
Oreki-san is also thinking about adding something.

And thinking about it.

[drop! Your account has received 2 million private points, and the current balance is 12356635 points. The transfer party is X554656.]

[Note: Change the group project! ]

Oreki received the transfer information.

It seems that Nagumo-senpai, a qualified philanthropic boy, has finally figured it out.

Because the projects that Oreki-san participated in were the same projects that Kiriyama-senpai and Nagumo participated in as third-year students.

In other words.

Oreki is fighting them in the ring.

And this kind of thing...

I'm sure Nagumo and the others can't beat him.

"I chose some projects from Nagumo and Kiriyama-senpai," Oreki said. "And they didn't seem to want to confront me."

In the singles competition, students from the same grade will compete against each other.

But in the team competition, it is a free-for-all competition for the whole grade.

For example, in individual basketball, the opponent may be a senior or a junior.

Therefore, they can interfere with each other.

"So you took the initiative to pay the protection fee?" Classmate Sakayanagi winked cutely. "It seems that Oreki-san and I have a good connection."

"I'm also interested in Nagumo-senpai's points," Sakayanagi said.


In other words, Nagumo-senpai may have suffered another heavy bleeding in this sports festival.

in this way.

Although he could continue to pound a little more, Oreki-san gave up this piece of fat to Sakayanagi-san.

Then he withdrew from the projects of the groups Nagumo and Kiriyama participated in and chose others.

The next day, lunch break, school cafeteria.

Oreki had dinner with his girlfriend as usual, but Kamuro-san was not feeling well today, and Oreki suspected that she might be on her period.

So let him be a gentleman for once.

He comes to get food.


"Isn't this Oreki-senpai?"

While Oreki-san was waiting in line, a cute girl's voice came from beside him.

Then Oreki spotted a cute girl with beautiful purple twintails walking towards him.

The other party is a first-year school girl.

And they are old acquaintances.

Ichika Amasawa.

"Can I take a photo?" the other party asked.

"..." Oreki. "Why?"

Because Sakura-san, Oreki-san, who has been a model for the other party, is very sensitive about taking photos.

"The classmates in the class want it." Amasawa Ichika said. "Although I am usually alone, I should be gregarious occasionally."

That's it.

Oreki has become accustomed to Kushida-san using his photos to socialize.

You just didn’t expect first graders to be like this?

But Oreki doesn't think he has that much influence among the first-year students. In other words... is it actually Azawa-senpai who wants his photo?


Amasawa's schoolmate has a unique relationship with him in the future.

There is no need to refuse this request.

"Shoot it," Oreki said.

Just as he said this, he found that Tianze's junior classmate was leaning over directly. She showed a cute expression and then took pictures of both him and her.

As long as an uninformed person sees this photo, they may think that the two of them have a good relationship, just like a couple.

"Okay, then I will send the photo to Sakayanagi-senpai now. I have completed the task she assigned." Amasawa-senpai continued.

"..." Oreki.


Are you a devil?

Although Sakayanagi-san was very generous and even instructed Amasawa to act. But just waiting in line for food would make her feel bad, and she would definitely not be in a good mood.

"How can I prevent the photo from being sent out?" Oreki-san stopped her.

"Let me think about it..."

"Can I see your private points account?"

"When Oreki-senpai just brushed up points, there wasn't much left in his account," Amasawa said.

I see.

She was observing him.

Oreki reacted.

She would take the initiative and even pay attention to him, probably because of the points given to her before.

"There was nothing wrong with the previous points amount," Oreki said. "And I will replenish the part you don't have in cash."

"So even if you drop out of this school, you can guarantee that there will be no financial problems."

"No matter what choice you make, I will support you. For example, I will be responsible for the financial aspects." Senior Oreki said.


"That's right..." Junior Tianze nodded slightly.

In fact, I was in a daze.

But Oreki-senpai had already continued to wait in line for food.


"Amaze Amaze!"

"You were talking to second-year Oreki-senpai just now."

"I heard, last year Oreki-senpai shined in last year's sports festival."

"And it's so funny. As soon as he joined the project a few days ago, the second-year seniors seemed to avoid him."

"It should be said that he is worthy of being the boyfriend of the student council president."

"By the way, what were you talking about just now?"

Although Amasawa-san is a loner, that doesn't mean she doesn't have any friends.


Let's just call them friends if you can talk to them.


"I just accidentally stepped on the senior and apologized." Senior Amaze said.

"Hey, that's it..."

"Did you say you didn't take any pictures?"

"I want to use it as a screensaver."

"..." Ichika Amasawa.

In fact, the photo has been taken, but it is not suitable for use as a screensaver for other people.

after all.

The photo was of her leaning on Oreki-senpai's arms on purpose, and if she sent it to others, the photo would be deleted on the spot.


Tianze doesn't care much about this classmate. She is now lost in her own thoughts.

That is.

it is as expected.

Just at a glance, Oreki-senpai saw that the balance of points that flashed by when making the payment was only over 12 million.

In other words, the other party really gave her most of the points.

Not only that.

Today, he even directly stated that he would support the decision she made, and then even continued to pay.


So, there is nothing wrong.

She was indeed strongly pursued by the other party.

You obviously have the student council president as your girlfriend, but are you still not satisfied with the result?


And the other side.

The student council president’s girlfriend is here.

"Oreki-san is very considerate sometimes," Sakayanagi-san said. "Right, Kamuro."

"..." The divine room.

Today is just a day for the other person to make meals and you feel that the other person is considerate. So, is she going to make meals every day but not remembered at all?


Kamuro-san quickly shut up after realizing that Oreki-san brought back a dish she liked.

Chapter 312 This violates Newton’s laws!


There are only 2 days until the Sports Festival. All students' projects have been declared and cannot be changed, but they can abstain.

If you abstain, points will be deducted.

Each student has a basic score of 5 points.

Then as long as you participate in the single event and participate in 5 events, no matter what ranking you get, you can still get 1 extra point.

But if it is the sixth project, you need to pay points.

Therefore, in this exam, if you are a class representative, you also need to consider how to use the points.

Whether to allow students to participate in the sixth project.

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