After finishing off the Black Wolf and a few minutes from the Gold Forest, I arrived safely in Phlox. As usual, he greets the gatekeeper lightly and enters the city.

Well, suppose we go to the guild for now? The same goes for the extermination of demons in the Gold Forest, but I want to report on the Black Wolf as well. I thought so. After a few minutes of walking out to the guild, I arrived safely at the guild and went in as I opened the door.

Once inside, there was hardly anyone in the guild but the receptionist.

I see, everyone went to the end of the demon and hasn't come back yet? Well, let's just report it to Mr. Mel for now.

That's what I think. I'm walking towards Mr. Mel. And

"Good evening, Mr. Mel. I'd like to give you a report on exterminating demons in the Gold Forest. Is that okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine. So, Yuma, how many demons did you defeat in one day? Yuma, it's about you, so I'm gonna take down about 50 of them."

Yes, Mr. Mel asks me with a nigga laugh. I'm just a little frustrated with that face, so let's surprise him a little.

"Right. That's right, the Gold Forest has a very high level of demons, and about 200 of them are the limit."

"Yes, you have no choice. Two hundred... Huh?

Um, Mr. Mel is as surprised as he aims to be funny. Shit, it's just a little fun. This kind of gap still keeps coming in.

"I'm sorry I could only defeat 200. If it doesn't seem enough, I'll go and hunt again tomorrow."

As I said, Mel panicked.

"If you've defeated 200 of them, that's enough! Rather, if that story is true, it's so much less than it was before the Great Invasion!

"Heh, really? Then today is the end of the Gold Forest."

"Right. But I'm sorry, Yuma. I hate to question you, but I was wondering if I could show you the demon I crusaded."

"I don't mind at all."

"Shall we go to the dismantling ground then? If I let you out here, you're gonna make a fuss."

That's how Mel and I take to the dismantling ground.

And when I get to the demolition yard, my usual old man talks to me.

"Oh, you're a neck hunter to Miss Mel! What's the matter, did you bring me another rare demon?

Oh, yeah. I remembered in my old man's words that I was going to sell Cyclops material. I'll have it dismantled at any rate. Well, let's just get this over with.

"Well, there's that, too, but the end of today's great invasion means I've been cleaning demons in the Gold Forest. That's just a little too many. I can't get it out in the guild, can I get it out here?

"Oh, then there's no problem! Let me out as much as you can."

"Thank you very much. Then I'll let you out."

All right, I got your permission. So what if I let it out? And I take out the bodies of the demons that I defeated today, one after the other, from the item box. Oh, it keeps coming out. Out! We're not stopping. This. Then a few dozen seconds later, I finally finished serving the demons for what I defeated today. I finished serving it.

"Yu, Yuma, you. Oh, that's true about 200 people. But I don't care how you look at it, I think there are over 200 of these..."

"Ha! Good job, sweetheart! Haven't you hunted down most of the demons in the Gold Forest just today!?

Yes. If I gave you everything I defeated today, there were over 200 of them. I might have gotten a little too well.

Mr. Mel is too surprised and his expression has hardened.

"Ha, well, you seem to have hunted a little too much. So, Mr. Mel, is this all right with you?

"Yeah, yeah. I was a little too surprised to even have a voice. I checked it properly, so it's okay now. I'll keep you properly informed about the Gold Forest to the Alliance Master."

All right, that solves the problem of cleaning the Gold Forest.

The next step is to dismantle it.

"Excuse me, I'd like to talk about dismantling next. That's just not possible, is it?

When I say that, the old man seems a little sorry.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kid. Exactly. I can't even count all of us. Maybe we can figure this out in the last half."

"Okay. So for today, I'd like about fifty, please."

That said, the rest of the demon's body will be left in the item box again. You should also dismantle the cyclops next time. If that's how you turn all the demons into item boxes,

"Well, Yuma, you've already confirmed it. Shall we return to the guild?"

"Okay. Uncle, please dismantle it. Keep the money in your guild as usual. Okay, now."

That's how he bows his head gently to the old man and leaves the place.

And I came back to the guild with Mr. Mel,

"Oh, I remember about the demolition. Yuma, yes, this."

That's right. Mr. Mel handed me a little bag with something in it. I wondered what the hell was in there, and it contained three white gold coins! Ask Mel what kind of money it is.

"That was before you defeated Yuma, the money for the oak king material"

Yeah, speaking of which, I had the money for the oak and cocatrice, but the oak king didn't mean it would take a little longer. But Oak King, I didn't know it was going to be so much money! It was a shame you turned it into a shield and stoned it when you fought Golithris.

"Well, thank you."

"Hehe, don't waste it... Speaking of which, Yuma, you were older than me. Yuma, would it be rude if I called you that?

"No, you'll be fine as always. And there's just one more thing I'd like to report to Mel."

Mel, who had laughed until just now when I said that, looked serious,

"Fine, what can I do for you?

"Actually, the hunt is over in the Gold Forest, and you were attacked by bandits when you tried to get home to Phlox. Well, they all did, but they named them Black Wolves."

The moment I said Black Wolf, all at once, Mr. Mel's nervousness increased,

"Yuma, you! Do you know the names of their leaders?

"But my people called me Gusarov."

I take Gusarov's body out of the item box and show it to Mr. Mel.

"That matches the face of the arrangement. Definitely. Yuma, they're quite famous bandits. You can't compare a red-eyed Lardo. I heard you stopped looking at me at Narcissus, but I can't believe you were here. But in a way, Yuma saved me. [M] If any other adventurer had been attacked, there would have been no life first."

Heh, looks like he was a pretty famous bandit after all.

Well, indeed, with that strength, you won't get your teeth up if you're an adventurer in this city. Probably about Mr. Glenn, the guild master, can fight decently.

"I see, well, I'm glad I was able to take it down before the damage happened. So, what, do these guys cost a prize or something?

Well, there's an arrangement out there, so I know the prize is on, but let's just ask. It's important. That's why I went out of my way to target my body without aiming at my head.

"Yeah, you're on a pretty high prize. But it will probably take a long time to collect the prize money. I need to get in touch with the Alliance of Narcissus. As soon as you go directly to the Alliance of the Nursisas, you'll have your prize money."

"Hmm, well, I'm tempered until I get my prize money. Fortunately, I don't have a problem with money."

"Okay. I'll get back to you as soon as I get my prize money."

"Yes, so please. Then I'm done with my errands, so it's time to go back to Zinnia. Mr. Mel, I'll see you tomorrow."

He then waves gently at Mr. Mel and leaves the place.

And stay out of the guild,

"Well, suppose it's time to go back to Zinnia."

I think so. I walk out to Zinnia.

And a few minutes later, we arrive safely in Zinnia and go inside. Then,

"Ah, Yuma, welcome home! Good luck today!

As soon as I came in, Sally stopped by. Sounds like this exchange couple to me. Oh, my God. But it's really nice to have someone tell you to come home. The tiredness of the day seems to blow up all at once.

"Yeah, I'm home, Sally."

That's right. When I smile back, Sally turns a little red on her face. Hmm? I just normally greeted him and wondered why, and I notice Sally looking at my upper body with a flicker. I see you remember this morning. If so,

"Hey, what's wrong, Sally?

That's how I deliberately approach Sally to show off her upper body. Sally is staring at my upper body as she blushes even more. But eventually, you couldn't stand it.

"Yuyuyu, Yuma! Don't forget, dinner's about an hour away! Then I'll be excused. Ugh."

Then he fled to the kitchen at an awesome speed. While reflecting on whether it was a little too much, it was very cute, so let's do it.

Now, suppose I return to my room, oops, and head to Mr. Salia before I do. Then,

"Oh, Yuma, what's wrong? I think I was flirting with my daughter earlier."

"Ha, did you tease me a little too much? So here's the thing, I'm going to be in Zinnia for the time being, so I've come to add an extra nightly rate."

I will pay Mr. Salia 30 days' stay, one gold coin and two silver coins. This will be okay for the time being.

"Oh, this looks like you liked me a lot again. If I made as much money as Yuma, I'd be able to stay in a better inn."

"No, for me, there are no more inns in this city than Ginia. Then I'm going to spend my time in the room until dinner time."

Yes, I told Mr. Salia, and I headed to my room.

And I went in as I opened the door, and as usual I lay on the bed,

"Now, do you want me to take a break until dinner?"

I decided to meditate my eyes and wait for dinner time to arrive.

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