intercepting his sister, who tries to cut paralysis and ride and flirt with speed. But in the moves, the squadron leader seems to be better up there, but he really seems to lose his sister's speed, and it ended up being judged a draw after about enough where he and his sister took one at a time.

My sister and the captain of the regiment are next, and the captain said he would take a break. And to my surprise, he said it was a rematch between me and the squadron leader before your sister and the regiment leader. That's the first array, isn't it? There's not much to lose with that. I'm sorry I thanked you for borrowing my chest.

But you can't call that a mock fight. Sure enough, I knew I wouldn't have to thank you in a mock war. But I just didn't think I could be rude to someone who hit my sister's direct boss, so I did it without thinking deeply, and there was sweetness that it would be okay and it would be missed. I learned that at no time during a mock war do I need to say hello or thank you, but that's all. You can tell by mouth to the boulder to that extent. The squadron leader should have had nothing to gain.

Whatever you do, whatever you do, use your back hand to win! Do you mind if they say you're cowardly? My sister told me it was okay. If you beat the squadron leader you drew with your sister... well, that's not true. Now just think about fighting and winning.

I kneel down once before entering the training ground like I did in previous matches and soil my palms to make it non-slip. And face the squadron leader with a wooden sword waiting for me in the exercise area with a short break. You should still flirt with it at speed first. I poke a wooden sword with my left hand when I pack the distance all at once.

The squadron leader will also slash me with a knife that returns my thrust without a wooden sword, but I can afford it if I try it on me who just played against the captain of the regiment. Unlike the captain, he can also afford to use his footsteps. But I guess the squadron leader is still used to mock fights with people wearing rubber protectors. As for the First Knights, who would have performed Orthodox swordsmanship, there seems to be some confusion about footsteps like an outward path, but the attack with a wooden sword is almost completely gone, taken, and surely even countered.

I jumped back a little and opened up a distance of about 4m, making it look like I was going to do a rearrangement. The squadron leader also falls back and restarts his position, seemingly taking any attack and fighting back. I pull my left arm with a wooden sword and simultaneously bring my left hand with the wooden sword close to my left hip when I am in my right half like a left side stand in a dagger fight and put my right foot forward. I twisted my torso to the left to the limit. My body got in the way, and from the squadron leader, it would just look like my right shoulder and twisted torso were building up my strength while I hid the tip of my sword.

My left hip has my wife's hand hanging with a rubber string on the D-ring.

With each pattern of the wooden sword, he held his back and moved his right arm from the right to the left hip while holding it in motion as if to accompany the sword. Bend the hinge of the D-ring while holding the wooden sword to hold your back firmly to each sword pattern.

Your right hand is stretched towards your left hip to the limit.

He gently poured the dirt into the inside of the shotgun slingshot, which remained gripped in his right hand.

When you grab the joint of the condom-shaped tip with your poured right hand, return your torso at once and stick your left hand out. He let go of the stretched shotgun slingshot and shot off the squadron captain's face with enough blinding to be slightly more than a tablespoon.

The squadron leader would not have understood what the hell had happened to Russia. The momentum ejected eyeballs diffused aimlessly, passing through a netted helmet only in the eye area in an instant, which worked as I had assumed. When I release both the slingshot and the wooden sword at the same time as the firing, the squadron captain will try to draw an arc to the right and pack the distance.

He's wielding a wooden sword in tears, but there's no way he can hit something like that on a boulder. I put a kick from the inside around his right knee, and when I fell ill, I grabbed my right arm with a one-shoulder procedure (the inside of the arm part of the sprint mail is made of leather, and grabbing itself is fine) "Chase toe!" He flashed a loud hanging voice, dropping his hips while holding his right arm to his shoulder, and spinning left, he threw his ass at the squadron leader's thighs and shoulders. He then releases a poke at the helmet with his hand with a Meriken sack and stops the inch.

Just like when you deal with a deputy team leader, you can punch any kind of Meriken sack you want into your head.

"Greed, you win!

I got a winning name, and as soon as I pulled through the Squadron Leader's helmet, I magically watered out like a shower, washing away the dirt I used to crush him. It is adorable that the joy of winning failed to add or subtract the shower and that a little water appeared inside the gloves as well.

All right, I could beat the squadron leader your sister didn't win! I wanted to make a very small leap of joy, but I put up with it. But it's called Squadron Leader, it's called Deputy Commander, and if you do it again, you probably won't win as long as you compete with the sword. Thinking about it, my sister, who has fought many times but took one, is amazing, I think again, but I would never put it in my mouth.

Then the captain and his sister did it in full. Surprisingly, the captain unlocked magic on his sister. We'll tour the mock as far away as we can. I didn't bury it, but it was easily settled with the 'Waterbolt Missile' (almost zero attack power). Before the second hit, the captain also seemed desperate to use magic to try to intercept him, but he lost by taking a direct hit of his sister's magic before the magic materialized shortly after his mental concentration. No matter how light the armor gets, you won't be able to do that if you let your sister unlock the magic.

"Hmm, I thought this armor could do some magic... but it's definitely good armor. Light and easy to move. He also has high defense for his weight. I like it."

Everyone is stunned to hear what the captain has said. No one will struggle with the magic of guidance if it moves lightly enough. There are several ways to deactivate the guided missiles, but they are all quite difficult.

1. Escape from archer's guided area

2. The warhead being guided disturbs the archer's concentration faster than it hits the target

3. Block the archer's gaze

4. Eliminate warheads in flight before target is reached

5. Swallow and erase the warhead itself in 'Anti-Magic Field' before the warhead hits

The first of these methods is impossible because of the speed difference problem. I can't do it unless I'm originally in a critical location in the guided range area, or even use high wind magic beside me from about 10m at most to bounce myself off the guided range area. Besides, it can't be that easy to determine if they're in or out of the other party's induction zone. Because it is not necessary to add extra MP to extend the range somewhat.

The second is usually difficult. After the sorcery is activated, it is very difficult to disturb the archer's concentration in a few seconds to at most a few seconds, depending on the distance and the sorcery. Unless you're also a fairly skilled magician, and you can't do it unless you can use the kind of magic that lets your opponent reach the magic warhead in turn with an overwhelming velocity difference over the warhead that flies in. Furthermore, the last flight vector remains after the end of the induction, so it is necessary to perform it. Unless you use a bow or arrow (crossbow) or aim in advance, there's a speed problem and you can't do it first.

The third is the most practical. You can hide in a big shield, or if you can use magic, you can put it out on a dirt wall and hide from it. A shooter can't take any other method than aiming at a survey than he can't see the goal. It is not absolute because it is difficult to avoid damage even after aiming at it with an eye that the warhead is the type to burst like a 'fireball', but it is an effective method. Even a shield, if defended by skilled moves, depends on the type and power of the warhead, but it cannot be subjected to or diverted from some objects. Although this is quite difficult.

The fourth is practical next. I told you to turn it off, but you'd better hit something else to be exact and say you're going to virtually disable it. It would be the most common case to use in conjunction with the second, but sometimes it doesn't make much sense depending on the warhead that flies. The sure thing is to intercept with similar missile-based sorcery, but the hard part wouldn't be hard to imagine.

I can't do the last one first. I'm the only one who can do it. 'Anti-Magic Field' is low in sorcery, but it also needs all-element magic, and at least it gets penetrated if you don't put more MP in it than a flying warhead. You can put up an 'anti-magic field' with MP up to critical with the intention of only using it once, but it's only a bad bet for a minute, more than unknown how much MP the opponent has shot in.

Either way, if we're three brothers - or in this case you're my sister - we can blow up every defense with a great power that won't let you penetrate or say whether or not almost any defense is done. I don't even think the captain would know about this because he seems to be able to use quite a bit of magic.

Is this the end of the simulation? I win and lose (I think I missed my first fight with the Squadron Leader). My brother wins and loses, too. Your sister wins two and a minute. Whoa, I won. My two wins. Actually, I don't use the sword in a busy way, so I wonder what it's like, and I don't really think the same hand will work again, but if you pull me out, you win. Especially my brother is squarely grand and beats his deputy and squadron chief just for his sword moves.

Is that it? But the only one who beat the captain in rubber armor was my sister who used magic... and the deputy captain and squadron captain were wearing heavy armor too. It's inexplicable, but on the same terms, is it about whether even my brother could have won? You wouldn't even beat a deputy commander or squadron commander in heavy armor a second time. I wonder if I would have been unilaterally hit like a commander not long before they would have done the small work if they wore the same rubber armor as me.

Everyone praises us, but I guess I looked like I wouldn't float.

"This is a Gleed, and you beat the First Knights vice captain and squadron captain to a mock fight. You can be a little more honest."

Yur told me.

"That's right, it's a big deal. Your brother is also a boulder, an excellent knight."

That's what Marine said and praised me. But I...

"Ha, thank you for your kind words, thank you. However, it was thanks to this light armor that I was able to win, and the sword moves didn't work at all. You won't win a second time, and you're actually losing."

That's what drowned my head. Then,

"Well, I'm not even so despised. You are quite strong for your age. Even swordsmanship is not so inferior. I can pass even if I take our entrance exam. Besides, I think there are a lot of guys who will lose to you, even our Horseman. Why don't you come to us now? What do you say?"

The deputy commander said to me with a laugh.

"That's right, Greed. Oh, my God, are you making any mistakes? It would be splendid if you could use that much sword in sixteen or seven. It's not too much to say that the three best users in our country fought today."

said Yur smiling.

"Yes, thank you. And I'm very happy to invite you, but I'm a Balduk adventurer, and I have a Chamber of Commerce. And I'm going to have another adult next month, but it's only fourteen."

Me, is that such a grown-up face? It has oriental characteristics, and I think my common sense would make me look younger than I am. Well, you've got some flattery. It would certainly be hard to look fourteen from the look on your face, from what you're saying, etc. Besides, you haven't seen my status except for Moline, and you can't force me not to know the exact age, and you don't remember me best because I was looking at my status, assuming. I don't even remember the age of the captains or the details of the appraisal.

"Oh? Was I? I thought you were older from the conversation. Then rejoice more. Being invited to the First Knights at XIV is in itself unusual. Then the brothers are excellent."

Yur complimented me, about us.

"Your Highness, did you understand what I was trying to say? I don't have any excuses, but I'm not going to lose next time I talk to you, Greed. But this time I lost. I won't be sitting on the battlefield a second time. If this were a battlefield, I would have been stuck with you, Gried. Sure, he was amazingly strong, but he lost to him who was not even formally trained as a knight at the age of fourteen. That is the same for Sir Kendus. Only the captain in the new armor could beat him this time. I believe the wise queen has understood what this means... but how about saying that my words in the morning were perfectly legitimate:" Oh, good, I understand what you're trying to say. "

blocking the words of Associate Baron Bitwers, Yur said.

"Right. Turns out it's valid armor. You can't help but want to fight ahead and get it. Captain Logan, in view of the Knights' strength, make sure to place a fair order in the future."

Marine took over after and ordered Baron Logan.

"Ha ha, I remember His Highness's words, liver"

And the queens left the training ground behind. After I drop them off, the baron tells my brother.

"Sir Gried, can we have another fight? Now it's a ride. Weapons with swords."

"Okay. Will the horse be my horse?

My brother answers calmly.

"Oh, of course I don't mind."

Apparently he's another battle with his brother and the Knights Commander. Riding battle?

Brother crosses a military horse, holds a wooden sword in his right hand and a reins in his left hand, and drifts some elegance while he is riding in a brilliant manner. I practiced riding combat too, but I can barely do it. You should take some time next time and practice riding combat as well. Oh, no, I can use magic, so I guess that's okay.

Between the captain and his brother is about 70-80m away. Run out at the same time facing each other, slashing each other with a wooden sword when you're closest. If you fall, you lose at that point. Even if you get two shots in, you lose. With that said, my brother used to do it occasionally with his sister-in-law Shani in Barkud.

Looks like it's time to start. I can see the tension growing.

I kicked the belly of a horse without either of them.

Two military horses are gradually accelerating.

We are raising swords in each other's right hands.

When it was closest, the speed of the military horse had reached an equivalent.

Wave your sword when you two work together.

Looks like we met with a wooden sword and a wooden sword.

We went to the edge of the practice area and faced each other again.

Now I accelerated the horse immediately.

Also, it looks like a match between sword and sword.

Even as we look beside each other, the tension between the two comes this far.

It felt uncomfortable whether he was sweating on his clenched fist, or whether there was still water in his gloves that missed the shower, but he held his fist naturally and strongly.

Each other's advanced moves, or even the acceleration of the military horse, can only be used to wield a wooden sword against the other's steeple.

Third round.

Fourth round.

Fifth round.

I can't settle.

And then the sixth merger begins.

A military horse runs out, and the distance between the two shrinks.

My brother starts from the left and the captain starts from the right.

Looks like another hit.

The seventh match began.

Accelerate and reduce the distance from each other just as before.

As soon as I started running, I heard the Deputy Commander roar.

If you look closely, your brother's left leg is not on the wall.

That would support my weight on my right leg alone.

"Everybody, look closely!

The deputy commander barks.

When crossing with the captain, his brother took the captain's sword with his own sword and fell ill.

I managed to take it with my sword, but my body turned backwards, and I thought it was about to fall.

Let go of the reins as they are and keep your back on the back of the horse.

Then he lifted his left leg and shrunk himself over his horse's body.

I figured it out here, but my right leg didn't seem to hang on it either.

Have you ever pinched a horse's torso only with the power of his legs?

And I twisted my body in the air when I thought I used my spine and arm powers to jump up from an upside down, sitting right behind the regiment leader.

It was the moment when a black eagle danced in the Lombertian sky.

Soon the sword had been replaced by the left hand, entangling the empty right arm from behind in the right arm of the commander. On the butt of a horse without a saddle, it's something that often just wraps one right arm around the leader of the regiment and doesn't go down. Everyone stares breathlessly. Whether it's against a dreaded sense of balance, or against an abnormal physical ability that was momentary but showed magnificent acrobats, or both?

You can attack the left flank of the regiment leader with a sword in your left hand.

The left hand of the referee, who is beyond the two military horses, raises.

"Lord Gried wins!

"It's a street art. You can only use that in limited circumstances."

My brother says. Me and my sister have never seen anything like it. The Knights also seem to have lost their temper, praising their brother with their mouths.

Apparently, the only person who knew was the Deputy Commander. He said he had only done it once during the old war. My sister-in-law Shani didn't tell me this either. He said he was shutting up. The village squire was a big shag. I wanted to get mixed up with that, too.

"Look, rubber armor can do that, too."

That's what the captain said, but only my brother can do such acrobats on boulders. No one has agreed with the captain's words in that evidence.

"Mr. Farn, you look great! A boulder."

Ralpha was watching my brother by surprise.

"I'm married and I have kids. Don't think weird."

"I know you do. That's right. Even the Second Lady can say," You, you want a bigamy? You're really an ex-girlfriend. Besides, my sister-in-law is an amazing beauty. I don't think my brother is dealing with you. "

"Eh, but I thought Mr. Farn, too, looked good. I flew away from that horse, it was amazing!

I wouldn't deny that, either, but Belle's a brother, I can tell you that.

"Master, it's a boulder. It's two victories over the Horseman. It's enough to say that you lost, because the opponent is the leader of the Knights."

Engela, you're the only one in the women who praised me for my results. I bought a good slave.

"Yeah, I'm surprised. There are ways to fight like that, aren't there? At the time of training, I was surprised that they hadn't fought in such a way. I'm impressed."

He also impressed me by saying something about Zulu.

"Al, it was splendid. I didn't pull a step against the First Knights."

Xenom praised me too.

"Chestow, I said something, and I almost blew it out. That's not Judo."

Said Ralpha, who turned to me like he remembered because everyone praises me. One shoulder is also a judo move, but it is also incorporated into hand-to-hand combat. It's one of the few precious moves you can throw without a road trip in a way.

"Well, it's similar. I've had a lot of demons before, and I've never used them. I don't think my body moved even though I haven't even been busy auditioning. I'm surprised myself."

I'm really surprised myself. My body moved naturally. But that's a hard move to forget when you were young. My body was moving naturally and as it used to be before I thought about it. Repeated practice of shapes is horrible. Of course, if it was an audition I could do alone, I would have done it when it was possible. But I couldn't do all the throwing on my own. You'll also remember strangulation for this minute. I guess I'll give the Zulu opponent a little archaic later.

My brother and his squire, who left the stadium, said they were headed to the inn once. The Zenoms are going to the inn accordingly. Me and the two slaves go back to Balduk when we all have dinner. I dare not go as far as the brothers' inn, receive a rubber bag with the royal crest for delivery, put it in a saddlebag while it is wrapped, until dinner it is the Wang Du sight.

Zulu and Engela each say they look around appropriately, and I want to talk to my brother, but I haven't even spoken satisfactorily with my squire yet. Today would be a good day because I talk a lot with my brother and sister on the way from Balduk to Lombertia in the morning. They'll stop by Balduk tomorrow morning anyway. I'll lend my brother to Ralpha and Bell today.

I enjoyed a long conversation with Sean and Diane and Barkud's squire. Sean sometimes stays in Lombertier during his sister's exams, so in this, he's Wang Yutong. The restaurant that we all went to dinner when we decided to pass the boarding house and sister we stayed with at the time. I walked loosely through the open-air shopping district where I bought souvenirs to Barkud.

Someday, like me when I went to Keel, everyone looked at the town of Wang Du in a nice and rare way.

"Dear Al, the stall was told. Next year or again, they're going to let a family of rubber artisans from the village live in a one-family Wang capital and do repairs to armor and products sold. Craftsmen's families were said to be replaced every few years. For this reason, we would like you to keep an eye on the buildings that will serve as the home of the Green Chamber of Commerce…"

That's what Sean said to draw my attention. This story was also heard by my brother this morning. In short, they envision a maintenance base, such as armor, and something like a direct sales office. I originally asked you to think about that in a letter I wrote before. The candidate will come to me with loyalty because I'll leave it to my father.

"Oh, I know. I'll be ready to negotiate by next fall or so. I've told my brother, but I'll be able to report on my progress during spring and summer delivery. I'll get you a nice place. Expect me."

"Of course, it's about Master Al. I hope so. But I was very surprised that this armor was so popular with the First Knights."

Sean said. Jamie, my squire, has joined Sean's conversation with me.

"That's right. I was also very happy when they gave me armor three years ago, but I didn't know it was such a popular thing...... The First Knights fought ahead and were happy to buy it. Oh, yeah, Master Al, we're expanding the work shed next year, too. Now you can take rubber from the sixth field, and you can go to the seventh before next summer."

Right, is it that time of year already?

"Well, that's good. I think I figured it out today, but this armor is pretty popular, isn't it? If we don't get about ten clothes every three to four months, we're not going to be able to pack them."

When I answer Jamie, Diane stops by and says,

"Mm-hmm, that's it, Dear Al, why don't you take more orders? You can make more than twice that now. Well, there are a few wrinkles on other products for that matter, but I think I can..."

I said so reluctantly, but I opened my mouth when I smiled at her.

"Yeah, that would be it. But I don't know about armor. Once I bought it, it had to be too much. I need something new for a while. So if you sell it all at once, then you struggle. Think about the amount of armor outside of the world and sell it little by little.

There are two reasons. One is if we let a lot of them go out at once, we won't be able to sell armor elsewhere. Then the price will be lowered because there is no other way to sell it. When it repeats itself, no one can make any money. Then where you've been making armor, you may resent us and harass us in the worst case scenario.

The other is that by squeezing the quantity to such an extent that it doesn't crumble the price of armor, our armor doesn't come out much, but it becomes recognized as a luxury item for that matter. This means that selling the same number will make more money. Then one by one, one by one, the amount increases. At the same time, we sell a lot of rubber products other than armor. If it's rubber and luxury armor, make an image of Barkud. "

So much so that the other squire stopped by my side and joined me and listened. When I stopped,

"It's not even about talking on the side of the road. Let's all have a cup of bean tea."

I said and headed to a nearby diner.

When I talked about my ideas and what I expected in the future, which I wrote in a letter I sent to my father and brother about an hour later, I enjoyed seeing Wangdu again.

In the evening, when we go to the pre-determined meeting place, everyone is already in place, and we eat dinner as we go. Me and Zulu, Engela first said goodbye to everyone and headed back on the night road to Balduk. I went home playing with Zulu, Engela's head and tail, and some 'light' magic on the tip of my gunsword, just because there were no demons wandering around here anyway.

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