Oreki-san asked Horikita to give him the notebook.

Bet on the team to win first place and all wear additional cards. Then the reward obtained by the other party is 1.06 million X2

Other ride-along bets will earn up to half of the income of the bettor.

So that’s 1.06 million.

"It looks like there are a lot of them, and that's not all." Oreki-san said. He has a buff stacked here on Hitchhiker.

Add additional cards.

"If the holder of the hitchhiking card adds additional cards, the points gained can be doubled."

"So as long as the person who bets is good enough to get first place, then everyone who bets can get the 2.12 million paid by the school."

In other words, the main point of this exam is to confirm that you can get the top three, preferably the top one monster.

Then bet on the other person.

And this is... common prosperity.

You can get up to 2.12 million rewards!

"..." Kushida.

Kushida-san looked at the email from the school on his phone.


At first she thought she was lucky to get such a rare card.

but now.

Suddenly I felt that my invalid card was no longer good.

"And Kushida, you've always had good luck." Oreki-san said. "You were the preferred person in the preferred person test. And now you have an invalid card."

"This time the examination on the uninhabited island, which seems to be full of danger, can be regarded as a charity event for the school."

"And your invalid cards can also be sold."

"There are always people who are taken advantage of and want to buy them to save their lives."

"As for the price, it's 500,000, no, 1 million and then sold."

In other words, can Kushida-san also make another fortune?


Kushida-san is satisfied.

Chapter 241 Yagami Takuya, you are just a big mouth, right?

After analyzing the results of this exam, the three of them also started assigning tasks.

There are three main points at present.

1. Obtain or prepare a group that can obtain a large number of personal points. It would be best if this group could get first place.

2. Give this group additional cards to add a double reward buff.

3. Obtain enough hitchhiking cards and additional cards. Then be prepared to bet cents.

Don't worry about the first point. Just like Kosakayanagi is so confident, Oreki-san is still very confident about Takaharaji-san.

So the bet has been determined.

Then the next step is to collect additional cards and hitchhiking cards.

And Kushida-san also understands why he can get 10% of the profit share this time.


Each student has one card.

Although the data on OAA can confirm who has what cards and props.

Very convenient.


Since you want to collect it, you definitely need to talk and discuss with the other party how many points you will use to buy it from the other party.

And this happens to be her area of ​​expertise.

As for Oreki-san's communication... I'm sorry.

Although he may be friends with some cute girls, most students are very reserved because of President Sakayanagi.

What about Horikita-san?

Although Horikita's popularity in Class D is increasing, and he has even become the class representative, he can directly take away card props from his classmates in a way that coordinates the overall situation.

But she definitely can't do it in other classes.

Because her communication is still disappointing.

So is this the reason why Oreki Houtarou increased her remuneration?

She thought that the relationship between the two had improved, and even pulled her into the same position as Horikita.

Turns out, it's because of this.

Oh, I only do this when I need her.

Kushida's classmates suddenly became unhappy.

But there is no reason to push the money out.

Moreover, the fact that Oreki has now brought her into a small circle of making money is a sign that he is on her side.

So she stayed sweet.

"But just collecting prop cards from our grade is a bit too little." Kushida said.

Kushida has already confirmed that the second-year students' OAA data shows that there are a total of 26 people with [Additional] Item Cards.

And there were 20 people [taking the SF Express].

According to the best-profit plan provided by Oreki-san, at least 20 points of 2.12 million can be produced, which is a huge amount of 42.4 million points in one account.

"You are so greedy." Horikita Suzune said. "I also want to get involved in other grades."

"..." Kushida.

Hey Hey hey.

Is it really okay for you, Horikita Suzune, to say this?

Who was the person who obviously had a plan of 40 million last time, but only gave her 200,000 points?

However, in the last preferential test, Kushida fell into a trap and became the person who betrayed Class D.

So she has nothing to say.

"Because this is a confrontation between the whole grade, right~"

Kushida-san used a beauty attack on Oreki-san.

And an attack of this magnitude...

"It's probably not possible for first-year students," Oreki-san said. "I have sold the first grade to Ryuuen and the others."

"And I can put money in it."


So you haven’t made any money recently, but have entrusted others to do it?

"Then as a third grader——" Kushida said.

But she suddenly paused.

Because as someone who didn't just build the Kushida Empire among the same students, she acquired third-year students last year, but that was the class of Horikita Gakuen-senpai, and that class had already graduated.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, Kushida also contacted the second-year students.

But it's a pity.

"The second-year seniors can only follow Nagumo's rules."

"Each special examination is concluded by holding a symposium with representatives from the four classes and then considering how to deal with it."

Kushida said. "So if we want to get item cards from them, we will probably be stopped by Nagumo-senpai."

"Nagumo-senpai, don't worry," Oreki-san said. "He doesn't have many points on hand right now. All his points are used to open a store."


That's it.

Then the sheep has been stripped naked, and there is nothing interesting to see.

"However, I have been ignoring him for a while, so maybe I can harvest him once," Oreki said.


Suzune had an impression of this word, because it was after Oreki-san had converted all the points in his hand into cash, and then found Ryuuen when he was short of points.

And now.

Nagumo-senpai is also the same as Ryuuen in the past... was Oreki used as a prepared wallet?

However, since Nagumo-senpai has no money, how can he still harvest it?

Is it taking away the other party's store?

"Nagumo and his third-year students don't have any points," Oreki-san said. “You even have to spend part of it every month to cover the cost of opening a store.”

"So maybe there's a trade with him where he's short and we have the money."

In other words, can I also buy the prop cards from the third graders?

Although it can only be used between the same grade, the prop card cannot be used across grades, but the exam is together. As long as the seniors or seniors who have the prop card sign a betting agreement, and then follow the instructions to bet, you can also get it from the school. Get rewarded.

in this way.

Then this is another area that Kushida-san is good at.

Because she still came into contact with some senior students.

Knowing his usefulness, Kushida took action.

Although she doesn't want to be regarded as a tool, but...it is undeniable that she also wants her value to be shown.

Because doesn't this mean that you are very useful, so you two guys don't abandon her casually.

Just when he was about to take out his mobile phone to contact his senior sister, Wan Wan's brows suddenly frowned.

When Oreki-san looked over, she said quickly. "It's a disciple of the Eight Gods."

"That's the one who touched the porcelain."

While talking, the junior student added that the other party's identity was Pengci.

It's obvious that Kushida-san hates this junior.

"But this time he doesn't seem to be here to touch me," Kushida said. "He wanted me to set up a matchmaking process and then contact Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"It seems like he wants to tell Ayanokouji something."

Tell Ayanokouji?

Or is this the first meeting between the two former White House chiefs?

"That's right," Oreki-san said.

In this uninhabited island exam, although he was still taking the exam on an uninhabited island, he had already divided the exam rewards with Horikita-san and the others.

But there are variables.

That is Bai Fangsheng.

And the seemingly harmless Yashen disciple is still the leader among the Baifang students.

So, let’s sacrifice Ayanokouji-san first.

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