The cultural festival activities of Class D, second grade, are in full swing.

On Oreki-san’s side, Katsuragi-san finally confirmed the plan.

Prepare for a cooking project.

After all, Class A has money, so they plan to give some money away.

As for Hiyori-san from Class C.

That's what she said.

"A class evaluation score of 100 points is just 10,000 private points added every month. No need."

Looks quite proud.

Oreki thought that the other party might have won the treasure hunt game, so he finally collected 20 million personal points.

So it was a big deal.

"So our class was completely ruined and came in last place, but everyone could go to the cultural festival and have fun."

Hiyori-san also said the same thing.


This statement made Oreki-san think for a moment.

Because a class evaluation score of 100 points is indeed not very good.

For example, among the current students in the same grade, Class B has lost the confidence to climb up the ladder, while Class C just wants to collect points in school and exchange them into cash to take out when they graduate.

As for Class D, as long as they don't get expelled, that's fine.


Other classes have no desire to move up.

So is it really meaningful to even get 100 points like Katsuragi-san?

It always feels very hard.


The activities and preparations for this cultural festival have just begun.

On the third day, something unexpected happened.

The specific manifestation is that the state of the class teacher Mashima is not quite right.

"Students, we are now announcing a special exam." Teacher Mashima said. "This is the special test this month."

"Then." Teacher Mashima paused. "This time, I ask you to challenge the exam called the "Special Unanimous Examination."

Because the device has been updated, Mr. Mashima directs you to swipe on the touch screen display.

"This special test is very simple."

"But the special examination will be implemented tomorrow. I think you can also detect the content from the name, which is to ask you to vote repeatedly in the class until a unanimous result is reached from the plural options."

That is to say, come up with some questions and let all students vote.

Until there is and is only one common outcome.

Judging from the rules, it's pretty easy.


Oreki noticed that Mr. Mashima was frowning when describing the rules.

In other words, even though I left Yuecheng, there must be conditions in this exam that the teachers couldn't bear to see.

Think so.

Oreki looked at the silver-haired girl sitting next to him.

Although Sakayanagi Yusu was not in a daze and sighing like he did a few days ago.

But now she is still absent-minded.

So Oreki continued to listen to the rules of the exam.

"This special exam can only be completed in our class, so there will be no competition with rival classes. When the exam starts that day, the school will give you five "topics". In addition, the topic content is common to all classes, so there is no need to compete with other classes. There will be a difference.”

Mashima-sensei said.

"Then, in order to give you a deeper understanding, let's take a look at the examples right away."

Mr. Mashima continued to operate the display.

Then came the examples.

Example 1. Five points for class evaluation will be deducted, but all students in the class will receive 10,000 personal points.

Options for and against

The topic is displayed on the screen.

"So." But Katsuragi-san stood up at this time and said. "Teacher, in this example question, although 5 points of class evaluation points are deducted as a condition, does that mean that it will be implemented in the same way in the future?"


Katsuragi-san attaches great importance to points, everyone knows this.

So I'm asking if I will be deducted points like the example questions.

"Yes." But Teacher Mashima gave an accurate answer.


Does that mean the trap is here? The examples will come true.

Therefore, some excessive requirements will also be implemented.

Only then did Mashima-sensei's state become wrong.

Oreki-san thought to himself.

And the other side.

After the class meeting ended, Oreki looked at his phone.

Because it is a new exam, the students in Class D are also taking it seriously... Or rather, if they don't deal with it, they may drop out of school.

It's not an exam like a cultural festival.


Oreki realized that what Karuizawa and the others were talking about had nothing to do with the exam. Instead, he was discussing his homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei.

And Oreki also remembered that he had previously suggested that they invite Chabashira to wear a maid uniform as a back-up.

So they were probably trying to convince Chabashira-sensei.


Karuizawa: Chabashira-sensei is in really bad shape.

Sato: Yes, I also think that Chabashira-sensei was distracted when he informed me of the exam rules today.

Hasebe: Is it possible that you are in love? For example, falling out of love or something like that.

Sakura Airi: No, no, I always feel that Chabashira-sensei doesn’t seem like someone who can fall in love.

Oreki: Then you are right, I think Chabashira-sensei will also be single after ten years.

Oreki-san replied.


Horikita Suzune:!




Everyone is accustomed to Horikita Suzune's state. It seems that whenever Oreki-san appears, she wants to avoid it.

This move looks very unique.

And now they are chatting in the same chat group. Can Horikita Suzune be surprised or scared?

Hey Hey hey.

What a green love.

The girls who knew about this... all understood.


Oreki: In other words, Chabashira-sensei is not in the right state, right?

Oreki: The same goes for Mr. Majima in our class.

Oreki: And the rules of the exam. Horikita... Well, I'll let Kushida-san explain it to you when the time comes.


Sato: Doesn’t it mean that as long as everyone chooses the same answer, the level will be cleared?

Sato: So, the difficulty is how to get everyone to choose the same answer.

Oreki: That’s what I said, but Mr. Mashima of our class said that there is a high chance that the request to complete the five questions will be regarded as a real thing. "

Oreki: Just like the example question you saw, if 5 points of class evaluation are deducted, all students in the class can get 10,000 points.

Oreki: And after making unanimous choices, you will really be deducted 5 points from the class rating, and then the whole class will receive a reward of 10,000 points. So this is an example question that has become a reality. Then it will be full of traps.

Oreki: So, that’s what you need to be careful about.

Hasebe: Hey!

Karuizawa: So if the example question says that we should choose one student to drop out of school, wouldn’t we have to do it?


It seems that we have found the reason for Mashima-sensei’s shaky behavior.


This is a highly nurturing high school where strength comes first.

It is hoped that students will compete, gain experience and improve themselves from competition.

But it is undeniable that this school is also very cruel, so it is common for one or two students to drop out.

in this way.

It was obviously a unanimous exam with simple rules and simple rules, and it began to be taken seriously by the students.


ps: Tomorrow, one person, one keyboard and one computer will be a miracle.


Chapter 286 Value of 20 million! Start assessment! Options for dropouts! 16k

From the performance of the head teachers of each class, we can see clues that this time the exam is not simple, and it may involve the possibility of dropping out of school.

Generally speaking, there have been several exit exams last year, and Principal Yue Cheng also personally conducted the class voting exit exam, but this time it would make the class teachers look so ugly. It shows that the content of the exam must also be unreasonable.

And through Hasebe-san’s words. If there are dropouts in this exam, generally speaking, the unsuitable ones will be deleted to increase the excellence of the group. However, after a year of getting along, the students who should be deleted have been deleted, so the remaining students should not be deleted. , rather if someone is expelled from school, it may cause vacillation.

Especially now that he has reached second grade, Oreki's class is already very stable. Naturally, there is no need to shake people's hearts, so once the most dangerous ones appear, they must be identified as dropouts. It is very important to gather points for relief.

While Oreki was thinking this, he received a text message from Ichinose at about 7:00 in the evening.

Archangel Ichinose said that he hoped to meet him at night, and according to Oreki’s experience, Ichinose’s IQ is not low, so he probably got this test from the expression of their class teacher. It looked simple. , in fact, it shows that it is surrounded by crises.

It's a lie to say they met, but maybe it's true to say they're gathering points.

Because they had to protect their classmates during the class vote to withdraw from the exam last year, and they have not recovered until now.

Moreover, their class evaluation score is only over 1,000 points. After deducting the necessary monthly living expenses, the whole class can only accumulate about 2 million points in a month.

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