October 2, 7442.

From today until the end of the month, we need to earn experience in order to level our people. They enter and exit the labyrinth to get as many rooms as they can from one layer to another in order to gain experience efficiently. I would prefer a place where I can go through more than ten rooms between the two floors if I can, but I can't help it if they take the time here. Be patient where appropriate.

There are more than four hundred confirmed locations to be transferred from the labyrinth entrance. And there is only one crystal bar that can be transferred to two layers in the center of the labyrinth. There are more than four hundred destinations, and less than half of them can go from two layers. If you can't go to at least two layers, the efficiency of earning experience will also fall somewhat, so anywhere is the destination to connect to the two layers.

Luckily (?) could be transferred through eight rooms by the crystal rod of transfer to two layers. If it's not slime, my men can do direct damage, so let's do it here. Let Xenom hold the pole as usual and go on tapping the floor. Along the way, I met a group of six hobgoblins. This one noticed first, so I kept everyone waiting and I was the only one ahead. I assumed that this one was alone, and when I couldn't get my lower half of the hobgob (which is troublesome to rinse), which I ran off guard to attack me, I called my men and ended each and every one of them hobgob crying out in fear of death. The one left let Ralpha do it.

Zulu and Engela seemed somewhat resistant to the fact that they couldn't move their lower body and kill their opponents who couldn't even fight back in a busy fashion, and they looked at me with a slight blame, but honestly followed me when I put my efforts into my eyes and told them to "kill" them. The three Zenom, Ralpha and Bell had killed their goals pale, but was this because they had explained it beforehand? Oh, I'm glad the boots and sandals are here. It would be hard to ride on ice without shoes.

Anyway, Hobgob is a demon in the form of a person and has his own will and thinking skills as well. I even feel scared and cry like I did earlier. Xenom would be special, but I thought the two women might have heavy loads. I asked the insensitive of the two of them, "It's what it takes for us to live. We had a little discussion last night. Bell said he would need strength even after he met him. We're fine.... I'd be lying if I told you there was no resistance, but I've also stabbed Zenom many times in the past for stopping him from beating down goblins or something, and it's not a problem. Just think about following Bell," he came. I'm sorry for calling you insensitive.

Belle said, as Ralpha said, "You don't have a choice. I want strength, too, and I try to think that monsters look like people, but not people. If I die before I see him, my life means nothing, so it's okay," he said. It's temperamental. I don't care about the two slaves. You can move as I say. If you don't like it, just pay for it and buy yourself back. But can you get away from me?

But without the talent of heaven, it's hard to get experience. Hobgob is a fairly experienced and fruitful monster among the enemies he encounters while exploring the labyrinth alongside the oak, but still kills one and doesn't enter 300. Even the lord of the room, on average, would be about 2,000. More than half the time, it was well past noon that we continued to fight as safe as work, retrieving demonic stones while reaching the crystal bars to the double layer.

Usually it's time to turn back. However, the experience gained over the course of more than half a day from morning until after noon was quite significant. On average, he has gained about 4000 experience points per head. Regardless of Zenom for this minute, the other four will have one level up by next week starting this week. I'm telling Ralpha to be strongly aware that he's been using magic for a long time. Anyway, the goal is to get Ralpha's MP over 7 a little faster.

It's also because Ralpha is only getting a little more experience. As long as Ralpha's MP reaches 7, he can use special skills once every five minutes, and he can use very early magic that consumes only 1 MP to level up his magic special skills. The truth is that Ralpha and I went into the labyrinth on holiday, and we also want her to earn tons of experience just for us. But I'm not in such a hurry that I still have to order you to do that. You'll need a holiday to free your body and spirit, and now I'm letting you like it.

I hope he understands a little bit. It's easy to push high pressure, and in the short run, you'd expect some effect, because she's not my slave. Experience with magic is the easiest way to earn money by dealing damage to creatures with magic, but that can't be good because it can also be dangerous. When I first learned magic, I didn't know how long it would take me to start concentrating on magic before magic was complete.

Usually, magic makes the most money to do something. You can gain EXP even if you just use attack magic or elemental magic, but the amount is in decimal places, so it means practicing certain sorceries rather than earning experience. In that regard, the work of rubber would be close to ideal in a way to earn magical experience. Still, I don't know if I'm going in one.

It's almost like an error, but it's several times more efficient. According to this, it changes about ten times. I believe this difference in the amount of experience gained is the difference between having the right sense of purpose or not when using magic. In the case of normal oath people, they train after adulthood, and if they have aptitude, they do it unwittingly. Elemental magic does something. Remember the special skill of magic. Note that there will probably be no concept of EXP from a state where there is no special skill in magic until it reaches level 0.

Maybe I can't use it because of aptitude or something. It's been decided since birth. I expect there will be some personal difference to learn the trick. You can't use guys like Marie who put herself in training hard and can't use it after about three weeks, and on the other hand, people like Claw and our brothers will be able to use it in a day to a few days. It seems to me that you should be young. I also feel it would be easy to remember if I had more MP. Except for Ralpha, which I think Bell has proven to me.

Afterwards, I go into training using my magic special skill, which has finally reached level 0, but it's hard for anyone here to be happy to serve a spoonful or so of water without being particularly conscious of the purpose, or to use something a bit like a powerful cantrip. If we're going to get the water out, we need a strong sense of purpose to use some, yes, magic we used in ourselves for something, such as trying to sprinkle it in the field with crop growth in mind, or even rocking the flames in the cantrip. Then the level rises faster than just using magic. So, when the trained elemental magic or magic level reaches 2, you enter the first other elemental magic or magic training.

It seems that it would be considerably easier than at first to learn other magic if you had any special skills in magic. Is it because you already understand the feeling of using magic? Then, try the next skill you learn the same hard to get to level 2. At this point, there will be a total of four more MPs than when magic was unavailable. I often have about 3 to 4 MPs originally when I'm about to grow up, so I would have a total of 7 to 8 MPs. Training is a lot easier from here on out.

Anyway, if it doesn't go below six, the MP will recover at about one speed every five minutes. The trick here is to stay on track and not use level 2 elemental magic or even if level is 0 or 1 in combination with no magic or other elemental magic. The magic to be used again reduces the level 0 or other level 1 consumption MP to 1. From here on out, you'll be able to earn experience explosively. When one of the two remembered levels of magic special skills reaches three, he finally begins training for the third special skill.

Even people who can use magic from around here make a personal difference. Some people can remember the third skill, and others can't. If you can remember, go for level 2 about the magic as well. If you can't seem to remember it, you have no choice but to make an effort to continue and level up about the magic you already remember. Combination training follows.

This method was noticed while I was still in Barkud, training my squire children in magic for the manufacture of rubber. Probably the most efficient and magical way for normal people to do their magic training. I'd really like to start at about five, like my sister. I didn't think so, so I realized how to do this, and then I instructed the rubber man to do it with words. In the first place, the person in charge of rubber naturally used magic with a sense of purpose, whereas other squire and serfs just appropriately used magic, something that they noticed because there was a difference in its growth.

Usually I brought these methods to work where it was thought that it was training to repeat the use of magic to the point where it was almost out of magic every day when magic was available. At first glance, it's only an error, but when stacked, it's huge. Maybe the guy who can't appraise it doesn't understand. I may notice to some extent for a moment, but I don't think I will notice it first because I won't be sure, and there will be few samples. Even I was convinced when I was 10 years old. In the first place, it's actually a less meaningful way if you can even get more MP when you're a kid.

Until I was 10, I had to go through a lot of MP usage to increase the level of special skills than anything else, and it was ridiculous to compare the efficiency of training with extra MP. This is proven by Ralpha and Bell.

And then... right. If it's possible when I realize I'm sleepy at night, I use up the MP and go to sleep right away. If you're lucky, you'll get more MP. While the MP is low, neither is this what I made such a fool of myself. Every night, if you keep going when you feel drowsy, it could go up about three in a year. When there were no MPs for a total of 10, the rise of 1 was huge. Especially since I didn't recommend this to boulders. I like things as much as my sister.

Well, in the worst case scenario, when some kind of offensive magic is available, I think it's one hand to make them use it against me to earn experience. You'll feel painful, but my opponent is the most convenient way to damage a creature and earn experience. Anyway, if I don't hit the steeple, I'll be able to recover myself soon. I'm not going to let you complain if you crush their holiday when that happens.

I haven't told anyone about the efficiency of getting this magic experience, and that's what I haven't told my father or mother.

The day was past noon when we arrived at the entrance to the second floor, so after we had lunch, we went to the second floor. I gained experience in two rooms, even on two floors, and today I decided to retreat. I was able to get some loot, and the owner of the room didn't come out with anyone I didn't know, so I made a lot of money with all the ice restraints and experience, and I have nothing to say. Only the slime was burned to death by me, so I actually got quite the experience too.

Then we pulled out of the labyrinth, and when we disposed of the loot, we went out for dinner, and once we went back to the inn to leave our luggage and gear, there was a message for me. It was from Her Royal Highness Lady Maureen. I wasn't sure it was time, but that was surprisingly quick. But come tomorrow or ignore my convenience. I don't mind. It has certainly been a little over a month since the last time. Your Majesty, the pace almost twice a day?

I'm off tomorrow on Wednesday, so my magic training is somewhat delayed, but it's not bad to stretch my legs to Lombertier once in a while. I ran, sweated, and got to the floor early.

October 3, 7442.

After breakfast, I'm going to be a horseman and go all the way to the royal castle of Lombertia. It's only about 10 km away, and the roads are well maintained, so it takes less than two hours to get there alone. Let's make a run for it once in a while.... It feels good. Totally in a good mood, I bought sugar at Wangdu's horse store and let the military horse lick it and crush the rest of the time until 10: 00, which is the designated time.

Then, climbing to the royal castle before 10 o'clock, he was naturally stopped by the guard soldiers. When I showed her the text (fumi) from Her Royal Highness, she apparently made sense of the conversation, and accompanied me with a guide soldier.

I was told to wait around in front of the two circles, so I stood there, holding the horse's reins, and looking around the castle with your best wishes. There is something like a dedicated pile to tie the horses together, but I couldn't tell if I could connect them on my own.

"Oh, it's Gried. You've come a lot. Yes, the horse should be connected to the appropriate pile. Come here."

Moline came out and said that to me.

"This is, Your Highness, Lady Maureen. Save it for your invitation today." Greetings are good enough. Now, come on. "

I have no choice but to connect the horse quickly and I will follow after Moleen.

In the form of saying thank you to me for bringing in rubber hygiene products, I was called in, but the heart of it is clear. You want to tell me to come over more.

When I was invited into the room of the two circles, not only Moline, but the other queens were in full swing. I thought they were just going to tell me to sell it because I was running out anyway, but I thought, what the hell is this, and I started saying thank you to me. Apparently, thanks to the condoms, the life of Her Highness at night has also become satisfactory. Until now, I had another woman in fear of the pregnancy of Her Royal Highness, the main and side chambers, and as a result, I was supposed to have a common son. His Majesty the King was reluctant to use the intestines of a poorly inserted pig, and for that reason he repeated his gestures without considering contraception, since then it has healed like a lie and his wives, Her Highness, have been satisfied.

"Anyway, the concubines appreciate that. Your Majesty's hand has healed, and every night you can satisfy someone in your wife."

Moline said on behalf of everyone.

"Thank you for that. Your Majesty has turned to me again."

Yur has the same sauce eyes, but his skin looks somewhat glossy even though he is in his late thirties.

"I am so relieved that His Majesty is out of touch"

Becky's in her mid-thirties, but as quiet as she looks, she's a quiet talker. What was the last time you turned bright red and were yelling at me?

"I was wondering if His Majesty would ever deal with me again... thanks to you"

Marine seems like a winner around thirty, but this time she's thanking me softly.

But what about the fact that after thirty women bow their heads in alignment with the fourteen lads about the night's operations? Well, it won't matter how old they are to thank you, and for once I'm noble enough to say last seat, so maybe it's not such a strange sight, but as for this one, my back itches. Um, is my mental age really 59 around being illuminated by this? And I think again.

I have a sense that life experience and knowledge are more than I can remember, and I am quite prepared for it. But should we assume that sensibility and logical thinking are drawn back as far as physical correspondence or proximity to it? I feel like people were telling me that thinking skills grow best in late teens to around thirty. Of course there is an exception to anything, but considering an exception would mean nothing.

I thought about it a little bit, but suddenly Her Royal Highness would say thank you to me orally and nothing would be unnatural because it would only look like I had eaten you. I fell on my knees and thanked my men.

"What do you say, Your Highness? Remember again what you said yourself. Didn't His Majesty ask for Her Royal Highness from the beginning? Certainly, Your Majesty has responsibilities, too. However, I foolishly believe that the Great Dollar comes from your concern not to strain Her Highness's body. It is up to me and others to think and feel a deep love for Her Majesty's Highness. I would also like to learn from Your Majesty and marry a woman as beautiful as Her Highness, enough to love her all her life."

said respectfully.

"Oh, Greed, you did, you don't have greed. Normally, you would be proud of your merit."

"Ma'am, Gried's brother has sights."

"Yeah, and say something like that... can you light it up?"

"Really, you say what the concubines want. That's right. If you want an officer, you can use this marinen as your back."

Hmm, I'm glad you like it. That is the crystal of my brother's ingenuity. I did make the prototype, but it was my brother who took time to improve the material and actually use it. I'm kind of glad your brother's hard work has been recognized by the royal family. In the first place, I just remembered the knowledge of the Earth that I had originally. Salute the first person to develop condoms!

"No, he's just a mountaineer kid who knows no courtesy, such as me. Clerks etc. Very, very... It is true that the example product was developed and manufactured in my home, the village of Barkud, Marquis of Webdos, but it was only introduced by the Gried family, through my Chamber of Commerce. If all the merits are in the Gried family in Barkud, I, etc..."

That's what drools my head. Did Molene care about me like that?

"Oh, I forgot it was the Chamber of Commerce. You have to pay the price. Besides, I'd like to keep ordering."

That's what you told me. I'm the one who eats up here.

"No, my Gleed Chamber of Commerce is a type II or III Chamber of Commerce that only has gear wholesaled to the First Knights. It's not a kind of product, so I can't pay for the items ahead. I can't do business..."

I said it with a sad voice and a face.

"With that said, well, you were here the other day to fix your waterbed. Did you receive the repair costs?

Yur said. You did call me a rubber maker the first time. I'm not wrong though.

"No, Your Highness, as I said earlier, there are only two or three kinds of licences, so we can only do business in military relations."

More, more sympathy!

"Oh my... so it doesn't just work... I'm sorry. Even the repair materials are rubber, so they're pretty expensive, right?

Becky said. Apparently she assists the king in clerical processing, so the accountant, or the nation's financial relationship, may also be sticking her neck in to some extent.

"I don't care, Your Highness. All I have to do is put my body up in Balduk's labyrinth."

One more!

"Oh no... the labyrinth in Balduk and other adventurers are approaching 10% wear and tear... isn't it dangerous?

Marine said. No, I hear this guy used to be in the Knights, too. It's like they said fireballs (cannonballs) or something at the Count Falergers' house...

"If I were a second son adventurer without a governor... I'd be hard pressed not to wear two pairs of grass shoes..."

Yeah, yeah, feel more sorry for me.

"My lord Maureen, this man's sister is being asked to look to the future in the First Knights. I was wondering if that would put my credibility..."

That's what Yur said and saw Moleen.

"That's right. I know my sister, too, but you think she's taking her training seriously and showing her head corner? If you're her brother, isn't it okay for you to act like a reward here?

Marine said. Did this guy know about your sister, too? But you have a sister......

"... well, then, keep your mouth shut from me because you will need it because there are future things about your license. I'll pay, including the price and the last minute."

Moleen said. All right. Five million Z floats. Honestly, I don't care about the price. But......

"But that's just the cost of repairs and the cost of rubber. Oh, I have a license, but I was wondering if it might be a reward for something that would be convenient for both of us in the future..."

Becky said. Yo, boulder, financial bureaucrat! No, but not someone who can account for it properly! I'm sure anyone can account for that. But while I'm calculating calmly, my ratings are high! If you're a royal, you're a solid oath with civilization lagging behind Earth.

"That's true. This is the Grid. Oh, my God, is there anything you want?

Moline said as she looked at me. Before I change my mind, let me tell you.

"Oh, what a care. It hurts. If you become one type of number two, we can certainly pay you back in the future. Right...... then, I won't hesitate to say. As an example, I would like to describe it in the packaging as' royal servings' and use the royal crest… as it will be foiled when serving to other nobles… We pride ourselves on the fact that our products are a revolutionary alternative to the bowels of pigs. But I was worried that it would be hard to trust you if you stayed put."

I said it thoughtfully. Normally I may demand a gold seal or a letter of sentiment or a new territory (is this unscrupulous), but I don't know what the nobles and big merchants in Wang Du are doing at times like this. Then the four of them said with their mouths together and laughing.

"Again. I thought not. Actually, the four of us have been discussing what to do with the reward since the other day. If there seems to be a demand for something rewarding or something like a gold seal here, then the talent would have been known. Heavy and unworthy of direct trading by our royal family. I was also going to withdraw my exemption. But if it's like connecting in the future... I thought the last time I said that proved to be serious. I also liked not touching a word about the Knights sister. Sure, you could get more at the end of the year. Order from the Chamber of Commerce in Gried as a royal family. Your concubine will forgive you for the crest, so use it as you please."

Oh, my God, was it being tried? When it comes to items useful for boulders, does it mean that the royal family will determine who it deals with directly? If you don't get your glasses, do you mean it ended with an indirect deal through the Webdos Chamber of Commerce? Originally, I didn't mean to scratch greed in this matter, but it helped.

"Gried's brother doesn't look old enough and he doesn't seem to turn his head either. Or are you just not really that greedy... either, but if you can look ahead, you deserve a direct deal"

"Right. If you seem to lose a temporal greed, you can't deal directly with someone like that."

"Absolutely. But by that sister, by this brother, I mean Gried's house..."

Ho, good. I can only keep my head down in awe, but I'm connected. But temporarily, I didn't know you were dancing on the palm of your hand.

"Happiness, thank you. Okay, Sheath, do you still have the rest? Your Majesty, it's time..."

I'll have to show you a little bit of it, too. It was just a help because my brother was lucky enough to send me a replenishment even though my accomplishments are close to zero. Is that about what you brought me?

"I thought we wouldn't be in until the end of the year, do we have one!?

"How many!?

"Go ahead, sell them all"

"You were right to call me after all, weren't you? I thought you were a carefree man!

I knew it.

"There are about 90 days, twenty bags and two hundred until the end of the year. I was sure you would like it, so I flew a fast horse."

Totally lying though. But a woman beyond the Boulder Thirty has that... strong greed. Whether it's fruit, meat, or women, it tastes like ripe rot.

Condoms are sold at 13000Z per bag. I only decided to take into account the cost of carrying it and my margin. Nothing. I'm not going to make money from this. It's higher than keel, but if you have some income, you have to make it a price you can buy. I have to write a letter or something when I get home. I need you to bring it with your armor at the end of the year.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, the royal crest is a three-legged raven surrounded by circles. It's a popular design that even advanced aristocrats use, but only the Duke of Lomberto family can use it simply without any decorations. What the fuck? Sounds like some mercenary clan, doesn't it? Gried's family crest has three horizontal bars in the circle, like three kanji numbers. If you say it in Japanese style, there are three double-breasted prints in the circle. Huh? Doesn't matter? Don't be cold like that.

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