
I'm going to deliver to the Knights headquarters in Royal Castle today, so it's time to keep up the schedule. Since the departure will be after dinner, is it about 7: 00 a.m. this time of year? Honestly, I haven't eaten anything all day so my stomach is peppery.

Wear underwear and socks, too, and wear under armor.

Stick your foot in a braided boot, put on a rubber protector, and hang what you need on the D-ring.

Put some rubber repair tools in a bag just in case, so that they can be thrown into the saddlebags as they are.

All you have to do is check the sword and get proof of sale (receipt).

And I'm just waiting for my brother to call me. I checked with the clock magic props and the time is only five o'clock.

Sit back in bed all ready and review the notes you just wrote.

Hmmm...... what the hell is going on?

I don't know if I'm going to lose my memory, say, forget what I remember itself, say, or describe it as sticking, but I can't dare to have memory problems. I don't think he has memory problems that often...

If this has anything to do with reincarnation, is it happening to all the reincarnators?

Spiritual rejuvenation can't even be considered to be happening to everyone from Bell's story. But as far as I was talking to Bell and Ralpha, it doesn't look like they have memory problems.

That's the same for Claw and Marie. From now on, Marie also has a feeling that her spirit was young. But I don't think they have memory problems. If there was, it would be tough. If you forget that you've been stopped talking about magic mastery, you're in trouble. Well, think calmly. There's no denying the possibility that either the magic mastery or the magic augmentation method will eventually spread. Diffusion of information on both sides is a serious problem.

Weird way to put it, there's a chance that a secret might be leaked from Sister Shani to her parents' Marquis Webdos house. Well, I don't really care about this now because my sister-in-law officially came to the house to marry me and even set up a child. In Orth, if you are married or son-in-law, you are strongly aware that you will be cut off from your previous home and become a person in your new home.

I already understand that this is a very ordinary value, especially in the region of the Jindal Peninsula, where the Marquis of Webdos is located, rather than just the idea of Barkud. So Shani, you can leave your sister-in-law's line. Because if you're worried about leaking from your sister-in-law, Shani, you have to worry about leaking from your mother to your mother's home, the Duke of Sandark.

My brother has two children. I don't necessarily have a new child after this. I guess I'll beat the magic into those kids from about five years old, like my sister. And the time will come for them to grow up and set up new children. Even my sister won't be single forever, and even I didn't know when to have kids. If there's a lot of magic for the Aus people, that's for sure the only way they can lead a favorable life.

Especially if it's about 10 or so on the MP...... it's awesome - it's advantageous. It would be tough if that were to be literally different digits. Sooner or later, me or my sister, or someone with as much magic as my brother... no, never as good as my sister. Anyway, someone with a huge amount of magic will also start coming out of Poached Gried's bloodstream.

In oaths, it is normal to have the first child at roughly twenty years of age, and most often more than one. Three generations from now, five to sixty years from now, depending on the number of children you make, it's not strange to have about ten to twenty people with about the magic of your sister. Then no wonder what kind of guys are mixed up.

There's a good chance that accidental people like me will say it polo. It's the difference between early and late. Preventing this will require a single heirloom and killing non-heirs, or something like that. My father wouldn't even think that far into a boulder. If that's the case, now that my brother has two children, it would be weird if my sister and I hadn't both been killed together. Sometimes it's silly that neither my father nor my mother realizes it's going to increase to a rat formula.

Perhaps my father doesn't think of keeping secrets in themselves forever, or that he can.

But I don't know if it will be decades from now if it's a country jazz house like Barkud, but I can also think of a situation where I get a lot of footlight as coming from the unusually magical ones. Some asylum will be expected if someone in the clan holds a high ranking position in the country by then.

I can also nod that I forced my sister into the First Knights. Well, it would be a coincidence if the First Knights could just take the exam without a magical relationship, but maybe I discussed this with my mother in the time leading up to my brother's return from the battlefield to coincide with his triumph.

When I said I was going for the king of a new country and I was leaving the house, there was no stopping me. Now that I think about it, it does take the form of making me do whatever I want.

But my magic power is out of standard, and if I'm not a reincarnator, and if I can't observe magic in the form of MP, I'll never be able to reach it. First of all, I can't believe I'm guessing.

My brother and sister boast an unusual amount of magic, but my parents already knew I had many times that amount of magic. According to this, he (I) may not be able to build a country, but he may be able to do enough to get a key position in a foreign country, or he may have thought so.

Even if it wasn't possible, there's not even enough creation to go back to the Kingdom of Romberto and show up as a court magician. No wonder I was calculating that extent. In case you can make it in a small country, you don't mind relying on me to get your family together and pull yourself out of Barkud. Thinking about it makes us brothers grow up, starting with our brothers... well, it wouldn't be a good idea to know how to train magic or increase magic until we're about 30-35 years old.

Let's consider a few examples. My sister, for example. I was able to successfully join the First Knights. Even the Knights would emerge there if that were the case. I don't know if I could even be captain of the regiment, but if I could even go around squadron captain or something, I would get at least the impeccable wealth and title for living within the Kingdom of Lomberto, and then the backing of a permanent army against the background of the Knights.

"That" gried clan can also snort that children with unusual magic will be born.

This is what will happen. And it seems natural to have more power than the magicians there in a good rate, and some secrets, to join the "that" gried clan, but it's likely they're eating into the center of the National Army, and it would be tough if they even did something nasty and looked at them, so they could even direct them. Sometimes you will be blinded to foreign countries, but it is also in your hands to fall back on the lone party to that country at that time, depending on the conditions.

Even I would be royal if I succeeded. It would be natural for royalty to have secrets. No, I don't. All you have to do is put on me, the king, and say, "That's my royal secret." That's fine as long as you buy some time for decades. And then, even if the secrets were found out, if we had the status and wealth that we had built up by then, our offspring would be able to live their lives in their favor.

Maybe this is what my father thought. Naturally, the details would be different. I suspect you had similar thoughts.

That's right, it was Ralpha yesterday. He rushed to shelter me at first, but quickly turned to my brother's side. Well, I'm pretty sure I broke my family's rules, and I can't help but get beaten up and punished. I'm rather glad it was done to that extent. But you would have bathed in the favor, too. Damn it, what is it, that guy? That said, things were weird...... Ah. Well, then he fell in love with your brother. I'm kidding, I don't want to call you my sister-in-law. Shall I interrupt you thoroughly?

If I had such a selfish delusion, the door would have been knocked. When I opened it, my brother stood. My brother healed my wound with healing magic when he put his hand on my swollen cheek.

"Have you thought about what your father and mother thought and said? The two of you in the Knights of Webdos will touch the fold and I'll see how it goes too. They'll pick you up after three to four years. They would be full if they could work out that much too. At that time, don't be ashamed of them. You have to grow up....... you got it. Come on, let's go eat. It's your luxury this morning. Eat something delicious."

I showed my brothers and squire to the restaurant where I always eat breakfast, and Xenom and the others gathered for my party. My brother was supposed to be able to help me with the reason I wasn't here since noon yesterday. So neither the squire nor my two slaves had anything to say. Breakfast of bread, soup and sautéed pork, all going to King's Capital today.

With the exception of my brother and I, the only one of these who has been to the Wang Capital is Zenom, who said that he had been with Sean, a squire who accompanied him during his exams in Miloo, when he was young, and Zulu, who was taken prisoner and sent to a slave city. So it looks like everyone is looking forward to it. He seems fortunate to be able to take a slow look around Lombertia, the largest city in the western part of the continent, as well as Zulu, who has never seen the King's Capital in a busy manner, and Engela, who has never been there.

"I'm just going to confirm my plans for today. Al and we will go to the Knights headquarters in Royal Castle and measure as soon as we deliver. It'll probably be over in about two hours. So if you have lunch at the Lombertier, it's free time until evening. There will be a lot of things, so look around to spread the word. We'll decide where to meet later. Mr. Zenom and the others are staying in Wang Capital for a week from today, right?

My brother said.

"Yeah, I've already taken the inn. It's an inn called the Grimph Pavilion. Sir Gried, will you not be staying in Wang Du?

Xenom replied,

"What? Are you leaving today, brothers? I wanted you to show me a lot of things..."

Ralpha's got his mouth pinched. You, my brother, are not a guide. You're kidding. And Zenom is talking politely to his brother, who's a nobleman! What kind of intimacy is that? Hey, you, Barkud's Gried family, aren't you licking it?

Didn't you ask Al? We're staying in King's Capital tonight, but we're going back to Barkud tomorrow morning. I'm sorry. Our inn is called the Longheluk Pavilion. It's a little hard to know where we are, so we'll meet up somewhere else, and then we'll head to the inn. "

No, brother, you and Ralpha were breaking it right away yesterday. It was still kind of more of a natural way of talking to company juniors and stuff than with my brother's friends. Eh, I didn't know anything about my brother outside the house, but he's still well perceived and dressed.

"Sir Gried, I have a favor to ask. May I accompany me and my daughter Ralpha, Bernadette, during the climb at the time of delivery? I want to show you the royal castle once."

Xenom is bowing his head and asking his brother.

"Hmm? Oh, I don't know"

My brother saw me. What the fuck?

"The head of the Green Chamber of Commerce is Al, so I don't have a decision to make. Al, what do you think?

Huh? Huh? Oh, you mean that.

"It doesn't matter. I'll take Zulu and Engela..."

When I say that, Xenom breaks his face, and Zulu and Engela raise their voices of surprise.

Thank you, Xenom.

When I went back to the inn, the Third Squadron people were picking me up.

This man will escort us all the way to the Royal Castle (though we don't need them), and he'll do the in-country formalities.

The Third Squadron people were politely greeting their brothers, their squadrons and even Zulu and Engella, starting with Zenom as to what else they misunderstood.

And I thought you were going to greet me, the head of the Green Chamber of Commerce, very politely.

"Have you been washing your face properly? Did you have a handkerchief? Beautifully dressed, isn't it?"

And here I am. Damn sister.

Three of our brothers ride military horses, two two-headed carriages, four squire, and five less than Zenom on foot, for a total of fourteen to go for the Lombertier.

The time now is about 7: 00 am. The road is in good condition as it is not 10 km away and you will reach the Royal Castle at 10 am. I enjoy the conversation of my brothers a long time ago when three people line me up in the middle at the head of the line.

Along the way, I reached the royal castle without any problems just once I pinched enough breaks.

When he entered the royal castle and reached the square in Sanomaru, the men of the First Knights were wandering.

You must have noticed what we looked like, cheering.

There is also the figure of Baron Logan, the captain of the regiment.

My brother pushed me back and I carefully bowed my head as I stood in front of the baron.

"Madam Commander, we have come to the delivery of the goods we were ordering.... over there. It is finished as measured, but please wear it as soon as you can and confirm it. We will fix any size problems as soon as possible"

"Yeah. Everyone who ordered it is left only under armor so that it can be worn immediately. I've been waiting a long time with my neck. Come on, guys, check it out. Dress up right now and look!

Sooner or later, the Baron ran for a small run to the carriage.

Then the Second Squadron folks follow.

Barkud's squire is checking each person's name and handing them crates from the carrier.

The lid of the crate was carved with the First Knights crest and the name of the orderer, and the text, which was from the village of Barkud, was similarly carved on the sides. The box alone costs quite a bit of gold... well, if you ask the craftsman per Dorrit, it's 20,000 Z. per box (two silver coins). It wouldn't even be that big a price around there.

He even seemed to come to the square to see quite a few people who would not receive him this time. There seems to be quite a few people outside the First Knights.

I nodded and said I would look at my brother.

"Now, for the third squadron, we will be measuring the next production lot, so please come here."

There are six squires, four of whom are also involved in the production of rubber.

You can leave the measurements to them.

Don't take an hour in total as one fifteen minutes. The measurements will be over.

By the side of the measurements, the Baron and Second Squadron are wearing armor in reference to our brothers and Barkud's squadrons.

Wouldn't the First Knights squire help the Orthodox Knights put on their armor?

I asked my sister, "Me and Amzel and Groholetz always wear it alone, because it takes a short time to wear it. Sounds like you envied that, too. You want to be able to wear it on your own for a short time, don't you? We all taught him how to wear it yesterday," he returned.

Indeed, the rubber protector is made to be detachable by itself.

I knew nothing but regular stacked armor (Sprint Mail) or metal belt armor (Banded Mail) or old stacked armor (Sprint Mail) that my father had.

So I hadn't really cared so far because I had made it from the beginning with my mind that I could put it on and off by myself, with little reference even.

The reference is about the position and shape of the plate.

Though there is little shadow left because generations are now moving forward.

Speaking of which, my father and mother both wore armor on their own before I said anything. Was it enough to help my father wear it during the first corner prototype test?

Well, is it also for sale that you can put it on and off by yourself?

While doing so, the measurements also proceeded, and a few people came out after the outfit.

He seems to be jumping or running lightly to make sure he feels and sizes.

I hear the joy of "light, light".

I said approaching the baron with a rub.

"Sir, what do you think? What about Barkud's armor?

"Yeah. This is good to be light. Perfect size, no discomfort.... if this."

"? What about this?

"Oh, no, we're talking about this one. I'll have to pay the rest, by the way. Hey, North! Greed, give him the rest of the money. Mr. Greed, he has all the rest of the money. Take it from him. But that's light. Whoa, um, shoulder turns well..."

Looks like he's busy.

Someone called North came running over for a small run with a bag.

When I received the heavy bag, I counted it with my brother.

One hundred and sixty-two pieces of gold, one hundred and sixty-two million Z., I did receive them.

Proof of sale with the amount (like a receipt. used to pay luxury taxes in conjunction with the portion of the advance) signed and nostalgic.

Then my brother handed me a lot of bags in small pieces.

"Sign this, then, Mr. Chairman of the Grid Chamber of Commerce"

Having said that, I've now asked for an autograph for proof of sale in Webdos form.

The amount is… 216 million Z.

"Yeah...... yes. Webdos have a 10% luxury tax, right? I'll pay for 21.6 million Z."

"No. We don't have a problem paying taxes. I can't say it out loud, but my father is so happy about this one. Besides... you're gonna need money, right? My father said it would be half as good. I agree with you, but your letter says you're working hard in the labyrinth. I've decided to let your words sweeten me."

That's what my brother said and bowed his head to me. Come on, man.

"Ah...... yeah. Okay. Thanks."

A bag of gold coins of firm weight was handed over.

108 pieces of gold, 100 million flights and 8 million Z. If you pay a luxury tax of 32.4 million Z from here, the rest is mine.

Oh, I need to get an advance from the Third Squadron people, too.

I went beside Sir Kendus, who finished the measurements as soon as possible, and spoke up.

"Captain Kendus Squadron. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. I think the delivery of the armor we measured this time will be about the end of April."

"Oh, Mr. Gried. Thank you for taking my third squadron order this time. So. Things are discussed, but let me order from us again next time." Kendus! In front of you, Cora! You fooled me!?

Everyone looked at the Lord of the Voice in surprise at the torso sounding in the square.

Dozens of men in armor, led by old men like bears nearly two meters tall, came running in great shape toward us.

Are there about 30-40 of them?

Belle and Ralpha are clearly scared.

The others are just kind of pompous about what's going on, including me.

"Ah, first..."

Sir Kendus hid himself behind the carriage to hide from him as he shrunk his body.

"Hey! Shut up! Jeff! In front of the guests. Don't make a scene!"

Baron Logan drank a big old man.

"Ugh, yes, Captain... that armor... damn. You're with the Kendus bastard, too! No kidding! I recommended the Grid. It's me! Hey, Cora, Greed! You owe me a favor, don't you? So tell the Grid Chamber of Commerce. Take my armor order, too. Hey, come on."

My brother, who saw the old man, ran right over.

"Long time no see, Sir Bitwers, and thank you very much for that verse"

Sir Bitwers?

So the old man you're talking about, like this bear, is Associate Baron Jeffrey Bitwers?

Of the First Knights Deputy Commander?

I rush over too in a hurry.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Bitwers. My brother and sister took great care of me. I'm Alain Gried of the Grid Chamber of Commerce."

"Wow, isn't that the Black Eagle of Webdos? How are you? And, hmm? The Green Chamber of Commerce? Oh, you! Hey, come on, put one more on, take your order. Mostly, the first was the captain and the two of them, and the next was only the three of them, and that's not" Hey, deputy captain! Is it just you? We're here, too. Not really. "

I don't know what it is anymore, I can't pack it.

"Why don't you keep quiet! Idiots!"

The captain had another drink. Quietly at once. Ralpha, I hope you're scared and haven't leaked it.

"You guys are still a flourishing First Knights!" You're the best! Logan! "

A king!

And Her Royal Highness has followed.

Oh, no!

I rushed over to Barkud's squire and Xenoms and said, "It's His Majesty the King. imitate me," he whispered, thanking his subordinates.

They all changed their complexions and imitated me.

"I would have taken a walk before lunch, May. What the hell?

The king who came to the side spoke to Baron Logan.

"was, in the matter of its… Knights gear… the argument was somewhat incandescent due to differences of view, the…"

Baron Logan said in agony.

"Hmm? Captain Logan, that armor… Your Majesty, the Greed is here"

Looks like Yul noticed.

"Hmm? Oh, Greed. Are you there? Face up!

Oh, it's me!?

... There's no translation for my brothers.

"Ha, here"

I can't help it. Keep your face up on your knees.

"Oh, oh, that's a long way." Oh, Greed, come here. "

Moleen found my face, blocked the king from speaking up.

I don't have a choice, go.

Barkud's squires and Zenoms seem surprised, even their brothers and sisters.

I guess so.

I knelt again when I went to the side of the kings, and took my royal thanks.

"Greed, wasn't the climb the new year?

Moline told me.

"Ha, Her Royal Highness Lady Maureen. Today we climbed the castle with the delivery of our equipment to the First Knights."

"Right. It's a little early, but, uh, do you have an example today?

I whispered.

"Yes, there is. I'm putting it on the carriage. Should I deliver it now?

I'll whisper it back, too.

"No, it's good now. I wish I had one. Wouldn't that be true for everyone?

That's what Moline said and looked around at the other queens.

"Yeah, right. But there's only one more bag, six left. When will you come next, even when you say the new year?

Becky said.

"Well, I was thinking about coming in on January 3rd or 4th."

When I said that, now Marine opened her mouth.

"Huh? Because today is the twenty-eighth day... isn't it just too much? Master Moline, what do you want to do?

"You're concerned about the human eye right here on this occasion. Greed, darn it, call out to whoever's done with the job. All of us are good, and the empty ones will go, so be sure to call them. We were in two circles for a while."

Moline told me. Still whispering.

"Ha, I understand. We'll call you as soon as we get the job done."

"Greed, you know, I liked it. You made a good one."

I said so. I knelt down and dropped him off until the king left.

After that, Baron Logan organized it.

I have no choice but to take an order from the third squadron that I already have an appointment with this time, but after the next one, the head of the regiment will make adjustments and place an order.

My brother, the village squire and Zenom were also black-and-white on the popularity of rubber protectors.

While receiving an advance from the people who took this measurement of the Third Squadron and handing it over to Sean the squire,

"Rubber armor, isn't it popular?

And I laugh,

"Yeah, it's a big deal. The stall is not expected to reach this point either. Have a good son. You'll have a high nose."

And he praised me.

"By the way, Mr. Greed, and, Sir Greed, do you have plans after this today? If not, after lunch, would you lend me your chest for the training of the Third Squadron? I also want to see what Webdos' Black Eagle (Kokoushu) and his well-made brother are capable of, I hear rumors. What do you think?

That's what Sir Kendus, the third squadron leader, has said. Sure, you said no before. I have nothing wrong with this condom thing if I clean it up.

But my brother is the king's capital in the corner, he'll want to look around a lot with his squire.

"Oh, right. Let me see that in a while."

Associate Baron Bitwers, the deputy commander, has also spoken. What the hell is that?

"Oh, Gried says he's the weakest of his brothers. I want to see what my brother and brother look like."

I've even joined the captain, Baron Logan, in the circle.

Well, if it's not magical, maybe I'm the weakest.

And no matter how many brothers are rubbed in the First Knights, why don't you give your sister a step to the boulder?

"Um, Herr Commander, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, but my brother is going back tomorrow. I will ask you this afternoon, so please forgive me..."

I said that and bowed my head,

"No, it's a customer request. Be sure to put on an audition if you like youngsters like us. Al, you don't have to worry. You just have to stretch out going home for a day or so."

My brother put his hand on my shoulder and said so and laughed.

After lunch we were to go to the riverbed where the Third Squadron had previously trained.

I hear your sister eats lunch with her brother.

And the Zenoms, of course.

I... have to go to the guards and tell Her Royal Highness that I am ready for my greed.

If you're bad, I'm the only one who skips lunch.

The Zenoms are also at the corner, so they're going to watch the First Knights train.

There will be time anyway, and it may be helpful.

But it's Ralpha. I'm very dear at the moment, but if I use my eyes on my brother in front of you, my sister, I'm going to die. Should I stab the nail for once?

No, no, I got to get in the way of that guy's love road. You should leave this place alone.

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