All right, at the end of the break.

Let's start with this massive corpse in an item box.

There are dozens of them just Cocatrice......

It took me about a few minutes to turn all the bodies into item boxes.


"Oh, I just have to leave this stoned oak king behind. It's a great shame it stopped selling as a material, but it did its best job as a shield. Thanks Oak King."

I gently joined hands with a stoned oak king to thank him.

But if I leave this as it is, it's pretty creepy...

Stone Statue of Oak King Without a Neck...... Well, come on!

All right, you've done your errands in Stone Forest.

I'm going home, whoa. Shall I check my status before then?

That's all I took down, it must be up pretty good!

"Status Open"

Yuma Sato level 122

HP 850/850


Force 360

Health 360

Fastness 230.

Lucky 660.


20x Experience

20x Skill Experience

Appraisal level 10

Signal blocking level 8

Signal perception level 2

dagger technique level 6

Magic Operation Level 3

Fire Magic Level 3

Water Magic Level 1

Wind Magic Level 1

Recovery Magic Level 3

Toxic resistance level 5

Paralysis resistance level 1

Cooking level 1

Item Box Level 4

Speech Level 3


[]/(n) transworldly metastasizer/


Rabbits Hunter

Runaway Wizard

rushing cook

Relax, sketchy.

Neck hunting

natural sauce

"Ooh, still don't go up pretty much when you defeat just the three top A-ranked goritoris and the B-ranked equivalent of Cocatris. All of my abilities are growing well. Skills are up to one magic trick. Steady signs. Blocking doesn't go up to nine inside. When will it go up? The title is unchanged."

But the level could have risen considerably in this short period of time.

With this, it won't be easy for Cyclops and I to do it.

All right, we've already checked the status, let's go home.

That's how I walked out to the forest exit.

Then on the way home,

"Ko, this demon!!

What a nostalgic Rabbits the demon jumped out of the meadow.

"I don't know, I feel terribly missed because I was seeing this guy like every day in the beginning"

This guy was probably hiding because the demons started to become active in the Great Invasion. Totally adorable. No!

By the way, this Rabbits jumped on me, so I kicked him in properly and his torso exploded brilliantly. Poor thing...

I could get out of the woods safely while I was doing that.

"All right, you finally made it out of the woods. I was a little anxious to get home by the time the sun went down just a little lost on my way home, but this is going to be a good time."

Now, do you run home as usual!

Aim, fastest time!


I ran to Frox with all my might.

A few minutes later, we arrive safely at Phlox.

Enter the city with a gentle greeting to the usual gatekeeper.

Now, let's start by going to the guild for a report.

That's how I feel. I walk out to the guild.

After a few minutes,

I was able to get to the guild, so I go in while I open the door.


"Aniki! You're done with the Ston Forest errands, aren't you? Safe and more importantly."

When I came in, Malpig suddenly approached me with great momentum.

Come on, Malpig, you're a little close.

Then some adventurers whispered,

"Hey, Malpig bastard, we're gonna get into the neck hunt."

"You're doing well because you're a little strong. He wants you to turn around, you pig."

Yeah, a lot.

I can hear you whispering.

I'll just kill you a little bit and keep you quiet.

"Aniki? What is it?

"No, it's nothing. Well, hey, I'm going to report back to you about Stone Forest. See you later, Malpig."


He breaks up with Malpig and walks over to Mr. Mel.


"Mr. Kombamba Mel. I came to report that because the hunt in Ston Forest is over. Successfully defeated three Golithris."

I show Mel a little bit of Golitris' neck in the item box.

Mel had a slightly frightened look on her face.

"Haa... Yuma, I'm just getting tired of being surprised at you already. It's really out of standard."

"Well, this time it's been quite a struggle."

"Normally I'm sorry for the struggle...... good luck to you for now Yuma"

"Yes, so be it. So the rest is the Gold Forest, but when did the survey turn out to be?

"Well, maybe tomorrow or the day after."

"Is that so? Then I'll come back to the guild tomorrow."

Yeah, I don't know what to do with Golithris or Cocathris' bodies.

Oak and oak king bodies are left behind because they may be able to be shielded at times, but Golithris and Cocathris are a little small to be shielded.

I wonder if I can sell it. All right. Shall we go to the demolition station?

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Mel, because I'm going to the demolition station."

Yes, Mr. Mel said he was headed to the demolition station.

We could get there in a few minutes. We had the usual old man, so I speak up,

"Good evening, I'd like to ask you to dismantle it. Is it okay?

Then the old man,

"Oh! Aren't you the lad who brought the oak king before! But now he's named Huma the Neck Hunter?

"I'm not naming you anything else. So, I have business for today, and I'd like to ask you to dismantle it again. Is that okay? There's quite a bit of it."

My old man laughed when I said so.

"Ha! I don't suppose there's anyone in this city who can say no to every request you make right now! Whatever you're doing for this city, I'll do the rough stuff. Of course I'll take care of the demolition."

You're sure my business is spreading throughout the city.

That's what made you famous, well,

"Thank you very much. Then I'll send the demon out here."

That being said, I will put three goritoris out of the item box and all the massive cocatris out there. Then that old man is a little out of line, too.

"Oh... you mean you knocked this all down. Awesome. I've been working on the demolition for a long time, but this may be the first time I've brought this alone. Oh, my God. Let's get you in the mood today.

"I put it all out. Is it okay? If you can't do it, I'll do it again."

"There's no problem! I'd rather have a rewarding job in a while and it's burning! So, as usual, should I buy the material over here and keep it in my guild?

"Yes, so please. Now, if you'll excuse yourself."

I said so and left the demolition yard.

Well, you've done what you have to do for now.

Let's go back to Zinnia, or we'll leave Lisa's face once before then. He was worried about me.

I told Lisa that I had succeeded in defeating Golitris safely and that I was not injured.

Lisa seemed relieved to find out I was safe, you were right to show your face.

After that, as usual, I went back to Zinnia for dinner and lay down in bed.

"All right, now we've defeated all the top species in the Augus and Ston forests. All that's left is the Gold Forest Cyclops."

As far as talking to Igl, this would be the hardest part.

I need to get in the mood.

With that in mind, I fall asleep...

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