In the Xingnuo Empire, in the palace of Xinxingjing (formerly Xinqiongjing),

Empress Grace and her best friend were leisurely applying green light to their faces, and her best friend's husband was sitting next to Grace's best friend with a basin of green liquid in front of the tool man.

At this time, Cole and Taylor were scratching their ears and cheeks anxiously, and as another battle report came, Cole sighed, came to Grace's side and said,

"My Majesty the Empress..."

"The offensive on the northern front did not go very well, and the 40,000 troops on the western front were blocked by the enemy's four fortresses....... The 60,000 men on the Eastern Front, who were constantly harassed by the enemy's cavalry, now only dare to nest in the occupied fortress! The 50,000 men on the front were blocked by the enemy's 30,000 people, and the situation on the Eastern Front was slightly better, but the progress was just as slow...."

"Why is this happening?"

Grace's best friend asked suspiciously, and then Taylor walked up and said

, "The weapons and equipment are a lot worse, and the maximum range of our muskets is only seventy or eighty meters... But the enemy can be 120 meters!"

"Ah, how can this be?" Grace

asked puzzled, Cole

sighed and said: "The main thing is that the gunpowder is very different, and Su Zheng's gunpowder is more powerful......" Taylor also sighed, and said resentfully:

"I didn't

expect Su Zheng to keep a hand, the latest captured gunpowder was delivered yesterday, I studied it and found that the ingredients in it were slightly different." .....

" Then a maid came in through the door and

said, "Report! Saysl is back

!" "Quick, let him come!" Cole

was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said.

Saysil is a cabinet minister, and he was sent to the Soviet Federation not long ago to communicate, but there has been no news back, which is also what Cole is most worried about, if Su Zheng attacks from the south at this time, then he will have to face the dilemma of fighting on two fronts.

Since developing gunpowder himself, Cole has severed ties with Su Zheng and restricted the export of resources to Su Zheng.

And Su Zheng has never come to trouble him, and he will not take the initiative to trouble Su Zheng.

After there was a plan to attack the Margaret Empire in the north, he sent an envoy to communicate with the Su Zheng Federation, hoping to live in peace with the Su Zheng Federation, hoping that Su Zheng would not take the initiative to attack him!

Seeing that there was no movement in the Soviet Federation, he thought about learning Su Zheng and "blitzing" the Margaret Empire.

Of course, the complete occupation of the Margaret Empire is not realistic, and with the Soviet Union threatening him in the south, the risk of a long-term war is very high.

Therefore, his original plan was to quickly occupy part of the territory of the Margaret Empire, and then immediately negotiate an armistice with the Margaret Empire, and then retreat a little further, so that he could achieve a quick victory and annex some of the territory of the Margaret Empire.

After that, I would make plans as the situation changed, but I didn't expect that the Margaret Empire relied on tens of thousands of troops to resist his 150,000 musket troops, and now the north has been in a state of anxiety, and what makes Cole even more angry is that the Margaret Empire refuses to negotiate peace, even if it is still in an advantageous position now.

Therefore, Cole is very worried that the Soviet government will come to attack at this time, and the situation will be quite dangerous at that time.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Seisel knelt down on one knee and saluted Grace and Cole, who waved him to get up, and then asked him eagerly,

"What's the matter? Why did it take so long to come back?"

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