He checked and found out that he was ranked first, but among the 10 students behind him... there was no Oreki Houtarou.

That is to say.

It turned out that Oreki Houtaro was fooling him, tricking him into working hard, and then Oreki Houtaro himself was fishing like crazy.

He then used a tablet to conduct invitations to form large groups. After getting each other's consent, the two formed a large group.

And this also confirmed the unpleasant results.

Form a large group and members' scores will be divided equally.

And Gaoyuanji saw his score declining rapidly.

So Oreki Houtarou... is really fishing!

"I'm going back to the ship." Gao Yuanji said. "In six days, I've done my job."

"The rest is your business."

In other words, Gaoyuanji Liushu... is going to give up the exam.

"Then, everything has nothing to do with me~" Gao Yuanji came quickly and ran even faster.

Generally speaking, even if he abstained, he would have to wait for the faculty and staff stationed at the supply point to notify the boat to come over, and then take the students to the ship, but he didn't need to.

Because for him.

Swimming, no problem.

He ran really fast.

Watching his back.

"Oreki, Oreki-san, why don't you hurry up and bring back Gaogenji-san?" Hiyori said.

Takaharaji is a solo player. Once he abstains, his score will be returned to 0.

So... wouldn't it be a bad idea to bet on Gaoyuan Temple?

And this news.

The same was returned to the ship.

Specifically, the staff on the ship discovered Gaoyuan Temple... and actually swam back.

"Rokusuke Takaharaji from Class A of the second grade has abstained."

"He returned to the ship on the pretext of being unwell."

"Because it is a solo, his points will be reset to zero."

This is good news for Principal Yue Cheng.

"It seems you don't need to stare at me anymore." Principal Yue Cheng said with a smile.

This smile looks polite and somewhat elegant.

In fact, I am in a good mood.

I heard before that the loss would be 150 million. Although you can...apply to that gentleman, you will definitely be blamed.

And if he were asked to do it personally, he would definitely not be willing to do it.

Therefore, now that Gaoyuanji has withdrawn on its own, the points bet on Gaoyuanji do not need to be cashed out.

"Is it?"

But Teacher Mashima from Class A of the second grade took a tablet to check the data.

"But Kogenji doesn't count as a loser."

"Before he came back from swimming, he teamed up with Houtarou Oreki."

"The two of them split the score equally."

"According to the rules of the exam, as long as a team is formed, as long as one student remains, the exam will continue."


So doesn't it mean that the pressure was suddenly put on him again?

Because, Tsukijo is sure that Oreki-san, as long as he wants to do it, there is no pressure to get first place.

But now he is being watched by three head teachers.

There is no way to get out without using black means.

But the alliance commander Mark Dian went out.


Tsukijo hopes that Shimakori will no longer pay attention to Ayanokouji, but if he can intercept Oreki Houtarou and win first place, he can save money.

After all, there is no point in intercepting Ayanokouji.

That gentleman didn't want to see Ayanokouji really get kicked out of school.

So this is more true for Yue Cheng.

And the other side.

Watching the leaving figure of unexpected No. 1 Takaharaji-san.

"I don't think there's anything to worry about," Oreki-san said. "It doesn't get any worse."

"Do you still remember why I went to Gaoyuan Temple?"

Oreki-san noticed Shiina-san's panic and comforted her.


Why did Oreki go to Kogenji?

Because everyone is betting on Gaoyuan Temple.

And this was all suggested by Oreki-san.

He thinks Kogenji can win.

However, it was difficult to persuade Kogenji-san, and it was useless for Akatsuki to use reason and emotion, so Sakayanagi-san entrusted Oreki-san to stabilize Kogenji.

And now.

"We bet on Gaoyuanji, because it is best for Gaoyuanji's classmates to get the highest score. The other party also has this advantage and ability."

"I can assist when necessary."

"So the most energy-saving solution is to let Gaoyuanji students get high scores by themselves."

"Trick him to get the highest score in the shortest time."

"And with this score, even if he finds out that he has been deceived and doesn't work hard, it will be enough to crush him to the end." Oreki-san said.

Chapter 255 Another million, Oreki-san!

Gaoyuanji's mobility is very strong, and even he only tried his best for six days.

Then what you get is enough to make it impossible for others to catch up.

No one has any objection to this.


Katsuragi, who was entrusted by Sakayanagi, got ninth place with only 203 points.

It is now the sixth day, and there are still 8 days of exam time, but survival in the wild requires a lot of action every day, and it becomes more and more difficult as we go on.

Since the day before yesterday, students have been returning to the supply point one after another to purchase items, and some people have begun to withdraw. This can be noticed.

The difficulty of surviving on an uninhabited island begins to increase.

Therefore, according to normal development, it is difficult to say whether the second place will eventually get 400 points.

Therefore, it was very effective to deceive Gaoyuanji to use all his strength in the beginning.

The score of 535 points is very scary.


"But Kogenji-san has abstained now," Oreki-san said. "so……"

"So it's difficult?"

"It's a bit stressful for me," Oreki-san said. "Because he teamed up with me, and it was also because he teamed up with me that he knew I had lied to him."

When forming a large group, the scores will be divided equally between the two teams.

So this is an opportunity to help the weak, but it is also an opportunity to reduce the advantage on your side.

Oreki-san and Kogendera are both solos.

Therefore, when you form a team and look at your own score, you can also infer the base score of your teammates.


[Would you like to pay 10 material points to check the score? ]


Oreki-san used the tablet to click on his own score.

Score ranking.

3rd place, Oreki Houtaro, 273 points. (Takaharaji, a member of the large group, has abstained.)

Because the scores of Kogenji-san’s students changed, the rankings also changed.

Oreki looked at the information about the second and first names on the list.

Not an upperclassman.

2nd place Haru Sakurako, Utsunomiya Riku, 2 passerby NPCs, 274 points (the 2 passerby NPC members of the group have abstained)

No. 1 Amasawa Ichika, NPC in the same class (group member passerby NPC has abstained), 289 points

First-year students have the authority to form groups of up to four people before the exam starts, but only when they arrive on the island do they discover that they are the most unlucky ones with the human sea tactics.

Extra points are awarded because only the entire group of students arrives.

So once someone in the group falls behind, they become very passive.


The top ranked players now are all first-year players, and these two groups of first-year players are also very interesting.

All the lagging characters in his team gave up.

So what if a member of the group abstains?

There is no need for all members of the required group to arrive to receive additional rewards.

The first graders found a way forward.

But it's not terrible.

The scores are very close to each other.


"It seems that the first-year students have another idea. They feinted them before." Oreki-san said suddenly.


Others looked over quickly.

"...It's nothing." Oreki-san was actually thinking about Nanase-senpai and the others he met when he was frantically brushing up points on the first day.

At that time, Nanase-senpai asked the teacher if the group members could abstain.

At that time, I thought Nanase-senpai and Utsunomiya were teaming up with Haru Sakurako.

But that's not the case now.

In other words, they were deliberately acting like they were in a group.

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