A few minutes after your grandson wore it to the room,

At present, a dispute between my grandfather and grandson is breaking out in front of me.

"Why not me, Ziichan! Since then, I've grown stronger, and now I'm Glouceslabbits."

"I've told you so many times. Surely you have grown stronger. I don't think you know that well enough. But no matter how strong you say you are, I don't think you can beat the Glouceslabbits right now."

Oh, you know. I'm done talking about the request, and can I go home now?

It is not an atmosphere that can be described as such. You're right to leave here in silence. I think so. Slowly walk to the exit of the room. Then the man who led me so far stood in front of me!

Men's eyes seem to be pleading with me not to leave me here alone. I get it, I get it... it would be hard for one person in a place like this.

But I can't give up there either. To a man, get out of there now!, sue so. But men are also unwilling to move through the door. Looks like he's not going to let me out of this room.

I have no choice but to let this man sleep a little. Sacrifice is always attached to things. I extend my right hand to the man's neck. Men also realize it and desperately try to guard it, but it's sweet. A-rank adventurer, don't lick your neck hunt!

My grandfather's argument with my grandson began to escalate even more while I was having such a nasty exchange with a man.

"By and large, Ziichan knows how strong I am! Always in the habit of leaving me alone with all the errands in the village!

That's what your grandson tells you, and Mr. Zonga's face looks sorry and distorted.

"Singh, I'm the head of the village of Barris. I have a duty to protect everything in this village. We can't just treat you special."

"I don't want to hear any excuses! Anyway, tomorrow, I'm gonna go take down the Grossrabbits. I won't let anyone get in the way!

That's what your grandson says about me.

Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about...

"He's the only one, and I'm the only one who's gonna take down Dad's vendetta!

That's what I left out, and your grandson left to jump out of the room.

The ones left behind are me and the man who solidifies at the entrance to the room, Mr. Zonga, who looks terribly depressed by it. Shit, what is this awkward air?

For a few seconds, I was solidified on the spot to see what I could do.

Then Mr. Zonga noticed how I was.

"I'm sorry, Lord Yuma. All of a sudden I got caught up in this story."

Really, I think so in my mind, but pretend to be calm.

"It's okay, Mr. Zonga. I don't care."

"Helpful. But there's no way I won't even talk to Lord Yuma after I've heard so much about it. Let's talk about the causes of Grossrabbits and our relationship."

Oh, I don't mind anything else like that.

Honestly, I just want to go home now, but when I see Mr. Zonga's serious expression, I give up that I just have to listen to him.

"Yes, please"

I lowered my back to the front of Mr. Zonga and the conversation began.

"About three years ago, a single adventurer, PT, stayed in the village at the time. The name of PT is Pale Wolf, most of the members are adventurers with more than B rank, and the future was expected from the guild."

B-rank is the same as Mr. Grace.

I mean, Mr. Grace, a PT with a bunch of class prowess.

"The members of the pale wolf are just casual people. We were very close to everyone in the village, and the day we hunted the big prey, we wreaked havoc and defeated the whole village. Thing used to laugh back then too..."

I guess I remember the old days.

Mr. Zonga's expression was more serene than ever.

However, the expression quickly became cloudy……

"I really enjoyed it back then. But that didn't last long. Just at a time when the pale wolf was thinking of moving the stronghold to Flossus, Glosslavitz appeared."


"I'm sure Lord Yuma knows, but the strength of Grossrabbits is A-rank. At the time, the village had no money to hire A-rank adventurers. When the whole village was in trouble, it was the pale wolf who stood up."

Brave, huh?

"If it's true, I should have stopped it. The pale wolf was certainly strong, but I had no idea he could beat the Grossrabbits. But as village chief, the only way to do this was to leave it to the pale wolf."

Mr. Zonga's face, who talks about it, was truly bitter.

"As a result, we were unable to defeat Grossrabbits, but we succeeded in inflicting great wounds and driving them deep into the Farris Forest. Zirg, then the PT leader of the pale wolf, in exchange for the life of my son and father of Singh..."

I can almost read the story.

"Thing, who was still small at the time, cried all by himself every day because he couldn't take that fact. If you think about it, it's natural. Thing's mother is in the other world when she was just a young girl. I mean, I guess his father Zigg was special to Thing."


"I and everyone in the village couldn't find a word to hang up on such a Thing. You must have thought Thing was abandoned for that. Since then, Thing has kept no one close to him and has become fond of one…"

Oh, is that what that away house is all about?

But you're alone. It's like the old......

"Now, that's not the end of the story, but I only need one favor from Lord Yuma. Will you listen to me?

"... Ah, yes. What is it?

"Wouldn't you also take Singh to tomorrow's crusade of the Grossrabbits? If I leave him like this, Singh is going to go alone. If that happens, Thing will definitely die."

I see you're somewhat safe with me.

But isn't it difficult to accompany him?

Those eyes when you look at me.

Thing probably took the adventurer...

"Mr. Zonga, I don't mind Singh accompanying you, but are you okay? It's my discretionary assumption, isn't Singh hating adventurers?

"Have you noticed, that's Lord Yuma. Sure, Thing feels hostile to adventurers since that incident. The cause is probably assuming the pale wolf abandoned his father and fled."

"Well, isn't it tough for me to accompany you?

"Fumu, well, I'll persuade you around there, so it's okay."

Persuasion or success.

Well, if Mr. Zonga says so, I will.

"Okay. Then I will come here tomorrow, by the time the sun rises. Convince me by then."

That's what I say, I get up to get out of the room.

Then the man who led me behind my back stood with a surprise.

What the hell is wrong with you?

"Excuse me, you seem surprised, what is it?

When I ask him that, the man opens his mouth in a panic.

"Oh, no. Yuma the neck hunter has a very ruthless personality, and he heard rumors that those who dislike him will immediately snap his neck. It was a little surprising that such a person easily accepted the village chief's request. Hey, you can't count on rumors."

... No, if you ask me, it certainly is.

The rumors in the second half are totally demeaning, but I'm sure I'm not mistaken for being cold. At least the usual me wouldn't have accepted it so easily, even if it was Mr. Zonga's favor.

Then why did I accept Mr. Zonga's favor so easily this time? Did they use any magic? No, you're not. Mr. Zonga doesn't look like someone who would do that. That's all I know.

No, no matter how much I think about it, I don't get an answer. All right, no matter how much you think at times like this, let's give it up. Maybe it's just a whim.

"Um, what is it?

A man talks to me worried.

He seemed a little hardened to think about it.

"No, I'm fine. Now, if you'll excuse me."

When I said that, a man walked me to the front door.

"Well, then, Master Yuma, thank you to Master Singh tomorrow."

That's the last thing the man said, and he goes back inside the village chief's house.

When I went out of the village chief's house, it was quite dark outside.

We're done talking about the request, and suppose it's time to go back to the inn where Mr. Gant and the others are.

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