Oreki looked over.

"Is there something wrong with me? You seem to be looking at me very seriously." Hiyori said.

"..." Oreki. "It's nothing, you can go back."

"There are more people in the library now, so you don't like staying here," Oreki said.

"That's right."

Hiyori likes the library, but it's not good if there are too many people and some upperclassmen come to chat with her.

So Hiyori took her thermos bottle with her and left the library.

At the same time, she has borrowed 10 million acquisition points from Oreki-san, so she has to let Ryuuen-san start collecting prop cards.

after all.

Oreki-san also said that there are monsters among the first-year students.

The smart plan is to get all the cards in your hand before the monster takes action.

in this way……

time is money!

Shiina Hiyori quickly disappeared at the exit of the library.

But Oreki Houtaro did not leave.

When he came to the library, Oreki noticed that Shiina-san was alone, but there were two seniors who seemed to want to strike up a conversation with her.

One of them left when Shiina-san greeted him openly, but the other one did not.

Instead, he has been hiding on the back table one table away from them.

Turn your back to them.

The other person has yellow hair.

After Hiyori left, Oreki also pretended to walk out of the library, but when he was halfway there, he suddenly turned around and came back.

"Is it interesting to eavesdrop on other people's conversations?" Oreki suddenly said.

Then he pointed out the other party's identity.


Sitting at the back table one seat away, the yellow-haired boy Nan Yunya stood up.

"You were talking too loudly, it wasn't me who was eavesdropping."

"I'm just curious."

"Oreki-san, aren't you already dating Sakayanagi-san?"

"Why do you still have contact with other girls?" Nan Yunya said.

This cannot be denied.

After Sakayanagi Arisu became the student council president, the first thing he did to use his powers was... announce his relationship with Oreki Houtarou on the bulletin board.

High profile.

At the same time, he is very possessive.

So, as a boyfriend, Oreki-san really shouldn't have contact with other girls.

"I treat Shiina-san as a friend," Oreki-san said. "Nagumo-senpai, does your definition of a girl only include girlfriend?"

"Haha——" Nanyun kept a polite smile.

Because it is almost impossible for a man and a woman to be friends.

And didn’t you, Oreki Houtarou, do the same thing?

There are also cute little Kushida-san, and Suzune...

What a hateful guy.

"And Nagumo-senpai is here." Junior Oreki said.

"Isn't it because Shiina-san is cute and I know clearly that Shiina-san is a member of the student council, so I hope to put a pair of ears other than Kiriyama-senpai in the student council?"

"..." Nanyun.

I did have this idea.

He was kicked out of the student union. Although Kiriyama was still there, he had to think carefully about why Kiriyama was there.

It's possible that Banliu stayed behind to confront him on purpose.

There was also a gap between him and Tongshan. He had promised to canvass the other party's votes before but failed to do so, and all voted for Itanyu.

So Kiriyama must think he is unreliable.

Although there is no opposition to him yet, there will definitely be a gap.

So Nanyun felt that it was better to arrange some of his own people in the student union.

But it's a pity that Sakayanagi refused. He arranged for two third-year students to nominate themselves, hoping to join the student union, but they were directly rejected.


Since no one is allowed to get involved, he can just deceive people who are already members of the student union.

Among them, Shiina is quite cute, and her appearance is not inferior to that of the previous Ichinose-senpai.

So, maybe you can get in touch.

If successful, then the other party can become his eyes and ears in the student union, and can also be used as a backup for his girlfriend.

But even before contact, I have discovered that the other party has a good personal relationship with Oreki Houtarou.


Oreki Houtarou is very annoying.

He had no idea at all.

"Actually, I came to see you specially this time." Nan Yunya took out her mobile phone.

He pressed out the GPS interface on his phone.

Above is Oreki-san’s path.

"Oreki-senpai, what do you mean by arranging for someone to collect my third-grade prop card this time?" Nagumo said.

In other words, Nagumo knew about the arrangement to bribe Kushida-san with points.

So even if you don't meet Nagyun here, Nagyun will still come to your door.

"So someone in the third grade has already sold his prop card?" Oreki asked.

"No." Nanyun said. "Although I am not a member of the student union, the third grade is still in the palm of my hand."

"The control has not weakened." Nayun said.

All students in the school will participate in this island survival test.

The third grade is different from the second grade. Although they were notified this morning that they had obtained one of the eight cards in the supplementary rules.


It’s not like a first grader has an OAA system.

Therefore, no data has been entered.

But Nanyun was able to obtain the oaa system data of first-year and second-year students through Kiriyama, who was the vice president of the student union.

It was then reported that Kushida-san, a second-year student, wanted to buy the ride-along item cards and [additional] card item cards from among their third-year students.

He kept an eye on it.

Then the statistics were done.

It was found that although the cards were issued randomly, 30 first-year students had ride-hailing cards.

There are 43 people with [additional] cards.

[Trial] This special card also has 3 people.

[Invalid] This is equivalent to one card owner being exempted from the exam.

It looks very rich.

In the second grade, there are 20 people with ride-hailing cards.

There are 26 people with [additional] cards.

[Trial] This special card also has 2 people.

But in the third grade, things look a lot worse.

There are only 18 people with ride-along cards.

And there are only 20 people [adding] cards.

[Trial] This special card can only be used by 1 person.

There is a feeling that the higher the grade, the worse the treatment.

And he had to think about how to deal with this exam. As a result, Kushida-san asked about their third-year students' inquiries and acquisitions.

Because the third grade data is not reflected in the oaa system, if you want to get their information, you have to go through several circles.

Then he reported to Nanyun.

The first reaction was, what does Kushida-san want these cards to do? You can’t form a team across grades, and you can’t use prop cards across grades.

Then very quickly, Nagumo arrived.

Although Kushida-san looks cute and cute, she is also Oreki-senpai's... well, maybe the invisible girlfriend.

Then it's not her who wants to acquire these prop cards, but Oreki-senpai who wants these prop cards.

What can you do with additional cards? It can increase the points reward obtained during the exam.

The hitchhiking card can be bet on, and you can get half of the points obtained by the bet object.

And connect these two points.

Once you hit the top three bets, you will get huge rewards.

And if you can get first place, you will get... terrible rewards.


It seems to be a very dangerous survival test on an uninhabited island, but you, Oreki-senpai, still want to make money in this test?

Junior Oreki silently clicked on his cell phone.

I checked Kushida’s report.

"Then why has Kushida-san received replies from four third-year students agreeing to the transaction?" Oreki asked.

"..." Nanyun.

"..." Senior Nanyun touched his hair. "Haha, that's what I ordered."

"You can get 200,000 points for an additional card, and you can even get 300,000 points for a ride-along card."

"Before taking the exam, four people sold it for 2 million. Why don't I agree?" Nanyun said.

"It seems that Nagumo-senpai doesn't have much money anymore." Junior Oreki seemed to be sighing. "Then the exam this time won't be able to be sold at a good price."

As he said this, Oreki-senpai looked straight at him.

And this posture is not unfamiliar to Nagumo, it would be better to say that it is super familiar.

It's like when I opened the store, when I got the permission to work, and when I took the forest exam.

This is how the other party looked at him.

"..." Nanyun.

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