Su Zheng's biggest advantage in developing industrialization in this world is that he has the best solution, whether it is invention or application, Su Zheng does not need to experiment step by step.

For example, to invent the light bulb, Su Zheng did not need to spend two years and hundreds of attempts like the inventor Edison, and he could directly use tungsten filament.

Another example is the application of science and technology, there is no capitalist Edison to suppress alternating current, Su Zheng has a complete alternating current system, from power generation to transportation to application, and is also very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of alternating current and direct current.

The development of countless products and models does not need to be selected and experimented by the market, and the Su Zheng can directly plan production, for example, the government's strong appeal allows the people to quickly move towards the most correct path.

It took 100 years for the world's number one country to carry out the industrial revolution and shoulder the burden of exploration, and it took decades for the rising powers to do so, and then it took only 30 years for Japan to become a powerful empire in the Second Industrial Revolution before World War II. It took only 20 years for China to carry out its initial basic industrialization. It took only nine years for the Soviet Union to initially possess a strong industrial capacity.

Now, in less than three years, the Free Federation has most of the main achievements of the first industrial revolution, and at the same time, it also has the most basic ability to carry out the second industrial revolution (electrical revolution).


In fact, up to now, many of the scientific and technological products of the first industrial revolution, those guys from the Ministry of Science have not even understood the principles, and they have built production lines in a daze.

Even many things Su Zheng could only understand approximately!

In the electrical era, Su Zheng couldn't even understand those drawings.

And it's hard to even copy it directly, as in the case of a crude loudspeaker, whose principle is as complex as a steam engine.

Another example is the telegraph, which has a lot of components, and it is not possible to solve it with one or two drawings alone.

In addition, Su Zheng is now devoting all his energies to political and economic construction.

Without Su Zheng, those guys from the Ministry of Science can't count on it at all, they are still frantically learning the basics of advanced mathematics at this time....

However, the quality cannot be changed, and it can still be variable.

In the next five months, the Free Federation carried out vigorous construction, and in just five months, two vertical and one horizontal railway lines were completed, starting from Hersnottingto Sutai, and from Krar to Tanglin Pass, and from Helsnan to Krall.

A total of 1,060 kilometers of railway lines!The

veins of Hulse were no longer enough to supply the huge steel consumption of the entire industrial empire, but fortunately, the minerals transported from the Purple Cloud Empire in the south made up for the consumption.


Su Zheng returned to Sutai City, which at this time already had a population of 200,000.

Sutai City is full of factories, billowing smoke envelops the whole city, with Teide District as the core, a large number of factories are blooming everywhere, most of which are the industries of Su's Group.

It is located in a remote area, with mountains in the south and the sea in the west, in the corner of the Federation, and the wind blowing from the sea is mostly the wind in the southeast direction, and most of the industrial waste gas is also blocked by Qiongnanling, and at the same time it is on the coastline, and the industrial wastewater can be directly discharged to the sea.

As a result, it became the centre of industrial development of the Confederation, with a higher concentration of factories than the cities of Klar and Mancher.

Su Zheng can't take care of any environmental pollution now, development is the king, survival is the first, and as the saying goes, as long as I develop fast enough, pollution can't keep up with me.

Due to the completion of the railway, which greatly facilitated the passage of people, coupled with the emancipation of household registration by the policy, the population began to flow in large numbers.

Prisoners of war and re-education slaves grew large quantities of cheap crops to reduce the unit price of crops, while the high welfare and wages in the factories caused farmers to lay down their hoes and go to the cities to earn a living.

As a result, a large number of peasants began to gather in the cities, especially in the villages along the railway, and almost half of the young labor force has moved or has a tendency to go to the big cities to earn a living.

Su Zheng is also actively promoting large-scale contracting and communal cooperation to replace the small-scale peasant economy, so as to further improve agricultural productivity and centralize and standardize industry.




campus of the Suxin District School is the former site of the Suxin Political and Military Academy, which retains its name and moves to the Suzheng District of Clare City.

A large group of fourteen or fifteen-year-olds play in classrooms, hallways, or playgrounds. With the jingling of bells, the students stopped playing and walked into the classroom.

In one classroom, hundreds of students sat upright in the classroom, and a moment later a female teacher came to the podium

and shouted to the students in the audience, "Class!" "Stand up!" One student shouted, and then all the students stood up, bowed

to the teacher and said, "Hello teacher

!" "Hello students, please take a seat, please take out your textbook,

turn to page 8, and we will continue to learn the third lesson!" The

female teacher also bowed slightly to the students in return, and then opened the textbook.

Table of contents of the textbook

: Lesson 1: Long Live the Soviet Government P1-3 Lesson 2: Long Live the Soviet Government P4-6 Lesson 3: The Great Soviet Government P7-9 Lesson 4: The Great Soviet Government P10-15 Lesson 5: I wish the leader Su Zheng a long life P16-21

Lesson 6: Long live the Great Soviet Revolution P21-26


Just as she was about to start her lecture, she suddenly noticed two strangers standing at the door, looking through the books of the students next to the door.

She hurriedly walked to the door and asked the two of

them, "May I ask who you are..."

One of them nodded to the female teacher, and then said apologetically

, "Ah, I'm sorry to disturb your class, I'm just going to take a look..... This school is doing a good job!"

"Do you plan to send your children to school? Now it is free to come to the school, and I will teach your children to read, count, and so on...."The

female teacher hurriedly introduced him.

"It's all free, right? I heard there's a nutritious meal, right?"

"Yes..... Sir, this is the blessing of the great leader Su Zheng...."The

female teacher nodded.

At this time, a student by the door kept tugging at her sleeve and pointed to what the person she was talking to wanted to say.

She hurriedly turned her head to calm the student, and then looked the person in front of her up and down, seeing that this person was well-dressed and wearing an expensive watch, the female teacher hurriedly asked

, "Hey, are you a rich businessman?"

"Haha, sort of..... By the way, the minimum standard for a nutritious meal is a bottle of milk and two eggs, right, what are you providing a nutritious meal right now?"

"Oh, we're ...... Hey, you are obedient, don't make trouble!" The

female teacher hurriedly prepared to explain, and then the student next to the door held a book and pulled the sleeve of the female teacher, and the female teacher could only turn her head to comfort him, and then continued to say to the person in front of her:

"In addition to these, we also prepare bread and other things, which are usually eaten in the afternoon." Lunch is also free, and the leader Su Zheng is very concerned about the nutrition and health of

the children...... "Haha, then the free lunch has meat, right?"

"Yes, there are two meals a week...""Two meals a week

? It's too little, the children are growing up, haha, okay, I know, I just plan to talk to your principal about nutritious meals, so I won't disturb your class."

Hearing this, the female teacher hurriedly smiled and nodded, and then watched the two go up the stairs on the side.

At this time, the student at the door pulled her sleeve again, and she looked at the student suspiciously and asked,

"What's wrong?."

Without waiting for the student to answer, a student in the back raised the book and said to the female teacher: "Teacher, look at the person just now, he looks the same as the person drawn in the book!"

The female teacher was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then snatched the book in the hand of the student in front of her, looking at the big portrait of Su Zheng on the book, the female teacher

exclaimed excitedly.


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