And the day of the "Joint New Product Presentation" came.

The location is the largest park in the King's Capital of Gankpflu Small Country.

A special stage was provided there, and standing seats were provided to surround the perimeter by 360 degrees.

In addition, giant crystal plates will be installed that are becoming standard equipment at brave events.

The crystal plates were scheduled to show the stage, and even from distant seats, the new products to be presented were well visible.

After the announcement, there will be a merchandise sale, and wins and losses will be settled according to the number of sales.

The leads from the audience to the merchandising booth were also designed on the perfect route, and the improprieties caused by the operation were made to be as unlikely as possible.

This is also the result of numerous meetings between the 'Slumdog Mart' factions, including Primula, and the 'Gorgeous Smart' factions, including Fontine.

It is normal for the views of the brave to be fully adopted when the brave and the private sector conduct some kind of event jointly.

But this time Fontine was just taking command, and it didn't.

Fontine calls Primla over and over and over again.

It was the bold and flashy lady, the Virgin, and the careful and worrying Virgin, each intent that meshed well.

If so, it may be said that there is almost no Gdagda due to the operation.

And then it was in terms of who to MC...

At events involving the brave, the brave guide is always chosen as the MC.

But this time, Fontine, who was supposed to be on the brave side, kicked over the routine.

"This Joint New Product Presentation is an event against the Wizards, isn't it? Even though the presenter and the image character are both female, it's not good that MC is male. Therefore, we will employ a female MC."

Stented vehemently disagreed with this and said something outrageous about me doing MC, etc.

But it becomes fashionable, and a certain figure is chosen from the private sector.

The brave side, the wild dog side, the person in both glasses, is that...?

'Ladies and gentlemen, we have been waiting for a very long time. My name is Glassstone Short Site and I am here to host today. Thank you very much for being so busy with all of the Wizarding Ladies gathered here today. We have lots of fun stage events for you today, so take your time and enjoy'

There is a sparse applause around the stage, no, from the crowd enough to fill the park.

Yes, white feather arrows were erected as MC...

I was covering Gocon that happened on Grayskay Island, Glass Paleen's sister......

Glassstone Short Site......!

From the brave side, she is not thought to be a man on the wild dog side.

And from the other side of the wild dog, they didn't think he was a brave man.

That's all she was "tasteless and odorless."

But she's a newspaper reporter, not a moderator.

The stage was cold because the exhilarating talk was also in a pale tone that read the news.

But this time, it was more convenient.


'Now let's get you into Gorgeous Smart and Slam Dog Mart, presenters from both stores. Slumdog Mart people first, please'

Primla and Run, and as soon as Big Bang Love emerged from the stage sleeve,


A big cheer wrapped the stage.

Yes, to the famous Virgin named Primla, a combination of charismatic models, exhilarating enough......!

In addition to this, the audience would have had heartburn if MC had been a hot, bitter presence such as janjanjang burr.

Cool enough to cool off the heat on the stage MC would have been better this time only.

The audience front raw primula and big bang luv, fuss.

"Wow! Master Primla! Cute! Your face is tiny! Style!"

"If it's style, it's Burning Love! And look, it's that new makeup! We've got to get on with this!

"If you're makeup, you're Blizzard Love! That natural makeup is the supreme!

Stages that warm up at once.

But MC even does his job without being in tune.

"Next, gorgeous smart presenter, please"

But no one's coming out.

"Um, what happened to the gorgeous smart presenter?

Glassstone looking at stage sleeves.

I was wondering if there was any trouble and the quiet seats.

the moment, as if it had been foreseen,


Beneath the stage, a band withheld from Nara plays a heavy blast.

It was the outgoing son of a certain great man, who has now become perfectly famous in this country.

Don't, don't, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don!

Powerful drum-based tone that the great man himself wanted to hear in the exotic.

An expensive heartbeat-like rhythm shivers billibly on stage, and the voltage of what you listen to is pushed up in response.

Only then will passenger seats gush greatly, and great man Cole will happen.

That name they scream, of course......!

"Fontine! Fontine! Fontine! Fontine! Fontine!"

And in response to that cheer, of course......!!


But he hasn't shown up yet.

A familiar high laugh, just makes it sound.

In her last guerrilla presentation, she appeared on the roof of the carriage.

I'm sure this time around, the audience looks around.

But great men often do.

People, imagine (●)...!

...... Buwwwwwwww!!

A bright red giant bird crosses the stage with the sound of the wind.

It swirls in the air, causing a whirlwind.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hybrid Virgin, Fontine Passion Flower......!! I'm coming up right now!!

Since the other day's perverted repelling at the School of the Wizard, she had totally become the superheroine of the Wizard Ladies.

Such a person appeared out of the sky like a superhero, but it was already...!

Guest seats are at their peak (climax) ……!

"Ahhhhhh!! Dear Fontine!!

"I can't believe you show up out of the sky!! I couldn't imagine that!!

"Master Fontine will always be on top of our thoughts!! That's why it's the best!!

Make it a hybrid Virgin, a gorgeous smart presenter, Lady Fontine......

She's already overwhelmed Slumdog Mart at the time of her appearance......!

The hearts of the witches of the audience, like the thieves who appeared out of the sky, had been taken away...!

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