It probably meant asking him if he had received a text message about the scavenger hunt.

Then, because I am a member of the student council, I have to help out and cannot participate.

So it's really hard work.

At ten o'clock, Oreki-san went to the designated third floor of the ship.

The presiding officers of this exam were President Sakayanagi and Mr. Majima in the class.

Over at the summit, she held her cane quietly with a cute smile, and her eyes seemed to fall over.

The smile became cuter.


Sakayanagi-san is very cute.

Oreki-san is not obsessed with his girlfriend's cute smile. He looked around.

Because the information received is that you have to pay money, and then you can participate or not.

Only about 200 students participated.

Over at the entrance, Horikita-san and Ichinose were making preparations for recording.

It is estimated that the list of people who choose to participate in the scavenger hunt will be entered, and then the registration fees submitted by the students will be collected.

She seemed quite serious.

It seems that there are no problems with Horikita-san.

When I think about it.

Oreki found himself looking into each other's eyes.


The card reader in Horikita Suzune's hand fell to the ground.

"Horikita-san??" Standing next to Horikita-san is Ichinose-san, who is the secretary.

Because he was standing very close, Ichinose noticed that Horikita-san's body suddenly froze, and then he seemed to have lost his soul in an instant.

"No, it's nothing." Horikita Suzune lowered her head and picked up the card reader.

"Oh." From Archangel Ichinose's perspective, something must have happened to Horikita-san, but she refuses to say it now, so it would be very impolite to ask.

"..." When Suzune looked over again, she found that Oreki-san was already looking towards Mr. Majima along with the other students.

But Suzune held her chest with her left hand.

"Ichinose-san." She chose to ask, "Do you have any experience in love?"


Ask her this.

She has never been in love, so she doesn't understand it at all. Rather, she wanted to fall in love but was rejected by the other party.

I try to attract you, but the other person never comes.

Wait a moment.

Horikita-san, you asked this question...could it be that...

Chapter 271 Can’t a defeated dog scream? Come on!

Ichinose-san was surprised.

However, she was not unaware. As a bystander, she could still find that Horikita-san and Oreki-san had a very close relationship.

But neither Oreki-san nor Horikita-san showed their feelings.

For example, when Itayagi-san and Oreki-san openly dated before, Horikita-san, you didn't react at all, which made Ichinose wonder if he had misunderstood. Horikita-san may not have that intention towards Oreki-san.

And now.

Horikita-san, are you saying that you just realized now that you like Oreki-san?


So what should she do?

You are friends with Horikita-san, and you are also friends with Sakayanagi-san. Which side are you going to stand on now?


Archangel Ichinose instantly became troubled.

While thinking this, Ichinose noticed that Oreki-san, who had already walked to the group of participating students, seemed to be looking here.

"..." Ichinose.

"..." Ichinose.


It's all Oreki-san's fault.


Oreki-san noticed that Archangel Ichinose seemed to have suddenly become fierce.

But now Mr. Mashima has begun to announce the content of this special exam for second and third grade students.

"Before I begin, let me explain why I decided to do this scavenger hunt."

"This treasure hunt was initiated by Arisu Sakayanagi, who is the student council president. After being exposed to the harsh life of an uninhabited island and competing with each other by grade, we should also have fun in order to strengthen our relationship. Fun and leisure activities. Mr. Sakayanagi, please come forward and give a speech."

And with that said, the student council president moved forward.

"First of all, this award game was held with the full assistance of the school. The student union's practice is to enrich and enhance campus life, so this proposal was made."

"Although most of the entire grade will compete with each other fiercely during the uninhabited island exam, this treasure hunt allows you to form partners across grade barriers. Please take advantage of this and participate in the game."

Xiao Banliu's speech was more official, but it quickly attracted the attention of the students.

"The registration fee to participate is 10,000 points, and the minimum individual points that can be obtained is 5,000 points."

"We have prepared a hundred stickers with QR codes printed on them. After you find the sticker and scan it, you will get points. Fifty of the stickers have a denomination of 5,000 points, which is exactly half of the total number. And the second largest one is 10,000 points. There are thirty stickers in total.”


So if the 80 stickers don’t make money, can they still lose money?

The students below were a little noisy.

But President Sakayanagi continued.

"But the remaining twenty stickers are different."

"Ten cards are worth 50,000 points, five are worth 100,000 points, and three are worth 300,000 points. Then the remaining two are worth 500,000 points and one million points respectively."

Good guy.

Students who just thought they might lose money by participating immediately paid attention.

Because it's attractive.

20 out of 100 stickers can make money, and at the same time, it is even possible to make a small profit.

As a result, everyone paid attention to President Sakayanagi.

"At the same time, because of the estimated number of participants, we allow two people to form a team using the tablet below the school, and then swipe the QR code together to obtain the amount on the QR code."

"In other words, if both parties in the team find the QR code with one million marks, then everyone will get 1 million points. After scanning, our students will assign the points to Your private account, and the list of students who have received awards will not be announced," Sakayanagi Arisu said.

Hey Hey hey.

In other words, if you submit 20,000 points, can you get a direct reward of 2 million?

Is there such a good thing?

"Participants are regardless of grade and can work in pairs."

“In addition, the scope of places where QR codes will be posted has been decided in advance.”

"They are distributed throughout the ship, but of course there are also many places that are designated as inviolable areas. For example, toilets and guest rooms will not have 2D barcode stickers hidden, and floors and interiors reserved for staff are also excluded. .”

“Then after participating, you can go to the staff to get specific written instructions.”

"It should be noted that there are three puzzles in the description. As long as these puzzles are solved, you can learn a total of three hidden locations of the 2D barcodes."

"Of course, the information that the QR codes of these three puzzles can reveal is 100,000 QR codes or more."

"The specific amount is completely entrusted to the staff on the ship, so even the members of the student union don't know."

The general rule is this.

After President Sakayanagi explained, the students began to understand.

Those here are sophomores and juniors.

Have extensive experience in special examinations.

Moreover, most of the students who are not very smart find that they don’t have to take the exam. If they have to pay an registration fee to participate, then they probably won’t come here.

So most students understand the rules.

Because it is the student union that operates and maintains it.

So the student council secretary Ichinose also walked out with a microphone.

"I am Ichinose from the student council."

"I have something to trouble all participating students."

"In order to prevent cheating, I hope that participants will pay the 10,000-point participation fee when they leave the room, and also write their names on the table registers on Horikita-san and Kushida-san's side."

"We do not recognize any acts of signing on behalf of others."

"This is a measure to prevent someone from using a third party's mobile phone to participate illegally. Please understand. After receiving the reward, please return here to report before the end of the game."

“If this is ignored, the reward may be ineffective.”

This is something to note.

After all, everyone can just scan a QR code and get points, right?

So the limit has to be increased.

Oreki-san looked at Horikita Suzune and saw that she had already sat down.

Kushida-san is also assisting her. Otherwise, with a total of about two hundred students participating, it would be too slow for one person to be responsible for recording and subsequent points.

"..." Oreki.

Following the announcement from Ichinose-san, students have already started queuing up to register with Horikita-san and Kushida-san.

After all, although most of it depends on luck, even the members of the student union don’t know which QR code is for 1 million and 500,000.

But first get the text description and solve the three mysteries above, then you will get at least a minimum reward of 100,000 points.

So some students probably have the idea of ​​first come, first served.

In this way, students who signed up and paid the participation fee of 10,000 points began to line up.

"Don't you want to go? Oreki-san."

There were other members of the student union present.

The other party noticed that Oreki-san was heading in a different direction from the students queuing up, so he didn't leave and just waited aside.

So I came over to chat.

"I'll wait a moment." Oreki-san said. "Let other students sign up first."

"That's it."

The member of the student union nodded, "So do you have someone to form a team with now?"

"The... partner of the team?" Oreki-san looked over.

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